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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18048262 No.18048262 [Reply] [Original]

>mother has been cooking for around 40 years
>still doesn't really know how to cook

I honestly don't understand how it's humanly possible. And yes she's a white boomer, maybe that explains it

>> No.18048277

I wanna bang guarnaschelli

>> No.18048293

The internet didn't exist back then so all the recipes they know got passed down from their grans and nanas, and unless your mom is well organized or has an amazing memory then the average woman can only remember about 4 recipes. Also since the moms who aren't professionally trained chefs don't know about the different techniques when cooking they can't really expand beyond those few recipes. My mom is the same way.

>> No.18048543


American and English boomers were raised in households that completely abandoned the ability to cook because of WW2 rationing and the rapid industrialization of food production.

Only ethnics and backwoods folks retained the ability to cook.

>> No.18049018
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>I honestly don't understand
Because you're retarded.
>be mom of retarded child
>must feed him every day, several times per day
>little shit won't stop screaming and begging for attention
>put something over the stove so it's edible
>child eats it so it's good enough
>have to clean everything
>already dinner time
>have to cook again
>just kill me already.webm
She had to cook for several years and you ate it despite it being shit, so there was no need to improve and she got used to cook like that.
That's how humans work. Never do too much work unless it's something you enjoy, and obviously for most mothers cooking everyday is not enjoyable.

>> No.18049024

Because she doesn't care to know how.

>> No.18049026

>>still doesn't really know how to cook
Go home, Bobby Flay!

>> No.18049040

maybe when they took that photo 20 years ago

>> No.18049053

Shut the fuck up you ungrateful zoomer. Your mother was throwing together meals day after day because it's "le womerns place" even though weakcucks like you have forced women to have careers. That poor woman wanted to have a baby and take care of the home. Go feed a nigger you sous vide gmo chicken thighs

>> No.18049083

Time alone doesn't make someone good at a given task. Especially if you're self-taught and start out learning inefficient or otherwise wrong methods.
Like if you're a self-taught guitarist and position your fretting hand fingers flat and only use your strumming hand in downward motions then you'll probably be harder to teach how to play the guitar the right way compared to someone who didn't spend years developing bad habits.

>> No.18049114
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>mother complains about doing all the housework
>ask her to teach me
>doesn't know how to cook
>doesn't know how to use the washing machine
>doesn't know how to read clothes labels
>doesn't know how to empty the vacuum
>doesn't know how to change settings on the dishwasher

>> No.18049223

Surprisingly understanding post

>> No.18050271
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>just kill me already.webm

>> No.18050373

We have the internet and infinite cooking tutorials on youtube to learn from. They didn't have that

>> No.18050378

Imagine disrespecting your mother like this

>> No.18050430

they had cookbooks too retard

>> No.18050452

I mean, they also have it now

>> No.18050454

I always considered my mom a great cook growing up and I had home cooked meals almost daily as a kid.

These days, I think through a combination of vastly improving my own cooking and her getting old and tired, she really seems not nearly as good as I remember.

Most chiefly she seems to lack a strong cooking ‘instinct’. She relies really heavily on recipes and following them to a tee. Every time I cook her something she almost always asks “what recipe did you use?” and when I tell her it is just something I made up on the spot combining flavors/textures I know would work well together from intuition, it’s like she doesn’t believe me.

She does not appear able to pick up on techniques or tricks, and the ones I do show her she’ll just repeat verbatim without recontextualizing into something new or different

>> No.18050543

Kill yourself so she can be free you stupid ingrate.

>> No.18051063

it's true. youtube and the internet in general seem pretty superior, but they did have TV shows and books, and presumably older adults around to teach them if they asked. I didn't know shit about cooking until I first started living on my own, no one ever taught me as a kid even though I would ask.

julia childs was based as fuck, though. I think there was some good cooking kino if you watched out for it.


>> No.18052415

This is why most renown cooks are male.

>> No.18052430

cook books have existed since the 1800s easily, you telling me they can't read

>> No.18052432
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>And yes she's a white
White people don't know how to cook. Pic related, white families consider this a meal to serve at special occasions like thanksgiving or christmas.
Like come on.

