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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 594x742, FB_IMG_1656266998294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18048705 No.18048705 [Reply] [Original]

Just... what purpose does this serve Ameranons? If you want a burger, why not just have a burger? If you want a pizza, why not just have a pizza? If you want a hotdog, why not just have a hotdog?

>> No.18048710

I want a pizza burger hotdog

>> No.18048724

You see, it's likely someone first invented the pizzaburger, which probably was sauce and cheese on the bagel bread. I've even made those myself in the toaster oven. However, the company then probably decided to branch out and try to make variants of the Pizzaburger brand. Thus, the pizzaburger hotdog was born, and probably some other unholy creations like the Pizzaburger taco, the pizzaburger cheesesteak, or the pizzaburger tuna.

>> No.18048745

>Dr. Oetker
why isnt it called Doktor Oektor?

>> No.18048751

or even simpler, Doc Ock

>> No.18048757
File: 16 KB, 387x258, Dr_Lecter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or Dr Lecter?

>> No.18048770

Quit falseflagging Hans that's a german abomination.

>> No.18048774
File: 427 KB, 1000x975, american week at lidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kind of stuff is just mind-boggling to me

>> No.18048780

Whatever Nigel, you have to show picture ID to buy spoons, eggs, and flour. Of course you don't know about freedom of choice.

>> No.18048790

I've never seen almost all of that

>> No.18048791

no i'm saying this as an actual american
we do the same thing to italian, french, japanese, thai cuisine etc
so seeing a foreign interpretation of it is unexpected

>> No.18048802

Fucking fuming they don't have those delicious ketchup crisps this time. Those were absolutely addictive.

>> No.18048817

>canadian chips

>> No.18048838

There's a difference?

>> No.18048854

their entire identity is based around being better than us

>> No.18048887
File: 96 KB, 728x767, american chocolate cookie pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American food is an abomination, so glad that I am a sophisticated European who would never touch such goyslop garbage.

>> No.18048897
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we don't even have that brand in our stores

>> No.18049296
File: 979 KB, 250x250, Oh, Anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one gave me a hearty chuckle, nothing about pizza is Texan let alone a pizza being branded as TEXAS topped. I could see if maybe it was covered in pulled pork or something like that

>> No.18049312
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x1840, pizza donut 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McEnnedy feels like someone's cruel joke about Americans. The guy who owns that company probably posts on /ck/

I do still appreciate that Lidl has America week because it gives me a chance to stock up on brisket.

>> No.18049316

What’s even funnier is Europeans buy and eat it

>> No.18049318

actually it just says TEXAS, it doesn't claim to have anything texan on it
pretty clever

>> No.18049379
File: 2.62 MB, 1836x3264, american week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros love stocking up on cheap American goyslop while they talk shit about American on the internet.

The sheer amount of cognitive dissonance is ridiculous.

>> No.18049382

obsessed with obsessed with obese

>> No.18049384
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x803, american week 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being THIS obsessed with American food

Is this the end result of American cultural imperialism?

>> No.18049392

American food in Europe = two or more junkfoods combined together

>> No.18049399

This food is the equivalent to dumping anything on spaghetti and calling it italian

>> No.18049403

I think people mostly buy it "ironically" same as with the Lidl-themed sneakers and such.
I hope that's the case at least.

>> No.18049420
File: 456 KB, 1250x1768, american week aldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering how long the AMERICAN WEEK has existed not just at lidl, but other stores, and since HOW MANY YEARS this shit has existed, I think it's not ironic

pic related, murrica week at aldi

>> No.18049432
File: 1.45 MB, 4032x3024, designated american food aisle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>FUCKING AMERICANS WITH THEIR SHIT FOOD *imports jelly beans and poptarts*

>> No.18049475

Chocolate cranberries sound pretty decent

>> No.18049702

why are hotdog cart hotdogs so delicious, but hotdogs you buy in a grocery store are disgusting. is it the dirty water? the immigrant who uses a bottle of sprite filled with water to wipe their ass? what is it?

>> No.18049710

the fucking yellow parts got me

>> No.18049719

every time you guys post these supposed american food aisles 90% of it is shit that we don't even have. I think your stores just don't know where to put certain items and just go "welp let's put it in the american aisle!"

>> No.18049720
File: 7 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cornstarch

blacks gonna pica

>> No.18049727

i recognize all of that stuff.

what i don't get is the weird food abominations they manufacture like hotdog bbq frozen pizza marketed as "american style"

>> No.18049731

that said, we have some of the most atrocious food products in the world, so i guess i get why they imagine we eat such shit.

i only eat "whole" foods that i cook myself for the last few years, and i don't even crave any of that shit anymore. i don't know if my tastes changed because i started eating "real" food, or if my raging hatred for corporations poisoning the populace with garbage changed me.

>> No.18049749

why is everything bulk as fuck?
And that's not how you spell American

>> No.18049876

you retards realize they have these weeks with a lot of countries? my local supermarket even has polish and UK ones

>> No.18049943

>Germs and Scandis are the only people on the planet who eat this shit
>Is there anything more American than this?

>> No.18049987
File: 388 KB, 301x200, extreme kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBQ marshmallows

>> No.18049993

whats wrong with frosties and peanut butter?

>> No.18049999

thats not very true because i had to go like 2 hours on the trian to find an american store in the uk and it was a fucking wonderland
>cherry dr pepper (dont even need that)
>mint m&ms?
>peanut butter twix
good time

>> No.18050026

anon it means you can roast these AT a BBQ

>> No.18050033

Superior European technology

>> No.18050046

>yuranons get to experience the mini gummy burgers
Maybe it's not so bad over there.

>> No.18050052

It's probably just marketed toward German tastes while being vaguely America themed since they're the ones eating it. If they consider that food disgusting, it's more of a reflection of themselves.

>> No.18050130
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And they'd stop if it wasn't insanely profitable.
Face it, you're obsessed to the point of being a parody of the very thing you mock.

>> No.18050184
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x900, american week 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18050210

Aldi is German not from the UK. America education

>> No.18050303

Is there any market for cajun food in europe?

>> No.18050308

Your forced meme will never catch on

>> No.18050310

do American supermarkets have a European aisle?

>> No.18050317

Kroger does

>> No.18050325

Creole food is close enough

>> No.18050331

Some yeah but not really, there was an English section in a food lion when I lived in rural Tennessee, and I haven't seen marmite since. The international section is more latin and asian focused, with some "italian" meaning pasta and some sauces.

>> No.18050443

Wait is crunchy penis butter really an American thing?

>> No.18050467

We put most things in one aisle called Ethnic. But they can often be found about the store anyhow. But certainly no products from any cultures that didn't thrive socially in America.

>> No.18050473

If by "European" you mean Italian, then yes.
You will never see a British aisle, because everything that would be there is already handled by the canned foods aisle or the "Ethnic" aisle if you want curry.

>> No.18050518

usually grilled, or cooked on a flattop.
In L.A they're fried with bacon wrapped around them n fuck loads of grilled onions n some peppers. I usually drizzle mustard, mayo, n hot sauce.

When I'm at home, if i cant straight up have a firepit hotdog, I'll panfry in bacon fat, having fried bacon prior and diced, but saving fat for the dogs, then I'll mince garlic and slather the bun, then toast. Add dog, bacon bits, mustard, diced onions n s/p

>> No.18050523

for me, its gotta be SPONCH

>> No.18050539

I thought the same but I realize now it just means you can roast them. They aren't bbq sauce flavored

>> No.18050829
File: 523 KB, 1024x1180, CC02A200-D66A-4806-8906-69817117D475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18050856

Ah yes the totally American grown nut that isn't imported from another country.