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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18043935 No.18043935 [Reply] [Original]

why can't we have this in america?

>> No.18043937

kids choke on it

>> No.18043953

:( no I don't I won't I promise

>> No.18044029

American children are too uneducated to eat anything on their own, uncaring parents is what got Kinder eggs banned in the first place.
Brb going to the store to buy a vanilla Cornetto now.

>> No.18044056
File: 35 KB, 315x669, 251210_227253750637235_4452185_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.18044067

this takes me back

>> No.18044092
File: 27 KB, 600x412, choking hazard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they down the whole thing, pointy end in first?
this isnt even comparable to bullet jellies which are slippery and squishy enough to plug airways

>> No.18044095
File: 1.67 MB, 1500x1140, Drumstick-12-Lil-Drums-Vanilla-Chocolate-1500x1140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we pretty much do

>> No.18044127

Nestle can't make good ice cream to save their asses.

>> No.18044145

>frozen dairy dessert
into the trash it goes

>> No.18044181


>> No.18044299

those aren't orange flavored

>> No.18044321

I love these almost as much as I hate women

>> No.18044339

Probably not enough sugar

>> No.18044401

>assault ice cream

>> No.18044485

Because I think orange with chocolate is gross and I don’t like it so you can’t have it either

>> No.18044519

How the fuck do you choke on a cornetto?

>> No.18044572 [DELETED] 

We`re talking about Americans here. They can`t even go a day without mentioning niggers

>> No.18044588

oranges are considered healthy, Americans refuse to buy healthy food because it tastes yucky.

>> No.18044643

you can't? I thought you had some equivalent. "king cone" or something?

>> No.18044647

Company logo is literally the lolilover symbol. You sure you want it?

>> No.18044766

Americans don't deserve nice things

>> No.18044798

Why would you want that? Chocolate and Orange is one of the most disgusting combinations ever.

>> No.18044803
File: 45 KB, 466x424, nogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say noggers?

>> No.18044810

are american kids this retarded

>> No.18044846

No, their parents are.

>> No.18044858

That's their word, you can say noggah

>> No.18044886
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>> No.18045183

who said we didn't?
these are literally at every supermarket chain.

>> No.18045237

As opposed to the Cornetto which is
Choucouloute and ourounge flouvour

>> No.18045273

What are those?

>> No.18045284
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are you me?

>> No.18045286


>> No.18045297
File: 130 KB, 800x800, HG_JellcupPIC-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konjac jelly cups
very famous for blocking windpipes
this shape fell out of style for the much less dangerous bullet shape, but that was what they used to look like

>> No.18045301

fucking tastelet

>> No.18045306

>Thinks cornettos are banned
They aren't in the us because whatever company that owns the Cornetto brand doesn't feel like marketing them in the states. We already have a premade ice cream cone brand. >>18044095
Kinder could also be sold here if they just put the fucking tiny toy (specifically the ones with multiple pieces) in a plastic bag so kids won't accidentally swallow the toy while biting into the egg. It's a pretty easy fix. We also have a few near identical products here, so it would be hard to break into the market.

>> No.18045311

Lol you have to go online or call up the manufacturer to get the full ingredients list on your food. Get fucked with your misleading marketing. I guarantee cornettos and drumsticks have the exact same ingredients (minus the flavorings).

>> No.18045317

fun fact these are actually really really good
its one of those that you eat so fast you are wondering where its gone afterwards

>> No.18045403
File: 214 KB, 585x348, 1656510820934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetable oil is 2nd ingredient

>> No.18045411


>> No.18045415

>store in a cool dry place, do not freeze
lol what

>> No.18045425

We're already over saturated with Unilever owned ice cream brands, they probably don't want to introduce another one to this market.

>> No.18045452
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>store bought ice cream
don't care what brand, give me andy's frozen custard any day

>> No.18045473
File: 110 KB, 756x600, 756px-Yowie_surprise-inside_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the kinder egg ban was do to an archaic law that was a holdover from the depression era to prevent people from sticking non-edible items in food to make them look bigger. I see those yaoi chocolates at Walmart all the time and they're basically knockoff kinder eggs.

>> No.18046280

>boy lover logo

>> No.18046379

>really really good

They are good but far from really or really really. The chocolate shell is way too thin, which really really doesn't work with the nuts.