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18075264 No.18075264 [Reply] [Original]

How far have you ever taken a complaint at a restaurant? I'll start.

>Be at Applebee's
>Order rack of ribs
>They come out charred to a crisp
>Send them back 3 times
>On the 4th time they come back slathered in even more barbecue sauce than I've ever seen
>She was just trying to hide the burnt meat
>Send them back again and ask for the check
>Manager gives comps the bill and a teary eyed waitress gives me a $50 gift card

>> No.18075287
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>Be at Applebee's
enjoy your microwaved goyslop for +$25

>> No.18075302
File: 108 KB, 781x767, AADB2620-D2FE-47F5-A6A5-6A55C31242B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched this chimp out never fails they start twerking

>> No.18075308

I DIDNT enjoy it. Did you even read my story?

>> No.18075310

Economically there is no good reason that extra sauces should incur a charge. Socially, it's just another way for yt people to keep black folks on the plantation slaving away.

>> No.18075318

God I wish they would work instead of fuck up the western world

>> No.18075327

lmao how do you guys find this shit

>> No.18075329

nope you get to be told how wonderful they are while they tear down everything around you

>> No.18075341
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Why didn't he just give them the sauce? Surely his boss would rather give away $3 of free sauce than have the computers and register destroyed among other things?

>> No.18075390

they should just walk around threatening people to get everything free?

>> No.18075408

Is it better to have all this destruction? Even if they are jailed, the damage is done. Blows my mind how you Amerilards can't think logically.

>> No.18075424 [DELETED] 

The destruction of society for the brief moment where you can spite a nigger is worth it

>> No.18075426

get used to it..

>> No.18075441

Probably 'tism. What you do in this situation is
>gimme dat
>no, that costs money
>no, that costs money
>hold on lemme see what I can do
It's not your job to move heaven and earth to protect the bottom line, that's what insurance is for. It's also why you're not supposed to tackle active shooters when they start shooting up your business, just get the fuck out.

>> No.18075444 [DELETED] 

Yes it is, because if you are in a stand your ground state then you can just shoot that nigger and do the world a justice.

>> No.18075658

I do enjoy me some mighty fine goyslop if I do say so myself

>> No.18075695

>>Manager gives comps the bill and a teary eyed waitress gives me a $50 gift card
i dont understand why did she do that? was she sad or happy?

>> No.18075730

>at whitespot (Canadian 5guys but with a full diner menu)
>order mac n cheese
>it tastes completely vile
>waitress doesn't believe me, have to argue for 10 minutes to get her to try it
>she eats one fork full and immediately shuts up and agrees to strike it from the bill

>> No.18075763

>At some stupid Irish themed restaurant/pub
>Order salmon medium with vegetables
>Salmon comes out raw, I let the waiter know
>Hear the waiter unloading on the kitchen even from the dining room
>Asked if I want replacement, at that time I was irritated so I said check was fine.
>the vegetables were actually fine. Restaurant took salmon off the bill.
>Never went back to that place again but realize mistakes can happen

>> No.18076288

okay I’m with her it’s insane how restaurants charge you extra for every little thing now

>> No.18076292
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>> No.18076299

I don't complain, I just never come back.

>> No.18076306

>ywn be taytays sex slave
Why live

>> No.18076307 [DELETED] 

cause normal people don't expect that the result of not giving shit for free will be a beating and wanton destruction you nigger ape subhuman

>> No.18076337

>chimp out
>All of a sudden they're not black according to commentators
Sure is wild and convenient

>> No.18076364

It's worked for them so far

>> No.18076389
File: 176 KB, 2134x570, Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 3.25.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call Buffalo Wild Wings to see if they're showing the Canelo vs GGG boxing pay-per-view event
>We don't show boxing but I think the Buffalo Wild Wings in Apple Valley does
>Call Apple Valley
>Yeah we're showing it
>Drive 30 minutes
>Order food
>PPV time arrives
>no PPV
>ask bartender what's going on
>bartender laughs and says they don't show boxing PPVs then blames the girls that answer the phone
>He tells me I still have to pay for my food
>pay the bill but mad as fuck
>email the next day to complain
>manager sends back a shitty email
>he can't even spell pay-per-view correctly (pic related)
>get even madder
>File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
>Figured even BBB complaint didn't result in refund it would be a giant pain in the ass for the manager at Buffalo Wild Wings to deal with
>they sent me gift certificates in the mail
Fuck Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.18076392

Yes, we should reward them with free stuff because the immediate jump after refusing them is assault and vandalism.

