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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 333 KB, 1908x1146, FXgxWHKWIAECTHg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18101590 No.18101590 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really true? If so, why?

>> No.18101595

i dunno lol

>> No.18101596 [DELETED] 

Stricter laws around what goes in to goy slop in the UK

>> No.18101607

UK ingredients lists look about right.

>> No.18101612
File: 118 KB, 1200x848, 5535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You post the screenshot to discord yet, tranny?

>> No.18101615

Wow USA version is flavoured with chemicals

>> No.18101633

>UK Doritos
>ingredients: cool original flavor

>> No.18101637

because in US the companies lobby influencing the rules

>> No.18101667
File: 84 KB, 602x602, calories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18101678

Because if you put the ingredients that the fat retard Americans use into any first world countries food supply you'd go to jail.

>> No.18101679
File: 2.86 MB, 384x384, made in china.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18101689

Why not just move here if you're so envious of the USA?

>> No.18101691

because different countries, different rules. moron.

>> No.18101714

>Greatest country in the world
Allows lobbying to add carcinogens to food
>burgers defend it as if it's a goodnthing
Bamboozle level 100

>> No.18101718

why would anyone care about britain? they are a third world country full of pakistanis and gay people, worse than california.

>> No.18101739

The only of those items that I have is the Heinz and a leftover packet of Quaker oatmeal that I got here in the US. They both have basically the same ingredients as the UK version. The oatmeal has cranberries instead of strawberries.

Where the fuck do you all shop that your food has shit like this in it?

>> No.18101756

EU red tape.

Which the UK got rid of recently because "muh sovereignty" aka they want to sell out more prized companies, faster to China and they want bigger profit margins. To shove this down their public's throat they keep banging on about "fish and chips" and "full English breakfast" being "real English" garbage, but never mention the quality know-how they want to sell at premium prices (Quicke's, Stichelton, Jersey dry-aged beef, aged malt vinegar, Pippin's apples).

>> No.18101758


Just because you've only got a couple of items doesn't mean it's not true. Go buy a heinz ketchup bottle and post a photo of the ingredients.

>> No.18101761

Is antisemitism a negative trait now?

>> No.18101763

eu is not selling out to china? the greek ports would like a word anon

to be frank china will do better than the jewish filth that they have now

>> No.18101766

The USA is doing the same so it really doesn't matter the UK sold out to the US first. Everything's going to China. Within 5 years you wont have any say any more about what goes into your food, full stop. And bugs are the least of your concern.

>> No.18101767

no it is essential for any nation to survive otherwise it will be usurped by kikery,america is exhibit 1.

>> No.18101771
File: 306 KB, 1031x1114, chinese pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a clip from one of those chinese youtube farm channels that normally peddle fake life hacks or cooking tricks.
Or maybe chinese shit really is that bad.
Either way, fuck china.

>> No.18101775

I spot checked a few of these. The soda's seem about right. The shake only makes sense if you pick the largest shake in the US and the smallest shake in the UK. Not sure about the other food items.

>> No.18101781

UK has laxer laws regarding the listing of ingredients

>> No.18101788

I wonder what the difference is on say, the big mac. Maybe sugar in the bread?

>> No.18101795

Hahahaha wrong.

>> No.18101802

Just admit it burgers you're all worried about sneed oils but you'll happily munch down carcinogens and corn syrup.

>> No.18101805

uk has laws forcing people to engage in homosexuality and veganism, so whatever uk lawmakers say should be discarded with great haste

>> No.18101808

It’s mostly down to different regulations regarding food labels. The US is stricter than the EU in this regard, meaning labels on american foodstuffs have to break down the ingredients to an almost molecular level, whilst european foodstuffs can get by with abstractions like “sweeteners, various spices, food colouring” and so on.

The real question is why are yuropoors so obsessed with america?

>> No.18101812
File: 29 KB, 640x557, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brominated vegetable oil

What the fuck is vegetable oil doing in soda?

>> No.18101819

Better than American law that forces people to have sex with fish and eat worms.
See, I can make things up too.

>> No.18101823
File: 278 KB, 1000x1000, macs, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems plausible, maybe some in the sauce too. Interestingly the UK seems to get way more sesame seeds.

