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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 576 KB, 1125x884, EC25A8C5-E161-4B14-AF27-0A919C686E1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18063697 No.18063697 [Reply] [Original]

I love it

Do you ever think about the animal genocide? Where animals are the same as humans but we give them unparalleled hell because they cant talk? Especially when cultured-meat exists but it doesn’t get as much funding because all our resources went to fake and contrived BS conflicts that are just a cover for evil to use as a distraction.

>> No.18063728

No I don't. I don't care. That looks like shit and I will never eat it.

>> No.18063805

>Do you ever think about the animal genocide
grow the fuck up

>> No.18063822

Moooods, he's back...

>> No.18063830
File: 131 KB, 612x800, 943B2549-269D-4DE3-8EA2-26AAFA8C95CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get vored.

What makes you think your life has more value than sheep?

Don’t you fucking dare stand in the way of eternal free good food for all

>> No.18063845

Sheep is useless for anything but for wool and as food. It eats and shits and that's it.

>> No.18063850

Idc about the life value if it tastes good ill eat it whatever it is

>> No.18063866

I will never buy cultured meat even if it's cheaper and tastier lol

>> No.18063875

I don't think my life has value i think nobodies life has value
There is nothing truly wrong with murder, anyone who thinks its bad no matter what is an npc moralfag
Morals are made up by cowards who either never went through an existential crisis or pussied out of theirs by coping, the animals are going to die either way anyways. If you care so much, theres far bigger issues and it seems like youre just doing this for an ego boost to make yourself feel better, its gonna be awhile before lab grown meat becomes an actual thing, if you think meat is the only coverup humans are doing you need to grow tf up

>> No.18063891

forgot to mention its doubly clear its an ego thing because anti meateaters always bully meateaters instead of trying to convince them normally when bullying someone online into something never works, sheep cannot comprehend death

>> No.18063904

I think more people have a problem with the poor conditions animals can be kept in before slaughter rather than the slaughter itself. They might not understand death but they can be stressed and unhappy before dying. And even if you don't care about that it produces lower quality meat compared to meat from healthy happy animals.

>> No.18063914

arent there these things theyre making to make chickens always be asleep or something so they never feel pain
its really clear people who do it do it as an ego thing though, 4chan is the worst place to convince people of it anyways, everyone heres mentally ill and has enough shit to worry about

>> No.18063943
File: 491 KB, 955x908, 95BF873E-C3F7-4A60-A816-48848687391B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what you are.
And you are even worse.

Standing in the way of progress when all can be immortal gods.

Get vored instead of the next sheep.

Go get eaten.
You are lacking the brain function to progress.

You seem like someone who wants to be mortal.


I’d enjoy eating you.
Swallowing you whole.

>reee no bully
>murder is good

Your ego is the ego of a thicc slice of bacon.

>> No.18063947

Apply that to a human being

>> No.18063962

I do low carb too so I eat a pound or two of meat every day. I get the cheap stuff so I know the animals really suffered. The chinese are right, makes it taste better. You always say you're going to vore us but like when bro? Better hurry up gonna eat a whole chicken tomorrow

>> No.18063963

This abomination of a steak is just isolated animal protein and literally every other nutrient is synthethic and/or heavily processed. Breeding and killing animals is not genocide by definition, removing their entire existance is genocide and that's what the vegan endgame will be.

>> No.18063971

That steak looks amazing. Sign me up.

>> No.18063984

>hurr durr animal life has value
>but I'm gonna pretend like I'd eat a person
you're a fucking retard and make normal people who actually give a shit about animals rights look like dumbass faggots
Fuck you PETA worshipping nigger, you do the rest of us all wrong

>> No.18064020

Did I stutter bitch nigga

>> No.18064023

Amazing? It has an unnatural color and wtf is that gloopy looking white rind?

>> No.18064076
File: 199 KB, 805x727, 8562FEBB-EE81-4BD3-BF1D-A97C94611659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

You’re my next meal.

And your family. And your offspring. Sound right?

I’m not interested in being mortal like you.
Meet your morals.

>> No.18064094 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1080x878, D0D54186-9076-4370-8D10-E427B87B0344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to get vored.

Le mr semantics

What do you want?

It’ll be free everywhere soon

I would eat you.

Don’t get me wrong.

Though I would really prefer people like you to not exist.

You waste of thought.

Would you nitpick being turned into an immortal god too?

