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File: 193 KB, 1000x667, Swedish friends room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18064848 No.18064848 [Reply] [Original]

>Me sitting at my Swedish friends room as a kid while they are eating food
What are some strange food cultures in your country? Can anything beat the Swedish of not feeding your guests any food?

>> No.18064853

>the Swedish of not feeding your guests any food?

>> No.18064857

Families in Sweden don't give their kids visiting
friends any food, and have the friends stay in their kids room while their kid eats.

>> No.18064862

This can’t be real. I have a hard time believing this as an American. This is so backwards from the southern hospitality I’m used to.

>> No.18064868

Just search for "Swedengate" if you don't believe me

>> No.18064869

It's not your country's culture. Have you considered that your friends family are retards?

>> No.18064878

Here is a thread on the biggest Swedish forum talking about this exact phenomena 12years before it blew up.

It has always been part of the Swedish culture.

>> No.18064884

>swedish site is in swedish
Haha not sure what I expected

>> No.18064903

I have literally never seen this happen, always got food at friends place, friends got food at my place, I don't know why this is a meme

Negrer kan tungknulla min röv

>> No.18064911

My one friend would take his plate of food down and eat in front of me while I watched. We always fed him when he came to our house, and he treated it as normal, so why was the reverse not true? Fucking jews.

>> No.18064939

that was one family and they were rich assholes denying a foreign exchange student food because he was late to the table.
that student later relayed the story to another random swede in the street, who immediately gave him some food out of pity.

>> No.18065029

yids deserve the rope

>> No.18065054

We eat bread every single day, at least for one meal per day often multiple. I can't recall when the last time was where I spent an entire day without eating some form of bread. Guess cunt

>> No.18065057


>> No.18065070

That is simply not true, it's just an overblown urban myth

>> No.18065072

>I don't know why this is a meme
Because it happens. I thought it was just a weird meme too, but have since heard from 3 different swedes that they would not give a friend over any food. Their logic was "well the hosting family has already planned the meal for the day and bought the stuff, so one more person fucks with that, so it would be impolite for the guest to expect something." - apparently that rule only applies if the friends are over and go home after though, where they can eat at their place. If they stay overnight obviously they get food. While the host family eats you'd usually just stay in the kids room and play alone (sad as that sounds). Another reasoning was "their family will cook at their place anyways, so they can eat later there".
It all seems really weird to me, but they never really questioned it. To be fair I asked 5 swedes overall and 2 of them had the same reaction as I would have had: "What the fuck obviously they eat with you, sitting alone in the room while the host family eats sounds sad as fuck", so it's not a universal thing at least. Maybe a regional thing? Who knows.

>> No.18065076

It's a city slicker problem, this NEVER happened in the countryside or rural areas, but only in the inner cities where all the most retarded people live.
If you're an American imagine how snobbish and out of touch your average New Yorker is and multiple that by 100 times, that's how our "stockholmare" are.

>> No.18065080


>> No.18065085

I, too, watch PewDiePie

>> No.18065089

yup, guess it's pretty obvious
don't they eat stale bread and drink aleĺ

>> No.18065095

I had this once when I went to the house of a really poor kid, here in the UK, but even then my dad was stunned that that was the case considering we'd fed him so many times before. I got KFC for the first time that day

Also it kind of sucked, I was just playing like, some jungle book dancing game on the playstation but the mat thing didn't work anymore, so I had to use a controller and got a perfect score every time. Anyway, I think their dinner was tesco value pizza so it wasn't a huge loss

>> No.18065109
File: 155 KB, 400x600, happy-viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens in Norway too, it's certainly not unusual at least. I've been fed at friends' houses as a kid, but that would usually be if they were very close friends, many times I would not get any food.

>> No.18065125
File: 216 KB, 1600x1063, brødskive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some strange food cultures in your country?
Another thing that foreigners seem to find strange about Norwegian eating culture is our sandwiches, it is completely normal to eat a slice of bread with just one topping, for instance a slice of cheese or a slice of cold cut. Everything that can be put on a piece of bread, cheese, meat, fish, anything, is called pålegg (literally means "put on")

>> No.18065136

That needs a little strawberry jam on it.

>> No.18065138

Dæven, jeg hadde helt glemt syltetøy med ost. Jeg husker jeg pleide stikke kniven inn i osten så syltetøyet tøyt ut som blod, så sa jeg at jeg måtte slakte maten før jeg spiste den

>> No.18065150

The Dutch have a similar word called “beleg”.
There’s no English or French translation as far as I know

>> No.18065157

In Norwegian we have the word belegg but it doesn't mean the same as pålegg, it means something like coating.

