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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 294 KB, 614x422, atherosclerosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18094026 No.18094026 [Reply] [Original]

>*stops you from fully enjoying food kino in this life*

How the fuck is this fair? I'd rather eat nothing at all if I can't pig out and eat whatever I want without consequence.

>> No.18094031

I'm childless so I'm allowed to die whenever I want

>> No.18094042

cholesterol is good for you the real reason they say to reduce your cholesterol is because testosterone is manufactured in the body from cholesterol and they want to reduce the testosterone of western males

>> No.18094044

The trick is to take supplements to cure it. So easy haha. Protease enzymes like serrapeptase, nattokinase and bromelain. Also D3K2. You're welcome bro

>> No.18094049

Take the Russia pill and eat more beets and radishes

>> No.18094052
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life wasn't meant to be enjoyed.
You will lose everything you take for granted.

>> No.18094072

Is there actually a cure to plaque?
Plaque is the only thing that scares me in this world. The idea that it can't be undone.

>> No.18094084

By d3 k2 do you mean the vitamins?

>> No.18094087

no cure, the body either removes it at first or it settles in and it's immovable. all you can do is just try to eat right and not be overweight to prevent any more of it from building up.

>> No.18094094

>"Atherosclerosis usually starts in the teens and 20s, and by the 30s we can see changes in most people," says cardiologist Matthew Sorrentino MD, a professor at The University of Chicago Medicine. In the early stages, your heart-related screening tests, like cholesterol checks, might still come back normal.

You DID stop including fast food, seed oils, and sugar in your diet, right anon? You ARE not assuming that everything is fine just because a bloodwork test says your cholesterol is fine, right anon?

>> No.18094096

this feels like a blinding evolutionary oversight

>> No.18094115

Fibrinolytic: Serratiopeptidase is known to dissolve blood clots and artherosclerotic plaques by breaking down fibrin and other dead or damaged tissue [2]. It can also remove deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, and cellular waste inside the arteries. The fibrinolytic property of serratiopeptidase may also help with the problems of thick blood, risk of stroke, and thrombophlebitis [1].

>> No.18094120

No I meant meth

>> No.18094129

and how do you suppose enzymes such as those make it past the liver and stomach after being consumed orally

>> No.18094131
File: 452 KB, 575x440, checkSauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND, make you sick as fuck for MOAR PHARMA$$$
Have a good study anon:

>> No.18094132

Take on an empty stomach with lots of water (forgot to add that). Also autophagy from fasting helps too. You're welcome bros

>> No.18094135

Then die early, faggot. We don't owe you anything

>> No.18094138

that's not how the liver works

>> No.18094145

That's real cool dude haha

>> No.18094169

me too thanks

>> No.18094197

stop eating seed oils, reduce simple carbs like bread, this means no more fast food or junk food, eat more natural foods like grass fed beef, pastured poultry, small wild caught fish like sardines and salmon, these 3 increase omega 3 intake

>> No.18094206

>chastised and castigated for having a poor diet
>forced to live 13 miles away from anything with 3 other people to be able to afford even the bare minimum of housing
>can either drive a grand total of 26 miles for fresh food several times a week
>expensive fresh food that needs to be consumed immediately lest it expire
>or I can stock up on food™ that is much less expensive and will last significantly longer for the cost of my life
>can't afford the fresh food anyway
>chastised and castigated for having a poor diet
we were never really given a choice were we

god bless the usa! god bless the usa!

>> No.18094248
File: 134 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one of these people and it really isn't fun. I guess i don't have to worry about retirement though.
Pro-Tip: If you have a history of heart attacks in your family, check your children for high lipoprotein(a) levels. My parents didn't and feed me the usual slop. Took me down at 34.

>> No.18094348

what is it like? How did it get you? Any things in hindsight that you now understand were attributed to the atherosclerosis?
I'm 24 and ate healthily until I had to move in with my roommates (they buy the food, I can't afford my own, and they're unrepentant manchildren when it comes to food). I'm hoping it won't do too much lasting damage before I graduate, move out, and get my own food

>> No.18094352

>life wasn't meant to be enjoyed
Death is preferable to suffering in life.

