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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18081539 No.18081539 [Reply] [Original]

Are premium ice cream pints a scam? Is it just fancy packaging?

>> No.18081544

The Great Value brand from walmart actually has decent ice cream. And it is cheap as hell.

>> No.18081547 [DELETED] 

What a stupid worthless thread. You must have absolutely no interesting or meaningful or creative or funny things to say?

No. The number one thing inside your head is "does fancy ice cream cost more cuz better??"

Like holy fuck I know the public education system doesn't work and only wants brainless mixed race retards but fuck me you people aren't even human anymore.

>> No.18081548

What makes it premium

>> No.18081551

Isn't cheaper ice-cream packed with sawdust or some shit

>> No.18081557

I know Ben & Jerry's doesn't use air to fluff it up, which gives you effectively more ice cream in a pint.

>> No.18081565 [DELETED] 

Ben and Jerry's ingredient list contains added water you dumb nigger they're the worst offender.

>> No.18081614

it has corn syrup not real sugar

>> No.18081629

So what makes an ice cream premium

>> No.18081631

Jenis and van leeuwin are both excellent ice creams. Get one as a treat and you'll see.

>> No.18081720

u mad lol

>> No.18081731

jeni's is great man would recommend. not just a scam it's noticeably better

>> No.18081736

I dunno how ice cream manufacturers got away with being allowed by the FDA to not label their products with a net weight, my guess is some sort of fucking lobbying, since almost every other food product it is a legal requirement.

That being said, the weight of an ice cream product is the best indicator of quality and value. Next time you're at a grocery, check the weight of a pint of Haagen Daaz against a half-gallon of something like Breyers; they are almost the same, the cheap crap is whipped full of air.

>> No.18081738

cheap ice cream is not ice cream, it's vegetable oil based dessert
real ice cream is made with cream, from a cow and that makes it more expensive

>> No.18081744

The FDA is weird, but in order to call your product "ice cream" it has to have a specific ratio of cream and air
Ben and Jerry's is "premium" because the amount of air whipped in is low
You get "walmart" brand ice cream, the FDA might not even consider it ice cream if it doesn't have enough fat or has too much air

What's crazy is that people are getting mad about buying ice cream when you could easily just make it yourself

>> No.18081755

ohhhhh ouugghhhhh im crankin my hog ahhhhh open up lil boy here it comes

>> No.18081772

The heavier it is, the better. 95% of everything on food packaging is meaningless, unregulated marketing bullshit, and ice cream is no exception. Look at the ingredient list. It should have cream, milk, sugar, egg, salt. If you see water or a bunch of chemicals with names you can't pronounce, buy something else.

The weight test wins every time. A good brand to buy is Häagen-Dazs.

>> No.18081773
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Are you talking about premium ice cream or expensive? The terms “Premium Ice Crean” and “super premium ice cream”, in the US, are USDA protected terms, and mandate minimum milk fat contents and quality of ingredients, and absolutely worth the extra cost. Costco has a Kirkland branded super-premium vanilla ice cream that’s the best on the market.

There’s also fancy packaging expensive ice cream, and that’s not worth the extra cost. So what you have pictured is a retards’ purchase. I live in the US, so can only speak on USDA terms.

>> No.18081783

The Kirkland ice cream is exceptional indeed. Another good indicator that you've bought shit ice cream is if you can scoop it right after taking it out of the freezer. Over the years people have gone complacent and used to paying for more air than ice cream. Sad.

>> No.18081807

how does Costco do it? They're too based

>> No.18081819

Have you looked at the B&J pints lately? They’re no longer a premium ice cream. They just say “ice cream” now instead of “super premium ice cream”, proving a significant quality drop. All of these are USDA defined terms, and actually mean something. Like how beef is rated “prime”, “choice”, or “select”.

>> No.18081890
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Usually they just take the extra ice cream the other companies make and rebrand it.
Made with milk, cream and sugar. Sane as the premium brands. Probably less cream to save on cost.

>> No.18081900

>gums and thickeners
Dropped. Shit quality. Just buy Häagen-Dazs.

>> No.18081901

Basically this.
>Is X a scam?
>Is X a meme?
Zoomers are beyond retarded. Literally don’t know how to form an opinion without it being fed to them by internet randos.

>> No.18081902

More cream at a higher quality. That's pretty much the only determining factor in ice cream quality. Also natural flavors and ingredients, however this may or may not actually produce a better tasting product.

>> No.18081910

You are correct. But if you are on a budget the cheapest brands are hardly different from, say, a Breyers or a Turkey Hill.
There is a steep quality curve from the bottom and mid range creameries to the premiums.