>> No.18076394

I've never had an order even close to bad enough that I would have complained.

>> No.18076396

You sound retarded.

>> No.18076400

How so?

>> No.18076429

I wouldn't give them anything for free just for the chance that they would chimp out, get sent to jail and had to pay for the damages and a fine. What do I care about the restaurant if I'm a cashier/burger flipper?

>> No.18076476

>let me fuck you in the ass
Eurotard logic

>> No.18076510

I ordered pizza to pick up and as I was about to pay the cashier said something insulting to me. I said "get fucked" and walked out.
It was so long ago now that I can't remember what she said, but she had this shit eating smug smile that dropped when she realized I wasn't going to take it. I could hear one of the guys saying, "why the fuck did you say that" as I walked out.

>> No.18076514

Why won't you shut the fuck up and give Russia Ukraine then? It's worth about a buck seventy all up.

>> No.18076517

In a real country they'd have their fucking hands cut off.

>> No.18076528
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>all that cope in the comments

>> No.18076660

nigga you could have asked for the link here and streamed it on your phone you fuckin clown

>> No.18076681


>> No.18076690

that's right nigger, get back out there and keep picking ranch packets, my tendies are getting cold!

>> No.18076723

Do you understand how a business works?

>> No.18076736 [DELETED] 

I went to a locally owned sub shop where I guess the sub starts at $5.99. The woman in front of me ordered and then started adding stuff like lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, some banana peppers, you know, basic things. The bitch submaker rings her up and the total is way more than $5.99. Every thing added besides the meat itself was 50 cents extra, which wasn't stated anywhere in the shop. Customer screamed and threw shit around and I simply just understood, and it makes me think twice when I read about chimpouts. Some shops are jew af.

>> No.18076741

This is not the type of situation where you get a refund

Every time you are angry about misinformation or miscommunication , you dont get refund

>> No.18076748

I would unironically start a riot that burned my neighborhood down if it meant I could steal 80 cents from a nig

>> No.18076755

What's the point of chimping out? Just turn around, walk away and never come back like a rational human.

>> No.18076758 [DELETED] 

Considering how much it bothers you, you know what the point is already.

>> No.18076762
File: 233 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a sub shop. This is a place dedicated to Belgian fries, one of several like it in NYC. Their whole business is fries and sauces. Some common sauces, like ketchup, yellow mustard, etc, you get for free. Anything fancier than that, you pay extra. That's how it works at all those places, and unless this was their first time (which I doubt), they knew damn well that's how it worked. They just wanted a freebie.

I have a frites place near me, this is their menu. I'm just glad it's in the Village, where the crowd is a little less rowdy than the LES

>> No.18076763

It would bother me if someone was throwing shit around and screaming near me. That's what children do.

>> No.18076777
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Another version where you can see the free sauces listed

>> No.18076801

Why do retards like you always think the better business bureau is some government run official thing that means something? BBB is just a private company that gives good ratings so long as a business pays their membership fees.

>> No.18076829

625$ for a small
okay i changed my mind I'm with the niggers now

>> No.18076832

>underage yuro has no concept of property insurance
His shit will be replaced, and his insurance company will sue the fuck out of the people who destroyed it.

>> No.18076834

Why do retards like you think that’s actually how the BBB works?
Not everything is a conspiracy, Cletus.

>> No.18076838

Nah he's right on that one also fuck niggers

>> No.18076854

>cooked in high quality gluten free vegerable oil
this should not be a selling point

>> No.18076858

>we niggers would never chimp out like this!

>> No.18076859

When did I say it’s a conspiracy? It’s literally a private company and has no power to force a business to do anything.

