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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18108945 No.18108945 [Reply] [Original]

What was the last food you ate which made you vomit the most?

>> No.18108959

>bitch of a mother invites me out for my 25th birthday
>wanted to spend it with friends but she insisted so I had to reschedule time with the boys
>insisted on an expensive seafood place despite me hating seafood
>guilted me into it and didn't feel like arguing, figured I could get a steak
>no steak on the menu, end up just getting some battered fish
>wake up at 2am
>vomit and shit so hard I think I'm going to die
>end up going to the hospital and staying overnight
>miss the scheduled night out with the boys as a result
>have to burn 2 sick days to recover to some degree before having to go back to work
>the bitch tries to bring me back the next year saying it was just a fluke and she was fine

>> No.18108971

probably a banana smoothie. i hate them, but was forced to drink one. choked a bit down and then threw up

>> No.18109089

based mumza dabbing on her faggot son

>> No.18109141

Imagine being an adult male and making plans for your birthday.

>> No.18109147

Spend time with your mother you ungrateful little shit.

>> No.18109158

wish my mom could invite me out for a nice birthday dinner

>> No.18109356

Ha, this. Whenever I meet any man over 20 who crows about or makes a big deal about their birthday I fucking cringe. Stayed in an AirBnB in Portland ME once and it was a horror show. When I had it out with the millennial pussy who owned the house he started sniveling about the fact it had been his birthday the day before. “The fuck. Are you 12?” Absolute faggot.

>> No.18109384
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>just a fluke
oh it was a fluke alright. a LIVER FLUKE that is

>> No.18109395

You sound like you're trying to copy your dad who was a miserable fuck with little to no friends

>> No.18109423
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I for one pity them both

>> No.18109451

Mac and cheese

>> No.18109456

Not food but amount of food. I went to a wedding 2 weeks ago and ended up throwing up at 5 in the morning after waking up with a bloate stomach. I barely drunk any alcohol at all, I just didn't want to disrespect my friend by leaving food on the plate. Fuck weddings and fuck myself for eating when I was already full.

>> No.18109608

>your birthday
>she picks the spot
what the fuck is wrong with you allowing such insolence from her?

>> No.18109611

>didn't want to disrespect my friend by leaving food on the plate
why would you choose to think in the exact wrong manner?

>> No.18110019

cheetos mac and cheese
doesn't help that I was drinking heavily at the time

>> No.18110022

What's wrong with that? It's nice to celebrate.

>> No.18110870

Only time in my adult life that I've thrown up from eating something was after drinking kombucha. Tried it once and it made me nauseous, second time I barfed.

>> No.18110896

Never. I have steel guts but my friends puked like fountains back on holiday in Thailand from egg toast from a street vendor. I eat one as well but was fine heh.

>> No.18110911

10 beers

>> No.18111060

I ate a box of Popeye's fries that I hid in my closet because I didn't want my roommates to eat them
I had food poisoning for two days

>> No.18111068

I hid them overnight, if that makes it better

>> No.18111092

Burger Kangz

>> No.18111193

Last time I can remember was either at a seafood all you can eat place, where I was 7 years old and projectile vomited fish eggs all over the table, or when I was a similar age and dried real authentic black licorice and proceeded to yak all over the floor of the sweets shop.
I don't remember which one happened more recently

>> No.18111210

Pretty much this. A ton of vodka and half of an extra extra extra cheese supreme pizza.

>> No.18111213

Only if you're a woman. Men are rational enough to know there's nothing special about anniversaries.

>> No.18111227

POM juice. the juice is good, i ate it and decided to do cardio for an hour and it all came up at once

>> No.18111234

Pork tenderloin with rice. I thought I was better afterwards so I had a strawberry pedialyte and ended up puking pink vomit all over myself while sitting on the floor of the shower,

>> No.18111657

Made the mistake of eating hole in the wall Mexican the day before my last job orientation. Puked right in the middle of it.