>> No.18065162

>slice of bread with just one topping
That's normal in most cultures though? Just look at slavic cultures. Bread --> butter... that's it. Bread --> ham; bread --> salami; just bread and beer. I don't know but I've seen this across the world. I feel like this is more individual than culture-based.

>> No.18065169
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Unexpected but adorable.

>> No.18065171

Probably true, it doesn't seem strange or particular to my culture for me, I've just had strange reactions to it by people not from Scandinavia previously which made it seem to me like it wasn't as common other places

>> No.18065191

That sounds incredibly autistic and socially retarded, the bizarreness of it also makes it seem very much like it's not a myth. Nobody would just come up with something like that.
I kind of feel Nordic cultures are just very far on the opposite spectrum to more communal, hospitality based cultures around the world. A guest being in the house is an imposition, not a blessing.

>> No.18065428

>I kind of feel Nordic cultures are just very far on the opposite spectrum to more communal, hospitality based cultures around the world. A guest being in the house is an imposition, not a blessing.
This is pretty accurate
t. Norsk

>> No.18065454

Thanks for the input. To be clear, I wasn't taking a swipe either, it's probably a result of the completely different climate and living conditions shaping the culture. Sort of like how different cultures have different levels of speaking volume.

>> No.18065469
File: 49 KB, 500x500, typical norvegian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, they used to burn each other alive in their turf huts and cut off children`s hands for stealing piece of dried fish. Sunlight deprivation+inbreeding+protestantism will do strange things to a nigger. Look a Andersen`s fairy tales, its pure autism, cruelty and despair.

>> No.18065478

Meanwhile the Saudis had to make a commercial to tell people to stop inviting census workers into their house for coffee and conversation because every house did it and it was slowing down the process immensely

>> No.18065516
File: 57 KB, 640x539, 1638833498475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18065541

I did an exchange trip to Germany and ate so much goddamn bread I barely ate any for a year after I got back. It was good bread but I swear it made my stomach shrink.

>> No.18065543

This happens with the expectation of you going home to eat with your own family later.

>> No.18065546

>A guest being in the house is an imposition, not a blessing.
Best thing about visiting people is leaving, best thing about guests is the time after they have left.

>> No.18065550

It's hard for me to imagine Saudis inviting SEA slaves for tea and conversation though.

>> No.18065562

They don't hire SEA slaves to do the census bud. They don't even speak Arabic most of the time and either way they're not exactly in the labor pool since like you said they are slaves to their employer

>> No.18065577

Now that is based and fuck off we’re fullpilled.
t. Pole German mutt

>> No.18065591
File: 84 KB, 1200x843, WaluigiSmashNever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imposed this on myself as a kid because homecooked food creeped me out. If it wasn't from a name brand restaurant chain or sealed supermarket product I didn't trust it.

>> No.18065629
File: 57 KB, 884x386, Swedengate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reporting this thread for misinformation. May drop a tip to the FBI and interpol, haven't decided yet

>> No.18065830
File: 171 KB, 570x564, 1654395155723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really cultural anymore but whenever i went to a friends house and stayed for dinner i would start munching as soon as the whole family was sitting as per usual manners and everyone else would just start praying and be like, anon we usually thank god for the meal he provided us before eating would you care to join us? and i would be like sure no problem. then they started doing their thing and i just kept silent because i didnt know any prayers myself so i only spoke when they said amen.

>> No.18065842

I mean if I had to eat the shit that Swedish people eat everyday I wouldn't exactly be wanting to freely give it out as if it's some friendly delicious gift. It's more akin to sick medieval slop you'd have to eat during a famine

>> No.18065853

It's an old Norse custom of weakening an enemy through starvation.

>> No.18065860
File: 183 KB, 764x442, 8B8AC716-2533-4F48-8CA0-67E136B21760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a royal custom

>> No.18065890

Lol that is unreal. What a cold culture.

>> No.18065899
File: 326 KB, 1270x636, D1F08ADB-14C3-4CF3-95E0-4C922A1C0F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18065900

anon how mean one has to be to post text cropped like that, are you a fucking netflix original screenwriter?

>> No.18065907

You generally don't cook more than you need. If you know someone is coming over to eat, you make more. If some other families kid shows up at fucking dinner time then he's shit out of luck. I'm not feeding Angela's kid that's her job.

>> No.18065908

whats the issue exactly

>> No.18065915
File: 82 KB, 491x482, Screenshot_20220704_194255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that you ended with a cliffhanger, leaving out what he said.

