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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 516 KB, 1078x1695, Bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18035048 No.18035048 [Reply] [Original]

>get memed that bud is trash
>gas station is out of beer except for bud
>buy a pack
>it's actually good

why does bud get so much hate?

>> No.18035054

too light imo.

>> No.18035058

It seems to have gotten worse in the last 5-10 years. Could just be my mind playing tricks on me though

>> No.18035067

It's no worse than any other macro lager. Just because they were out of your usual Coors doesn't make Bud good.

>> No.18035070

Bud is a C-tier beer. It's Bud Lite that is terrible

>> No.18035078

I can smell your beard oil through this post

>> No.18035087

Hipsters drink shitty lagers on purpose though, except ironically.

>> No.18035088

Money's been tight, so the missus and I have been resorting to cheap beer. Got a box of budweiser just today actually, chugging it now. It's honestly not that bad, surprisingly. Not great, but not bad.

>> No.18035092

too late fatso you're already short, stubby and fat

>> No.18035094

It's easy to drink and cheap. I love all types of beer but Bud definitely has its place. I'd understand the hate if I wasn't American and had to pay an import premium for it, though.

>> No.18035098

Bud is very popular for a reason.

Bud Light however is pretty tasteless.

For me, though, it's Negra Modelo.. some dark Mexican beer that's basically a bavarian dunkel lager... whatever that means I don't know shit about beer except how to drink it.

>> No.18035101

I thought hipsters stopped doing that back in 2006 when everyone else caught onto it.

>> No.18035116

Maybe. Or hipsters kind of just stopped being a thing after smart phones became ubiquitous. (Don't tell /ck/; they don't go outside so just let them believe their crazy ideas of what the actual world is like.)

>> No.18035119

It's popular. Also, it's a rice beer and so is pretty different. I really do like it though.

>> No.18035179

>why does bud get so much hate?
You're thinking of bud lite. That being said, there are better alternatives. Gansett, yuengling, sam adams to name a few

>> No.18035340

>went out to a diner-bar with my dad and uncle
>didn't have my brand of beer, just like the one we went to last month
Do none of these places carry fucking Miller High-Life or what?

>> No.18035623

>why does bud get so much hate?
Because it's trash.

>> No.18036522

Braustübl is better. Definitly not a biased opinion

>> No.18036537

>canned beer
Enjoy your microplastics

>> No.18036633
File: 309 KB, 800x600, budweiser-400845033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really good, but i prefer the glass bottle version.

>> No.18036635

what are a-tier beer?

>> No.18036639

Low strength, rice wine.

>> No.18036642

Personal preference and based on opinion. A selection of beers from the microbreweries in your city. Micros make everything from lager to stout to IPA now, they're not just 15 different flavors of IPA anymore

>> No.18036643

i'd drown before i could get drunk off of pissweiser

>> No.18036645 [DELETED] 

No, hipsters are definitely real and thriving. Ever zoomer is either a hipster or trying to emulate niggers or is a full blown anime-loving nazi pedophile retard.

>> No.18036649

Just drink hurricane or stacks

>> No.18036693

It's not terrible, but it's not good. It's like having a bunch of different options for Italian food and picking Spaghetti-O's.

>> No.18036697

Bud lite is the terrible one.

>> No.18036719

I also like Hamms and Montucky better too

>> No.18036822
File: 66 KB, 1200x759, EM2RPQXE7JAHTKFSTLBSLFIC6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Budweiser has the highest protein between BudMillerCoors (1.3g, <1.0g, 1g respectively) to get some idea how diluted with adjunct they all are. They're also the only one that uses hop pellets instead of CO2 extract. Maybe it's popular for good reason?

There's a bunch of delusional reviews on Beer Advocate saying it smells and tastes like corn when it says "rice" right there on the can. There was even that Superbowl ad about corn syrup. People just want to hate it. I've paid $10 for craft pilsner 6-packs that's worse than it.

>> No.18036859

Based, bosed the clear and the dark bottled ones are my favorite somehow cheap gotos

>> No.18037056

I got hamms for the first time recently and I like it, but not as much as others. Hamms has a lighter, thinner color and I find it offputting
I don't think this is available where I live

>> No.18037083

It's just overpriced for what it is. It's probably the best big brand lager, it's just also a few dollars more than it should be.

