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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 424x283, roast-beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18109067 No.18109067 [Reply] [Original]

No one eats like this anymore.

>> No.18109071
File: 276 KB, 601x884, B3A4DA35-DC3B-49C5-B5BE-349107706E4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather have goyslop

>> No.18109076

When we abolish women's rights, we will eat that way again.

>> No.18109081

oi you got a license for them chompers

>> No.18109151

Dat wypeepo foo’. It has no spice

>> No.18109186

I do.

>> No.18109195

Yes we do, it's not even hard to make and even if you're lazy you can go to a carvery and pub and get one anyway

>> No.18109202
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>> No.18109206

Of course not. Putting the gravy boat on the plate is retarded.

>> No.18109207

I hate how this misses obvious ones people actually say like "fizzy juice".

>> No.18109208

i believe they say, "it ain't got no spice", or "it ain't even got no spice"

disgusting nonetheless

>> No.18109209

No need to belabor the point. You lack a knack for comedy.

>> No.18109220

It dives straight into the absurd when they could have at least run the joke with real examples for a little longer for that humour of doubt.

>> No.18109271

>US white
obesity rate: 41.4%
food at home: underspiced
>US black
obesity rate: 49.9%
food at home: pour a container of old bay on it
>US asian
obesity rate: 16.1%
food at home: tripe congee, white rice and natto, greens covered in fish sauce made by letting whole fish dissolve in their own stomach acid

notice a pattern?

>> No.18109277

Ye donnow shit ye yank

>> No.18109295

I literally ate one of those last sunday and have the stuff to make another this sunday

>> No.18109306

I already do this with certain things. like when all I have are chicken drumpsticks and I'm trying to eat it with rice and veggies.

>> No.18109310

My wife makes a Sunday roast every weekend though? As did my mom.
I think you might be a delusional zoomer with a dysfunctional patchwork family who lets himself be overly influenced by newsbloggers.
>inb4 projecting
Nope, sorry.

>> No.18109583

because english gravy is dog shit.

>> No.18109585

the 2 minutes of hate got this nigga so bad he couldn't stop himself from automatically reaching over and popping that 'p' key.

>> No.18109597

Where are the mash-pos?

>> No.18109636

good thread

>> No.18109647
File: 219 KB, 500x694, what-the-fuck-is-this-shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18109739

I enjoy it every Christmas.

>> No.18109778


>> No.18109819

all vegetarians deserve a ban from /ck/ because you do not eat real food

>> No.18109917

Good morning!

>> No.18109925
File: 515 KB, 512x512, 28E5B82E-2053-4E64-9172-E31103FE452A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What and why

>> No.18109928

The fish stomach acid part

>> No.18109929

English people don't say "fizzy juice", that's a Scottish thing.

>> No.18109937

fookin lush
just like mum used t'make

>> No.18110259

Had one these last Sunday you familyless piece of shit.

>> No.18110264

Biden won
Cope chud

>> No.18110267

>boiled fish

>> No.18110273

I just had one of these for breakfast last sunday in Boston. It was really good.

>> No.18110276

>in Boston
da fuck? WHERE?

>> No.18110280

Damn. So we're already living in the promised post-Drumpf bright future? Everything is "normal" again? This is it?

>> No.18110286

Yes we are now living in a utopia-like world thanks to our all knowing and benevolent dear leader joe bai den. Isn’t it glorious?

>> No.18110294

Nah. Biden fucked it all up. The Dumbocrats do it every time. Time and time again. It's almost as if Dumbocrat retards love living in poverty.

>> No.18110300

Check out the Sunday roast at the Dubliner. New bar near city hall.

>> No.18110305

Dubz declares you should go this weekend...

>> No.18110320

How do you make potatoes like those?

>> No.18110346

Get a dry potato and boil it first, then deep fry them.

>> No.18110382

>dry potato and boil it
American education strikes again.

>> No.18110404

Never heard of that one. Do they not call them soft drinks where you're from?