>> No.18065943

i only wanted to post the comment about his stinginess with food, i didn't know i was here to post stories for your pleasure mr. AUTISMO

>> No.18065957

It’s not real. Only weirdos would do such a thing. t.swede

>> No.18065963

My personal theory as a norsk is that it comes from a very long culture of living in rural regions, one family on one farm, without many big social gatherings other than the annual holidays and the like. If you sit around on a farm with winter half year you're probably not going to get used to having visitors much.

>> No.18065971

It will be part of Russia soon so it doesn’t matter

>> No.18066006

>Negrer kan tungknulla min röv
Does that mean what I think it means?
t. Notta Skandi

>> No.18066035
File: 34 KB, 522x522, 1480359349998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, home cooking from someone else's parents is top tier uncanny valley as a kid
it's bearable if your parents are over too and they've brought some of their own dishes but if it's just you alone then you have no idea what to expect
plus having to make small talk with their family, the different cutlery, different chair/table height, different lightbulb temperature, etc.

>> No.18066039

Every Swede I've ever met was a Norf and hated the southernfags with a burning passion.
Is this a common sentiment?

>> No.18066045

Swedes are weird.

>> No.18066114

>Me sitting at my Swedish friends room
get a grip anon!
they couldn't afford to feed you
if they can't afford a bed or other furniture for your friend then
damn if they can afford to feed another mouth

>> No.18066165
File: 35 KB, 465x180, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18066178


>> No.18066186

I'm arab American and my Italian American friends would do this. It wasn't even like a real meal they were hot dogs in a slice of white bread

>> No.18066201


>> No.18066209
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x955, norway eat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18066222

why are there no tissues between first three slices of bread? Is that supposed to be a nordic bigmac?

>> No.18066231

>sitting at my Swedish friends room

not true. we have visitor closets just for this thing, no one is just going to let you chill in one of their bedrooms.

>> No.18066240

LOL, nice one

>> No.18066254

He was literally an ashkenazi jew.

>> No.18066257
File: 90 KB, 1300x956, terrys-chocolate-orange-milk-chocolate-bar-opened-to-show-contents-made-with-real-orange-oil-set-on-white-background-2BKNDYT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that no other country has orange-flavoured chocolate? Is it really just us Brits?

>> No.18066263

Lingering in a person's house when it's time for a meal is really very rude. I never did that as a child except for sleepovers, and never do it at all as an adult.

>> No.18066266

No, that is not truev4a8ym

>> No.18066270
File: 237 KB, 700x700, lindt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's true. United Kingdom is the only place in the world when you can eat orange-flavored chocolate.

>> No.18066275
File: 40 KB, 550x412, audrey-s-fish-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at a place with people from all over the world and everyone expressed shock and disbelief that British people: A, put vinegar on chips, and B, put milk in tea.

I feel sorry for the rest of the world, frankly.

>> No.18066280

If you came over after school that's like fucking 3 hours before mealtime. Weekends vary, but you could be coming over before lunch. As an adult, after work is a window of 5 hours awake time if someone's coming over, obviously we're going to eat dinner.

>> No.18066284

Sad, and very Scandinavian. This shit would be totally unthinkable in the Mediterranean or Arabic regions.

>> No.18066286

Malt vinegar is GOAT, milk in tea not so much.

>> No.18066291

Okay, thanks.

It's crazy how these bullshit rumours spread.

>> No.18066315

Three hours is way too long to be at somebody else's house.

>> No.18066318

i was shocked that people pretended tea was a good drink and people payed for it when I talked to foreigners

>> No.18066326

I work with australians, south africans and nepalese, they all put milk in their respective tea's

>> No.18066330

Nothing weird about cheese and crackers, but you wouldn't call it a sandwich. At least some butter and let it melt in a pan.

>> No.18066338

People do both of those things all over the world. Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.18066356

This was in London. We had Poles, Brazilians, Italians, Americans, Turks. They all made fun of those two things: vinegar on chips, milk in tea.

They also thought it was funny that I always brought a cheese sandwich and a packet of crisps for lunch.

>> No.18066393

they were fucking with you. are you autistic or just nobantz?

>> No.18066419

i fucking hate swedes. they're all a bunch of fucking nerds, talk like retards, and worst of all they're the whitest white people, thus they're the worst of dogshit

>> No.18066429

What? The fuck activity do you have planned that doesn't at least take an hour and a half?

>> No.18066453

Depends. If you think it means "niggers tongue my anus" then it does mean what you think it means.

>> No.18066454



>> No.18066493

Interesting thread. I grew up in a middle-class household in the US. Lived on the east coast, west coast, and in the south. My childhood friends were 50% middles, 25% uppers, 25% low-income. I guess a pretty good average sample of Americans. Every Single Time before dinner the host parents would ask if the visiting child was staying for dinner. If yes, they made more food. If not, the kid would be told it's time to go home. Additionally, the visiting child was almost always required to call his parents if he was staying for or past dinner time. I have never seen a guest child not be offered food.