>> No.18082002

They don't make real ice cream anymore. You cannot buy it anywhere.

I don't care what anyone else says, I don't care what the ingredients on the label says. It's not ice cream. It's weird, it's foamy, it's strange. It doesn't taste or even feel like ice cream anymore. They've done something sneaky to save money and it's changed the product into something else.

If you want ice cream, you have to make it yourself, and who has time for that?

>> No.18082108

Not all, but there are definitely imitators that want to appear comparable to brands like Jeni's, but just repackage their shit tier ice cream into a fancy container.

>> No.18082182

I use corn syrup in my homemade ice cream. It keeps it from turning into a brick in the freezer. Along with extra fat and less white sugar

>> No.18082195

I got the Milkbar ice cream and it tastes like shit compared to the one at the stores. They sold out

>> No.18082229

Some brands are good but still a scam unless they're on sale. Some brands are do weird shit just to stand out.
Avoid any ice cream that has cake stuffed in it because that's a waste of goddamn space and you're paying for less ice cream overall.
Or the avocado brand.
Oddly enough the one brand that makes chocolate ice cream with olive oil is actually pretty good, creamier and richer than a normal chocolate but not dense and not overwhelmingly like B&J chocolate ice cream.

Not bad. I recommend their dark chocolate and their fruit-sangria sorbet. The rest of their flavors are range from just a premium vanilla to what the fuck is this shit.
Salted caramel is good but I wouldn't recommend going out of your way for it. Their ice cream parlors are a bit overpriced but not worse than a B&J.
>Van Leeuwen
Range from actually good shit to why the fuck would you make this. Their limited/specialty items range from really good to why. Their ice cream parlors are straight up overpriced and buying their pints online or in their store is double than what most stores charge for their exact same pints. Flipside is variety.
Not as interesting as some of the other brands and WAY too fucking expensive, but I recommend checking out their ice cream sandwiches if you can get them on sale. Good cookies, decent ice cream, fucking huge sandwiches at that considering the sizes most brands go for.
Decent but overpriced for what you get.
Kinda tacky but nice size and creamy.
>Nanny's Fancy
I had their chocolate. More like an edible ganache.
Basically the gelato counterpart to B&J.
Decent sized ice cream/frozen yogurt bars. I don't get it often but they're good.

>> No.18082249

Making your own high-quality ice cream/crème glacée/gelato/etc. is not exactly a time-intensive process, you just need some equipment.

>> No.18082250

Ice cream is categorized by percentage of milk fat. Premium ice cream requires a certain percentage of milk fat.

>> No.18082270

I was hoping to be able to make fun of this poster, but it's absolutely correct. Every other thread on this board is "is X a maymay?" How insecure are you faggots in forming your own opinions that you need to ask anonymous retards on a cooking board to develop them for you?

>> No.18082269

okay grandpa

>> No.18082327


>> No.18082448

yeah usda my bad

but like the other anon said, just compare it to other "super premium" ice creams to see if it's actually tons of air or not

>> No.18082491

All ganache is supposed to be edible, you stupid fuck.

>> No.18082713

it's really not that expensive when you consider a tiny single serving of custard at Culver's is $3 and change. a pint of Jeni's is like $8 or 9? big deal. if you like it, it's worth it. and unless you're a fat fuck, you're not eating more than 1 or 2 pints a month, at most, so it's an insignificant sum of money. i like jeni's but i'm not always in the mood for all that extra shit. half the time I just grab a vanilla bean HD, especially if HD is on sale for 2 for $5 or 2 for $6

my fav jeni's is the goat cheese and cherry but i rarely see it in grocery stores.

>> No.18082730

Jeni's is great but the only flavors I see locally are their boring ass bumbleberry crisp and the two chocolate ones. I think chocolate ice cream is gross in general and the bumbleberry is meh

>> No.18082737

Best way to tell if ice cream is good is usually just to see how much fat it has per serving. More fat = better.

>> No.18082748
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A pint of Kroger brand is like a buck fifty and a pint of Kroger Private Selection is two fiddy.
And they taste as good as the on-brand stuff which is expensive because of the name and marketing.
Do you think Jimmy Fallon or Phish pay to have their own B&J? They get a check for their likenesses and the consumer pays that check.

>> No.18082767 [DELETED] 

Not sure if they're available outside of Northern CA but it's the best ice cream money will buy, only base flavors none of that B&J queer shit. Their Egg Nogg is also god like, buy a quart when the holidays come around.

>> No.18082770
File: 14 KB, 225x225, strausvan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if they're available outside of Northern CA but it's the best ice cream money will buy, only base flavors none of that B&J queer shit. Their Egg Nogg is also god like, buy a quart when the holidays come around.