>> No.18101842

Don't go too much off the pictures anon I've had both ends of the spectrum in sesame seeds over here.

>> No.18101852

Food photos are fake bullshit, so that image doesn't tell you anything.
Interesting that calories are posted in joules in the UK though. For some reason I find that amusing.

>> No.18101859

>Brominated vegetable oil is used primarily to help emulsify citrus-flavored soft drinks, preventing them from separating during distribution. Brominated vegetable oil has been used by the soft drink industry since 1931

>> No.18101860

There's a difference between cal and kcal

>> No.18101861

I went looking for differences in other countries, and apparently Argentina gets big macs cooked over charcoal, the lucky sods. Egypt is the heftiest big mac at 604 calories.

>> No.18101862

>ground up rocks
we did this with american cereal in elementary school. it did the same thing, except it was specifically iron(which i assume is the same as the webm)

>> No.18101869

Cooked over charcoal,? That's based as fuck anon.

>> No.18101870

atleast I can have my ak47 and pistol and sleep in peace, you have a looooicense for that knife?

>> No.18101872
File: 23 KB, 320x320, A0020106-1CD1-4948-9010-24E0E43C05FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18101883
File: 38 KB, 321x322, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know you want to

>> No.18101885

Well, partially it's a simple difference in ingredients, either due to regulations or consumer preference. It's also partially due to laws on how specific ingredient lists must be (note some of the vague ingredients such as "natural flavoring" or "spice").

>> No.18101890

Didn't they stop putting BVO in mountain dew? I've got some right here, and it's not a listed ingredient.

>> No.18101899

>British Cadberry eggs have paprika in them.
Oh my lands

>> No.18101910
File: 776 KB, 648x864, pooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18101917

correct, due to health mom groups they removed it
you can still get BVO dew when they release their throwback version, also generic grocery store versions typically use it too

the euro's just switched to using wood rosin instead

>> No.18101946
File: 144 KB, 801x1024, 1645246449518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if larger portions contain more calories.

>> No.18101956

Doesn't seem to matter, both countries are completely filled with fat fucks eating themselves to an early death

>> No.18101972

this is from a content farm and has been debunked by how to cook that ages ago, it is basically clickbait and fear mongering

>> No.18101985

Because of subsidies in the US corn industry

>> No.18102077

Trying to force a really shitty meme is such a negative trait that it cancels out the positive effects of your antisemitism.

>> No.18102083

>you're a redditor if you don't go online to defend bugmen whose apex predator is the escalator
It's time to stop posting, Chang.

>> No.18102189

this shit makes my ocd and anxiety insane
i already can't eat in restaurants because the back ends are filthy lol

>> No.18102191

EU labeling laws

>> No.18102319

In international comparison, it's rather that UK soda has very little sugar. Btw. fresh apple or orange juice have roughly the same amount as american soda. You'll note the rest is very similar except for the milk shake.

>> No.18102403

I get that but still, you put canola oil in your sunny D and use color made of petroleum instead of paprika. cope

>> No.18102415

>ground up rocks
That's a magnet, that is iron that is added to fortify the food and make it more nutritious. Cornflakes are magnetic due to fortified iron for the same reason.

>> No.18102442

>the rest is similar
burger is within 10% more
fries and coffee more than 10% more
cake and browne is over 30% more
that's not similar

>> No.18102450

no, because american labelling laws are very autistic to what has to be on the label, more so than euro ones

>> No.18102532

>omg different countries have different labeling requirements!

>> No.18102560

I don't understand why this is repeated so often, but it's not true. If you look at the legislation they're basically identical, which is unsurprising as they're both based on the Codex Alimentarius recommendations.

>> No.18102601

I've seen like a dozen posts in the last 24 hours calling someone a tranny with that exact same image. The trannies themselves are calling regular people trannies to create confusion or something.

>> No.18102612

This is what happens when Yanks can't stop shoving corn syrup down their throat

>> No.18102621

Amerijews are absolutely seething ITT

>> No.18102791

based UK keeping it short and sweet

>> No.18103244
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1408591065853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be calling something 'goy' (a gentile a.k.a someone who isn't a jew) slop be...antigentile if anything? Or something? Not antiemetic?

