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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18115423 No.18115423 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some people like this?

>> No.18115431

I say this beause I'm based

>> No.18115435

because it releases endorphins and dopamine

>> No.18115439

Does it? I never experience anything like that. It's just pain.

>> No.18115445

tastes good, stop being a little baby bitch.

>> No.18115448

runny nose is a blessing when your sinuses are stuffed.

>> No.18115453


>> No.18115457

this. My mother's family has genetically fucked sinuses, eating spicy food to purge them feels so fucking good

>> No.18115469

dead palate, many such cases sad

>> No.18115533
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>> No.18115539

>t. dead palater who has to cope because the only way to make food safe for them to eat is to dump the entire spice rack into it

>> No.18115540
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>> No.18115619

>that self insert OC
Yeah whoever drew this is a 4'10 dark brown mexican with autism.

>> No.18115626

Used to love spicy food but recently they've started burning my colon in a pretty agonizing way
Anyone else have this happen to them? Are there open sores in my ass? Whats the deal?

>> No.18115630

>It's just pain.
Why do you think people cut their wrists? To make themselves feel even worse than they already do?

>> No.18115640

wow now thats good customer service

>> No.18115645

>Non-whites are untrustworthy and are prone to scamming and lying
you missed /pol/

>> No.18115711

You don't start out this way. You start out eating slightly spicy foods, then work your tolerance up to the point that you can eat food so spicy that your bowels immediately empty

Also this >>18115435

>> No.18115724

Why can't white people handle spice? My friend acted like I was a legend for biting this "super hot" pepper he had brought to school

>> No.18115742

it's just a lack of acclimation.
if you don't eat much spicy food, then you don't build a tolerance for it.

>> No.18115765

I thought this too. But then I ate a raw habanero. You aren't eating hot enough if you don't geht high af.

If you arent eating hot enogh it's just annoying pointless pain.

The high comes when you think you are almost dying.

>> No.18115769

Because they're not genetic mistakes like you

>> No.18115971

my experience is it takes years to build up a tolerance and train your brain to get the dopamine.

kind of like drinking beer or anything with alcohol.

it's initially unpleasant but once your brain matches the reward to the food you crave it.

I started eating "spicy" food when I was about 2. stuff that I thought was spicy back then isn't even slightly spicy now.

I worked up to habanero before going back down to cayenne. there's a point where spicy is not worth it.

when it comes out your ass just as hot as it went in your mouth, you've gone too far.

>> No.18115982

I'm white and there have been several occasions where my ability to eat spicy far exceeds people I knew who were from mexico.

I've met mexican's and blacks that can't tolerate even slightly spicy food, my wifes aunt is 82 years old (and white) and eats jalapenos and other peppers like they are candy.

my mother couldn't handle plain old black pepper.

>> No.18116005

it has to do with how soon you start. my experience is people who grew up never eating anything more spicy than black pepper usually never acquire a taste for it as an adult. had a boss like that, he grew up on a farm in ohio and ate nothing but plain farm food. we went to a mexican restaurant. food I thought was bland and mild had him sweating and drinking tons of water and soda. yes we are both white.

>> No.18116015

Yeah, sufficiently spicy food gets you high but you have to have a certain degree of masochism to begin with to get to the level

>> No.18116030

Why are all "the fuck you doing" tier chiliheads all white if they "can't handle spice" ?

>> No.18116031

>when it comes out your ass just as hot as it went in your mouth, you've gone too far.

Just got to acclimate your anus, boyo. Smear some habanero up in there every so often.

>> No.18116043

Based goku

>> No.18116046
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>> No.18116057

>food I thought was bland and mild had him sweating and drinking tons of water and soda.

I'd like to say I can't imagine such a miserable existence, but I went to a "mexican" restaurant in Virginia, once. Everything was so fucking bland, the tamales were basically unflavored mush and nothing had even a hint of spice. I still ate it, as I'd just come back from a year tour in S. Korea and was aching for anything remotely like mexican food.

Even more disappointing was when I went to a Korean restaurant in Virginia and the bulgogi was an overcooked strip steak slathered in some unknown sauce. Supposedly there's a lot of Koreans that come to Virginia due to marrying army grunts, so I was pretty confused at how this went so wrong.

>> No.18116060

I'm cool with flavor spicy
Fuck numbing spicy

>> No.18116066


>> No.18116097

What about the anal burning?

>> No.18116301

why are you mad about what other people eat is the better question
you don't like spicy food, then just don't eat it

>> No.18116304

Why are you so mad about other people having opinions on things?
You don't like the thread, then just don't open it

>> No.18116315

cope and seethe

>> No.18116347

You too champ

>> No.18116384

I'm confident most restaurants do this. I don't even feel a kick when I order hot.

