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File: 50 KB, 500x333, Caseys_breakfast_pizza_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18072898 No.18072898 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have "breakfast pizza" where you live? By which I mean topped with eggs, sausage gravy, breakfast meats, etc.

We had that in the Midwest but I moved to NY and can't find it anywhere but 7-11 and theirs sucks.

>> No.18072903
File: 42 KB, 599x381, caseys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casey's for the win.

> I moved to NY

That's what you deserve for becoming a dirty filthy coastie

>> No.18072905

We have great pizza here. Just not this kind. Pizza places don't open this early either, although I think if some of them did, and had breakfast pizza, hungry commuters would buy it

>> No.18072908

>I moved to New York and they don't have X here
you just need to google X New York and it will come up. They are a pretty big city and they have a lot. The rest of the state is all within driving distance of pretty big cities that all have breakfast pizza
I live in New Hampshire and we are entirely more rural than the entirety of New York and we have breakfast pizza so I don't believe New Yorkers don't have it

>> No.18072910

Yes, but locally they’re called “breakfast tacos”.
Unfold it and wa-la, breakfast pizza.

>> No.18072916

I should have been more specific - all the places you linked to are
1) whole pies only
2) not open at breakfast time

I want a place where I can just pop in and get a slice of breakfast pizza, the same way I'd get a slice of regular pizza later in the day. You can do that at Casey's in the Midwest. You can't do that in NY

>> No.18072981

Just eat the whole pie for breakfast?

>> No.18073003
File: 5 KB, 600x474, 1657116899224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We had that in the Midwest but I moved to NY and can't find it anywhere but 7-11 and theirs sucks.

You are no longer welcome in the Midwest, coasty. Never come back here again. Please mail back your official midwesterner's badge and gun.

>> No.18073008

I have a local casey's, they normally have sausage egg pizza, sausage gravy pizza, or bacon egg pizza.

Throw some hotsauce and parm on it and it's alright.

>> No.18073061
File: 225 KB, 1150x900, Dandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I moved to NY
You didn't specify NYC, so I'm going to assume Western New York.

Go here for breakfast pizza.

>> No.18073089

hot take here but i prefer kum and go pizza over caseys

>> No.18073139

This explains a lot about Amerifat obesity.

>> No.18073173

>caseys invents breakfast pizza
>happy joes invents taco pizza
>quad city style pizza has the best crust
Iowa is the undisputed king of pizza

>> No.18073319

711 has it you cultureless flyover wasteland mutant chud

>> No.18073322

OP literally said:
"can't find it anywhere but 7-11 and theirs sucks"


>> No.18073326

At least we can read

>> No.18073336

Doesn’t invalidate my point. Your making a shit thread about 711 food like you discovered fire, go neck yourself.

>> No.18073344

I think Casey's dominates for the breakfast slices, but loses out elsewhere. Kwik Star tried to innovate with the puff pastry crust, but it just ends up being too much fat added to an already very oily food

>> No.18073352

>Doesn’t invalidate my point.
Yes it does. It makes you seem like a blithering frothing retard who goes into a blind rage when someone says they're from somewhere you don't like.

>> No.18073357

>Doesn’t invalidate my point
i think your point was made invalid the moment we found out you cant read or write. someone as dumb as you needs to be euthanized let alone be allowed to voice an opinion on anything

>> No.18073871
File: 308 KB, 1079x1080, AA9D6879-01ED-4030-B542-79412FA10B84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please seethe more you 711 lot lizards

>> No.18073978

>We had that in the Midwest but I moved to NY and can't find it anywhere but 7-11 and theirs sucks.
where in NY? we have it upstate for sure
>whole pies only
okay? just buy a whole pie and have leftovers m8

>> No.18073991

new york is a fucking shithole. they glorify literal cheese pizza and pretend its because of magic water that it tastes good. they are like zoo animals excited for the next bucket of chum that makes it to their bodega food desert, after 100 different ethnic mafias take their cut and all thats left is bones

>> No.18074017

Honestly, you should have just deleted your post when you had the chance instead of all this backtracking. It's not even really funny watching you irrationally lash out at everyone. Your life must feel very restrictive.

>> No.18074033

How in the fuck do people have dough ready within the hour? Don’t you have to leave it for a day

>> No.18074222
File: 1.90 MB, 480x360, D6F48435-CB57-4D33-8085-4873CC329FEF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bb
salty tears nom nom

>> No.18074410
File: 453 KB, 2560x1120, breakfast-pizza-review-from-hunt-brothers-breakfast-pizza-review-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getchu a hunka Hunt's brek'za

>> No.18074625
File: 17 KB, 320x469, B061D4EC-19FB-4D28-8C66-96FF4F510619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caseys pizza is crazy fucking good

>> No.18074649

>Doesn’t invalidate my point.
anon that's EXACTLY what it does.

>> No.18074688

7-11 breakfast pizza is actually great if it's those personal pizzas.. if it's sold by the slice it's trash. When I worked construction I'd get a coffee, a breakfast pizza and a jalapeno and cheese taquito for breakfast every day. It's amazing I didn't get fat as fuck.

I haven't eaten anything I haven't personally cooked in a few years so I don't know if they changed it to sliced only now. You can find them in the frozen foods section and make them at home, though.

>> No.18075091

It's weird that they put nacho cheese on some of the breakfast pizzas but somehow it works

>> No.18075097

It does appear to be a Midwestern thing. Pretty good though. Peter Piper Pizza here did it for a bit, was good.

>> No.18075108

hello fellow iowans. if you are in Dubuque i will be at Paul's from 9pm until i'm drunk. white guy with a buzzcut and red plaid shirt, i'll buy you a beer

>> No.18075113

the gravy one is good. i had a bbq chicken jalapeno at a casey's a few days ago that was real tasty

damn that is a hot take, never heard someone say that before. is there a gas station pizza arms race occurring in our nation's heartland?

>> No.18075115

>9pm until i'm drunk. white guy with a buzzcut and red plaid shirt
you're gonna need to be a lot more specific

>> No.18075116
File: 22 KB, 400x400, image_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caseys is the best
I cant believe it comes from a gas station , just doesnt seem right it being so good

That said the breakfast pizza or breh za if you will , is their worst product by far

>> No.18075253

how do you mean?
you can certainly use dough you made that day, it just won't be as good
and you can set up a system where you prep your dough a couple days in advance
you'll still be making dough every day, but it's not the dough you use

>> No.18075259

Where do you live in NY? Cumbies and Stewart's both do breakfast pizza. Plus basically any truck stop has it.
T. Albany area

>> No.18075946

>gas station pizza arms race occurring in our nation's heartland
I hope so for the sake of pizza advancement and innovation

>> No.18076921

I've only ever seen it out in East Texas.