>> No.18064116

If you need some extra protein you can always empty my nuts

>> No.18064150
File: 137 KB, 1063x850, 0886C8DA-DB2C-47EE-B0EA-47A267787E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I empty your nuts into your wife and then breed your children, fatten and eat your children, and your childrens children.

Taking the hint?

I have no interest in a bogus world of conflict. I have infinite multiverses of mutual love to love. And immortality to enjoy with cat girls and sheep girls.
I want every species to have half human representatives that can talk.
I truly know how good that good gets.
Morality = more. And abusing animals naturally results in humans being abused.

For example, human rights have deteriorated globally with the abusing of Palestine. All is connected.

If the Canadian one true chosen and master race begins eating everyone in Israel, one can naturally imagine other parts of the world will deteriorate socially if they make it morally acceptable.

First it’s eating all the Jews. Then it is eating all the people in Africa. And so on.

Jews for example know they get donked on because of how they mistreat people. Not because of some weird enigmatic hatred born of something unfounded.

>> No.18064163

Still eating meat everyday.

>> No.18064168

Ah yes, pic of an article and then some epic falseflagging. I rate this troll 6/10

>> No.18064174

>because they cant talk?
But they can. You just have to listen.
The same or better nutritional values and safe? Then I'll try it.

>> No.18064178

I can't wait until we can grow all of our meat and then we just wipe out those useless niggers for good. No more nigger cows shitting up the atmosphere.
Nobody has a right to own a horse. Just get a bike or something lmao
All of that farmland can be bulldozed and turned into apartments, like god intended.

>> No.18064196

You didn't telepathically commune with a cow, you degenerate junkie.

>> No.18064209
File: 211 KB, 750x1000, B8BF34E9-8604-4F1D-8EAE-C8D23C115394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a good person. Yeah, all has a voice. Even the trees, wind, and rocks.

All is consciousness/the quantum realm.
All is love.

It’s real meat. Just grown without a head.
Same same same.
Designer even. Will make meat better than ever.
Ever better.

They say there’s a such thing as “vore girls”.
Watch out. Everyone who decides to be mortal, meats an end.

>> No.18064219
File: 86 KB, 749x507, 0A413A19-FFDA-47C9-8CCC-38C4B65C38CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will turn cows and every animal into almighty immortal gods.

That’s the true spirit of heaven for all.

I don’t understand what you’re saying. You are now marked as an opinion as vore-girl prey. As to reduce countless lost animal lives that you would end in a lifetime.
In our eternal
Of mmmiracles

>> No.18064223

Timmy, you OD'd on Benadryl once, the only voices you heard were from sleep paralysis demons

>> No.18064236

I'll eat lab meat but I won't eat rocky mountain oysters

>> No.18064245

>that gloopy looking white rind
You described fat.

>> No.18064246

Sometimes I buy extra meat to just throw away

>> No.18064279

That does not look like any fat I've seen before.

>> No.18064287

Oh sweet a schizo thread. I enjoy my meat with extra cruelty, I hope it suffered enormously because it really does make it taste better. I sometimes consider getting my own livestock just so I can occasionally beat them around the head before I take them out back and blow their brains out so I can have dinner, just the thought of it makes my mouth water.

>> No.18064311
File: 1.18 MB, 1087x816, D150AA2E-335C-45AD-9C33-FE777BD39D1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, it is now moral for all of you 3 to be swallowed whole and digested by a vore girl. Turned into nutrients, fat, and shit.

Karma is real. No one has a thought to give to people like yall anymore.
And vore girls are an infinitely more fun kind of sadism.

>> No.18064315

Just gonna walk away from the fat tranny (you)

>> No.18064327
File: 338 KB, 1124x1265, 947F50EC-5280-42E8-838F-E959C02F54F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And into a mouth.

My pronoun is futa. Please be more respectful.

>> No.18064330

why isnt this schizo bait thread nuked off the face of this godforsaken gaping goatse of a board yet

>> No.18064332

Trannyjannies protect other schizo trannies.

>> No.18064345
File: 126 KB, 850x1200, 86A12706-E2F4-461E-836A-B7E3CCA4E8D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, you have bad behaviour. Advocating for animal abuse is not ok.

I think you should learn to be a conscientious individual and leave 4chan forever.

People in this world only enjoy goodness.

>> No.18064454

You will never be a real herbivore.