>> No.18052589

pick one

>> No.18052592

We serve you things like that hinting that it's time for you to leave so we can enjoy our thanksgiving or christmas

>> No.18052595

Following a brown person recipe and buying 100 dollar worth of ingredients for a single, mediocre meal is not something to be proud of. Show some respect for your mother.

>> No.18052601

>shitting on cultureless muttoids
>using the hebrew euphemism for "not a nigger"

>> No.18052602

You try cooking for a family for a few days while going to work and doing all the other shit and you'll understand.

>> No.18052605
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>mfw mommy didnt cook me a gourmet meal after doing my laundry for me

>> No.18052608

Be mean and tell her it's shit. She'll eventually start watching YouTube videos and improve her skill. You'll feel like a guilty count Everytime she cooks you something new though..

>> No.18052621

One day be in a really good mood and when she questions you tell her that a different mother made you some lunch and it was top notch. Her petty nature will make her try to improve

>> No.18054404


>> No.18054510

Being a good cook is more than just following recipes, it's understanding the techniques needed to prepare a giving dish. For example, most mom cooks in the old days would just toss flour or corn starch into a sauce and stir it around. hoping that the clumps will magically dissolve. Today you have webpages dedicated to how to make a slurry to properly thicken a sauce.


Or check out moms knives. Bet they are completely dull because no one ever taught her how to properly sharpen them

>> No.18054514

Doing the same task over and over won't actually make you better at it,

>> No.18055591
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if you don't wanna do better, you stop trying.

>> No.18055609

boomers got psyopped into thinking they should cook everything until its mush or hard as a rock in margargine

>> No.18055610

>get into cooking
>learn all the foundations which lead to good technique
>family likes it
>family expects it
>I still have to source it, cook it, cater to their autistic taste preferences, bag up the leftovers, and do the dishes
>most of the time I have to eat the leftovers or throw them out
>fuck you
>my foundation lets me know how to cheat and use shortcuts
>was lamb and veal croquettes with homemade broth and leek gravy over copper plate pressed pasta and fresh seasonal vegetables
>now ground beef with a swedish meatball packet, gravy packet, some noodles, and frozen peas
>you retards wouldn't notice the difference anyways

>> No.18055809

it's like how girls like op's mom can have a massive body count but still just lay there during sex. women have no drive to excel so if no one forces them to improve they will just do the bare minimum to get by.

>> No.18055842

My mom exclusively cooks recipes taken directly from my grandmother's old church cookbook and my elementary school class cookbook. They're all awful.

>> No.18055872
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>mother grew up in her family's centuries old restaurant
>fiancé won a nationwide competition as a teenager and was offered a full scholarship to culinary school
>I will never experience the significant female in my life being a bad cook

>> No.18056116

My mom is the opposite. She'd always make stuff up, tell me to taste and add something, and would be willing to let me add stuff I thought would improve the dish, "mom can I add this pepper? Sure lets see how it goes!"
My mother is quite responsible for my creative spirit and I love her very much.
I'm so glad she's my mother.

>> No.18056124

That's more to do with kitchens being high intensity environments

>> No.18056809


>> No.18057118

>Be adult
>Can't take care of kid
>Have kid anyway
>Don't want kid
>Have unprotected sex anyway
It all draws back to the parents. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to have children.

>> No.18057122

and yet look where you ended up

>> No.18057125

She got really thick and juicy as she aged. Hips wider than the Nile she has. Totally would.

>> No.18057156

The real answer is kids are picky so your mom started cooking things no more complex than tendies or mac and cheese. Even in countries like india and Thailand they have blander kids food shit because children's taste buds aren't developed. She gave up good cooking for you anon. She loves you

>> No.18058188

My mom never made bland things, she made what she wanted and if we didn't like it we could go to bed hungry. Parents need to stop bowing to their kids whims.

>> No.18059321

Or alternatively wouldve preferred to only work rather than take care of OPs retarded ass. She wouldve been better off dropping him at a firestation.

>> No.18059519

When cooking at home almost everyone naturally cooks 'to-taste.' People with shit taste will always make uninspired shit food, because to them that's genuinely how they like it.

If you give them a szhechuan recipe, they will put 1/4 of the recommended spice because they are afraid of it and then make some substitutions that they think are "close enough" (like throw some black peppercorn in instead of szhechuan peppercorn).