>> No.18111664

>>no steak on the menu, end up just getting some battered fish
no surf and turf? Crap restaurant then

>> No.18111666


>> No.18112779
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>be 7-8 years old
>be at church for choir practice
>after 2 hours of nonstop singing decided it was a good time to stop singing
this was at about 10 pm
>decide to go to the church's fridge and grab chips
>eat the entire bag
>finally go home
>watch tv on the floor before I go to sleep
>start to get a bad taste in my mouth
>something doesn't feel ri-
>immediately throw up on the entire floor
>chunks of potato chips flowing out of my mouth
>cant stop
>so loud it woke up my mom
>rushed to the toilet
>spend the night cleaning the throw up
>spend the night listening to my mom not to eat so fucking much junk food

I fucking hate these things now and anything related to Lays. Fuck them all to hell

>> No.18112802

So glad I'm a vegfag so that 98% of food poisoning doesn't apply to me

>> No.18112817

And yet you had to come into this thread and post about huh? HUH? ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE SHIT

>> No.18112839

You sound lonely.

>> No.18112879

I haven't puked since I was 12.

>> No.18112887

Most of my worst food choices came after a night of hard drinking.
Things I ate out of desperation.
Hamburgers I left sitting out in my car for 8 hours on a hot day, sleeping in the back seat because I had no other options.

It's hard to tell where the food poisoning begins and the alcohol poisoning ends.

>> No.18112891

That's kinda sad.

>> No.18112899

Do protestants really?

>> No.18112911

>Oh man, I need to throw something at the wall and hope that it sticks
>Oh! Do protestants really?

>> No.18113314

I don’t think I’ve ever thrown up from food. Just from excessive drinking or once from a stomach flu when I was a kid

>> No.18113317

There's no such thing as stomach flu. It was something you ate.

>> No.18113321

The last time good made me vomit was over 20 years ago. We had eagle boys pizza and it gave me food poisoning
I vomited on my tickle me elmo

>> No.18113576

White roll with (expired) salami I had at my mother's house. She is kinda stingy, so she'll keep foods far past their expiration date because throwing it away is wasting money. The salami itself smelled okay, any "off" smell was obscured by the garlic/herbs, and I didn't look at the expiration date. At 4 am I woke up and was just able to reach a small mesh waste bin near my bed, which luckily was lined with a plastic bag.
Now I always check the date on products I consume when I am at my mother's house.

>> No.18113686

Woman mindset. Men understand that anniversaries are just an excuse to get together. But you're not a man, you're a boy

>> No.18113687

You sound like a REAL man.

>> No.18113691

is vodka an food?

>> No.18113695

what the fuck does any of this mean?

>> No.18113755

You were raised by a single mom, weren’t you.

>> No.18113775

this post radiates manlet rage

>> No.18113780
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I was in Knoxville a week ago and I ate a donut, then a coffee, then I split a sundae with my wife, then we ate a bunch of sushi. I started to feel that sinking “going to get sick” feeling when we were walking back to the car. An aggressive homeless dude with no shirt or shoes came up to me and started accosting us. I told him to “fuck off” and then puked on the ground and some splattered on everyone. I recommend that maneuver.

>> No.18113782

In Jan or Feb I had some spoiled cooked ham and only noticed afterwards

>> No.18113796

mac donals

>> No.18113802

Some eggs Benedict from a local spot. Or one of the sides, still not sure

>> No.18113805

Which uncle took your virginity?

>> No.18113810

This. What a faggot

>> No.18113828

Fried liver as it somehow gave me food poisoning. Vomited all night, like 15 times. Vomited so fucking much I bruised myself. Then shat out my insides the day after.

>> No.18113837

All boomer parents are full on narcissists that will guilt, lie, cajole and do whatever it takes to get their way and impose their will onto you without a second thought. Up to and including violence and fake police reports/threats.