>> No.18094379

you had a heart attack at 34? or diagnosed with atherosclerosis at 34?

sylvester stallone died of a heart attack at 36 because he had atherosclerosis

>> No.18094383

Daily chest pain, dizziness, mental drain, waking up with a 200+ pulse at night out of nowhere keeping you awake for hours. The thing that really gets to you though is the constant fear of a heart attack. Especially if you live alone.

>> No.18094384

im sorry, sly's SON died of a heart attack at 36

>> No.18094395

>I'd rather eat nothing at all if I can't pig out and eat whatever I want without consequence.
just alternate between both, it's that easy

>> No.18094470

Can you describe the chest pain?
Is it localized or throughout the entire chest? Sharp, dull, burning, some combination thereof, etc.?
I'm terrified of having heart trouble so I want to know these symptoms well in advance

>> No.18094751

shoo shoo ketoschizo

>> No.18094997

I need *some* carbs though I can't just sit down and eat meat and veggies

>> No.18095012

>no argument
Sigmund won, get over it.

>> No.18095013

eat nuts. eat fruit. a banana alone has 20-30 carbs.

>> No.18095036

there's never been a study showing a correlation between high cholesterol and early mortality, it's literally brain food.

>> No.18095057

Drugs and steroids most likely.

>> No.18095093

nah he was a soft cunt

>> No.18095161

That's like the least bad thing that can get in the way of enjoying food.
Try any sort of severe intestinal disease. You haven't been food-cucked until you've experienced vomiting and blood filled diarrhea in response to anything more substantial than water.

>> No.18095181
File: 38 KB, 663x579, 1533531516824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try any sort of severe intestinal disease
so much this. nearly all of my favorite foods were taken away from me when i got ulcerative colitis. i had to go to the hospital because i ate some eggs and cheese which caused me to lose too much blood

>> No.18095213

how do you even get that?

>> No.18095240


>> No.18095262

its much more common in developed countries, so i guess its a lifestyle thing

>> No.18095312
File: 148 KB, 499x472, propane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your immune system starts destroying your own intestines because it doesn't have enough real pathogens to spend its time attacking instead.
Lots of diseases like that e.g. multiple sclerosis where your immune system starts destroying your brain or rheumatoid arthritis where your immune system starts destroying your bones and cartilage.
We were designed to suffer and when you remove the natural diseases people start breaking down and effectively creating their own diseases just to restore the inherent drive to stuggle against something.

>> No.18095326

there are plenty of healthy options that are frozen or preserved. you don't have to eat fresh fruits and vegetables all the time. you are making excuses

>> No.18095338

>muh t levels
fuck off retard

>> No.18095348

Don't hr a fat fuck, eat whatever the FUCK you want to eat, but get consistent exercise and drink coffee/green tea. (Which have been scientifically proven to lower stroke AND heart attack risk.)

Congratulations, you're now healthier than most adults.

>> No.18095353

*Don't be a

>> No.18095457

banana are just candy now, totally unnatural and unhealthy

>> No.18095548

this OP, get super into cardio and you can enjoy all the food and more of it.

>> No.18095663

It can be reversed. You just need to be smarter.


>> No.18095830

Kys poor

>> No.18095842

>he doesnt have an obesse old age mother using pills every day to not die of cholesterol because she cant stop funny food

>> No.18095855

testosterone is not for women

>> No.18095931

t. big sugar shill

the people have woken up. carbs are the devil, not fats.

>> No.18095955

No macronutrient is the devil. Carbs are only "bad" if you're already a fatty with a destroyed metabolism. For those of us who are healthy, it's simply a matter of eating whole clean organic foods in moderation.

>> No.18095956

Not that anon but I think I can describe it.

I suffered a heart attack at 15 from smoking k2, you'll *feel* your heart racing up and down sporadically, you'll feel the fucking blood traveling in your legs go cold and you'll have mental fog through it all. Heart attacks can take you down slowly from strain and enlargement ( like in my case of tripping out for 8+ hours ) or it'll all hit at once from a clot and you'll hit the floor without knowing it.