>> No.18076871

In a real country every politician would be strung out on the street for doing exactly this to us but with trillions.

>> No.18076882

That's antisemetic bro

>> No.18076900

You get a LOT of fries even with that size. Unlike Five Guys, this place doesn't skimp

>> No.18076904

>gluten free oil
what a bunch of fucking niggers

>> No.18076905

Why does YouTube want to oppress black people?

>> No.18076920

That makes the chimpout even more retarded.

>> No.18076928

It means she got yelled at by her manager for being a bitch, and now in addition to losing her tip she's forced to clean up the mess she caused.

>> No.18076929

some folks have allergies, maximizing your customer base is good business

>> No.18076931

>order a hotel room
>says theres a bathroom
>there isn't one.
>no refund

>> No.18076935

But the waitress didn't do anything? It was the cook who fucked up the order.

>> No.18076936

Part of that hotel room is now a bathroom. Believe you me.

>> No.18076938

>Unlike Five Guys, this place doesn't skimp
This fucking board says the stupidest shit sometimes.

>> No.18076940

What? I went to Five Guys recently and got their "Little Fry" and it was nothing compared to what they used to dump into your bag years ago, and I'm not the only one saying this. They skimp now

>> No.18076948

>They skimp now
Mine got completely loaded and I went there last week.
And your idea of "skimping" is still multiple sizes larger other burger places.

I think you just want an excuse to whine about 5 guys.

>> No.18076955

Anyone have the webm? My office blocks youtube.

>> No.18076956

>And your idea of "skimping" is still multiple sizes larger other burger places.
If only they didn't charge multiple times more (than) other burger places

>> No.18076959

Read the last sentence of my post again.

>> No.18076965

anyway, the original point was that, at the local fries place, you get a good amount in the smallest size

>> No.18076968

>I think you just want an excuse to whine about 5 guys.
what the fuck does this even mean retard? do you think he has some kind of unfair vendetta against five guys and you're here to correct the record?

>> No.18077032


>> No.18077102

what oil has gluten in it, retard?

>> No.18077152

bread oil

>> No.18077200

wheat oil

>> No.18077210

Should have demanded a pic of the waitresses moist asshole

>> No.18077230

Do Americans really not have a consumer rights commission or a trade ombudsman? You're just fucked if a business rips you off?
Truly a capitalist utopia

>> No.18077238


>> No.18077244

Seems like every BWW hires morons primarily. I don't know why but I have more service issues with BWW than any other restaurant. Here's my story: I phoned in an order because the website was down, only to have the cashier FORGET to put the order in. When I showed up, they told me to wait 10 minutes and they'd rush it out to me, and I ended up waiting 30 minutes.

>> No.18077247

What about his story implies he thought BBB was a government agency?

>> No.18077286

>BBB is just a private company that gives good ratings so long as a business pays their membership fees.
The BBB still doesn't like it when people complain about their members.
All of them want credibility. If that grade stops meaning anything, then businesses won't become members.
Which is why complaining to the BBB does work from time to time.

>> No.18077297

>individual with dark skin about to suffer the consequences for attempting to pass off a counterfeit $20 while on a lethal amount of drugs
>dies while being arrested
>other individuals with dark skin led by whites with large noses begin campaign of terror for a year
>some guys who made the mistake of owning a business in the same country as individuals with dark skin gets their lifetime of work and collecting burnt down
>rioting individuals wave the 'insurance will handle it' spell with their wands and forget they're evil tools of TPTB

>> No.18077299

Sounds like you were blinded by the flair and got hosed. Enjoy your goyslop goyim.

>> No.18077301

>blocks youtube
>doesn't block 4chan
WTF dude.

>> No.18077305

I normally don't have issues with BWW.
But the last time I went was hands down one of the worst restaurant experiences I've ever had.

Our waitress got everyone's orders wrong.
She was absent for upwards of 30 minutes
And we almost preferred that she never come back, she because she smelled like someone shit in a diaper then sprayed perfume on it.

She was genuinely the most hideous, out of shape, and revolting creature I've ever had the misfortune of encountering. And she was serving me food.
God fucking hell.

