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18098008 No.18098008 [Reply] [Original]

Today frens I'm going to share how I make one of my favorite things to eat when I have a day off.
Beef shank japanese curry

>> No.18098015

If that's the end result I'm hiding this thread, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.18098045
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captcha is being a whore jesus christ
You're gonna need
3lbs beef shank
2 medium onion
5-6 cloves garlic
1 inch knob of ginger
1 cup bourbon
1/2 cup sake
1/2 cup mirin
one pack golden curry, I use mild bc my gf is a spicelet
1 qt beef stock, make your own if you can
optional 1 tbsp fish sauce
3 medium sized carrots
1 russet potato
optional 2 bayleaf

>> No.18098071
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First things first you're going to sear off your shanks on all size using whatever neutral oil you prefer, I use canola but beef fat is ideal. While your beef is searing get to work on your aromatics. Your knife work doesnt have to be very fine or precise because its going to take roughly 5-6 hours to break the collagen down on the shanks so your aromatics will just melt into the sauce. I just do a wide jullienne on the onions rough chop on the garlic and ginger.

>> No.18098077

learn to cook.

>> No.18098086
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After you get the color you're looking for, set your beef to the side, reduce heat to medium. Should go without saying but don't overcrowd your pot and sear in batches.

>> No.18098100
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your oil gets too dark during the searing process, discard it and replace with clean oil. Add your onions in and cook over medium heat until translucent. I add a bit of salt when sweating aromatics to help pull moisture and make sure that it will pick up any stuck on bits on the bottom of the pan.

>> No.18098110
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add your garlic and ginger to the onions once they're roughly halfway cooked through. You could really take your time and caramelize them on very low heat but its redundant since this is a slow stew. You're looking to build as much stuck bits to the bottom of the pan as possible without burning.

>> No.18098120
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Add your booze to pull off everything from the bottom of the pan and reduce until thick but not sticky. Alternatively you could just use Japanese whiskey but I cant justify using that for a stew so I just used shit I already had in my pantry.

>> No.18098125
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Add 1 cup of your stock and your packet of golden curry. Slowly add the rest of your stock while stirring so you dont end up with clumps of the roux paste.

>> No.18098141
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Once the rest of your stock is in the pot, throw your shanks back in. I add around 2 or so cups of water into the pot at this point because if your stew is too thick while you're braising your beef shanks the bottom will scorch and you'll be fucked. I aim for the consistency of milk as far as thickness. Add your fish sauce here if you opt for it. Bring it up to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Cover and let simmer for 5-6 hours or until your meat is falling apart and all the collagen is melted.

>> No.18098151
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Once you've gotten back from the bar and you're nice and loose, check on your stew and if you're meat is falling apart nicely, have your sous chef check the quality of your remaining ingredients before proceeding.

>> No.18098164
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add your carrots and potatoes. You can adjust the amount based on your preference, I personally dont like a bunch of potatoes in my stews so I only used one. Cook uncovered on medium heat so as to reduce the stew while you're carrots and potatoes cook through and become soft. Probably will take around 20 minutes. If you were making this with a different cut of meat you could have added your vegetables earlier on in the cooking process but since beef shank takes a long time they would have turned to mush.

>> No.18098168
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x3024, japanesecurry12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you're going to want it to look like once it's ready to serve. Serve over white rice or whatever starch or noodle you prefer, garnish with scallion. Also adjust for salt before serving.

>> No.18098182
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A real cooking bread.
Have some titty-bread

>> No.18098183
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Couldnt be bothered to flip all the photos I imported from my phone, oh well. Enjoy, bye bye now.

>> No.18098188

Thank you, Anon!

>> No.18098355

>1/2 cup mirin
I've got a cup of 'mirin for that cat.
Wash your rice.

>> No.18098541

thanks for a good thread

>> No.18098556

I usually default to chicken curry, but this looks pretty good.
Also, nice kot.

>> No.18098813
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, 7ACBABA2-7F05-4DB0-95FB-B3D70744E080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brehs he’s always hanging around while I cook

>> No.18099498

Nice thread and cat. I'm gonna cook this

>> No.18099501

Thanks for the thread bro

>> No.18099527

my gf is kind of a spicelet too, and she cannot perceive the difference between "mild" and "hot" curry blocks.
japanese food generally doesn't use much spice at all, so their labeling will be accordingly sensitive.

>> No.18099539


>> No.18099576

Oh, so you add teriyaki to the mix (sake+mirin = teriyaki). That is a lot of onion, but I guess I am used to getting 1 large and calling it a day.
Mild is best kind.

Better than boulion is good enough for me. I can drink the stuff when made, whereas the rest is fucking terrible. I don't have time to make stock most of the time.

>> No.18099578

You better not have thrown out fond.

Never throw out fond, that shit is FLAVOR.

>> No.18099582

looks nice OP, thanks for thread

>> No.18099586

I always add the curry packet at the end for last 30 min. Helps prevent it from burning and also doesn't interfere with reducing when doing long cooks.

>> No.18099610

Titular bread would have been better.

>> No.18099620

i am not OP but I am guessing that's not the case. Since you're cooking the meat in batches, the fond from the earlier batches burns and becomes acrid by time you finish the last ones. hence the discarding and using new.

>> No.18099646

Nah the fond stays always, unless in extreme cases of scorching. Just the oil if it gets too dark.
Okay dude

>> No.18100042

is this a polydactyl cat?
also; very cute.

>> No.18100697
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, D8464F63-F9A0-47A7-BC04-4C3C386A7C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he’s got extra grabbers

>> No.18100711

Thanks for the curry thread OP. My next trip to the grocery store will have your ingredients included. Will post results in the future.

>> No.18100715

thank you, based sloppamancer

>> No.18100733

Does anyone have a recommend recipe for making Japnese curry cubes from scratch? I don't like buying premade spice and seasoning blends.

>> No.18100767

You could probably just look up the spices used in Japanese S&M brand curry powder, toast those and grind in a spice grinder, and incorporate into a roux and chill

>> No.18100773

Fucking awesome, saved and will cook.
Now I finally know what Beinscheiben are for, kek.