>> No.18096031

You were only meant to fuck as soon as possible to make as many off spring as possible. You only need to make it to 30 to make a few babies.

>> No.18096037

>You were only meant to fuck as soon as possible to make as many off spring as possible. You only need to make it to 30 to make a few babies.
lmao watch this

>> No.18096057

i’m underweight and i get daily artery pain. i’m pretty sure i have this or something similar

>> No.18096177

True but you are entering into the schizo domain

>> No.18096450

Yeah it's pretty horrifying and I know it within my heart that I'll meet an early grave because of it, well this life was a mediocre experience anyway.

>> No.18096744

yeah being skinny doesn't mean you're healthy. but wtf does artery pain feel like? and wtf do you do to get that? do you eat like shit, are an alcoholic, a smoker, etc?

>> No.18096774

>hmm today I'm going to eat an apple
>spend the next two days shitting clear mucus every 20 minutes

>> No.18096840

If you just eat once a day, or once every other day you can.

>> No.18097272

it feels like a sharp pain. i didn’t do any of that but vegetable oils and cholesterol can cause it

>> No.18097290

Evolution hasn't had a chance to keep up. It's barely been a hundred years since people started eating a lot of ultra processed terrible for you shit. Even less than that for the sugar explosion. Evolution is a process that occurs across hundreds of generations, maybe 30 or 40 generations to see the first signs of an adaptation. It's been like 5 generations.

>> No.18097387

Not only that, but it tends to take people down well after they’ve reproduced. Which means there’s little if any evolutionary pressure to select for plaque resistance.

>> No.18097485

That's a comfy theory Anon. I'll tell it to friends when I'll get drunk next time.

>> No.18097867

>autists cant into nuance
Sugars are only bad when combined with seed oils. Fruit and fruit juice is the best thing you can possibly eat, period. The optimal diet for human health and nutrition is nothing except fruit, honey, milk, and organ meats. 60-70% of your caloric intake should be sugars from fruit and honey. You can disagree if you want but you're wrong.

>> No.18098252

>fruit juice is the best thing you can possibly eat
fruit juice is the opposite of what you should be drinking. the reason why fruits are good for you is because the fibers allow the sugar to release slowly. juicing the fruit leaves you with a sugar bomb. i get liquid poops whenever i drink juice, but eating the fruits is no problem

>> No.18098279


While ive started eating much better thanks to learning how to cook, im still on track to die from this in my 40s or 50s. I'm too much of a sugar and soda addict. Hopefully the vitamin K and D2 will help slow things down, but honestly I didnt want to live to my 70s anyway. We aren't fucking retiring, and it's already a shitshow working in this country in your 60s and 70s. It's going to be much MUCH worse in 40 years.

You can have 2050/60 american third world shithole. Gimme my heart attack/stroke combo, and get me the fuck outta here.

>> No.18098349

OP didn't even mention what would cause atherosclerosis and the ketard just comes in ready with his NPC dialogue.

>> No.18098387

aren't vegetable oils supposed to be what you consume, instead of seed oils? you're saying stuff like olive oil did that to you?

>> No.18098397

vegetable oils are synonymous with seed oils now, so that's probably what he means

>> No.18098510

This literally just means truth

>> No.18098651

>the reason why fruits are good for you is because the fibers allow the sugar to release slowly. juicing the fruit leaves you with a sugar bomb.
This is what happens when you're raised by television. We've known since the 1950s that you can put diabetics on a diet of literally nothing but white rice and orange juice and they will improve to the extent that they no longer need to take insulin. You idiots hear some studies about highly processed vegetable sugars like corn syrup being bad for you and extrapolate it to mean that all sugars are bad for you.

Studies have been done with people eating as much as 300g of sugar a day from fruit and fruit juice to no ill effect. In most case, it actually IMPROVED insulin sensitivity.

>i get liquid poops whenever i drink juice
Your fucked up digestive system really isn't relevant.