>> No.18082825

I said it wrong because I was half awake but what I meant was that it felt like I was eating ganache on its own which was weird.

>> No.18082832

Do you have autism? They obviously meant it's like eating straight ganache which is gross and weird.

>> No.18082880

Why the hell does chocolate ice-cream contain so much possible allergens?
What the hell is happeninging in that factory line?
That alone makes me concerned about contamination.

>> No.18082933

The quality of ice cream is determined by the quality of the ingredients, not by simple variables like fat percentage. You could dissolve cheap skim milk powder into water, emulsify in some butterfat and call that premium ice cream. Then add 0.01% vanilla bean and a lot of synthetic vanillin and you can call it "Real Organic Bourbon Vanilla Super Premium Ice Cream", despite the fact that it just tastes like synthetic vanillin and poor quality milk powder.

The only true test of quality is taste. But if you must judge ice cream by its label, I think the most important metric is the density, i.e. grams per liter, denser being usually better. But I think there's such a thing as too dense as well, you want some air. You can't really min-max ice cream. Same goes for fat. Higher fat correlates with quality to some degree, but the best ice creams I've had have been around 12-14% fat. There's a balance to everything.

Also the presence of stabilizers in the label doesn't mean anything. Both high and low quality ice creams typically have stabilizers. The relevant question is how much, but you can't tell the amounts from the label. The dose makes the poison. Quality ice creams use stabilizers to perfect the texture, bad ones make theirs into a gummy mess to cut costs.

>> No.18083029

...they make all kinds of flavors bro.... Or did you think they had a separate factory for each flavor?

>> No.18083042
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For me it’s Graeter’s. Anyone who spells their name jenni is an assured radical leftist.

>> No.18083218

Based Ohio Chad.

>> No.18083300
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I think Blue Bell is the equivalent in my region.

>> No.18083312

Hmm banana is such an underrated ice cream flavor

>> No.18083324

Bluebell is god-tier in every region

>> No.18083331
File: 110 KB, 1152x864, rum-raisin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Bell is A OK but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin is the official ice cream of /ck/.

>> No.18083354

HD is overrated

>> No.18083364

it depends on whether you think it is worth the price or not.

>> No.18083667

I thought feral black people were licking blue bell tubs, did that die down?

>> No.18083673

No you're just a dumb nigger

>> No.18083773


>> No.18083812

Jeni's is nice because they have a lot of off the trail flavors.
But when it comes to regular flavors, you do get a better product compared to the more mainstream brands. But it's up to you if you think it's worth it.
If you look at the weight/volume comparisons. Premium ice cream is likely to be heavier per pint and be less grainy.

>> No.18083823

It was a couple videos. They picked Blue Bell because they know it is the only ice cream White people will touch.

Ya ya, whatever. They shut down their entire production for a long ass time, cleaned up and completely re-vamped their entire line.
The reason they had a listeria outbreak in the first place is because they have been in business so long and didn't want to modernize and change their product from what people love. I respect them for that. But i also respect them for getting the job done right and taking a hit to their financials to really kick things back into gear the right way.
They came back big as ever. I remember the day they relaunched we drove from Missouri to Texas to pick up a container of the vanilla. We put it on dry ice and drove it back up so we could all enjoy it as a family.
Their reputation hasn't suffered among the people who grew up eating it.

>> No.18083826

seriously bros, ice cream machine. It's very easy to make.

>> No.18083832

>yfw Jeni's is an Ohio brand

>> No.18083836

Okay but where do you source ingredients from?

>> No.18083846
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Opinion discarded

>> No.18083851
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Made ice cream last week.
Came out great
I used 75% dextrose:25% sugar. Came out very soft compared to 100% sugar. I could easily scoop it straight out the freezer.
Dextrose is also less sweet per gram than sugar, so the matcha flavor came out well.
Kinda wish I had a better ice cream maker, but I feel like I'd get buyer's remorse if I went through with it.

>> No.18083852

I combined Jeni's and Kirkland in a bowl to stretch the expensive pint further. The contrast made it obvious how high quality the vanilla in Jeni's is, while Kirkland has a stronger dairy flavor. They both had smooth creamy texture. Jeni's is worth it for the extra things they add. Too expensive to eat regularly but it's ice cream, you shouldn't anyways.

>> No.18083870

Cool. Where do you get dextrose? I've seen it called "brewer's sugar" that seems to have lower prices than "dextrose powder"

>> No.18083871

How many times have you asked this bro? Are you okay?

>> No.18083878

I searched around locally and couldn't find any so I just bought it on amazon.