>> No.18113877

>>18113837 see >>18113810

>> No.18114081
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beer (I'm german)

but actually i hate gluten

>> No.18114101

Absolutely based

>> No.18114122
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and i wanted to throw up several times because of liquorice, I just remembered those situations

>> No.18114125

Most food poisoning cases come from contaminated produce. Your spinach, carrots and lettuce is grown in literal animal shit you know.

>> No.18114262


>> No.18114267

You can't eat juice

>> No.18114536

kek this. I get not having birthday plans if you have literally no one in your life - no friends, no woman, no family that cares about you. Otherwise birthdays are the scheduled time to see everyone. Not just your birthday, but everyone else's birthday. This way you never have to make plans specifically because it's already assumed everyone will attend the 10-20 birthdays in the year.

>> No.18114560

>assumed everyone will attend the 10-20 birthdays in the year.
Oh god that sounds exhausting

>> No.18114565
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(excluding alcohol, for obvious reason)
ye olde subway meatball marinara
i liked this thing as an 8-11 y/o growing up until i learned that i literally could not walk or exert myself whatsoever for 30 minutes after eating it without vomming

>> No.18114571

>1 social event per month is exhausting
come on, anon. even literal autists can handle that.

>> No.18114659

a juice is a juice, it's not half a juice. you can eat it.

>> No.18114700

Beach cliff herring in hot sauce or mustard or something like that
I ate a can and got sick but I didn't put it together that it had been the problem, ate the other can I bought and got super sick again. I'll never again fuck with food that was canned with stuff that will cover up off flavors

>> No.18114894

That's hilarious

>> No.18114944

Never listen to women

Simply say "no" and walk away

>> No.18116158

I was 13 years old or so, mom was going through a health craze where she'd only buy "natural" "organique" "healthy" food and the likes. One morning we were out of bread and only had this weird anciant grains, seeds & berries cereal brand so I had a bowl of it. I felt wrong the whole day at school, didn't eat lunch or dinner then spent all evening puking and shitting liquid, then just stayed on the bathroom floor whimpering with every stomac spasms until about noon of the next day. I never touched those fucking cereals again.

>> No.18116191
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It was probably malt liquor related

>> No.18116192

I had some really greasy fish and chips... Wasn't drunk or hungover, it just didn't sit right - I went to get in my car and from lips flew a technicolor yawn - painted the sidewalk from a distance for probably a solid 5 mins.

>> No.18116233

bahahaha he's so mad

>> No.18116250

If all I did was produce, consume, and sleep, I'd probably be a curmudgeon too

>> No.18116576

Some brownies I made 6 years ago but that was more due to me eating too many.

>> No.18117001

Why would I puke from food last time I puked at all was over 15 years ago, do some people really vomit semi regularly, is it a poorfag or maybe american phenomenon

>> No.18117256


>> No.18117952

Most cases it is probably a combination of bad/cheap food quality, combined with bad preparation, but maybe there are other causes. I read an article some time ago about the increased use of prescribed PPI's that has caused an increase of food poisonings over the years (as less stomach acid is created, more harmful bacteria will survive in the stomach). Over half the cases of food poisoning from certain strains of bacteria could be attributed to PPI use.

>> No.18118098

A takeaway pizza from a shitty local place. Ended up sat on the toilet shitting liquid while simultaneously puking into the sink.

>> No.18118379

a piece of chocolate
to be fair, I had just woken up after drinking dumb amounts of alcohol

>> No.18118414
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I've got a strong stomach, rarely have issues but Johnny fucking Rockets absolutely nuked my insides last time I was in Las Vegas. 24 hours straight of vomiting and diarrhea, often at the same time.

>> No.18118883

went to a festival and bought a gyros noodle meal. tasted fucking awful, vomited in the woods within an hour. didn't drink any alcohol before that, for that matter, meal must've been fucked

>> No.18118895

Do drinks count

>> No.18118900

You are women.

