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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, 16147926941726-3071695492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18036417 No.18036417 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a bourbon?

>> No.18036437 [DELETED] 

yoga pants.
also black negros do not drink bourbon.

>> No.18036447

It says "Tennessee Whiskey", anon...

>> No.18036463 [DELETED] 

black nergos do not drink it.
you are just racist.

>> No.18036472 [DELETED] 

It is a bourbon, they're just autistic about it and created a separate category called "Tennessee whiskey" because it's filtered through charcoal.

>> No.18036496

>3 liter bottle
god damn, never even seen one that big

>> No.18036501

No, bourbons are specifically made in Kentucky, like how scotch is made in Scotland.

>> No.18036794

yes, it's piss alright

>> No.18037223


>> No.18037243

Not true, Bourbon is a legal term defined in trade agreements, the sole geographic requirement is made in US, not Kentucky

>> No.18037269

>made in US
Canada too, I believe

>> No.18037274

It is not according the FDA, it doesnt have the right mix of Corn to Rye mash to be classified as a bourbon. This is why they made up the term Tennessee Whiskey

>> No.18037281

> it doesnt have the right mix of Corn to Rye mash to be classified as a bourbon.
I thought it just had to be 51% to be bourbon. Aging and origin taken into consideration, of course.
Isn't Jack 80% corn?

>> No.18037283
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Fuck off you are as wrong as two boys fucking.

>> No.18037286

No, Canadian whiskey (which can be quite good) is Canadian Whiskey, not Bourbon
The Canadian Government is signatory to trade agreements that reserve the term "Bourbon Whiskey" to American Products, presumably they received some small concession on Canadian products in return
I've heard Canadians do distill some corn based whiskey that is similar to bourbon for blending, but I would be shocked if they did this in single use white oak barrels which is a profligate expense for something that can't legally be labelled as a bourbon

>> No.18037289

it's been altered since then, grandpa

>> No.18037298

The requirement is minimum of 51%, Jack meets that
Jack has succesfully sued the US governemnt to not be classified as a bourbon for branding but they meet all the legal requirements of bourbon
Jack is at least 51% corn
Jack is made in US
Jack is aged in single use white oak barrels
Jack is correct proof
Jack is definitely bourbon, they just label it differently because they want to be distinct from their competitors

>> No.18037312
File: 146 KB, 613x747, Legal Bouron Definition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit you lying fuck.

>> No.18037336

No clue why I thought Canada was included.

>> No.18037344

Technically yes. It meets all of the legal requirements to be considered bourbon, but the company prefers to market it as Tennessee Whiskey.

>> No.18037434

i don't think its legal to sell anything bigger then a 1.75L to the public, these are just for bars

>> No.18037449

In Canada our liquor stores have some massive bottles that are about 5L+

>> No.18037450
File: 1.02 MB, 954x1193, KC_Straight_9YR_1869_HERO_SITE_SHADOW_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Federal Standards of Identity for Distilled Spirits, codified under 27 CFR §5.22(b)(1)(i), states bourbon made for U.S. consumption[21] must be:

Produced in the United States and Territories (Puerto Rico) and the District of Columbia[23]
Made from a grain mixture that is at least 51% corn[24]
Aged in new, charred oak containers[24]
Distilled to no more than 160 (U.S.) proof (80% alcohol by volume)[24]
Entered into the container for aging at no more than 125 proof (62.5% alcohol by volume)[24]
Bottled (like other whiskeys) at 80 proof or more (40% alcohol by volume)[25]

>> No.18037526

get a life you obese manchild

>> No.18037545

You're on a fucking board dedicated to food and cooking.
Why the fuck are you even here

>> No.18037550

legally maybe but no. not made in kentucky.

>> No.18037560

*bourbon county

>> No.18037569


>> No.18037607

To make himself feel better about his miserable life by shitting on other people's hobbies.

>> No.18037692

Pathetic samefag. Obviously I'm not calling you a manchild for talking about food or cooking, but for having such strong and angry opinions about this pedantic point. You must really have nothing gone in your life that this matters to you so much.

>> No.18037705

why is it that whiskey, in particular, attracts the biggest autists?