>> No.18077311

First, nogs are unpredictable. Second, the jew who owns the place would have fired him and called his jew friends and gotten the poor guy's family fired from their jobs as well.

>> No.18077315

Never give ground to a pavement ape
it just encourages them to come for more

>> No.18077316

>not supposed to tackle active shooters
No, that's what the 9mm on my hip is for. At the very least it'll buy me time to get to the AT-15 under the counter.

>> No.18077319

Somebody left the sysco bag out too long.

>> No.18077325

wypeepo books are rayssis

>> No.18077328

this shit makes me so angry, a single book there would be worth more than lives of the niggers who burned this place

>> No.18077340

It's the same reason companies will randomly put "gluten free" on shit like sugar, carrots, and dildoes.

>> No.18077371

The hacker known as 4chan is blocked but 4channel.org isn't. ;^)

>> No.18077373 [DELETED] 
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>this shit makes me so angry, a single book there would be worth more than lives of the niggers who burned this place

>> No.18077379

Oh boy these women I tell you

>> No.18077388

Geez anon.
Why do you hate books so much?

>> No.18077394 [DELETED] 

Given that niggers are a negative drain on society (in gibbs and priaon cost) yeah a single book is worth more

>> No.18077413
File: 200 KB, 361x363, 1657213323234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one isn't too crazy but it's the first moment in my life when I realized that burger flippers/minimum wage workers have that connotation behind their jobs for a good reason.

>be sophomore in high school
>at McDonald's with friends, it's pretty late at night, the place is dead besides us
>I go to order, total comes out to something like $6.30
>i hand the cashier (nigger, probably in his 20s) a 10, but I say "hold on I got change in my pocket"
>I've got 30 cents, hell yeah, give him the quarter and nickle as well
>he looks at the 10 dollar bill, then he looks at the 30 cents, and looks back at the register real quick, then proceeds to ignore my 30 cents on the counter and get change for my 10 like my change doesn't exist
>he starts fishing for coins in the register and I try to interrupt him: "hold on man I gave you 30 cents you can just give me 4 bucks back"
>he looks at the register again, then looks at the change in his hand and the 30 cents on the counter, and keeps fishing out change from the register
>keep in mind he hasn't said a single word this entire time
>I try talking to him again "dude just give me 4 bucks back"
>he ignores me again and walks to the back, wtf
>suddenly a fat white manager walks out, even though this was well over 10 years ago, I remember he's bald and he looks super depressed, like he's about to cry at any second
>he walks up to me and I try to explain "so my total was $6.30 and I gave him a 10 and I had change so I ga-
>before I could even finish, he opens the register, takes out $5 bucks and gives it to me, then saunters off
>nobody has said a single word to me besides the nigger cashier telling me my total initially
>later when I was eating I find out they fucked up part of my order and gave me 2 mcchickens instead of 1 mcchicken and 1 mcdouble

>> No.18077414

i never complain in a restaurant even if they bring me the wrong order or it's undercooked/overcooked etc because i worked in the service industry and i don't want to make their lives more difficult

one time i got served a brat with fly larvae in it though. like little tiny eggs or maggots or something. i just returned it and the manager and cook came out to apologize, nbd.

another time in Hanoi a rice wine restaurant tried to overcharge me by about $30-40 (almost 1 million VND) by saying we hadn't paid our bill when we had. like we paid our tab, gave our money to the waiter, and then they came back and said we hadn't paid and tried to gaslight us into paying twice.

>> No.18077433

i at at a london tourist trap restaurant where the waiter ignored us all night, he stood there watching me put in 0 tip and he was annoyed

>> No.18077437 [DELETED] 

>Have to shit
>See a subway
>Go in
>Nigger at the counter stops me
>Tell him I'm gonna shit
>He gets mad
>Shit in bathroom
>He slams on the door
>Keep shitting
>Finish and walk out
>Nigger badgers me to buy something
>He's been on my ass since I literally walked in so I walk out
>He screams that "only paying customers can shit in here"
>Flick him off
>Blow up Subway corporate
>blow up their social media
>Absolute silence

I'm still seething but every bad review for this location is calling this dumbass out and he still works there. He must be blowing the manager

>> No.18077447

>be americans
>have most guns in the world
>never use them, allow apes to do this

If they tried to do that in hueland, it would be a short way to meeting the wrong end of a off-duty policeman's barrel

>> No.18077449

is there any chance you and your melanin enhanced cohorts could co-ordinate a mass exodus back to africa? you know since black excellence and all. i'm sure if you all congregated in one location ie africa where you came from you could all combine your negroiding superpowers to create irl wakanda, no white people around surely means paradise right? what do you mean you won't go?

