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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 604x340, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18070545 No.18070545 [Reply] [Original]

>in Japan right now
>tried Ramen at two different places
>it's nothing special, actually tastes kind of weird
I feel lied to

>> No.18070557

His thumb...

>> No.18070565

>in Japan right now
Post a picture to prove it.

>> No.18070566

You know his hands touched literally everything in that bowl right?

>> No.18070573

Not while it was hot.

>> No.18072180

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.18072245

The only actually good indigenous Japanese cuisine (that isn't sushi) is that shit where you pay $75 for 5 little pieces of wagyu autistically grilled over special charcoal.

>> No.18072339

What ramen type did you try? Tonkotsu, shoyu, miso? What toppings?

>> No.18072350

the dead skin of the thumb flavors the broth

>> No.18072360
File: 259 KB, 1400x975, 1*syKkha7y6cxn3ope6Jn9CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because chinks and/or mexicans are the ones who actually make it in the states and they actually put flavor in shit.

>> No.18072469

It's summer, try tsukemen you fucking fag

>> No.18072624

>make ramen at home
>leave out the noodles and just triple up on toppings
heh... nothin' personnel...

>> No.18072636

>in Japan right now
>tried Ramen at two different places
That’s like trying burgers at two places in America.
Name prefecture you’re in and ramen places you tried.

>> No.18072640

Imagine being the sad faggot who browses /ck/ with notepad open so he can paste this constantly

>> No.18072648

Some variant called Chokoma I think

>> No.18072680
File: 1.13 MB, 260x195, 1644291724211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a dedicated bind for your meme copypastas like some kind of genuine troglodyte

>> No.18072688
File: 1.21 MB, 4000x3000, 35979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18072713

You know ramen is basically junk food right? That's why your favorite anime characters are always eating it.

>> No.18072716
File: 1.86 MB, 2455x2939, 0920F21C-CB44-46B8-9311-B7E1863D8D6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the most generic pic possible to larp as being in Japan
At least try next time

>> No.18072726

who hurt you

>> No.18072749

>didn't include post id and timestamp

>> No.18072752

Go back :)

>> No.18072756

you mad

>> No.18072765

isn't japan only open to tourists if they go on a strict guided tour right now? surely you would wait until you can pick where you want to go instead of the inferior holiday

>> No.18072892

Yup, and the punchline is that these guided tours don’t seem to be happening.
I don’t know of anyone who has actually seen one.
I’m in Dotonbori every few days and still haven’t seen any tourist groups, and that’s as touristy as a place can get.
OP is fake and gay.

>> No.18072900

Ramen was the only thing about Japanese food that didn't dissapoint me.
Fuck me there is no place on Earth with more overrated food than Japan. But ramen is really solid comfort soup.

>> No.18072913

Damn drinks really gone up in price. Used to be all 100 yen.

>> No.18072918

Egg lettuce Sando from the conbini will blow your fucking mind son.

>> No.18072933

>July in Japan
i can hear the cicadas from here and they say youre full of shit.

>> No.18072939

Lmao last July I almost died of fucking heat stroke, the air was so thick I couldn't breath it in

>> No.18072967

Varies from place to place and machine to machine.
That machine in particular is at the last station before hitting an airport, and it’s inside the “ticketed area” so it’s a bit higher.
Just outside the ticketed area is a Lawson where you can get it all for cheaper.

>> No.18073000

Yeah used to pay 100 in vendos. Used to get my smokes in one too until they introduced the taspo card shit and then banned cigs from everywhere in public

>> No.18073015

>no masks in Japan
>current year

Why are you lying fag? You should have said "I don't have my phone" or some shit

>> No.18073129
File: 137 KB, 960x841, 202422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18073142 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 584x666, 1656858514454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are they pushing normies to eat bugs? https://youtu.be/e3UqLAtdZ04 (Nicole Kidman Eats Bugs | Secret Talent Theatre | Vanity Fair) [1:52]
First it was vegetarian shit then vegan now it's bugs (which are somehow never brought up as being meat by vegans/wokeitarians) wtf is going on here? Memes aside wtf is going on here I am legitimately dumbfounded, shocked and appalled my disappointment immeasurable and now my day is ruined. Fuck you faggot mod ban me censorship will not work on me!

