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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18028567 No.18028567 [Reply] [Original]

Bye, I guess...

>> No.18028582

the graffiti-tagged cherry-picker is a nice touch. really drives home the oppression and societal degradation, which juxtaposes nicely with the rejection of the "bourgeois excess" of the west.

>> No.18028593

>smoothbrain doesn't understand the concept of window-dressing

>> No.18028599


>> No.18028603

the rainbow signage is a great touch, really drives home how much more committed to diversity they are compared to the homo/transphobic west.

>> No.18028607

>And now for my next trick, I shall make decadent capitalism dissappear before your very eyes!

>> No.18028617

>clean it up

>> No.18028647

>he still thinks russia isn't just scenes from a sound stage in hollywood

>> No.18028660

Gays stole the rainbow from Christianity.
>he still thinks hollywood isn't just toledo with the street signs changed

>> No.18028703

too many words fag. left cant meme

>> No.18028727
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>> No.18028731

I think he was more pointing out that brevity is more conducive to humour than verbosity.

>> No.18028733

still too many lol

>> No.18028739
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>> No.18028743

>Bye, I guess...
The real reason anyone eats at McDonalds abroad is to use a western style bathroom without a sitdown meal in a traditional restaurant, paying museum admission, or putting a coin into a pay stall or going down into a nasty subway. To walk into a McDonalds, get a simple coke with clean purified ice, a single coffee and use your receipt code to access a clean customers-only bathroom is important in city centers where public bathrooms simply wereny planned out and conveniently placed, such as in heavily touristed areas.
The only other reason for high-priced subpar food is the enjoy some oddity only available in that specific country that you saw on instagram once. Nova Scotia and Maine will have the McLobster in season only. I had my first bubble-tea in Vienna of all places. And don't forget, Iceland ran McDonalds out of their country for just being unhealthy and not to be part of their future.

>> No.18028750

They have truly won.
Good for them.

>> No.18028759

>refrigerating mcdonalds
i hate people who do this, i knew a fat bitch who would order mcdonalds, eat some, then put the reset in the fridge. hate that fat cunt, all reheated food is fucking gross

>> No.18028765
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how many of his friends do you think have been mutilated in Ukraine?

>> No.18028771

>use your receipt code to access a clean customers-only bathroom
Please Jesus let America adopt this practice. I used to work at a convenience store in the ghetto and all our 1 star reviews were bitching about the bathroom either being smeared with wall to wall shit, containing junkies dead or OD'ing, or being closed down for one of the two above reasons. We were so slammed and understaffed that we couldn't leave the registers to clean it if we wanted to. People walk in a see a line out the door and somehow think we can both clean and police the bathrooms with magic omnipresent abilities.

>> No.18028777

None. My friend in Ukraine says the Ukranian regular army surrendered on the first day of the invasion and the only resistance is from foreign PMC groups.

>> No.18028783

who does that with refrigerated fastfood?
i've always eaten it cold once i took it back out. tastes better that way.

>> No.18028789

i guess she ate it cold, i dunno. she just told me that she eats it later after she refrigerates it. fucking dusgisting the both of you

>> No.18028790

mcdonaldsbros... we lost...

>> No.18028791

Most establishments of this level of busy pay a maid/cleaning service to come in twice a day, even restaurants do this. I wouldn't touch any job with a 10' pole which required me to clean a bathroom that street people used. I wonder who does it at Starbucks since their CEO removed the non-customer requirements.

>> No.18028794

are you one of those people who think it's beneath you to eat food that's not fresh off the stove?

>> No.18028796

yep, and it is.

>> No.18028819

No, they don't. What fucking rich ass wypipo place are you from? They make the wagies do it before they're allowed to go home for the day.

>> No.18028828
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not enough

>> No.18028842

did you grow up in poverty or something?
i did, but i don't front on it.
those i grew up with from the same background have the mindset that you do for some odd reason.

>> No.18028849

I thought they were anti-homosex, why the rainbow fag?

>> No.18028850

no, pretty rich.

>> No.18028926

>sees a rainbow
>immediately thinks of gay buttsex
lmao, brainwashed

>> No.18028944

yes, we've seen tremendous effort expended on creating that association lately

>> No.18028959

You are a gigantic faggot

>> No.18028960

>effort expended on creating that association
lmao do you believe the nwo had a meeting where they said "hey let's get people to associate rainbows with gays for some reason"? I know the world is a lot scarier than it was when you were a kid but not everything is a conspiracy retard

>> No.18028968

The rainbow doesn't have gay connotations outside of the west. You do realize that what >>18028660 said is true, and that faggots purposely took and desecrated a Christian symbol as a way to "get back" at their rightful oppressors?

>> No.18028977

Idunno, i really was into KFC and sometimes burger king, they are still here. McDonald's was always like childish burgerpalooza.

>> No.18028999

Nice, me too! Does your dad also work for Nintendo?

>> No.18029009

>do you believe the nwo had a meeting where they said "hey let's get people to associate rainbows with gays for some reason
No, the gays themselves literally did this you dumb fucking faggot. Why the fuck did you conflate his post with some type of government conspiracy?

>> No.18029100

because if I don't set up strawmen to mock I will have to face the fact that my positions are logically unsound

>> No.18029117

Maybe they aren't trying to be funny

>> No.18029194

Christians stole the rainbow from the Celts, the Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, the ancient Egyptians, the Jews and literally every culture whose members have eyesight and access to a daytime sky after it rains.

>> No.18029201

>can't comprehend a sentence

>> No.18029210

>Stole the rainbow
Its a natural phenomena, no one stole it. Christians used it to represent a plethora of nations under Christ, and then the gays co-opted to represent a plethora of nations under faggotry.

>> No.18029226

>Christians used it to represent a plethora of nations under Christ
You don't have sufficient knowledge of the topics you are attempting to speak on. You shouldn't do that.

>> No.18029615

Based lip man

>> No.18029717


>> No.18029725

Typical Russian workmanship. An American McDonald's sign is far more durable.