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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 1200x630, e-nv-sevenoaks-cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18070847 No.18070847 [Reply] [Original]

get in here

>what are you drinking
>what are you thinking
>whatever else


>> No.18070851
File: 101 KB, 480x640, uBgXoZ2KTLepJPo_rylDiw_pl_480x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this
Thinking about whether a t-shirt I just bought is going to shrink if I tumble dry on high heat
There's nothing else I can say that won't get me banned for off topic

>> No.18070854

not wine

im thinking im not a filthy sodomite that drinks girly shit like wine

fuck you and this gay shitty fucking thread you massive faggot

>> No.18070872
File: 71 KB, 800x758, hashem would want this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

propaganda has rotted your mind, years of seeing adverts and films portraying wine as a women's drink has made you believe it. go drink your beer you goytit

>> No.18070878
File: 20 KB, 540x540, 3a1419b5-82e0-4e71-9039-dcac7dcc0e7c_1860728157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking this, picked up for cheap and it's actually not too bad

>> No.18070879

>immediately assumes I drink beer
the estrogens in your pansy drink is rotting your mind, I dont need propaganda to see that

>> No.18070882


>> No.18070887
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, jim bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad for assuming you were on the opposite spectrum, enjoy your spirits or whatever it is your drinking.
still suffering from brainrot for dismissing wine however

>> No.18070903
File: 1.63 MB, 923x2241, LAPIERRE-raisin-Gaulois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Morgon Beaujolais Cru disguised as a Vin de France. Half the price of a Cru, it goes down way too easily.

>> No.18070906
File: 79 KB, 992x900, 1515928267218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Beer is made by men, wine by God.”

- Martin Luther

>> No.18070913

That stuff has doubled in price where I live in the last 3 years or so

>> No.18071282

how to know what wine to buy? some is ok and some are straight up magic

>> No.18071289

stop being afraid of getting something you don't like, and pay attention to the ones you liked and didn't like. if you feel like gambling, try something new. if you don't, try what you know you'll like. not rocket surgery

>> No.18071312

Go to an actual wine store, not Walmart, and talk to one of the people there to get a good start. If they have even an ounce of wine knowledge they'll steer you in a direction and then you can tell them what you did or didn't like about their suggestion.

>> No.18071315

all wine tastes the same you retard

>> No.18071321
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>> No.18071366

what a faggot

>> No.18071379

There's easily hundreds if not thousands of great wines for 15-20 shekels and any good wine store will have some samples or classes where you get to try a variety of a certain type. I used to work at a wine store and even the most experienced old guys will praise 15 dollar 2018 wines so just go get some recommendations and personally I'd just get a decent cab and rose and go from there

>> No.18071436
File: 65 KB, 960x1280, mirassou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to whoever posted this one

>> No.18071538
File: 31 KB, 187x600, Louis Latour Domaine de Valmoissine Pinot Noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got into wine, about a month and a half now trying several varieties. Taking a break today since I've been drinking too much lately but yesterday I finished a bottle of this Pinot Noir, 2019 edition. I like Pinot Noirs a lot, so far it's my favorite type of red with Sangiovese in 2nd place. For whites, I like Pinot Grigio and Soave in 2nd. You can probably tell, I like dry, light bodied, medium sour wines.

But what is a wine thread without talking about food pairings?! With the Loius Latour I was eating Parmesan chicken and lemon pepper chicken with blue cheese on the side. Food pairings don't need to include expensive food or wine either. Last week I found out Little Caesars pepperoni with Menage a Trois Silk (a cheap wine, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Syrah blend) is an awesome combo.

Anyways, on my way home from work tomorrow, I'm going to pick up a wine based on grape variety. Any recommendations for a dry light-bodied wine? (not Sauvignon Blanc, I don't like the mineral taste of Sauvignons)

>> No.18071552

blame wine hipsters, every single beaujolais worth a shit is allocated and 60 dollars now

>find wine you like
>look for similar wine
wa la

>There's easily hundreds if not thousands of great wines for 15-20 shekels and any good wine store will have some samples or classes where you get to try a variety of a certain type
this was true five years ago but the market has been choked to death by the supply chain problems, bare minimum quality threshold keeps creeping upwards

I'll give you an example, one of my friends works for a medium-sized distributer and even the most dogshit sancerre they sell is now 18 dollars wholesale, the actually palatable stuff is closer to 25-30

>> No.18071609

Bad time for Sancerre to suffer supply issues, right in the middle of it being the trendy wine right now. I can still find good quality Touraine SBs without breaking the bank as a compromise.

>> No.18071660
File: 86 KB, 1500x1500, 609011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes good

>> No.18071826

if you're such a masculine straight guy you wouldn't feel the need to announce it, and if wine makes you suck dick you're a fag sorry

>> No.18071868
File: 411 KB, 719x723, 1654583685506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making wine from welchs grape juice
i thought being a purist was better with homebrewing so i avoided fermenting juice until i just decided fuck it because i wanted a bunch of cheap wine
it turned out better within 2 weeks of fermenting while my mead made from all honey that had been sitting there for months doesnt even compare to it

>> No.18072171

wew, my mead's pretty strong though, i didnt use a hydrometer but after only 1 and a half drinks i feel pretty funny

>> No.18072485
File: 57 KB, 740x740, 11101406167070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just opened a bottle of Kirkland Signature Malbec. Poured in into some ragu and it smelled so good. Now I'm drinking a glass and it's meh. Don't really like it.

>> No.18072505

>and it's meh. Don't really like it.
Yeah that's argie malbec for you. The good red SA wines come mostly from chile. Argentina makes good torrontes though

>> No.18072516

there's a site like 4chan only they have a 7 where the 4 is. They've been around for ever and used to be better to use than 4chan. Not many of you will remember but 4chan used to open a new window or tab when you clicked on an image thumb nail. seven chan was the first place where I saw the modern chan style of simply displaying the full size image and re aranging the page around it. Anyway the site is mostly dead now, very slow. They used to also have a lot more boards, and kept adding new boards when teh need would arise. Now most of the boards are stale jokes and ghost towns. They have a /vinyard/ board. I guess its was part of an old joke but I think you guys might get a chuckle out of it. WARNING: you will get banned if you talk about champagne there.