>> No.18059526

typical newfag behaviour. Probably came straight off the r/greentext bananaboat

>> No.18059559

If you don't think you need to improve nor strive to improve then it doesn't matter how often you do something. You ain't gonna improve.

>> No.18059585

>get thought of as a bad cook by basement dwelling NEETs on 4chan
>bad parent
Ha, wait till your mom dies, bro. You'll have to figure out how to wash dishes and feed yourself--because that shit doesn't magically appear without her.

>> No.18059586

>you have to be the perfect parent or you cna't breed

This logic is always stupid, there'd be no humans at all. Just because someone feels frustrated at their kid or tired doesn't mean they aren't fit to be a parent.

>> No.18059652

my mom is a white boomer and her cooking has gotten really bad as she's gotten older. As a kid she was known as the best cook, and all my friends wanted to come over to eat her food.

Now that she's almost 70...she just buys the cheapest stuff and uses those cook from bag things for sauces, rice, whatever. I also think her taste buds are off because she'll do weird shit like do roasted potatoes with parmesan on top that just tastes fucking disgusting. Makes me sad desu, she was always the best cook, and it's like all her cooking skills left her

>> No.18059659

Cookbooks are nothing compared to videos explaining things step by step. and a lot of cookbooks before the 80's are basically cryptic ciphers where you have to guess the amounts yourself. Not to mentions its far more cumbersome to dig through a cookbook for recipes than looking online.

>> No.18059854

My dad cooked a lot of good stuff while he was around. Now I get burn frozen pizzas because my mom feels the need to cook me dinner every evening. It's nice and all, but I'd really rather do it myself. I can handle frozen pizza and throwing some frozen fries in the oven.

>> No.18060017

My mother was grsr at cooking but because dhe had to do all the house chores all day by herself because we were ungrateful assholes she eventually got so tired of it that the spark died out and now she doesn't even like to cook anymore.
We deserve it and I know it. I fucking regret it.

>> No.18060021

Wild. I feel like I did all the chores growing up

>> No.18060030

>Because she doesn't care to know how.

>> No.18060039

I never even mentioned my mum. I don't know why you brought her up.
But my mum is a great parent. I really appreciate her. I can't imagine life without her. One of the few people I can say I truly love. She can take care of kids and so she had several. Some people can't take care of kids but that doesn't stop them from having some.
I never said you have to be perfect. Stop strawman-ing me. People get frustrated and tired of things they love. That's normal. But if you can't deal with the frustration and all the neediness and demanding nature of children, don't have kids. If you don't plan on having kids, don't put yourself in situations where you might get kids. If someone complains that taking care of children is hard, which is true, I'd like them to tell us whose fucking fault that is.

>> No.18060059

>Shut the fuck up you ungrateful zoomer
Straight to anger and insults, like a typical lead-paint-retarded boomer.

>> No.18060325

>my mum is a great parent
And here you are anyway, on 4chan of all places.

>> No.18060366

Interesting thread Op my mom is also maybe not adventurous or motivated? has unlimited time, and as far as cooking needs go, unlimited money.

Yet makes burritos or potatoes or fish exactly the same way for 20 years.

I am lazy AF and still have found a few dozen new recipes I work with and home. But for example she just buys store bought jarred spaghetti sauce and the cheapest noodles, does stir-fry without fish sauce or searing etc

>> No.18060373

Yeah my mom does both of these, then I suggest even halfway decent knives that all you spergs seem to have and she still hacks at onions with these awful blades

>> No.18061368

>The internet didn't exist back then
OP's mom has had internet access available to her for at least 20 years now. Also what are cookbooks?

>> No.18061400
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>weakcucks like you have forced women to have careers
Virgin detected

>> No.18061426

Shame on you OP. Maybe cook a meal with her instead of bitching on 4chan

>> No.18061648

Not really an excuse. Cooking something simple with low prep time isn't hard.

>> No.18061810

My grandma has always been a shit cook
My mom is alright but almost never cooked

>> No.18062150

This is me, but I'm the kid. It seems that throwing things in the trash (that I empty), or even keeping the disposal part of the sink empty so I can do the dishes is too much for these assholes. It's like living with my first college roommates.