>> No.18118943

one time i got really sick was from some grapes from the store imported from peru. they were washed and tasted great, very sweet. it was mild poisoning at first, so i ended up eating some more grapes, and i got much sicker. i then ended up cleaning out my entire fridge, sterilizing it, sterilizing every handle and surface in the house, sterilizing my microwave, and even replacing the microwave before i realized for certain it was the grapes that made me sick. this was over the course of two days.

>> No.18119026

Custard my grandma made for me. It was the sickest I've ever been, luckily after a day I was fine. My gran also ate some and was completely fine btw

>> No.18119056

She was probably used to such foods.

>> No.18119099

I juiced and drank an entire mason jar full of cabbage juice. Had to pull over and throw up on the side of the road 10 minutes later

>> No.18119148

caesar salad/buffalo chicken wrap from a gas station in Georgia, tasted great but oh man it was bad

>> No.18119164 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18119186

Lmao post body so I can laugh even more. Are the “boys” from your discord server?

>> No.18119205
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Psylocibin mushrooms

>> No.18119250

defo those hooters wings that gave three different grown men violent shits

>> No.18119278

How were the tits tho?

>> No.18119279

I've felt pretty sick from truffles, never puked though.

>> No.18119301

your mom sounds like a bitch

>> No.18119309

the wings were so bad i dont remember

>> No.18119341

hooters girls are honestly rarely that attractive. it's mainly drug addicts with B or C cups who aren't fat and straighten their hair in the morning

>> No.18119365

I'm not a picky eater, I normally eat anything and I never vomit. But one time at my friend's house, his mom had an aloe vera plant and thought it would be quirky and interesting to extract some of the goo so we could "try" it. It had the texture and appearance of cum and I couldn't swallow it. I was eventually sick.

>> No.18119422
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>it's mainly drug addicts with B or C cups who aren't fat

>> No.18119429

This post brought back some unpleasant memories, kek.

>> No.18119503

>It had the texture and appearance of cum and I couldn't swallow it. I was eventually sick.
speaking of, i can't enjoy brie anymore after some anons pointed out that it essentially has roughly the same consistency, appearance, and smell of cum. the consistency and appearance i can get over, but the smell...

>> No.18119532


>> No.18119879

great fucking story anon, keked out loud

>> No.18119882

I made this disgusting mushroom tea concoction when I was testing this shit out with friends for the first time... Ended up having the trip start early while I was still trying to down the now slimy shrooms and ended up puking it all up lol.

>> No.18119929

this question doesn't actually make any sense
are you asking "what was the last food you ate which made you vomit" or "what food made you vomit the most"

>> No.18120188

no one asked for your life story you moron
Go back

>> No.18120197

Chicken wings from Buffalo Wild Wings.

>> No.18120203

Jehova's Witnesses, anon. You're thinking of Jehova's Witnesses that believe birthdays are literally a sin since you're worshipping yourself.

>> No.18120205

Bottle of red wine that must have been bad. Tasted fine but I was crawling to the toilet and dry heaving for 2 days.

>> No.18120208

>decide to go to the church's fridge and grab chips
Who the fuck puts chips in the fridge?

>> No.18120225

Shitty steak from Texas Roadhouse.

>> No.18120249

>Pizza Hut
>Gas Station Chinese food
Both of these times I got food poisoning.

>> No.18120292

someone who keeps chips so long they end up causing food poisoning

>> No.18120503

I had two spicy chicken sandwiches from Jack in the box

>> No.18120532

A couple years ago I forcibly cleaned out my mom's pantry and fridge and was throwing away stuff with expiration dates from the early 90s

>> No.18120629

Under cooked homemade/frozen pizza.

>> No.18120640

Imagine not wanting an excuse to have fun with friends and family

>> No.18120846

you too, huh? I came close but didn't vomit.