>> No.18116401
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>> No.18116409

they have to
the guy the comic depicts is incredibly widespread and when food is too spicy people usually let it go back, costing the restaurant money

people who enjoy really spicy food are just vocal, theres actually not that many of them

>> No.18116428

>this. My mother's family has genetically fucked sinuses, eating spicy food to purge them feels so fucking good
Don't go down the nasal spray road brother
I think my nose is permanently fucked up

>> No.18116442
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What's wrong with nasal spray?

>> No.18116462

It's a lot to do with mentality. If you fear any pain from spicy food and try to resist it you'll have a miserable time, but if you accept and embrace the pain it can be surprisingly enjoyable. It's like exercise, people who hardly work out, who whinge and complain about being a little sore or out of breathe, hate it, but once they keep at it and get comfortable with that feeling they grow to love it.

>> No.18116521

Permanently fucks up your nose

>> No.18116538

Decongestant nasal spray I should say. Saline and antihistamine and steroid stuff is fine, but decongestants are fucking evil. It's almost impossible to only use them as recommended (for 2 or 3 days only), and after that they cause rebound congestion, and it's way easier to just keep using the nasal spray then go through a hellish week of the worst congestion you've ever had trying to get off it. I feel like my ability to breath through my nose is only at about 85-90% after a year of stopping

>> No.18116595

This, I thought nasal spray was a godsent at first, but I had lost my ability to shake off colds after a few days. I got so congested it led to sinus headaches, but I eventually realised this only ever happened when I tried that stuff.

>> No.18116696

Start eating black licorice, preferably the kind salted with salmiak. Order from Dutch or Scandinavian brands.

>> No.18116724


>> No.18116735

For what?

>> No.18116771

Licorice helps with gut healing. Get good salmiak licorice because all others are shit

>> No.18116776

Almost like skin color doesn't affect someone's ability to handle capsaicin. Woah

>> No.18116780

The vegeta hair confirms this

>> No.18116792


>> No.18116997

You don't see quality edits like this much anymore, good job friend.

>> No.18117013

The spice enhances the flavor. It's like the carbonation in a beverage. I enjoy a lot of heat unless it's prohibitively painful to eat or bitter. Avoid pepper extracts.

>> No.18117027
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I had people tell me it was just age, but I don't think that's the case. I think it's more of a gut biome thing because it happened to me after about 4 months of not getting spicy food and just blasting vodka during covid. The first time I went back and ate a chili oil that I previously ate all the time and thought was only mildly spicy my asshole almost died. I woke up in the morning and felt genuine pain on the toilet then couldn't even go back to bed, just layed face down on the couch.
>facial scars
Guarantee you this was made by a flip who's childhood crush got turned out by a white dude.

>> No.18117104 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18117117

same reason normalfags are like man i LOVE the beach! I wish it was 35 degrees every day! I like it HOT

probably lizard dna desu

>> No.18117124


>> No.18117132

They so desperately want to prove they can handle spiciness that they don't even care if it's good.

I'm talking the people that eat whole ghost peppers and reapers and shit, you aren't appreciating spicy food just trying to have a dick measuring contest

>> No.18117148


>> No.18117150
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Has hot sauce gone too far?

>> No.18117197

I find that wasabi helps me with that with a similar level of effectiveness. Plus, it doesn't come out burning hot.

>> No.18117211

I have a friend that's a bit of a faggot like you. No. I'm not trying to impress you. I don't care what your tolerance is, shut the fuck up.
And yes, sometimes I do just eat something retarded hot because I'm curious how hot it goes.

>> No.18117277

Calm down, if you aren't the type that brags about it or forces it on people you aren't who I'm talking about.

>> No.18117699


>> No.18117854

Some people enjoy the opioid (endorphin) rush and are driven to repeat the behaviour by the dopamine rush. Some people enjoy the flavour of hot peppers.
I have to be in a pretty masochistic mood to order something that's genuine agony to eat, but a lot of Indian, Southeast Asian, Caribbean, Mexican and South American food just isn't right without some chili in it.

>> No.18117915
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I prefer eating dairy

>> No.18118072

I wanna drink blondie's man ilk. Mmmm

>> No.18118088


>> No.18118103
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I like mommy milkers

>> No.18118104

Why he go super saiyan

>> No.18118108
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These are even more evil than the Buldak. I shit you not.

>> No.18118109

He was afraid it was a robbery

>> No.18118119
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>then work your tolerance up to the point that you can eat food so spicy that your bowels immediately empty