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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18039682 No.18039682 [Reply] [Original]

>le you must wash rice for 8 years before you can learn sushi making
>le you must slice the eels for 5 years before you can start grilling it.
What the FUCK is their problem?
For something so basic, this feels pretentious as fuck.

>> No.18039685

Good god, how many times are you going to make this fucking thread? We get it.

>> No.18039693

It's a cornerstone of their culture. If they don't gatekeep it, it will be bastardized and then fade away into irrelevence.

>> No.18039725
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imagine caring about jap food.
its either over complicated horseshit
something from a vending machine with way to much packaging.

>> No.18039855


>> No.18039924
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I wouldnt mind trying these.
canned bread

>> No.18039944

Okay? It takes a 5 year apprenticeship to start making katana and a 10 year apprenticeship to polish them. Instead of complaining about a highly autistic pursuit of the highest attainable form of a craft why not show the dedication and sacrifice towards it a little respect?

>> No.18039977

You need to go back

>> No.18039979

what a fucking larp.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh respetz the HONOR of JUPAN....

fuck off kid.

>> No.18040009

It's the same in France's top tier restaurants. Cutting veg for 7 years straight is no exception.

>> No.18040023

Says a lot that you can't respect a man's dedication to his craft, or even meaningfully respond to an honest question I have.

>> No.18040106

>le you need to go back

>> No.18040168

Nips are weird. After all this fake discipline to cope, they end up throwing themselves off of bridges or roping themselves from trees.

>> No.18040182

Gatekeep it from their own citizens? It's not gatekeeping it's just pretentious autism.

>> No.18040203

looks good but I wouldn't pay more than a few dollars.

>> No.18040601
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peak autism desu

>> No.18040607

You couldn't pick this up in the existing eel thread and had to make your own special topic, faggot?

>> No.18040614


>> No.18040625
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Jiro is more prominent among non Japanese people, precisely because people don't go out for dinner to by force fed by a miserable old cunt.
The autistic shokunin meme shit is foreigners want Japan to be, so they search out the most autistic, over the top representations of that and hold it up as the pinnacle of Japanese culture. Remember, what propelled Jiro was a Michelin star, and an English language documentary.

>> No.18040629

>to be force fed*

>> No.18041507


>> No.18041512

>hates his son in your path

>> No.18041516

i’m at the point that i think any form of gatekeeping anywhere in anything is good. the more autistic the better in every situation imaginable. normies and browns need to stick to their shit

>> No.18041797

You've completely misunderstood. That is how many years it takes to completely master each aspect. It will take an amateur sushi chef 8 years to completely master the rice. It will take a chef about 5 years to fully master preparing the eel for grilling. That isn't saying that you can't be learning all the aspects at the same time you raging autist.

>> No.18041814

okay but making a sword is a complex art, it takes days to make one, with requires labor, craftsmanship, knowledge of metalwork, chemistry, history, etc. Grilling some eel or washing rice is not even close to comparable.

>> No.18041873

>go to japan
>all the food is delicious
obviously what you're describing is high en restaurant autism, but it clearly works

>> No.18041928
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>slice raw fish
>put it on top of rice, one of the easiest things to cook
>command greater respect than cuisines that take actual technical skill and experience to even get remotely competent at
The Japanese are phenomenally based. Anyone who can con retards that hard into paying out the nose for something that crude deserves an award.

>> No.18041933
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jiro nightmares of assrape

>> No.18043702

the DVD commentary was pretty good

>> No.18043710

You might as well try to become a master, since once you choose a career in Japan you are locked in and can never leave the industry and try something new.

>> No.18044105


>> No.18044232

because it's about perfecting those basic parts. every little thing matters at the end of the day. i guarantee if you spend 6 months trying to make good sushi it wouldn't even come close to someone who's been practicing it for 20 years

in fact, it's easier to fuck up something so simple because it's simplicity will highlight its flaws

if you're some fat fuck making chili in the south, there's so many flavours and salt and spice that you could put a dead cat in there and no one would notice.

>> No.18044360

you forgot to lurk 10 years newfag

>> No.18044732

sushi would taste better if you put cat in in it, le white rice with raw fish has no taste and is only good for losing weight since nobody really wants to eat that shit and the inevitable parasites will help too

>> No.18044817


>> No.18044885

>slice the eels for 5 years
Yeah quit talking out of your ass faggot. I bet you can't even get to the stage where they allow you to skewer the eel meat for 3 years.

>> No.18044889

A man who is said to be proficient is like a fool. Because of his foolishness to concern himself with one thing, he becomes proficient. This man is worthless.

>> No.18044962

>buy fish
>slice fish
>eat fish
Japanese culture is 90% the appearance of productivity. The thing that separates them from the chinks is they at least still have around the baseline amount of innovation you should expect from a high-trust first-world society, so they still accomplish things, they just do it the most inefficient way possible with regard to human effort in versus results out.

>> No.18045051

Japan has based an entire culture on autism and nostalgia.

In 100 years' time, there will be 16-year-old japs beginning a 30-year apprenticeship for Excell spreadsheets.

They will have invented a 40minute tea ceremony that needs to be done every time you open a new document and the first 10 years will just be adjusting chair height for good ergonomics.

To be fair to them, if you were the only nation on earth to be nuked you'd probably just try and fill as much of your free time with activities that weren't going to piss people off. Keep building them Gundams Haruto

>> No.18045341

>To be fair to them, if you were the only nation on earth to be nuked you'd probably just try and fill as much of your free time with activities that weren't going to piss people off.

>> No.18045362

it's the oldschool japanese "master and apprentice" system. it used to be like that with craftsmen in the west too - before you ever got to make a table, you would have to chop wood and do other minor shit for years

>> No.18045402

i don't understand the appeal of bringing biased judgement from other boards to here just to make a hot take towards an entire population of people.
maybe it would help if you thought about the necessity of people being in a hurry coupled with the expectation of something that meets the same standards every time. food is as much a utility to the person as it can be to the state, and i doubt it's even true. you know how important image is to them if you really feel that way and don't care about posting an immediate duplicate thread to spam this point.

>> No.18045444


>> No.18045458


>> No.18045855

The pretentious autism is part of the brand.

>> No.18045886

There is a pretty big difference though. Western apprenticeships were situations where the master would instruct the apprentice some of the time but japanese ones it's entirely on the student to do the learning. When they have you washing rice you're supposed to be peaking at what the master is doing and thinking about why it is that way and then practicing what you see when he's not looking.

>> No.18046652

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.18046684

The best jap food is made by chink immigrants in Texas.

>> No.18046807

I actually bought into this, then the other sushi chef and the owner had a falling out and he left. Business was really big that year and boss couldn't find another chef fast enough. Boss never admitted it was bullshit and made me a sushi chef in 8 months. Pretending to be surprised I was able to immitate him. In a year I was able to run the place on my own on slower days. Quit shortly after.

This kind of apprenticeship is a meme. Find someone that wants to train you to do their job. It's not just Japanese either or even cooking industry.

>> No.18048082

Finally a post with some sense it should not take 2 years MAX for you to master something if you are dedicated. All this other "wash rice and dishes for 3 years" bullshit is a meme

>> No.18048253

the whole place is a bullshit forced meme channel, do you finally realize it?

>> No.18048449
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>> No.18048547

they are simply an inferior people

>> No.18049197


>> No.18050393


>> No.18050397

Holy shit you insufferable faggot stop making these crying threads.

>> No.18050404

>master tradesmen are fools
What a useless zoomer take

>> No.18050867