>> No.18062368

That's an awful lot of assumptions my boy.
If you can't make macaroni cheese or a simple tomato pasta bake as a parent then you shouldn't have kids.
You're feeding yourself anyway, all you have to do it prep more ingredients.

>> No.18062427
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This but seriously. I come from a home where we make like 12 course meals for christmas. But my husband likes two kinds of vegetables in a single variation. Everything has to be put seperatly on the dish (no sauce on meat for example) and his biggest compliment was "Oh, those gnocci are home made? They taste like the store bought ones.". Make him some nice beef wellngtons or wild boar gulash with handpicked mushrooms? It will be same reaction like throwing store bought breaded camentbert in the oven with a side of cranberries.

Fuck standing hours upon hours in the kitchen for people asking you to recrate canned tomato heringfilets. Anon is probably a picky bitch.

>> No.18062435 [DELETED] 

Reading it made me happy. :)

>> No.18062560

>non-westoid can do that while still cook varied delicious food
Your mom is just a lazy fuck who only know how to spread her legs like a whore

>> No.18062566

Non westoid mothers usually do not have to work in addition to that for 9h a day outside the home.

>> No.18062691

>simple tomato pasta bake
whatis? huh? I didn't grow up with this, give me a recipe.

>> No.18062796
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OP, it wasn’t your mom’s culinary skills that got your dad to marry him. She had other more important qualities

>> No.18063357

>expecting automatic worship of parents
>abusive towards people not revering parents as gods

Ethnics have no concept of individualism or self-improvement. They come from cultures which are stagnant and non-innovative, and thus their brains are not capable of learning new things except by instinctive absorbtion.

Fuck off, racist ethnic

>> No.18063367
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>still doesn't really know how to cook
What makes you say that? Also, why bitch about your mother's cooking on the internet?

>> No.18063869

Because she cooks to sustain her family not for fun you retarded faggot

Also prob bc youre white trash

>> No.18063909

Typical sign of low intelligence

>> No.18063929

7000 highbred humans is better than 7000000000 lowbred humans

>> No.18063936

>housewife has to do the house chores
Oh the humanity! Wonder if she ever considered how much her husband had to sacrifice to keep a roof over her head

>> No.18063948

What are the foundations for good technique?

>> No.18063951

>definition of racism is discrimination against anyone for their race
>imma fight back against racism by discriminating against white people!!!!

>> No.18063955

Haven’t you heard? Racism is now power + privilege. Only white people can be racist, and only nonwhites can be victims of racism. The continued existence of the white race is inherently oppressive to nonwhites

>> No.18064275

My mom is a decent cook, and has always asked what me and my sister wanted and recommended new things, and was always willing to teach me how to make things

We don't get along great but I appreciate that I didn't have to eat goyslop every day

>> No.18064483

>do same meal every day because you only know how to do one
>second week your kid kills himself

>> No.18064783

So since I'm Native I can be as racist as fuck to negroes and it's okay? Awesome.

>> No.18064828

Then how did my mother have a gigantic cookbook stuffed with recipes?

>> No.18064835

Is it just me are mothers in general a lot worse at cooking compared to fathers....despite the mothers doing most of the cooking?

>> No.18064837

Slave morality

>> No.18064838

My dad is a grill expert. My mom cooks but not nearly as well as my dad. Explains a lot

>> No.18064873

because they have no self ciriticism and other family members dont want to be rude. so every single thing they cook is considered perfect and they never improve

>> No.18064897

Because most women cook because they have to, not because they want to. If you don't like what you're doing you're probably not gonna be very good at it, since you have little motivation to improve.

You could also say part of that is that men(and children too) don't complement their mothers for their cooking, since they take it for granted, so she doesn't associate cooking with positive feedback, hence it's just a chore. You'd be surprised how much cooking a girl can do if you complement her from time to time for it.

>> No.18064915

The basics.

>> No.18064933

>not enjoying cooking
if i was not able to cook i would not enjoy living. i love cooking for my family and making them happy.

>> No.18064938

My family is a bunch of ingrates, I'd rather just cook for myself.

>> No.18064941

thats to bad. do you live with your parents?

>> No.18064949

Why yes, yes I do. We're basically on a ranch without cattle running a business. Help me leave, anon. Take me with you.