>> No.18066500

how can swedes obsess over Americans so much when they do shit like this?

>> No.18066504

you don't know what swedish people eat everyday, mutt

>> No.18066519

It's real. Someone spoke about it on twitter and the whole world was ribbing Swedes for doing it. At first they denied it, but as it kept going on those snowniggers snapped and finally went "YEAH WE DONT FEED GUESTS ANYTHING SO WHAT? ITS NOT WEIRD, YOU'RE THE WEIRD ONES, FUCK YOU QUIT INSULTING OUR CULTURE!!!"

>> No.18066544

I don't think this is a big deal really. If it's a scheduled playdate you would obviously be fed if it was dinnertime. most of the time I just went home in time for dinner, not thinking whether I would be offered dinner at their house or not. how fucking late do you have to play anyway?

>> No.18066873


>> No.18066884
File: 160 KB, 313x535, E29C7673-1F46-483C-AB5C-D9D1382E6CA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being such a poor Europoor you can’t feed your kids friends

>> No.18066899
File: 2.34 MB, 1584x1338, 1451988991148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the funniest shit
>post complaining Swedes don't feed their guests
>people clown on Swedes
>Swedes storm in and try and explain why it's not weird
>people clown on them even harder for defending it
Brought me back to Sweden Yes days

>> No.18066912
File: 59 KB, 878x594, 1226E7EA-5DC1-4B12-AC63-946DEA440FBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18066936

I unironically had a friend like that aswell, it was as if he enojoyed eating in front of me. "OOOH DAMN THIS IS SO GOOD GOOD DAMN ANON". Like wtf. And if were three friends at his house then he good get some food or alcohol and just give to the friend he liked best. Then mock me and the other who didnt get any. We were like 15 or 16. Im swedish. And yes its true u dont always get food at others house as a kid.

>> No.18066957

Dog shit is not food Sven

>> No.18066997

I ate two evening meals every day for years growing up and so did my best friend and next door neighbor.

>> No.18067010

You eat with your own family.

>> No.18067034

Isn't refusing to feed someone else's picky little shit kind of a chad move, though?

>> No.18067062

because americans apparently believe every shit they read

>> No.18067072

canadians making, buying and eating really poorly prepped and cooked food and pretending its not shit. canadians paying way more than the food is worth to a really unreasonable degree. canadian waitresses being paid full minimum 2age yet canacucks still tipping 20% like in america wherw waitresses actually do need the tips to make normal wages. fuck this gay culinary shithole

>> No.18067081

None of that is strange except for the tipping thing

>> No.18067116

Does the tipping thing really happen in Canada?

>> No.18067126

The Swedes don't give the visiting kids any food because they're passive-aggressively telling them they've overstayed their welcome. I can't believe this thread made it this far without anyone picking up on this obvious message.

>> No.18067362

Yes. BCfag here, can confirm that wait staff minimum wage is the same as for any other job. I still tip 12-25% depending on service.

>> No.18067438

it doesn't matter if the kid was really well behaved and would eat anything, they're still not going to feed them for cultural reasons. It's not a "chad move"

>> No.18067460

That sounds pretty awesome. Fuck those little shits.

>> No.18067486

Scandinavia is weird.

>> No.18067536

Never happened to me

>> No.18067555

Australian here. Vinegar on chips is amazing and anyone who says otherwise is a dumb cunt.

>> No.18067563

They're called fries ya poof.

>> No.18067725

They’re called faggots, you nonce

>> No.18067727

Oy, dem jacks is straight wankers bruv

>> No.18068494
File: 939 KB, 495x738, sg4grrshdlxz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Than why do some Swedish families have a friend shed in the garden specially for these occasions?

>> No.18068544

I had this one in Poland

>> No.18068563

Like when you bring your friend home you have to pass him to your father and his friends for activities.

>> No.18068577

ok I understood the joke in >>18066454 but now I'm lost

>> No.18068606
File: 34 KB, 658x662, 1654819947408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hits so close to home it hurts

>> No.18068751

Well that's pretty watertight, thanks anon.

>> No.18068771

>as opposed to not believing anything you read and not having any knowledge of anything.

>> No.18068774

Passive-aggressiveness should be a punishable crime

>> No.18068899

It would be the sophisticated, 21st century way of curbing women, honestly.

>> No.18068919

his joke is "swedish people are child molesters"

>> No.18069451

I first heard about this a few weeks ago. I've never had that happen and I'm surprised how seemingly common it is.