>> No.18120849

every church I've been to has a stockpile of ancient snack food for some reason

>> No.18120869

C cups are GOAT and perky Bs are better then sloppy Ds

>> No.18121130

My mom's spaghetti, I don't know why. It tasted good
Ate some more the next day and didn't puke

>> No.18121222
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I haven't made or ordered anything that has made me puke in a very long time but I did give myself food poisoning once long ago.
>had just moved out on my own, absolutely clueless about how to cook anything more complicated than a Hot Pocket
>slowly start experimenting in the kitchen, simple stuff mostly
>my go to was to buy one of those big family packs of chicken breasts and throw them in the freezer, occasionally digging one out to thaw in the microwave before trying to cook it
>didn't cook often yet, mostly survived on fast food and frozen shit, so the pack sat for long periods of time in the freezer. I also didn't cover it up after opening the package, figured it would be fine since it was frozen solid
>one night where there was absolutely nothing else to eat in my house, I go to dig one of the breasts out from a package that was probably two months old. Thawing in the microwave I noticed a rank smell but I was hungry as fuck so I ignored it
>threw inna pan and seasoned it, as it started to cook the smell got worse but I reasoned that if I cooked it long enough and on high enough heat it would probably be fine
>go to eat it over some rice, it smelled so-so at that point, so I took a bite
>it was fucking disgustingly awful
>so of course, I took several more bites, each worse than the last
>after five or so bites I couldn't stomach any more and threw the rest away, went to sleep feeling a bit queasy
>next three days I was the sickest I've ever been in my entire life, puking and shitting until I was floorbound otherwise

>> No.18121240

what the fuck is a ppi

>> No.18121248

Google it, you dork.

>> No.18121312

I tried to do a cellar/fridge cleaning at her place once a year when I would watch her cat when she was on holiday. Oldest stuff I found was from the late 90's. Most of the time she wouldn't even notice, when returning from her holiday, that a large chunk of her foodstock was gone and the fridge cleaned/emptied.
Sadly the cat is dead, so I don't have that oppurtunity to covertly throw away old stuff anymore.

>> No.18121325

Proton pump inhibitor.

>> No.18121335

>prescribed PPI's
>less stomach acid is created
gee whizz, anon
quite a mystery

>> No.18121462

I accidentslly drank a shot of 98% alcohol yesterday and made the executive decision to throw up a mouthful of thick sticky throatgunk rather than keep it brewing in my stomach

>> No.18121492

You ingested something that's not poison for once, and your body rejected it. Hilarious.

>> No.18121927

it means pixels per inch, the others are simply wrong.

>> No.18122012

underrated + best in thread

>> No.18122152
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>>go to eat it over some rice, it smelled so-so at that point, so I took a bite
>>it was fucking disgustingly awful
>>so of course, I took several more bites, each worse than the last
explain your thought process here, i know you were clueless but why wouldnt you stop after the first bite anon?

>> No.18122221

Keeps mice from getting them, also it keeps them fresher longer. Supposedly.

>> No.18122353

the refusal to accept that the food truly went to shit is what i can surmise, i haven't given myself truly awful food poisoning from that myself but certainly have had very distinct GI issues from similar thinking tbdesu. though i feel like if i was in that particular situation the grossness would have overpowered the refusal to accept the situation

>> No.18122367

Well I was extremely hungry and I'm not exaggerating when I say there was absolutely nothing else to eat in my house except for plain rice. Also I was retarded and didn't think it could keep getting worse

>> No.18122374

It means pee pee per inch. Ask your mom if you want to know more.

>> No.18122409

None of you are men. You are all sad little boys LARPing as men because the internet enables you to. As a man, I choose whether or not I wish to celebrate my birthday alone or with my wife and friends.

>> No.18122419

Kek yeah I thought the same thing when I read that post
Yes, JWs. Aka the "no fun allowed" branch of Christianity. Pathetic faith they've got, just a bunch of gossip and misery.

>> No.18122866

>Whenever I meet any man over 20 who crows about or makes a big deal about their birthday I fucking cringe.
I'll be you do, but they have fun on their birthday, and you moan about them doing so online. Bitch.