>> No.18037113

It's way too sweet imo.

>> No.18037120

>it's actually good
i mean it's beer.
shit german beer laws make all beers the same, and that's the thing about beer, is that beer... is beer. exceptrtv4r
coors which tastes weird.

>> No.18037138

These are all good (never had Gansett, though). But for me, nothing beats a Rainier or a Labatt Blue.

>Miller High-Life
This shit is fucking vile.

>> No.18037146

Had the same thing for cocktails
>dudes always act like they're too cool for them
>call dudes gay for ordering them
>order one as a joke
>tastes like hawaiian punch and get drunk too
That's when I learned all of it is bullshit. I'm not a badass because I can take a shot of Vodka straight, it's just alcohol, there's no effort or endurance or feat of strength in taking any shot. Hell, the toughest one for me to take without reaction is fucking gin, the drink of choice for old grannies. It's meaningless, so now I go for stuff that actually tastes good too.

>> No.18037335


>> No.18037563

It’s called the king of beers for a reason

>> No.18037581

Every batch tastes different to me. I bet the factory is full of illiterate illegal immigrants doing quality control.

>> No.18037583

If you ever want a delicious beer try the other Budweiser from Czechia

>> No.18037622

There are so many god damn hipsters living in my neighborhood now and they're still dressing like dickheads like they did in 2004

>> No.18037677

It's ok, a lot better than PBR that shit is fucking garbage.

>> No.18037689

>modelo with lime
>modelo without lime

>> No.18037927

Lime and a bit of salt

>> No.18037955

If guiness extra stout isn't your favorite beer you're a pussy

>> No.18037964

Beer Advocate is the worst website in existence

>> No.18038118

Based. For me, its MGD.

>> No.18038124

I prefer the taste of coors.
The rice they brew budweiser with does something to the taste and I do not dig it. If it's all they've got well fuck it, not sure why I'd be in a place like that but fine.

>> No.18038129

>be me
>the water in my house isn't drinkable
>too tired to walk to the corner store to re-fill our 10 gallon water jug
>check fridge
>no arizona, no water, no milk, no silk, no cold coffee
>a miller
>drink a miller with breakfast
>bus to work buzzed
>this is my life
i want to die but at least i'm not drinking bud or even worse coors

>> No.18038130

Hamms is actually a good beer to use if you're one of those people that likes to put clamato or tomato juice in your shit. At that point why bother using a more expensive beer you just like the taste of that other shit.

>> No.18038148

Jew OWNED. Get rid of it.

>> No.18038152

Nobody has debunked this

>> No.18038174

the american craft beer revolution was spearheaded by stone brewing co out of san diego, whose brand was based on catchphrases like "you're not worthy," and "don't drink fizzy yellow beer." essentially their whole marketing strategy was that american light lager (macro lager), aka anything produced at a certain large scale, was tasteless garbage, while their assertively hopped and flavorful beer was true craft. their marketing was largely successful and many american craft beer drinkers look down on macro lagers, while in fact they continue to win global and regional awards and recognition. the bud/miller/coors brands are mostly style defining, and since they move a huge amount of volume they are usually fresh and delicious.

>> No.18038194

...A Brazilian Jew?

>> No.18038219

Whatever dude bad on a large scale is still bad.
Also fuck San Diego and all that other shit you just said.

>> No.18038232

I was literally answering OPs question, why are you mad?

>> No.18038234

I got an ice cold Coors light bottle from a VFW the other week. It was the freshest Coors I'd ever tasted. It was the best beer I had all month. I bet they move a lot of volume, and dug this one out of a chest freezer.

>> No.18038307

i can only drink the heaviest beers

>> No.18038314

sounds awesome. I toured the coors facility in colorado and had one at the brewery. one of my greatest beer drinking experiences of my life - and I have worked in the industry for the last decade.

>> No.18038384

>aluminum can

>> No.18038393

fat hands

>> No.18038397

At that point they aren't hipsters if it's a style that people have been adhering too since 2004 you fuckin retard lmao

>> No.18038405

>Personal preference and based on opinion
So it objectively doesn't exist by your metric. Don't rate shit if you're too much of a bitch to rank them properly.