>> No.18083880
File: 184 KB, 1600x1600, 0A868CE7-8A60-4A5A-8960-6AAE5824089B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A good brand to buy is Häagen-Dazs.
Funny you mention them because Häagen-Dazs has been recalled in my country *twice* now just this month (Singapore) and it isn’t just us either. Some shit about it containing a banned pesticide. What’s /ck/‘s opinion this? Also my vanilla ice cream of choice is Pols Vanilla Ice Cream (picrel); rarely see them mentioned here but I find that it has the perfect balance of creaminess and flavour though it can be quite a pain in the ass to find.

>> No.18083887

Oh. Forgot to mention I searched specifically for dextrose powder.
It has a pic of some chef chick on the front of it.

>> No.18083895

Blue bell is fucking dreck. Artifical ingredients that are obvious to the taste.

>> No.18083909

Sounds like that Modernist Pantry brand. I wanted to get some to make a wash for improving steak searing since it's the specific sugar naturally in meat.

>> No.18083910

A quart of the GV brand is literally less than 2.50 right now. It's pretty nice.

>> No.18083913

I’m inclined to say a scam but Cherry Garcia is a personal crutch of mine

>> No.18083924

Haagen-Dazs is good but I'm not paying almost 5 dollars for a single pint of ice cream. The only time I had it was when a bunch of them went out of season at my grocery store and they were selling them for a buck a pint. The peanut butter chocolate and coffee flavors were like sex in your mouth.

>> No.18084023

Jeni's is probably the best ice cream you can normally find in a store. It is very expensive but worth it for sure. Side note Baskin Robbins has a salted vanilla ice cream flavor that is ridiculously good.

>> No.18084071

Thats not even the best ice cream at the country store in my town in rural West Virginia.

>> No.18084209

>doenst use air to fluff it up
>when ice cream is literally always 90% air
lol imagine believing this dogshit

>> No.18084215

Based keep it secret so no one can call out the corn syrup slop you like

>> No.18084301
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>Are premium ice cream pints a scam?

Some are. And selling by the pint allows sales to people who are grazing flavors. These consumers just want something new all the time as if they have ADHD with regards to ice cream flavors.

LBGTQ+ PRIDE ice cream flavor at walmart

>> No.18086018

I buy breyers for the texture though, there's more to life than calories per dollar

>> No.18086125
File: 36 KB, 366x332, gelato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice cream needs to be freshly made. it doesn't store longer because it's frozen.

prefab ice cream is a scam, it's stuffed with all sorts of garbage that keeps it smooth but ruins taste. And there's nothing "premium" about the "premium prefab".

Premium ice cream is made with premium milk - that's milk from May (lowlands, near the oceans) to July (mountains), when biodiversity is at its highest, northern hemisphere of course. Combined with flavours that peak near premium milk season. You want unrefined cane sugar, strawberries grown in actual soil, independent chocolate farmers (even though big corps like Valhrona or Callebaut buy any farmland they want, aka the best there is, but fuck 'em) and Tahaa vanilla (which isn't actual vanilla, it's way better).

The most important ingredient is your milk. That's 90% of your ice cream. Just as water is the most important ingredient in beer. Premium beer is made with premium water.

>> No.18086245

>The best ice cream is seasonal and ridiculously expensive.
This is as much a scam.

>> No.18086574

Not him, but he's right that high quality ice cream made fresh by artisans is way better than long term frozen stuff.

>> No.18086582

This ice cream is easily the best ice cream the common man can buy.

>> No.18086584

Breyers is basically the main brand we buy in my house
Though I've started getting less ice cream now that I've started making my own

>> No.18086596

inferior to blue bell

>> No.18086702

It's hella good, but I wish it didn't come in two pack. It's way too much fucking ice cream.

>> No.18088154

Some are probably. I just make sure to read the ingredients and all it should have is milk/cream, sugar, egg and flavorings. I just get the Sprouts house brand

Real ice cream is a superfood

>> No.18088194

It shouldn't have egg unless you're buying custard. This is the truth.

>> No.18088204

jeni's is better than any other ice cream i have ever had

however, most of the available flavors are not my favorite. the cream puff is the best ice cream of all time, but seemingly only available at target now.

>> No.18088205

Yeah at least with blue bell you get your daily dose of high fructose corn syrup. Yum!

>> No.18088241

don't forget when they killed a bunch of people by negligence

>> No.18088257

Used to work for Tillamook always loved their stuff and still do look at their ingredients and read the label compared to the premium trash going 10 dollars for a pint

>> No.18088269

>premium trash

>> No.18088293
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>look at their ingredients and read the label compared to the premium trash going 10 dollars for a pint

Uh what am I supposed to make of this?

