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18022261 No.18022261 [Reply] [Original]

Poached is the superior egg style

>> No.18022271

eggs are my favorite food and I've never had them poached or soft boiled

>> No.18022277

Try it. Both are super easy.

>> No.18022284

Everyone secretly knows scrambled is, by far, the best egg preparation method.
But it's like ketchup on hot dogs or hawaiian pizza where you're supposed to pretend it's bad now for contrarian reasons.

>> No.18022285

maybe some day but they must be better fried in butter

>> No.18022292

Might as well just eat it raw you egg snot loving sicko

>> No.18022298
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Poached is great on a steak, on some seafood, or in a lot of sandwiches; it has it's own sauce.

>> No.18022306

super soft french scramble is up there but it really depends on whether the egg is the focus or if the liquid yolk is being used as a condiment to enhance something else

>> No.18022308

Nah. Scrambled is the easiest but not the best. Poached when with other food, boiled on its own. Roll the egg in some salt, pepper, and maybe some hot sauce. Shit, I'm going to boil some eggs right now.

>> No.18022322

How do you figure scrambled is the easiest? Hard boiled has specific times. I find even sunny side up to be easier than getting scrambled perfect.

>> No.18022328

EXTREMELY well seasoned cast iron pan owner here. You're all wrong.

>> No.18022337

scrambled is just putting fat and egg in a pan and moving it around. a great scramble is more complicated than that, of course.
perfect hard boiled eggs isn't hard but the timing does change depending on altitude, which is annoying when every recipe seems to be written for sea level.

>> No.18022342

Let me guess you train with your pan every day, that superior iron can cook better than steel because it is seasoned over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other pan on earth. You earned your chef degree two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

>> No.18022369

runny poached and runny fried are my favorite desu. if i make scrambled eggs i always do the mpw/french style with a heroic amount of butter.

>> No.18022382

>if i make scrambled eggs
lately if I decide on scrambled, I just whip up a french toast batter and and scramble the whole thing

>> No.18022409

it is extremely non-stick, yes

>> No.18022554

poached always gets cold really really quickly also it tastes sort of wet and soggy

scrambled or fried and diced is nice

>> No.18022690

check out Gordon's scrambled eggs, it's basically the French silky version. Sooo much better than some overcooked egg curds

>> No.18022701

The viscosity of the eggs reminds me of my trans gfs cum.

>> No.18022787

need some help guys. every time I try poached eggs, with maybe one or two exceptions, the white just explodes into a cloud and there's just a little left around the yolk and some bits floating around the pot. wtf?

>> No.18022846

Yeah just what I like to eat is some runny fucking soup eggs. Get that SHIT out of here and make THEM RIGHT OR FUCK OFF!

>> No.18022921

Old eggs?

>> No.18023029

that's the only thing I could find when I searched, though I've tried it with a lot of eggs from different brands, but maybe it's just my store that sucks (kroger).

>> No.18023036

I still haven’t tried a poach egg. I imagine it’s between a fried egg and a soft boil egg.

>> No.18023045

i just scramble that shit on high heat and pour a bunch of hot sauce
i dont like the taste of the yolks too much. unless im dipping a whole bunch of toasted bread in it.

>> No.18023049

little bit of vinegar in the water
if it "explodes" like you say maybe the water is to hot. don't boil the water
do one at a time and stir the water right before placing the egg in

>> No.18023066

I have the heat fairly low, only a couple tiny bubbles coming up to the surface. I also use vinegar too, and swirl the water. By 'explode' I mean the egg white just instantly dissolves into a big white cloud.

>> No.18023070

I put a smaller bowl in the pot and crack the egg into that.

>> No.18023092

then up the heat
are you dropping the egg in the center of the vortex you make by stirring
also I was thinking something similar to this, crack the egg in a laddle and ease in it slow and baby sit it for a minute to set

>> No.18023093

There's a relatively thin and thick portion of egg whites and they become thinner over time. Even with very fresh eggs there will be wisps all over it. If you crack the raw egg into a strainer or carefully with your fingers you can strain off just the thin portion of the whites.

>> No.18023314

trying with the ladle, will report back

>> No.18023512
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okay babysitting the egg in the ladle worked. the thinner whites still instantly dissolved but the thick white stayed put long enough to set

>> No.18023675

It's really not and if ones does it using vinegar in the water it makes it smell like douce, that's not appetizing.
t. being around older sister

>> No.18023683

Has anyone ever had one of these outside of a hotel or some cooking class?

>> No.18023730

I'm proud of you, son.

>> No.18023961

nah poach them with a little bit of vinegar in there too
perfect on top of some toast
good with fries to dip into the yolk
fried eggs are kind of shit by comparison

>> No.18025210

Yeah, good times. You've given birth to a mutant pac-man...

>> No.18025229
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>> No.18025235

you are a terrible cook

>> No.18025360

theres a secret trick to poached eggs.
I am aware that if i tell you, the frogs might lynch me, but ill tell you anyway.
Before cracking the Shell, boil the egg at ~100C for a bit, just so that the outermost part of the eggwhite starts to harden, then turn the temperature down to about 80C and put something like a saucer into the water, so that the egg doesnt touch the significantly hotter Metal.
Then, crack the egg, carefully place it on the saucer and stir around it, so it basically spins aroudn its own axis. This makes it look nicer if done right, but you dont have to stir.

You can also use vinegar instead of pre-boiling the egg, but pre-boiling is more convenient IMO.
The acidity chemically cooks the eggwhite.

>> No.18026162
File: 153 KB, 1264x1280, zz-tv_dinners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Lord British and here's a proper way to make a castle.

>> No.18026167

If you have to use vinegar then you admit to loving douche juice and are lazy.

>> No.18026195

Poached Egg Supremist

>> No.18026212

Perfectly done over easy is the best form of egg, but poached is better than a mediocre to okay fried egg, yes. Scrambled is kids food.

>> No.18026216

The vinegar does nothing for flavor. It's just to stabilize the whites.

>> No.18026218

How was it in prison, you piece of white trash?

>> No.18026234

>Scrambled is the easiest
Nah, microwave is the easiest, and it's better than scrambled if you do it right.

>> No.18026248

Almost everyone in this thread, apparently.
I make them at home all the time.

>> No.18027475

I prefer sunny side up

>> No.18027517


>> No.18027866

>The vinegar does nothing for flavor.
you're not using enough vinegar then
add more
its not proper poached eggs until the whites have that slight vinegar taste which makes them so good