>> No.18073845

Look at all these retarded weeb, so enthusiastically correcting a "LARP".
This, is exactly why you will forever be a weeaboo degenerate.

My advice, unironically learn from Japanese,
ask them about "correcting others' mistakes". Their collectivism will show you.

>> No.18073857

You sound fucking retarded.
That’s probably why you feel attacked by seeing another retard get called a retard.
Go be a retard elsewhere.

>> No.18073863

>calling out false information...le bad!
are you jewish?

>> No.18073881

>t. seething retarded weeaboo

Nothing special on this anime website. "Normies" need not reply.

>> No.18073892

Just be less retarded next time you want to larp, OP.

>> No.18074817

>"bro try suckymen please suck men bro"
Retard gay fag retard cunt retarded

>> No.18075010

When I was in tokyo, I'd get BOSS coffee from the vending machine every morning.

>> No.18075047

Ramen is Japanese fast food, bro. Always has been.

>> No.18075054

I don't like ramen that much either. I prefer Odon for the Japanese soups. Try finding a curry place, that's pretty good for Japanese food.

>> No.18075066

>fast food
Yup, it takes 12h minimum to make proper tonkotsu but it’s the same as a frozen burger patty.

>> No.18075148
File: 1.85 MB, 1514x992, Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 8.39.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18075179

>be him
>poor Mexican guy, wants to live in a 1st world country
>some British chick with a 3 digit bodycount imports you as a mail order husband
>finally living the dream
>they use corn as a topping, not a dish
>the beans are sweet
>the rice is white
>I miss my abuelita
>my feet hurt
Press F to pay respects to Julio

>> No.18075229

Are you calling out that a guy claiming to be visiting Japan, caught in his photo other people visiting Japan?

>> No.18075249
File: 31 KB, 540x616, 0c0bcb3d45f396afca2deaa1bc62f2bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, weaboo.

>> No.18075279
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, ED06198E-AEC0-4A00-BA01-8E8D5362099A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but why not?
Because you’d have to be a special flavor of retarded to think that pic was taken within the last 3 years at least.
Since you didn’t read the thread:
>coats, when it’s hot/humid like a motherfucker in Japan right now
>no masks when they’re still required and have been for almost 3 years
But you’re probably samefag with >>18073845 based on your same level of English, so just go to bed Pedro.
>pic related: what Japan actually looks like right now

>> No.18075298
File: 53 KB, 500x324, 8EA3A75E-9794-4C56-A76E-E9C9D75AE813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, faggot who doesn’t understand “fast food” on a cooking board

>> No.18075351

So you gonna answer why everyone in the picture is wearing a coat in 100 degree super humid weather or what

>> No.18075368

You American?
American makes nothing but week people

>> No.18076408

Japan not allowing tourists right now...
so *doubt*

>> No.18076433

If you're excited by anything mundane in another country then that means you're a 3rd worlder.

>> No.18076460

nobody that looks like that has a 3 digit bodycount

>> No.18076479

You would be surprised.

>> No.18076496

kek, fucking exposed

>> No.18076498

You're right about wagyu in general. Have to hand it to the fishheads, they perfected the breeding of the perfect livestock for steak. Aside from that, yeah, their food's kind of shit. The only good stuff is westernised versions.

>> No.18076505

That's a solid 9 in Bongland, son.

>> No.18076524

no you're just retarded. i'm sure plenty of us tried to tell you.
but you listened to the idiots who posted the anime girls with japanese keybaord settings installed. idiot. what the fuck made you think it'd be different?

>> No.18077011

Imagine arguing over the preparation of an drawn picture of ramen

>> No.18077033

Haven't been to japan but I had yakisoba in a really fancy restaurant(with japanese chefs and such) and it tasted exactly like cheap chinese stir fry noodles you can get from hole in the wall outlets.

>> No.18077284

Strong enough to slap the shit outta you, Haruto.

>> No.18077313

>fried noodles tasted like fried noodles
I’ve found they often tend to.

>> No.18077345

>what Japan actually looks like right now
how did Japan get rotated 90 degrees left? did they have another bad earthquake or something?

>> No.18077348

Ah, so you fell for the food is better everywhere else meme.

>> No.18077358

It’s a hemisphere thing.
Photos of the west appear rotated 90deg right when viewed in Japan.