>> No.18088304

what would you expect from a person who worked at an ice cream factory, really

>> No.18088404
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It's sad. Tillamook used to read like HD, "cream, milk, sugar, eggs, flavorings" and now that shit is as bad as any other non-HD brand.

>> No.18088413

>premium water
ok you got me, I didn't realize you're trolling until the last sentence KEKW
aka the entire thing is just a chemical mix made in some gay science lab
what fucking flavorings? vanilla flavor? chocolate flavor? why not put actual vanilla extract and chocolate in there you fucking niggers? is it that hard?

>> No.18088422

That's what I meant by flavorings, just easier to generalize. Now it's some chemical cocktail. Not sure when Tillamook sold out.

>> No.18088429

Bros I’m lactose intolerant. How can I enjoy ice cream? Any non dairy recommendations?

>> No.18088434


>> No.18088463

The oat milk ones are apparently okay but I refuse to get them lol

>> No.18088631

bro if you're gonna let some farts stop you from eating ice cream you're a disgrace

>> No.18089206

They were making a batch of a special flavor and the plant exploded due to negligence. Over forty employees got coated with molten gummy bear goo and were killed.

>> No.18090759

Yeah, Target always has a good selection of Jeni’s but I live a couple too many miles away from Target to buy ice cream from there.

>> No.18090761

Why would anyone outside of a lard ass need to buy more than a pint of ice cream at a time?

>> No.18090766

I go back and forth between Jeni’s and HD vanilla bean. HD vanilla bean is probably my favorite just because it’s so classic.

>> No.18090857

because one big factory in whofuckingknowswhere is making all the icecream and dust particals from the peanut butter is floating into the giant 1000 gallon chocolate mixer which then drips over onto the coconut shavings that get carried by the fans into the walnut crusher that then blows into the various containers of flour constantly being moved back and forth.

>> No.18090870

companies now put plastic safety seals over their ice cream now in 'black people' areas.

>> No.18090914

I don't understand ice cream snobs that hate overrun. Overrun makes ice cream better

>> No.18091377


>> No.18091403

you can make soft serve sorta ice cream with an egg beater and its p good

>> No.18091425

I literally just went to the store to buy some vanilla ice cream. I was going to buy the Graeter's vanilla bean but it had additional crap in it compared to the Haagen Dazs vanilla bean, which is only like five basic ingredients. HD was also on sale 2 for $6. And it is spectacular.

>> No.18091431

HD Rum Raisin is currently unavail at all grocery stores within like a 30 mile radius of me. wtf

>> No.18091686

make your own ice cream if you want something better

>> No.18091699

I find that it's often bot worth the extra money where I am from (Sweden), but often worth the extra dough where I live (California).

Ben and jerrys, hägen daz and the likes are all shit. van Leuwen is nice.

Not sure exactly what you mean by "premium", but there you are.

>> No.18091721


>> No.18091727

the magnum pints are nice with that chocolate shell top

>> No.18091741
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It takes me less than an hour to make a couple pints and the machine is $90. With my base recipe for frozen vanilla custard and recipes online for any variant on it, I can make pretty much anything, and it's a million times better than anything else because I don't have to worry about shipping, long-term storage or any of the other concerns commercial manufacturers have that always force them to take shortcuts.

>> No.18091859

haagenchads rise up

>> No.18091927
File: 502 KB, 1145x1125, 1646069436755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correctly calls out gums and thickeners
>recommends Häagen-Dazs, an American ice cream brand that has fake European sounding words for a name
C'mon anon...

>> No.18092057
File: 126 KB, 720x514, tjoescookiebuttericecream01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trader joes ice cream is legit

>> No.18092097

Better a fake name than the ice cream itself.

>> No.18092103

So more cream is better huh? Some fag on here was telling me how you cant make good ice cream with an ice bucket maker, and that my recipe having 1 pint of cream for a gallon was just using the cream to cover up the bad texture

>> No.18092245
File: 118 KB, 903x833, mcmcmaondanaldalals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if its just a california thing but McConnell's is by far the best ice cream ive ever had. I've had Jeni's, blue bell, nancy's fancy, coolhaus, its all the same shit.
its just well made ice cream, no gay flavors, no gay packaging

>> No.18092253

who cares what their name sounds like, its the only decent worldwide brand

>> No.18092272

>sea salt cream
>just salted caramel

>> No.18092884

lactaid tabs, man.

>> No.18092895

I had that. It was okay, but I just hate fruit in ice cream.

>> No.18092904
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"premium" is a marketing scheme where they charge a good percentage more than average market price (like 20-25%) for a product and supposedly in turn the consumer gets a better product