>> No.18038407

this. kek

>> No.18038424

The inside of cans has a lining made out of plastic to prevent corrosion

>> No.18038428

Budweiser is good. Fuck all the bald losers with a beard that think otherwise.

>> No.18038433

how do you know that? just curious.

>> No.18038450

macro beers are fine its just for people who want somewhere to start with beers and dont know what they'll like or people who dont like beer
going into it i thought i wouldve liked those dark heavy reddit stouts because they look cool, but i really prefer beers in a more belgian style which tend to be light in color and fruity, i made some myself that tastes like cider

>> No.18038451
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You can melt the metal exterior with room temperature gallium or other solutions while leaving the plastic liner intact. Without this liner, products would corrode or leach the metals from the containers, a problem with early cans.

>> No.18038455

I appreciate the answer. But I meant why do you know that? As in is it something from your line of work or are you just a guy with weird facts?

>> No.18038457
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some drain cleaners work, too.

>> No.18038460

I used to have a big hobby interest in chemistry. I was one of those weird kids in high school who melted stuff and made amateur explosives for fun.

>> No.18038465

That's cool. I didn't mean to be insulting by saying weird facts btw. I like people with obscure knowledge.

>> No.18038531

you can still dress like a dickhead no matter what era it is dumbass. they don't look the same its 18 years later

>> No.18038538

If they don't look the same then it isn't the same style retard.

>> No.18038549

Kys AB shill

>> No.18038552

yeah i didn't say that galaxy brain, i said they dress like dickheads, not the same. get it together m8

>> No.18038554

I have and was born with a penis so I don't do that

>> No.18038556

They don't dress the same so it isn't the same style you mongoloid.

>> No.18038577
File: 14 KB, 252x200, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stella is king and i'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.18038582

may as well drink water

>> No.18038607

Unless you live in my city, you've probably never heard of the beers retardanon

>> No.18038620

me? i wear a hoodie and jeans. einstein wore the same thing everyday so as not to strain his brain so i do too as to not be a "hipster" in the year of our lord 2022. fucking hipsters

>> No.18038628
File: 90 KB, 679x477, Hamm&#039;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what most of the rest of the civilized world refers to as "Sex in a Canoe" beer...
>Fucking close to water
I personally don't like Budweiser because of the massive amount of foaming agents and other conditioners meant to make the rice beer taste more "Authentic"
If you want a good beer for cheap, that actually tastes like a lighter lager, may I suggest
>pic related
I was pleasantly surprised at the taste, and it's around $15 for a 30 pack.
Hope the hipsters don't switch to it--the price would double, and no longer be worth it.

>> No.18038638
File: 91 KB, 300x300, 1651289946339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homebrew done well, with good ingredients.

>> No.18038645

>>Miller High-Life
>This shit is fucking vile.
didn't used to be--they changed the recipe in the mid-90s.
you're right though--now it tastes like sweet chemicals.

>> No.18038671

At one point, I lived close to the Anheuser-Busch brewery on Schrock rd. in Columbus.
The smell of burnt green beans was all you could smell for about a mile around.
No Reinheitsgebot for them...

>> No.18038847
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>> No.18038853

Coors light

>> No.18038856
File: 47 KB, 500x534, 1644372380394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, are these brewed from freaking rice? For years I couldn't handle the taste of so much of these macro beers. Especially some of the low carb ones.

Is this what Bud and etc are using?

Was the recipe different before? Like a decade or two ago? It feels like it tasted OK back then but now I just can't even. Coors Banquet is about the only macro I can do.

School me brew anons.

>> No.18038869

No one wants to live with you. Not even the parents who's house you currently reside in.

>> No.18038871

microplastics come from fibers, not from monolithic sheets of plastic. clothing, tires and cig filters are the main sources of microplastics.

>> No.18038876

Serious question. If you have such a major concern for micro plastics have you actually made an effort to eliminate them? If so, have you actually seen measured improvements in your health?

>> No.18038877
File: 304 KB, 1004x670, 1644378142616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck anon.... Get one of those water dispensers and use those big blue water jugs. Can't stand hearing a true G who is on /ck/ without good water. I know, you prolly broke AF. But water should be #1 over any soft drink etc.