>> No.18077455

>He tells me I still have to pay for my food
lmao just walk out

>> No.18077492

they ran out of sauce was the issue. They didnt have any thing to give

>> No.18077501

>manager sends back a shitty email
..He was being nice to you in the email wtf are you talking about

>> No.18077528

that doesnt matter kek. You cant bring the same item back 4 times. getting anything comped off your bill will result in the waitress getting killed by the manager too

>> No.18077530
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>> No.18077563
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kek, isnt it well known by opening fire you basically refute all of your human rights for a little while? does wanting to lower crime as a job mean you should get shot and not retaliate?
nvm we're talking about nig nigs here so most certainly they dont want cops to enforce any laws but still retarded

>> No.18077570

I got a job at a hardees (southern fast food place) and its kind of crazy. Managers complaining about cashiers who cant read, new hires cant count to 12. Have to literally collect phones from some of our workers cause they cannot be trusted to work at all if they have it on them People on the breakfast crew are a lot better but the real fucking knuckle draggers come out at night

>> No.18077630

Seems like a good outcome for you

>> No.18077631 [DELETED] 

Fast food restaurants hire the most braindead incompetent niggers you can imagine. Never go to a McDonald's or Wendy's in a black area, because the employees will be the absolute worst of the worst who never wash their hands, clean the coffee machine, or prepare fresh food.

>> No.18077632

I thought yuropoors claimed tipping was just an American thing.

>> No.18077650

because it's not a real quote you spacker

>> No.18077654


>> No.18077790 [DELETED] 

>bend the knee and hand over the sauce
>don't get paid extra for averting chimpout
>possibly get written up for handing out free shit
>niggers' sense of entitlement increases
>literally do nothing, don't hand over the sauce, just step away from the counter
>niggers chimp out and incriminate themselves on camera
>public sentiment turns further against niggers
>(((insurers))) eat cost of damages
literally, not my problem

>> No.18077865

They are right lol, niggers come in many flavors

>> No.18077888

>i went to the outhouse to eat raw shit and had a horrible time
>at least i got my coupons for more free shit

>> No.18077896 [DELETED] 

OP a faggot for not posting links

>> No.18077909

everyone in your story is a faggot. You for ordering salmon from an Irish Pub, the Pub for selling salmon, the chef for fucking it up, but mostly you for not getting some stew with fries or something meaty.

>> No.18077960

even the space shuttle was worth more than a pavement ape

>> No.18077971

>at bojangles, seasoning kept behind counter (early covid, paranoid about contamination)
>ask for extra seasoning on fries
>get food
>basically no seasoning
>go back
>tell them to pour it on
>"fine just tell me when to stop"
>all was well with the world
that's the only time i've really ever complained
it's rare that i actually feel like complaining, the most i'll do is fill out a survey if i get free food in return but i basically never complain to the employees

>> No.18078011

to be fair, many really are that fucking stupid

>> No.18078022

I went there before it burned.
They didn't have manga, so I didn't really care when I heard the news lol.
Funnily enough, of the two comic book loving people I know, one would've be out there throwing molotovs if he wasn't so lazy (he is a black person), and the other was too pussy to call out the riots, even though he fleed to his parent's house when it was happening.
/co/cucks get what they deserve, I guess.

>> No.18078024

Why did her smile drop? Was she gonna have to pay for it or explain why the pizza wasn’t bought to her boss? I never food wagied.