>> No.18103399

They are insinuating that it is what jews call the poison that they foist upon us gentiles. Part of the jews control literally everything and are making the frogs gay fantasy.

>> No.18103422

Anon cheaper food means more jobs.

>> No.18103431

not sure if bait

>> No.18103437

He's technically correct.

Cal = kcal = 1000 cals

>> No.18103438

>t. Amerifat cope
Ok fatso.

>> No.18104257


>> No.18104329

>Stricter laws around what goes in to goy slop in the
*EU, UK will return to third world standards in that too, soon

>> No.18104432

Wtf I love this image, mind If I save it?

>> No.18104512

Its Brominated Bro. Dont worry bout tit.

>> No.18104564

I'm not sure how a country doesn't notice 27 of the top 30 cabinet members are jews or married to jews or have a jewish singular subordinate. At about 2.5% of the population, that is impossible unless it's a takeover.

>> No.18104576
File: 409 KB, 1358x1080, europe-obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still fat and getting fatter. I bet if you look at Turkey they probably have healthy food for cheaper than the US or UK, still fat.

>> No.18104646

Brominates got what bros crave

>> No.18104658

But those two products are exactly the same besides the corn syrup for sugar

>> No.18104827

>These are the lardasses who mock us slimtalians because we eat le carbs

>> No.18105470
File: 92 KB, 1600x900, cornsyrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you thought this was a meme?

>> No.18105473

based heeb

>> No.18105681

don't eat it nmp

>> No.18105725

Its flavour in fag land

>> No.18105729

>I don't understand why this is repeated so often, but it's not true.
It's repeated so often because the typically highlighted food items are in fact identical with the only difference being how specific the labeling was.
There's plenty of cases where similar products are actually different, like American soft white bread, but that's a separate topic.

>> No.18105772

Corn subsidies everywhere in America. They feed their livestock and the food industry shoves corn syrup on everything.

>> No.18107105

>bong: its just a burger

>> No.18107222

It's almost like the FDA has only made things more expensive to manufacture without seeking out artificial substitutes

>> No.18107430
File: 115 KB, 885x885, 20220714_153141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ketchup you can choose good or bad, I of course get only the good one, pic related, US ketchup

>> No.18107437

Do they cut UK sodas with artificial sweeteners or are they all sugar just with less?

>> No.18107438

The former. Ever since the sugar tax, everything tastes metallic.

>> No.18107444

The bun itself could also be slightly smaller.

>> No.18107446

You think 10ml of soda is 90 calories? Seriously?

>> No.18108427
File: 380 KB, 2595x3069, 1637575719665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I just had covid and now my tastebuds are fucked. All of my favorite junk food tastes like shit now. I guess this is it. Time to finally start eating healthy and lose those 30lbs I've been meaning to for the last six years.

>> No.18108528

looks like 2 me dem wypipo in british dont know how to season dey food no cap frfrfr SHEEEEEEEEEESH on god

>> No.18108585

Because their primary source of revenue is lower income people addicted to drinking way too much of their product. They would lose more money making it more expensive and retaining quality than they do by cutting quality to keep it cheap. It's shameless exploitation, and they get away with it by deflecting anger towards the tax.

>> No.18108884

>Is this really true? If so, why?
America: Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
England: Medicine and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

England doesn't have to include cor syrup as an ingredient if corn syrup is already a part of the 'tomatoes' product being used for the ketchup, and so on. Or, England uses no preservatives and additives in American products. I don't trust either.

>> No.18109214
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_20220715_095226_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

german heinz.

tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, spice and herb ectracts, spices.

>> No.18109224

not true, UK doesn't have labeling laws as strict as America

>> No.18109238

No, you're a redditor if you haven't seen that same webm, but about America, posted multiple times before because you need to fuck off newfag.

>> No.18109251

The US has laws that require them to list ALL the things in the food, U.K. is much more lax about the law and you don't need to include minor things and chemicals.