>> No.18037733

pedantry is the thing that matters in this context. jfc.
it isn't, people get this same way with wine, they invented a job for it. anything with details that matter attracts autists, details are what tickles the autistic part of the brain. trains, planes, bird watching, whiskey tastings, linux/unix, ect. anything with complexity that depends on that complexity for what it is.

>> No.18037773

>pedantry is the thing that matters in this context. jfc
Of course but you don't have to cry about it, faggot. I'm sorry whiskey and pizza hut personal pan pizzas are all you have to live for but that doesn't mean you can't find a way to be mentally stable when you talk about it.

>> No.18037799
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Jack and other Tennessee Whiskies do often meet the legal requirements to be labeled as bourbons, but go the extra step of charcoal filtering, which as far as I'm aware no Kentucky Bourbons do. Some people say that the charcoal filtering doesn't really make a difference and it's still bourbon. Maybe in the barrel aged stuff that may be harder to discern, but having had moonshine straight from the still, same bath, some charcoal filtered, and some not, I can definitely say it helps. As far as legal Tennessee Whiskies go, I think Jack Single Barrel is my preferred, Bourbon - Evan Williams 1783 is good for the money.

>> No.18037811

>that pic
this is what happens when you grow up without a father

>> No.18037814

I was even the guy you were talking to, I just find your position absurd.

>> No.18037820

That's because you have autism

>> No.18037825

being casked in charred oak barrels is already charcoal filtering, that;s the whole point of the char.

>> No.18037830
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Projecting much? My dad was always a beer drinker rather than a whiskey man, but he loved Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms up until the day he passed. Thanks for being awesome, Dad.

>> No.18037834

no I think you are just a douche really. no one is forcing you to be here.

>> No.18037842

So now you've given up on calling it "absurd" and you're just saying "you're mean!!!" for calling you out for being an angry autist who can't handle different views on bourbon lmao

>> No.18037866

no it is absurd. and I didn't say you're being mean, I said you were being a douche, a.k.a. needlessly antagonistic well beyond the level needed for our current discussion. just chill a bit?

>> No.18037869

How does a person end up turning out as pathetic as you?

>> No.18037878

there you go again. stay angry anon. but never do anything constructive with that anger, just sit there an seethe in it.

>> No.18037881

You seem to have some strong feelings about this, did I touch a nerve?

>> No.18037887

Dramatically less filtration happens naturally in barrel than happens when you pour the whiskey directly though filters and force it via gravity.

>> No.18037896

you are the only touchy one here, do what you want, but people don't have to like it.

>> No.18037901

it's a marketing gimmick, pure and simple. justify it if you want, but that's all it is.

>> No.18037904

this is wrong fyi. the char is for flavor and color...

>> No.18037906

>but people don't have to like it.
You might actually be retarded

>> No.18037908

well, we know you are.

>> No.18037912

bro just stop responding to this tard and let this bad thread die. hes obviously trolling you

>> No.18037916

Believe what you want, anon, but I suggest you try making some moonshine and filter it as an experiment. You'll see the difference.

>> No.18037918

That was pathetic but at least it constituted a tangible comeback this time, you're improving.

>> No.18037919

filtration is a natural by product as the barrel breathes.

>> No.18037932

moonshine isn't JD. a hoochery indawoods is going to be inherently poorer quality than the facilities of world class master distillers. moon shine is also not aged.

>> No.18037942

Youre reading this thread you dumb bitch.
Presumably you read the subject heading before opening this page.
It's not our fault you had to learn something today ya cunt.

>> No.18037947

seek professional help

>> No.18037973

All whiskey starts out white, anon. JD is moonshine that got left in a barrel until someone decided it's brown enough to sell. I've had plenty of "indawoods hoochery" that's been far better than the garbage that sits on the shelves at many liquor stores. Is it comparable to higher end whiskeys? Not really, but for the average ~<$60 Whiskey? You can definitely do it at home.

>> No.18037989

leaving it in the barrel does the same thing that charcoal filtering does for moonshine, charcoal filtering it before barreling it is superfluous.

>> No.18038014

See >>18037887

Filtration in barrel is minimal compared to actual forced filtration. Rolling the barrel down a ramp and then throwing it on a shelf for a few years does not achieve the same result. Once you hit the typical age of a bottled whiskey it's hard to pick up on the difference since you'd obviously introduced far more flavors into the drink from the wood, but there is absolutely a difference. I again urge you to try it yourself and see. Or you can just go buy whatever whiskey you like and enjoy it rather than arguing about nuanced subjects that the average person will never test or verify. They would not hang on to the extra cost of charcoal filtering process if it did not provide any tangible benefit, even if it is minor.