>> No.18078027

I have done this more times than id like to admit at places like Applebee's and tgif. I order drinks, apps, dessert. Then just get up and leave

>> No.18078203

gluten oil

>> No.18078214

I never thought the BBB was some sort of government agency. How a BBB complaint works:

1. person files one
2. business has to respond to it or they get a bad rating
3. Responding to the complaint is a time consuming nusiance
4. BBB decides whether business's response was reasonable and can base their business's grade on that.
5. BBB complaints aren't legally binding or anything, but most businesses are almost irrationally worried about getting a bad grade from the BBB so they usually play ball

>> No.18078220

It wasn't a comic book store. It was a sci-fi and fantasy bookstore that had some comic books.

>> No.18078234

>> Police arrested the three women — Pearl Ozoria, 27, of Manhattan, Chitara Plasencia, 25, of Brooklyn

Thunder, thunder, Thundercats!

>> No.18078236

>beaches, toronto
>the goof restaurant
>waitress brings out my plate and there is a 2ft long black hair in my food
>I flag her down after I find it
>dont make a big deal, but ask if I could have a fresh plate without hair
>she goes into the back
>15 minutes later
>comes back with same plate
>its now covered in sauce
>its cold

kek I don't even care, you literally expect it from that place. I haven't been back to toronto in many years so I'd be wicked surprised if they were still open.

>> No.18078239

New York City famously banned handguns decades ago so people there are unable to stop criminals

>> No.18078258 [DELETED] 



>> No.18078265

You can't legally shoot people for that anywhere in the country you bozo

>> No.18078266

who cares? it's an easy way to tell celiacs that this stuff is ok to eat. also, "retard"? are you 10?

>> No.18078272

That chain is a dysfunctional it makes Applebee's look like a model operation.

>> No.18078276
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>> No.18078279

>>Be at Applebee's
There's your first mistake.

>Order rack of ribs
I haven't been to Applebees in years, but aren't they a microwave restaurant?

>> No.18078346

>gluten free vegerable oil
Since gluten is a protein found in wheat, I'd be really surprised if any veg oil had gluten.
Might as well advertise gluten-free corn chips, wine or gasoline.

>> No.18078376

>gluten-free corn chips
ive seen this

>> No.18078391
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>>gluten-free corn chips
>ive seen this
My point is companies stick "gluten free" on anything in the hope of making it sound healthier.
ALL corn chips are gluten free.

>> No.18078395


>> No.18078514


Well I think they do that for people who actually have gluten intolerance, they assume at this point chips are off the table (which it shouldn't be since it's fucking potatoes) so the gluten free lets them know it's safe, but it's also a stupid fad for the health nuts out there whatever I'm gonna go buy some cheezits

>> No.18078563

>be 18 year old idiot that gets wendys nuggets everyday
>always get honey
>am told one day they dont have honey
>lying fuck said they have never had honey
>call him out on his bullshit, I get nugs and honey daily
>they get uppity and insist they have never served honey
>I leave the drive through and go inside and proceed to have a nigger moment and tell the dumb fuck I'm gonna jump over the counter and beat the shit out of him
>he then produces the honey that he claims they never had

Wendys apparently had stopped serving honey but why did the stupid asshole lie about it and claim they never did?

>> No.18078603

Sadly there are people like this.

>> No.18078638

>try longhorn once on girlfriends parents treat
>like it (ordered the cheapest thing of course)
>we break up
>next year my aunt wants to take me to dinner (she's hot) for my birthday
>go to longhorn again
>order chili spicy and steak rare
>chili has 3 pickled jalapenos placed on top and fucking cheese what the fuck
>eat it anyway
>steak is well when i cut into it
>ask waitress if i can please get one cooked rare
>sir we are unable to cook things less than medium for health reasons
i was only 16 and was uncomfortable and non-confrontational in the first place, it was a big deal to me to even complain then
>year or so later
>at spotos steak joint
>order caesar salad
>they bring me all the ingredients and a whole head of romaine
>apparently i have to put my salad together myself
>order rum and coke
>they only have jack and pepsi
>tolerate it
didn't work in a restaurant until 10 years later but I did everything I could, including arguing with my boss and cooks, about customer complaints. i even had to pay for some customers during that time, but it was tolerable because my regulars tipped extremely well because of my service.