>> No.18109290

>part of the Jews control literally everything
I mean you can close your eyes and find inconsequential things they don't control, while mocking the very notion as ridiculous and dismiss it to your own detriment (unless of course, you yourself are Jewish). It doesn't make it any less true. The exceptionally rich corporate and banking class control most Western governments, and an astounding plurality of those in power are either Jewish, married to Jews, crypto-Jews (Jesuits, Masons, etc.) or married to crypto-Jews, with very few exceptions and of those few exceptions they are mostly goys who are blackmailed, bribed or threatened. The higher one goes into politics, banking, the media and academia, the larger the amount of Jews and crypto-Jews there are.

>> No.18109299

Jewish poison due to farmer incentivization via government subsidies. Same as it's always been. Bromine competes with iodine I'm the thyroid, which causes massive hormonal imbalances. Most Western diets are horribly deficient in iodine (M*dtoid's being an exception).

>> No.18109322

>source: literally who

>> No.18109353

Three things to take away from this:
>The UK's labelling laws are way less strict than the US' laws, mainly because they believe manufacturers act in good faith (they don't ans find plenty of legal grey area) and use legal, preservative-free ingredients as dictated by ingredients/preservatives legislation mentioned below
>The UK has harsh laws on using any sort of preservatives, including well-known harmless ones because of legislation in the early 90s that protected British farmers from cheaper, longer-lasting, and honestly more flavourful EU products using preservatives under the guise of being "for the nation's health." British food goes rotten faster, loses nutritional value quicker, and has flavour go out the window to a ridiculous degree because of this
>The American version, even if it's industrialised slop just tastes better with its custom-tailored yumbo chemicals

>> No.18110436


>> No.18111063

Yeah it's pretty crazy Sprite here (not in the uk but outside of the US) has no sugar in it compared to the US. I looked at the ingredients and I was like what 12 grams of sugar per can (compared to the like 40 grams you normally see), and I thought I was crazy for never noticing it before when I lived in america. But I looked it up and it turns out american sprite has the normal ~40 grams of sugar, while outside has sprite with less sugar. Pretty nice ei don't have to feel guilty anymore.

>> No.18111077


>> No.18111090
File: 76 KB, 670x706, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop repeating this utter bollocks cope.

>> No.18111568
File: 151 KB, 960x960, 1612850416803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely horrifying.

>> No.18111592

yea but not to the same stringency as what legally qualifies as what

>> No.18111720

During the great depression a bunch of US farmers were at risk of dying out/getting other jobs because they weren't making any money so the US subsidized cheese and corn until they were almost the only economically viable food to grow. These subsidies have barely changed because farmers lobby to keep them.
There's so much corn and cheese that the US has to process it into literally everything we eat and sell it for next to nothing, and there's still so much extra that we have fucking caves just full of uneaten cheese. All because some rednecks want handouts

>> No.18111728

It's like a really large-scale version of this:


>> No.18111734

People keep seeing that because they want to believe it, but it's not true. You can go and read the legislation right now, it's not even long. They're basically identical.
Here's the EU regulations about how you can describe things: https://lexparency.org/eu/32011R1169/ANX_VII/
Here's the FDA regulations about how you can describe things: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?fr=101.4
Stop repeating this stupid cope.

>> No.18111755
File: 47 KB, 791x223, Screenshot 2022-07-15 at 20-30-07 burned crops in the great depression - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

during the great depression the president had crops burned causing food to become even more expensive and harder to get

>> No.18111756

This thread gets posted at least every other month here

>> No.18111787

>cool original flavor
what ingredient is that again?

>> No.18111805

There's a video that debunks all this shit.

>> No.18111946

Cool Original Flavour [Flavouring (contains Milk), Salt, Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Onion Powder, Potassium Chloride, Cheese Powder (from Milk), Garlic Powder, Tomato Powder, Flavour Enhancers (Monosodium Glutamate, Disodium 5'-Ribonucleotides), Acidity Regulators (Malic Acid, Sodium Acetates, Citric Acid), Colour (Annatto Bixin), Milk Protein, Spice]

>> No.18112024

no, it's this topic. i understand many labels get away with lumping a bunch of ingredients under "flavorings", but look at the oats in the OP image.

>> No.18112869

Go buy a one and post a picture then, I'm waiting
You won't of course