>> No.18064981

You don't want to leave. The cities are a death trap, you'll want to kill yourself(or someone else) in no time.

>> No.18064989

On average men are better than women at almost every task; most traditional "women's work" like cooking are tasks were the gap is smaller than other jobs, so it makes sense to have women do them. Look up the law of comparative advantage.

>> No.18065131

>if i was not able to cook i would not enjoy living
I enjoy cooking but still don't enjoy living
what's the secret?

>> No.18065164

Why not just make your kids do IF with you? One big meal a day is plenty

>> No.18065180

My girlfriend used to be the same way when we first met. She went to culinary school and worked at an Italian restaurant, but whenever we would cook at home she seemed pretty clueless, didn't even know how to pan fry salmon or make mashed potatoes.

Basically, there's a difference between restaurant cooking and home cooking. At a restaurant you just repeat recipes for a small number of dishes. That teaches you how to follow instructions, not how to cook. You learn how to cook by buying random ingredients from the store and figuring out how to make something good with whatever you have on hand through trial and error.

My mom was/is a great cook. I'm sorry that you suffered as a child anon.

>> No.18065184

I'm inclined to disagree with you, but don't have the wherewithal to engage in argument.

>> No.18065189

Well at least now I know that there is someone, somewhere on the internet who has an opposing opinion. I can sleep easy with that knowledge.

>> No.18065257

Also bear in mind that a lot of white parents acquiesce to their faggoty children's bland, extremely fussy palates. Imagine trying to cook the average 8 year old western child something that isn't just MSG packed reconstituted sludge shaped liked dinosaurs and smiley faces, with a side of ketchup. The little shit would screech incessantly, but coloured parents just tell the child they can eat or fuck off and starve.
With societal and technological progress, you lose as well as gain.

>> No.18065262

What the fuck are you on about Pajeet? What is this British-English ESL post?

>> No.18065273

Your comprehension is a little poor.

>> No.18065276

Oh I got it, which is why I could pick up why you're not a native speaker.

>> No.18065279

You're actually just retarded.

>> No.18065284

Although the grammar was fine, your usage of the phrase "coloured parents" indicates that you most likely have poo coloured skin. Post hand.

>> No.18065286

I'll concede to be retarded in America if you stay in your third world shithole. Agreed? Thanks.

>> No.18065290

Being coloured isn't the same as being ESL.

>> No.18065298

But you're both.

>> No.18065299

That's a really weird retort anon, are you doing okay?

>> No.18065775

I dont remember writing this

>> No.18066516

Quite a nice description of declining fluid intelligence with age.

>> No.18066717

my mom had always just cared about her career more than cooking/motherly duties really. would get home from work and just wanted to make the fastest dinner she could so she could get back to working on the computer/phone calls at night. did the same thing with vegetables, made them as horribly as possible (usually in a casserole dish with water then microwaved to "steam" them with no seasoning) so i hated vegetables as well.

and she would also restrict me from eating more if i was still hungry because she wanted there to be leftovers the next day to avoid cooking, so i grew up emaciated as well.

the weird thing was that her kitchen was filled with cookbooks, like dozens of them, but she never opened any of them and just kept making the same bland basic foods. then even with all those cookbooks would then turn to printing recipes off the internet, still never even cracking open a book she bought.

>> No.18066812

I am glad you have a great mother and just wanted to tell you and everyone else reading this that you should reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.18066821
File: 500 KB, 916x517, 5CD9E2B5-2C65-4A68-8151-0B45F7C774D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God yes

>> No.18066887

I can't really hate my parent's parenting because I'd be vastly worse. I can only really resent that they had a brief window of over-optimism inculcated by their society and had a kid in the first place.

>> No.18066969

>mother cuts an onion through the equator instead of the ends
>when dicing an onion does that, cuts in into trips, and then pushes down on the onions to dice them

this person has been cooking for 35 years

>> No.18067024

>nigger lover bitches about parents online

You're American aren't you?

>> No.18068288

>5 days ago
How the fuck is this thread still alive?

>> No.18068317

what a bitch.

>> No.18068527

If she's 70 years old that means she's been eating 3-5 times a day for 70 years. Of course food won't taste as good after such a long while so like most old people she won't be motivated to put effort into something that will (for her) taste as bland as anything else. It happens to all of us eventually.