>> No.18078641 [DELETED] 


Those who are not caucasian are not people. They are literally a subspecies.

>> No.18078645

Why, again, is this sort of talk allowed in /ck/? Mods?

>> No.18078662

Ordered some chicken kabobs at some place and half of the chicken was still raw so I let the order go back and didn't have to pay
Got a free dessert as a sorry so that was nice

I dont think I have ever had a complaint that goes further than "This isn't how I ordered it" and I always either got a compensation meal or they re-did my order

>> No.18078663

racism is banned on all boards, but you only get banned for saying "chink food"
i'm still bitter about it

>> No.18078667 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1200x689, EXNb-HjXQAIJQ3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you allowed here chump? What I said is true.

>> No.18078671

If you’re actually intolerant of a food and you’ve never researched what you can and can’t eat then you deserve to have a stunted diet.

>> No.18078674

Just report him for racism if its bothering you, jannies are pretty alright on deleting the posts

>> No.18078676 [DELETED] 

>implying what I said was racist.

You are pretty slow and anger easily kiddo.

>> No.18078677 [DELETED] 

>Ozoria allegedly punched the cop arresting her in the face and was slapped with additional charges of assault of a police officer, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.

Plasencia and Johnson were each also charged with criminal possession of a weapon.

I hate niggers so much its unreal

>> No.18078679

no sir i agree with you, i was the one you replied to initially. it was another anon who replied

>> No.18078686 [DELETED] 

>we literally allow dangerous animals to live side by side with us

Sad. Put them in chains.

>> No.18078728


hell yeah, I just ate my cheezits and I am upvoting this post!!!

>> No.18078734

this is the only board ive been banned from and it was for racism everytime except the time I told a furfag to yiff in hell so I can assume the mod of /ck/ is a furfag.

>> No.18078752

>hurt wanting to know what might kill you is dumb, the packaging should tell me that my milk allergy will be affected by milk
You dumb stupid dopey retard, cocksucking fuckpuppet

>> No.18078771
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>> No.18078780

I'm Australian and as I was growing up I was told that the staff would spit in your food if you asked them to cook it again so I've never in my entire life considered complaining

>> No.18079064
File: 32 KB, 683x683, 1648163861233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy some "corn" chips
>find out the manufacturer has, in the last 6 months, changed their recipe from "Corn, Corn Oil, Salt" to "Corn, Enriched Wheat Flour, Refined Soybean Oil, Salt" to save $0.0003 cents per bag in production costs
Oh you're some proper Based lad, your phone just ringing OFF THE HOOK from The Based Department, and you trust the jews to label their products true-to-form. Vaffangoo, you big Guinea cocksuckah.

>> No.18079074
File: 109 KB, 900x675, DmscXtfX4AEoEXa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga eatin snackoos

>> No.18079077


>> No.18079101


If the fryers are shared and things that are battered/breaded are cooked in them it can cross contaminate other items on the menu......got a fryer full of glutened oil. Chick Fil A uses dedicated fryers for their potatoes just for that reason alone.

I don't see how fucking hard that is to understand.

>> No.18079105
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>> No.18079121

The heat of the gluten fries the oil.

>> No.18079135

Correct. One of the things that is expected of servers(even though they often fuck this up) is QA. If i pick up a steak that i KNOW is supposed to be rare and it's burn to a crisp, you can guarantee i am going to tell whichever asshole is in the back tonight to remake it because i'm not presenting it to our customer

>> No.18079152

If only this artist was still funny.

>> No.18079163

Yeah the manager is basically apologizing for the retard who answered the phone yessing you until you hung up.

>> No.18079203

>I was 16
>year or so later order a rum and coke
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.18079209

Thank god I'm moving out of LES. UES here I come.

>> No.18079215

Not a ton of food up there though

>> No.18079224

No, at least I'll have a doorman to prevent fucking losers from breaking into apartment lobby every night and stealing shit.

>> No.18079236

The only time I can remember was when they forgot to add vinegar to the hot and sour soup. I mentioned it to the waiter and they brought me another bowl.
That was it, not very exciting.