>> No.18122988

I get depressed on my birthday and do nothing. Next year I think I will make plans with friends but Im not mentioning my birthday. Feel like a fag throwing myself a party

>> No.18123553

fair enough, i'm sorry you suffered anon

>> No.18123572

Based real man claimer doesn't consider rationalionality as just a human constructed behaviour and thought process, with no true basis of being better or worse than being devoid of rationality, on an existential level

>> No.18123584
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Who said anything about protestantism? Is this one of your funny "oh HAHA I'm acting like a geriatric!!" jokes? I'll tell you a joke, montherfucker

>> No.18123614
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You leave her out of this, or I'll bang you up. Us lost boys don't need and more of this. We've already been done a great disservice, we are the victims, thrown handicaps by having to be exposed to the unshielded estrogenic tirades of our single mothers in public and private settings during our formative years, with no one to teach us how to be men, we use the internet as surrogate fathers. So please. Stop.

>> No.18123646

not 100% food related but a few years ago i had pounded a couple tall boys wandering around downtown Eugene OR. stepped into a port-a-potty and the stench made me instantly spew all over the walls and floor (and probably ceiling)
it was a completely involuntary response mechanism

>> No.18123651
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What kind of joke is this, assuming something with no evidence whatsoever. Delirium is such an interesting symptom of type 2 diabetes. Go eat your one dozen vanilla cupcakes with 3 inches of chocolate icing and sprinkles, mellitus munching mammoth!

>> No.18123661

>egg toast
just tell us you're larping instead of making it so obvious.

>> No.18123680

I didn’t throw up, but my stomach felt like it was imploding after I used cream that was in the work fridge. It passed the smell test and the date was ok but a few hours later I was in and out of the bathroom

>> No.18123721

Not vomit, but
>Devil May Cry 5 is announced
>lots of memes about boomer Dante drinking white Monster
>demo is released
>buy a can for the hell of it, take a picture for the lulz
>take a few sips, kinda gross, probably won't finish it
>under 10 minute later
>"huh, my stomach feels a bi- OH FUCK"
>RUN to the toilet, literally 0 point in trying to clench waddle because it's about to rocket out of my ass no matter what
>pulling pants down in the few steps before the door
>dive ass-first to the shitter
>shit starts spraying out midair
>thankfully it all lands close enough to target
>half way done shitting before my cheeks make contact with the seat
>every single level of the Bristol Stool Chart is there; 1, 4, and even 6!
>the force gets MORE concentrated as I let slip the dogs of war. Probably looks like Shin Godzilla's fire beam
>the torrent is so unpredictable that I wisely stay on the seat for a few extra minutes and shart multiple times

And that's the only and last time I'll ever drink that poison.

>> No.18123957

I ate some chicken that I knew was bad but I didn't want it to go to waste. I should have thrown up but that sounded like a pain so I figured I'd just tough it out.
Ended up having the second worst nightmare in my adult life. I also just ate some yogurt that was probably bad but it wasn't that much. Hopefully I don't have another nightmare bros.

>> No.18123976

Yep. I think it was King Cobra though. Wasn't even terribly drunk but I was very sick for about two days.

>> No.18123986

JUST are not Christians.

>> No.18123997


>> No.18124018

Mine is coming up in 2 weeks, I'm turning 30.
I'm planning to exercise in the morning, do some reading, and do some volunteer work. Last year I donated blood, and then handed food out to the homeless. I'll probably walk around the city with my dog afterwards, while conceal-carrying. Should be a nice normal day.

>> No.18124088

I've puked from alcohol and drugs but never from food

>> No.18124095

Scooped up some vomit in a men's room stall and ate it while taking a shit and vomited all over myself. It was wild, I tell ya. Wild!