>> No.18038024

>It is a bourbon
Technically, yes.
But it's also a sour mash, which (IMO) should be a separate category.
I like most bourbon, but don't like sour mash.

>> No.18038033

I would like to try, unfortunately I can't run a still in a 3rd floor apartment, so I settle for BIAB barley wine

>> No.18038041

its not really filtration. more sedimentation/flocculation.

>> No.18038052

Do you guys wanna smoke cigars and sip bourbon in my leather and wood man room?

>> No.18038062

there are neither of those things going on with a distilled spirit being put into a barrel. the barrel literally absorbs the alcohol and the forces it back out as the seasons change. that's why barrel houses are not climate controlled.

>> No.18038071

Lmao at this fag

>> No.18038077

>my leather and wood man room
Sounds kinda gay.
I'm in!

>> No.18038098
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>> No.18038108
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Blatantly untrue, my dad is awesome and I had a great childhood

>> No.18038178

Because many fine establishments, cigar clubs and other groups don't carry it because it is not a bourbon. And those that drink the swill will screech that there jack and coke is the finest bourbon Tennessee can make.

>> No.18038183

Kaiser is that you? If it is stop being a sperg and come back.

>> No.18038313

you are not convincing

>> No.18038587

Personally I don't really like Jack desu, Wild Turkey is my preferred in that price point, with Jim Beam and Seagram's 7 acceptable alternatives
But I don't question that Jack has a taste that is very distinct, or that Charcoal filtering probably has something to do with that (maybe)
Still, Jack very clearly meets the legal requirements to be sold as Bourbon in the US and abroad, Jack just declines this for branding purposes

>> No.18038613

based /alc/ that Stewart Berkshire, Deputy Commissioner of the GloboHomo booze department. How do you get that job?

>> No.18038990

wasn't trying to be

>> No.18038994

He's an obese literal child

>> No.18039018

There are craft distillers up here that are doing it, but very very few. To get around it, one distillery called it "berbon" because they use a variety of corn called Taber

>> No.18039162

I noticed that myself and at first wondered if that was a plastic bottle but then also noticed that on the label the 3L is written as 3,0 notice the comma and not the decimal point. Dollars to donuts that's an export bottle, likely not to Canada since wouldn't that require dual language?

>> No.18039163

Fucking based seethe inciter

>> No.18039177
File: 91 KB, 698x409, Screenshot_2022-06-27 Buy Spirits BCLIQUOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prices are pretty atrocious, but it's par for the course.

>> No.18039253

>But I don't question that Jack has a taste that is very distinct,
It's a sour mash, and that trumps the impact on taste more than being a bourbon.

>> No.18039326

It's as distinct of making me want to puke, oh those nice subtle stomach flavors

>> No.18039380
File: 628 KB, 1002x916, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only like 10 distilleries that are allowed to call themselves "Tennessee Whiskey" so Jack (being the ones who invented the charcoal filtering that "differentiates" it from bourbon) is going to wear that label proudly.

Even if they're not the best Tennessee whiskey.

>> No.18039439
File: 114 KB, 914x607, facepalm_estatua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"differentiates" it from bourbon
I've posted this several times already, but here goes:
1) It IS bourbon.
2) The distinct taste come from it also being a sour mash.

>Sour mash (or sourmash) is a process used in
>the distilling industry that uses material from an
> older batch of mash to start the fermentation of
>a new batch, analogous to the making of >sourdough bread with a starter.[1]

>> No.18039490
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>1) It IS bourbon.

that's why I put quotation marks around it retard

>> No.18040056

Yes it meets all the requirements for bourbon, even the charcoal filtering falls within bourbon's rules.

>> No.18040062

According to that one movie I seen with Kevin Costner talking about it, he said it wasn’t a bourbon but a sour mash instead (and yes it felt like autism when I heard it)

>> No.18040074

Get ready for more autism, most bourbons and Whiskey as a whole is sour mash.

>> No.18040286

Whats the average price for a 1L Jack Daniels bottle in America? In my country its around $35. Is this a good price?