>> No.18079244

i mean, fuck these cunts
but also:
extra sauce for $1.75? absolutely go fuck yourself, you deserve this shit hurling ape response.

>> No.18079304

I hear you there, I live in a non-doorman building in the WV and I see people’s packages fucked with all the time

>> No.18079484

The story didn’t end with you stuffing your aunt so you can fuck the fuck right off and neck yourself for wasting my time you dud

>> No.18079499

I hate you 'well everyting murican bad' europoors that give us a bad name. im european and dont like lots of parts of america but not all of them an i can see them hating us especially here when others just fucking 'waah murican do thing!! iz bad!!'
stfu and stop giving us a bad name and immediately say anything bad an american does is to do with being american

tldr america still bad but stfu, not every american has soft fast food cheese for blood

>> No.18079510

I've only ever complained once regarding anything edible I've ever ordered. It was when I ordered a soco and there were a dozen dead fruit flies floating in it.

>> No.18079918

there were free sauce options, like mayo, ketchup, hot sauce, etc.
bitch was probably asking for a free serving of the truffle oil

>> No.18080630

they should have thrown lots of the sauce she wanted on her, while she destroyed their property, she has white clothes, it would be too amusing

>> No.18080649

they deserve it for their retarded menu, retarded font on the menu and retarded use of a triangle to deceive the user as to the size of the serving.

>> No.18080825

I'm sure she would have loved that, considering how much of a bitch she was

>> No.18080941

I've only ever had one complaint at a restaurant and it was because I got food
poisoning. The waitress was really nice about it and offered to get me a free
meal or a refund, but I just wanted to go home.

>> No.18081073

You can underage drink if you're with your parents.
I think it's safe to assume anon was eating with family when he was 17.

>> No.18081081

I got banned twice for calling myself a chink when talking about mom's cooking or whatever the thread was.
Mods can eat liquid shit. Fucking tranny retards being put in charge.

>> No.18081889

>mentions longhorn an american steakhouse restaurant
>claims to have ordered drinks at 17 years old
>this didn't happen
I'm pretty sure anywhere outside of the 3rd world a 17 year old would not be allowed to order alcohol at a public restaurant.

>> No.18082055

If the riots got you this upset, it looks like it’s time for more riots.

>> No.18082069

epic burn

>> No.18082102

olive oil with some gluten mixed in

>> No.18082128

there are international locations, in puerto rico and el salvador, where the drinking age is only 18, so 17 is believable.

>> No.18082169


>> No.18082727

It's pretty rare for food poisoning to set in that fast.

>> No.18082736

give an inch and they'll take a mile

>> No.18082747

Better to make this mistake once on something minor and learn from it rather than remain naive.

>> No.18082753

Because he's not a fucking fag like you. Now give me your wallet before I burn down your house. That's the easier thing to do isn't it?

>> No.18082757

>ask for the check
And I say that as a cook myself.
Don't pay them or attempt to pay them when they repeatedly fuck up your food.

>> No.18083022

>apple valley
Jesus what a shithole

>> No.18083027


>> No.18083114
File: 1.43 MB, 824x1445, 67545976_400316077262643_4608893108568981504_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a gin-cocktail bar, couldn't get a seat anywhere in the house, they stood us at a chest of drawers next to the bathrooms. We got an order in, my drink came about 10-15 minutes before my date's, and on pressing her, the waitress gave me the explanation that "the bartenders craft drinks in rounds", like a dozen of each drink at a time. I gave her such a thorough haranguing that she ended up comping our entire order and my girlfriend broke up with me.

>> No.18083124 [DELETED] 

t. Has never interacted with niggers. Giving anything to them is like feeding a grizzly bear, you're only making it more dangerous. They are career shitflingers and criminals with absolutely no off switch.

>> No.18083132

Puerto Ricans are pretty much just as bad honestly.

>> No.18083157

It's the July, 7. Damn i forgot.

>> No.18083479

What's he supposed to do though? One restaurant told him the other restaurant showed it, and then when he called that restaurant they confirmed it.