>> No.18124107
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well you're about to choke on deez nuts

>> No.18124514


>> No.18124536

>empty stomach in the morning
>eat kiwis and strawberries
>acid vomit fest
weak creature

>> No.18125090
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based lost boy

>> No.18125092
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Beijing Beef from Panda Express made me puke my goats out one night. It was the most recent thing to make me throw up.

>> No.18125893

Ate a kg of deenz and half a kilo of sausage and 4 liters of beer after workout and went to sleep and then woke up and just started puking and kept puking for hours and there was this horrible splitting headache too

>> No.18125950

Holy shit can you dumbasses speak english

>> No.18125963

I am English, if you can't understand it, that's your problem, ESL

>> No.18125969


>> No.18126057

When I was in high school, my dad and I used prepared horesradish on something we had for dinner, and we both ended up getting horrible food poisoning...the day before Thanksgiving. We had to miss it while everyone else went to my grandma's. My mom, though, being the saint she was, made us a (slightly smaller) Thanksgiving dinner for us when we were feeling better.

>> No.18126130

Burger Kings chicken fries when I was with my mom in my teens out in the hot Florida sun

>> No.18126460

I got food poisoning last year shortly after traveling with my parents. We had been eating the same meals together but I was the only one who got sick. The only thing I ate that was different from them that could have caused me to get sick was a fucking prepackaged sandwich from some shop at the airport. Had me puking for an entire day and then shitting my guts out for a few days afterwards.

>> No.18127107
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why the feeling before throwing up is worse than the actual throwing up part?
all the body hurts and makes you want to die wtf

>> No.18127371

5 raw foot-long sausages

>> No.18128228
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Seafood in Shanghai at Lu Bo Lang, a Michelin star restaurant that said they’ve served Bill Clinton and the Queen. I threw up an entire air sickness bag to where it wouldn’t close and then later on the flight another half a bag. That was also the day I managed to unknowingly sleep in a Chinese black site prison that doubled as a hotel in Beijing.

China is a nightmare hell country.

>> No.18128283

I think the last time I threw up from food alone was broken seal can of something. Might have been refried beans.

>> No.18128415

> on vacation in hueniggerland
> in Sao Paolo favela
> street vendor acai and caperhinas
> have a giant one of each, delicious
> 5 days later, back home
> 3 am
> forboding rumble awakens me, like Thor leading a thunder giant army over a mountain ridge
> run to toilet, preparing to puke for first time in 15 years
> hunched over toilet moaning and drooling in anticipation
> realize I've terribly misunderstood what's happening
> do an emergency cartwheel and slap my ass on the bare rim facing backwards
> luckily I sleep nude
> my ass is like someone used an axe to open a fire hydrant
> 5 solid minutes of brown jet fuel blasting my porcelain
> happens again 3 more times over the next hour
> I crawl back to bed feeling like a 10 buck whore at the end of a long weekend
> oh no no no, did I think I was getting off easy?
> i have contracted literal dysentery
> 12-14 times a day, 5-10 minutes a throw I pressure wash my bowl
> for three fucking weeks
> cannot sleep for more than an hour or two at a time
> cannot stand to consume solids
> cannot leave the house
> cannot be more than ten yards from my toilet
> end up passing out on the tile, sobbing and curled up against the toilet more than once
> regret not trying the sopa de macacao

>> No.18128417
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>Lu Bo Lang
>said they’ve served the Queen
Queen ant in their refrigerator?

>> No.18128471

Sushi and Japanese rice
Fucking felt bloated like i was full to the brim and at the same time i felt empty like i had a big air bubble stuck inside. The whole time i was fearing becoming a YouTube story for that medical doctor. Had to both shit and vomit to alleviate my gut. Never am i eating Asian rice nor fucking raw fish ever again.

>> No.18128474

several years ago I got burger king with my friends. I got food poisoning and that night or the next day I had probably the worst vomiting I've ever experienced. it would try to come out and it wouldn't, so I kept trying to force it to come out and it was ripping my throat apart, and it happened several times. I asked my friends and they said they just had a slightly upset stomach, but I was the only one who ate chicken nuggets so it might have been that. I still went to that burger king until it closed recently. i'm kind of bummed because now the closest one is a 20 minute roundtrip minimum.