>> No.18038878

Most macro beers use either corn mash or rice in addition to the standard barley/hops/yeast to increase the initial sugar content and make it ferment faster (note: the end sugar content is still the same as normal beers). They've been doing this for over a hundred years, too. American Budweiser has always used rice. The Czech version doesn't.
To give a reference, Coors Banquet and Coors Light use corn syrup over rice for alcohol content. Before you go REEEing about the antichrist, the sugars are converted to alcohol by the fermentation and there's nothing left of the original corn syrup in the final product.

>> No.18038881

>Ok, are these brewed from freaking rice?
Yes, Mostly.
There may be some barley malt extract but they are predominantly based on rice sugar.

>> No.18038884

Where do you live? Can I interview you? I'd pay. I have a youtube channel that's pretty big at this point.

>> No.18038889

I think American Budweiser openly states their blend is 30% rice.

>> No.18038891

>What about in canada?

>> No.18038896

>the REAL AYLiums Pic
>Truth about the h2o
It's all here:
Great fucking poast, anon.
(JK about the AYYYLMAOs)

>> No.18038897
File: 42 KB, 400x323, image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why keep spending money on alcohol if you're in a financially tight spot?

>> No.18038900

Why do you resist becoming financially independent and moving out of your parents house?

>> No.18038901

We also get American Budweiser. In markets with American Budweiser (North America, mostly), Czech Budweiser is rebranded as "Czechvar" which doesn't contain rice.

>> No.18038903
File: 89 KB, 627x605, 1644791322191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually fresh and delicious.

Just to put that shill post that received .10c for each ((YOU)) into perspective. Remember Safe & Effective? Imagine if they used 'usually safe & effective kek. But beer can get away with that, pharma can't.
It's all the same shit. Learn to know when you are being shilled. It's everywhere. Dead internet theory is right.

I won't get a reply from 18038...because no ((you)). bet.

>> No.18038905

Nice projection

>> No.18038906
File: 120 KB, 372x372, 1655692566133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a great question

>> No.18038909

canada sounds kind of bad.

>> No.18038912

>didn't even deny it
Say hi to your mom in the hall bro.

>> No.18038917
File: 888 KB, 2592x1944, Bud_and_Budvar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add, in markets with Czech Budweiser (Europe, mostly), American Budweiser is still available but rebranded as "Bud".
The same products are available, they just have different names.

>> No.18038918

do you live with your parents tho?

>> No.18038920

oh damn canada is a shit hole

>> No.18038922

Canadian macrobeer is on par with American. If you're in Alberta though, the sheer amount of craft beer, or really anything alcoholic is absolutely ludicrous as the liquor control board basically let's anyone do anything, and bring anything in. Every other province sucks though.

>> No.18038925

By stating that you are projecting I deny it.

I live alone.

>> No.18038927

Bro, you need to work on your English before you try baiting like this.

>> No.18038936

>I live alone.

Oh I definitely believe you.

>> No.18038941

"Baiting" as a term in that context isn't proper grammar. You would know that if you knew English nigger.

>> No.18038944
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Based, but only if drunk in triple digit heat doing something like golf or fishing

>> No.18038948

Only ESLs get pissy over colloquial usage on the internet.

>> No.18038963 [DELETED] 

Nigger. You are a nigger. And will always be known as one. You don't have pale skin. You're trash.

>> No.18038966
File: 173 KB, 1280x658, Shutup BAITIN&#039;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably one of my countrymen--Don't be too hard on him, our schools have been fucked for DECADES.

>> No.18038985

America has some of the highest top ranked schools in the world but ok.

>> No.18039002

>some of the highest top ranked schools in the world
I'm referring to our public school systems, anon.
Most Ivy league schools are now only virtue signalling, status boosters, requiring little to no actual skill or intelligence.
Money or exemplified status are ALL that is required.
That said--there are still some good universities...Maybe.

>> No.18039028
File: 3.05 MB, 500x281, DimGraciousGrub-size_restricted (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool man, thanks for the posts. I'm a dummy and didn't even know these things had plastic liners.
You are the retardanon, that's what he was getting at. Go find out what you like from shit where you live. We are no longer confined to just macro brews.
Thanks G. Yeah, I get it about sugars converted, I'm not REEEing about that. Just talking about my own ignorance in these matters.
I feel like it tasted different in the late 90's and for all of the early 2000's, then BAM gotcha. I can't pinpoint when exactly but one day it all just tasted different. Or my palette changed. There was a huge buyout during this time period so I don't think I'm crazy and shit actually changed.
Addiction is an answer, and is tough to crack... It's not as easy as just stop drinking bro.. but wrong thread.