>> No.18098681
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>We've known since the 1950s
>Studies have been done
>This is what happens when you're raised by television

>but the bullshit they feed me is true

>> No.18098703

>cholesterol is good for you
yeah only HDL is tho.


check this. translated from dutch to english. from the "heart foundation"

>> No.18098714
File: 53 KB, 600x900, 2345237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300g of sugar a day from fruit and fruit juice to no ill effect. In most case, it actually IMPROVED insulin sensitivity.

>> No.18098821

Look up Walter Kempner if you're curious. The benefits of a high carb, low cat diet have been studied extensively for nearly a century at this point. Bragging about being ignorant isn't a good trait.

>> No.18098837

Dude just doctered his data. Also I've noticed how you aren't on this diet you always shill

>> No.18098850
File: 392 KB, 1536x1568, You have to eat all the rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look up Walter Kempner if you're curious.

>> No.18098883

>Dude just doctered his data
You...you know it's not just one guy, right? He reported his results in the '50s and there have been literally hundreds of followup studies done since, by many different people, that have confirmed them.

>Also I've noticed how you aren't on this diet you always shill
Schizo much? I've never discussed this topic on /ck/ before and "lots of fruit is actually good for you" is hardly a unique opinion. I don't know who you're imagining I am but my diet is pretty much what I said earlier: fruit and fruit juice, milk, organ meats, white rice or potatoes, coconut oil.

The reason shit like keto gets shilled so hard is because they want you to be sick. I have literally never seen a true high carb low fat diet (fat <10% of caloric intake) mentioned anywhere outside of research papers, all of which agree that it's massively beneficial for every imaginable health marker. It's so beneficial, in fact, that there was a sustained campaign to ruin the public image of "low fat" diets when this was a fad in the '80s' and '90s. But the low fat diets being pushed back then were still in the range of 20-25% of calories from fat, more than double what it should be. Not surprisingly, they didn't do anything and now everyone "remembers" low fat diets as a failed marketing scheme.

So now because you're easily manipulated, you think sugar is bad, carbs are bad, and you're gonna do exactly what will keep you sick for the rest of your life.

>> No.18098889

Kempner was a real one, no doubt. The addendum to that story is that he only had to whip his patients for the beginning of the diet. Once they began to see the results for themselves, they were happy to maintain it. Lots of the data we have about the long term effects of the diet are from those original patients who independently maintained the diet for the rest of their lives.

>> No.18098907

just brush your damn teeth anon

>> No.18098924

Pretty convinces you won't need any testosterone once your penile artery is clogged

>> No.18098942

>no cure
There is virtually nothing the body does to itself that can't be reversed, given the proper conditions.

>> No.18098970

>I've never discussed this topic on /ck/ before
Why lie bro you bring it up randomly all the time and you have the same exact autist posting style. Keep fighting your war against low-carb by trying to trick people into 70% sugar diets though lol

>> No.18099092
File: 30 KB, 446x466, bt8n9rg8t0dlg5qsi4liq3chp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you fucking fatass, more cholesterol =\= more T. You've been listening too much to pic related fat boomer.
also cholesterol from food intake has no effect on blood levels cholesterol as your body will just make less itself but eating dogshit foods like processed meat does raise your blood cholesterol and that's the shit that fucks you over.
god I hate fatties like you that try to justify their gluttony

>> No.18099128

>The reason shit like keto gets shilled so hard is because they want you to be sick. I have literally never seen a true high carb low fat diet (fat <10% of caloric intake) mentioned anywhere outside of research papers, all of which agree that it's massively beneficial for every imaginable health marker.
This is some next level trolling, bravo.

>> No.18099259

nattokinase is awesome. also allicin (the chemical produced when garlic reacts with air) reduces cholesterol

so basically, eat a smashed clove of garlic every few days. let it sit for 15-45 minutes to let the allicin develop. literally a miracle cure

fasting. autophagy supposedly helps get rid of it. autophagy kicks in around 30 hours into a water fast.

>> No.18099269