>> No.18128485
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Guess I need to go to hooters and find another girlfriend that'll traumatize me again.

>> No.18128499

Insecure and overcompensating "masculine" men are the real cringe.

>> No.18128511

girlfriend bought green olives, assorted, in a container.

Yay, I like garlic and red pepper stuffed olives. Bite into one with blue cheese.

Throw up all over the kitchen sink.

>> No.18128535

It doesn't get much more insecure than needing to make an event out of your birthday.

>> No.18128563

As an adult only alcohol or Pepto bismol have ever made me throw up. My trouble with food is only ever of the gastrointestinal variety. Especially if it's super spicy. I used to be able to eat lava hot food when I was younger but now I get stomach cramps and diarrhea if it's too spicy.

>> No.18128845

think I just ate a whole bag of hersheys kisses and maybe started to get covid threw up into the bathtub because I was already trying to take a dump and couldn't reposition myself

>> No.18128873

I ate pineapple and melon that had gone bad a couple weeks ago, an hour later I felt extremely nauseous and 30 minutes after that I vomited it all up and felt fine for the rest of the day. It was the first time I vomited in years.

>> No.18128894

lots of sushi and lots of beer

>> No.18128898

my brother in law served me undercooked chicken and i threw up later that night as well as the normal shit explosion you get from raw chicken

he also served some of my family raw burgers that literally looked raw from the outside. how are you 40 and still not know how to cook a burger on the grill?

>> No.18128914

I hope you end up shooting a would be mass shooter and are crowned hero of the day by everyone based and you all celebrate together.

>> No.18128978

>going to the hospital for food poisoning at 25
I battled that shit out at home in my teens you pussy. Unless you're a child or an old ass man you shouldn't be wasting any of the hospital staff's time looking after your belly ache.

>> No.18130447

Last time I vomited was from jagermeister. I had ate blazin wings from b dubs or whatever the hottest sauce is. Night before wedding that was taking place at a house. I held down my puke until I arrived at the wedding and once I opened the car door I threw up in the front yard of the neighbor’s house. Burnt so bad

>> No.18130514
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t. this guy

>> No.18130589

But did you feel motivated?

>> No.18130648

Last time I puked was when I was like 10 and I am not sure what it was. I did often throw up my moms cooking because it tasted terrible. My stomach would jump out once I tried it and immediately hurl it out.

My mom was a very angry mom whenever I did throw up or just never ate her food.

Also around that time mcdonalds cheeseburgers tasted nasty too. I couldn’t stomach it.

>> No.18130886

I had hot chocolate once about 5 years ago and ended up vomiting stomach acid for like 2 days straight, I didn't drink milk for several months after that.

>> No.18130972

were your palms sweaty?

>> No.18130986

your father was a stupid faggot and not much of a man for ditching you and your mother, even if he had been around, you would have never learnt how to be a man, your own mind is what stops you from being a man in the end anyway, basically, deal with it fag, you're a joyless faggot and if everything is so bleak and shit that you cant at least get yourself a nice dinner for your birthday you might as well kill yourself, ur not a victim btw, just a stupid whiney cunt, ur mother probably wishes she had smothered you to death as a child.

>> No.18131070
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>like Shin Godzilla's fire beam
hearty kek

>> No.18131149

During my undergrad I went to a conference and our workshop group got a mexican buffet for dinner.
I was violently puking and shitting in the shower for hours that night. In total like ten people got food poisoning

>> No.18131757

T. I have a father

>> No.18131762

>eating food that makes you vomit
gonna listen to the national anthem real quick

>> No.18131777

>What was the last food you ate which made you vomit the most?


>> No.18131809

I once got food poisoning at Six Flags from some tainted chili cheese fries and was violently shitting and vomiting for a week.