>> No.18040293

Jack is really good bourbon

It can go for $30 - $35 here with heavy taxes

>> No.18040296

>It can go for $30 - $35 here with heavy taxes
Damn so its a literal bargain since every goddam whiskey here is sold almost at 2x the price in the US

>> No.18040308

>Jack is really good bourbon
Gotta disagree you can find much better stuff for the price, like old tub, or wild turkey 101.
Even Jim Beam is better.

>> No.18040316

that is motherless behaviour desu

>> No.18040324

None of that stuff is much better it’s all equivalent

>> No.18040326

Charcoal filtering of the distillate before going into a NCOB disqualifies JD from being Bourbon.

>> No.18040333
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>> No.18040336

They make it up in volume

>> No.18040342


>> No.18040374


>> No.18040381

>posted with caps lock because triggered

>> No.18040382

Yes, reposts trigger me. Autism website.

>> No.18040798

>most bourbons and Whiskey as a whole is sour mash.
[citation needed]

>> No.18040855


>> No.18040858

whats the difference?

>> No.18040861

some of us are able to drink in moderation. i dont even get tipsy

>> No.18040864

>that pic
womanbrain faggot.

>> No.18040867
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>> No.18040885

damn, Ja/ck/ is making cocktails now?

>> No.18040888

They're not mutually exclusive.
Bourbon is a smokey, barrel-aged, American whiskey made mostly from corn.
Sour mash is a whiskey that includes part of an old mash to strt the new mash fermenting, like sourdough bread.

>> No.18040955

In Australia you can buy these

>> No.18040962

Out of interest, what does that cost in Aussieland, like 499 AUS Dollarys?

>> No.18040966

Ahh, so a plastic bottle.
I was right on my first suspicions.

>> No.18040971
File: 93 KB, 400x400, girly_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of girly men are you that you can't lift up a simple plastic bottle?

>> No.18040977

Shit people.
I'm off to kill or capture a preditor and get some tech and here I am wondering about girly men.

>> No.18041116

nogunz cope

>> No.18041297

Extremely BASED gun

>> No.18041309

You know how much the bourbon I drink costs? 6€ for 70cl.
Coope and seethe autistic alcoholics.

>> No.18041312

You don't even understand the shit that you've been spamming all day. Terms mean different things in different contexts, this is fundamental to understanding the law.

>> No.18041324


>> No.18041449
File: 485 KB, 535x673, camo blacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are pretty much all I drink nowadays
$2 bucks a can

>> No.18041547

clearly you have homosexual tendencies and shoud kys right now

>> No.18041622

>You don't even understand the shit that you've been spamming all day. Terms mean different things in different contexts,

>> No.18041950

He is a jack drinker

>> No.18042309

sounds like the other anon hit it spot on

>> No.18042318

Jack is OK bourbon, but if you're paying $35 for it you're getting ripped off. Around me, at least, you can get so much better for $35.

>> No.18042441

Sour mash is just a process.

>> No.18043029

Jack really isn't anything special

>> No.18043037

Yeah I generally don't buy it because of that. I guess it's just really popular around here and stuff like Jim Beam is a lot cheaper, sometimes on sale at $18 a handle

>> No.18043120

You're right that OP's pic isn't from Canada but we do have them (with bilingual labeling). A 3L bottle of hard liquor is called a Texas mickey here

>> No.18043645

>Sour mash is just a process.
...and any whiskey made using this process.
I've never said otherwise.

>> No.18043900

You sure are.

>> No.18043969

can I diet and drink whiskey on the rocks and be okayish

>> No.18044102

If you manage your macros and follow CICO, sure.
But it's hard and not recommended.

>> No.18044975


>> No.18045257

>can I diet and drink whiskey on the rocks and be okayish
I did this for years. Just don't overdo the diet and don't drink 5 liters of whiskey a week for years on end.

>> No.18045684

>don't drink 5 liters of whiskey a week for years on end.

this is just good advice in general

>> No.18045833

>33 canuckbucks per 750 of jameson
not awful

>> No.18045837
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no. picrel is

>> No.18046329

damn those look tasty

>> No.18046656

ok, just read the article it says most whiskey is made sour mash.
Only one I can think of that is big is wilderness trail that uses sweet mash.

>> No.18047631
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