>> No.18110417

Dry as in the potato's water content genius. High dry matter gives you the fluffiness needed for the crunchy skin and soft inside.

>> No.18110456

Let me get this straight. You buy potatoes, dehydrate them and then boil them in lots of WATER that they absorb?
Ask for a refund on your education costs. It was a total waste.
Does Mom still call you her "special" boy?

>> No.18110540

>dry matter gives you the fluffiness
Oh dear.

>> No.18110543

Millions of normal people still eat like this, you’re just shut up on your computer and they don’t post it on social media for fake internet points

>> No.18110552

I mean that picture is more of a special occasion food. With the stagnation of wages and the shift to the two-household income model, most people don't have time/energy to do that every night.

If you want people to eat like this again, support wage increases such that people aren't required to work 2 full-time jobs to keep a house.

>> No.18110598

>special occasion food
It's a Sunday roast you peasant.

>> No.18110917
File: 184 KB, 960x960, 36275-rindfleisch-nudelsuppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not being facetious and I think it probably fits into this thread, but do Americans eat soup? Like really normal soup with broth and just some meat and vegetables. I've found this stock foto, but it's very close to how I know (and love) it. I just never see Americans in media eat soup. So I'm actually curious.

>> No.18111111

What's goyslop?

>> No.18111124

Yeah, but soup is a cold weather thing and it's really hot here 9 months of the year

>> No.18111149

this, both homemade and bought soups just like your description are staples here during the cooler months. my family loves them. we make an incredible variety, sometimes inspired by the best seasonal ingredients, or sometimes just to our tastes. it’s pretty great.

>> No.18111154
File: 1.92 MB, 640x492, have a little faith.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18111165

Thanks for the info, anons. I didn't think about the temperature difference. Makes sense that it's rarer then.

>> No.18111166
File: 263 KB, 600x903, 1226829546326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp, retard.

I bet your trad wife raises the kids while you slave in the fields for (you)s

>> No.18111179

>>18111149, here
no problem. the u.s. is vast, and contains just about every climate and scenery you can think up, so while the other anon probably lives in a hotter state, i live farther north, closer to the coast, so it’s predominantly cool here. we probably enjoy soups a good 3/4 of the year. thanks for the curiosity, man.

>> No.18111182

name 5000 people who no longer eat like this.

>> No.18111189

Lame cope to the extreme.

>> No.18111199

look up the map of hours of sunlight per day in usa vs EU .

>> No.18111215
File: 286 KB, 944x630, 0BDC6EDB-DC16-4FA2-926B-10A54414FF7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spices make people fat

>> No.18111367

>Lame cope to the extreme.

Ironic comment but you didn't dispute anything that I said.

I'm actually married, Anon, and I own my own business. You sound like an edgy 13 year old. I guarantee no woman could stand to spend 5 minutes alone in a room with you.

I don't care what you say. We both know the truth. Kek.

>> No.18111421

>that's a 10/10 in England

>> No.18111430

Congratulations for these numbers anon, I don't know what's the problem with this board for you to have so few (You)s.

Anyway, yo answer your question it's highly processed junk food that is implied by people using the word to be pushed by the jews to the uneducated masses

>> No.18111439

Is this translation real?

>> No.18111447

When you try this hard to justify yourself, you only sound less credible.

>> No.18111462

>When you try this hard

Ironic little incel innit, kek

>> No.18111477

Typical damage control.

>> No.18111493

>Typical damage control.

Ching chang chong.

>> No.18111882

>Let me get this straight. You buy potatoes, dehydrate them and then boil them in lots of WATER that they absorb?

THIS is ck
potato is potato is potato is potato
absolutley hopeless

>> No.18112036

>what is exaggeration

>> No.18112047

I like the orange man though

>> No.18112053

Not true and even during the time period you worship it was only once a week for Sunday dinner.

>> No.18112064
File: 60 KB, 736x743, d7ea6b1a-2b5c-11e8-a6f7-89a72ae9ac52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.