>> No.18039171

No idea what it tasted like back then, but fun trivia: Miller owns tons of patents for hop chemistry around '96-'00
I kind of admire how much effort they put into replicating hops minus the skunking, and the foam retention with Tetrahop. It's a scientific marvel. But it's also silly because they could have just used brown bottles like everyone else.

>> No.18039187

Yeah, Food science is one of the most interesting, yet detrimental sciences I can think of.
INB4 Pharma
I'll have to look up the TetraHop. Is that just a 4 varietal hybrid extract?
I've brewed my own--there really is no beating it.

>> No.18039192

Hi Andrew! :-)
How you doing?

>> No.18039245
File: 113 KB, 312x337, 1419793881465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low level: Memes
Mid level: A dollar or two more buys you a better beer.
High level: The company devours smaller breweries, and the ones they don't buy out, they deliberately hamstring by buying up mass amounts of hops to rot just to raise the price on other beers.

>> No.18039246

they already have, but it doesn't make the beer taste any different. Now you might get some art hoe pussy if you play your cards right

>> No.18039631
File: 129 KB, 220x193, Pinky and the Brain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well--let's be real, It's the price that would be the issue.
I wouldn't drink the swill for more than $16 for a 15 pack.
>T.had my FILL of art hoes--You can have mine.

>> No.18039801

All cheap beer is good, anybody who's a snob about beer is a tremendous faggot.

>> No.18039850
File: 70 KB, 333x408, [X].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All cheap beer is good
But some are okay.

>> No.18039870

Why is Europe so based regarding beer?

>> No.18039879

Thousands of years instead of hundreds,
Get fucked over long enough with bad product, eventually the "There oughta be a law" clan gets it way.

>> No.18039895

because it's where modern beer comes from.
Honestly I don't even get how crap like Heineken and Bud find a market here, yeah they are slightly cheaper, but you can get good german and czech beers for a small price bump and they're just infinitely better.

>> No.18039905
File: 360 KB, 1110x1066, beervs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually more expensive per liter compared to Paulaner, kek

I'm not a beer snob, I actually like Bud for parties because it gives you the beer feel without getting you bloated (unlike Paulaner) but quality wise there's just no comparison.

>> No.18039911

It's part of Inbev, which is Belgian. Apart from flooding the market with lager, burning down competitor's breweries (Hoegaarden, now Inbev) and flooding every goddamn aspect of public life with ads there's no reason to hate Inbev.

>> No.18040050

In America, Pilsner Urquell is 2x as expensive as Budweiser. I love Bud but if they were the same price I'd never drink it again. Bulk buying 24-30 cans for cheap is a major part of the appeal.

>> No.18040089
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>> No.18040091

The market seems flooded with IPAs to me. Unless you work in the brewing industry, it's silly to hate a beer or brewery no one is forcing you to drink.

>> No.18040280

>All cheap beer is good, anybody who's a snob about beer is a tremendous faggot.
Cheap beer can be good but just because something is cheap doesn't make it taste good.
People blasted that someone likes better beer than them are as bad as people who mock those who don't drink better beer.

>> No.18040288

Don't exist anymore. craft beer sales are way down because the trend is over and shit too expensive. People buy cheap lager because it's cheap.

>> No.18040291

>the trend is over

>> No.18040292

>Negra Modelo.
It tastes like any lager. Quit fooling yourself with the caramel food coloring.

>> No.18040295

I know Latinos who say you only put salt and lime in corona, and Modelo is the good shit you drink straight.

>> No.18040297

What planet do you think you're living on, bud? You can't escape them.

>> No.18040732

Are you a bot? Modelo is fine without being dressed.

>> No.18040738

For me it Dos XX.

I’m not sure why but it doesn’t seem to get a lot of love outside of Texas, I guess calimexs like to get fucked up on Sol or Tecante or some other gay shit.