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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18019936 No.18019936 [Reply] [Original]

for a change. Anyone have advice on what the best approach is?
So i have a pan, hot water, pepper and salt, and butter as well

>> No.18019943

Water salty as the ocean is the only rule in boiling shit.

>> No.18019944

make chicken soup of some kind.

>> No.18019955

Why.. why do this

>> No.18019980

You should poeler them instead.

>> No.18019986
File: 209 KB, 600x900, 海南雞飯.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Chinese secret,

>> No.18019987

It's called poaching and you are a retard for even considering it. Season your chicken with salt and pepper, melt some butter in the pan, put the chicken in, flip once or twice, and cook until it reaches 165f internal. What's that? I forgot about the water? Dump it ya sperg.

>> No.18019988

it's experimental
and not retarded
how else have we invented drugs for example

>> No.18019993

>dump it
after the chicken has been boiling in it already for several seconds. Because these motherfuckers are pumped UP with water

>> No.18020004

I haven't tried it before but I imagine it'd go something like:
Low amount of water. Medium heat. Steam for maybe 20 minutes? Probably salt the water, would probably taste better? And I'd start with the water cold.
Report back your result.

>> No.18020008

in the oven is a great way, cover with water plenty of salt some herbs are a nice addition then cover that tray with a lid or foil and cook in the oven around 180c until done

unironically makes really nice tender chicken thighs especially good for using later in things as an easy addition like sandwiches or salads

>> No.18020009

do this >>18019986
or just sear it first in butter before boiling. if you can buy carrots, onions, and celery put those in and enjoy some hearty chicken soup.

>> No.18020026

why are you tards so triggered about poached chicken?

>> No.18020044

>you can only do things the way I do things
Go jump off a cliff

>> No.18020047

make fricassee i guess
in my country we make a simpler, poorer and easier version than the french one
>boil chicken with carrots and bay leaf
>when done remove boiled chicken and tear into pieces
>sweat some onions in butter, add flour until it makes a paste, then add milk and some of the stock from boiling the chicken until the sauce reaches desired consistency.
>squeeze some lemon juice in there
>throw in some chopped parsley
>reintorduce meat and carrots into sauce and stir until everything's nice and coated
>finish with some ground pepper and grated nutmeg

cheap ass bulgarian fricassee

>> No.18020052

oh shit, i forgot, you can temper an egg yolk with the stock and add that to the creamy sauce
here's a recipe for a visual guide

>> No.18020062

That's pretty much the traditional French version with less herbs and spices, without the egg and milk instead of cream. Champignons are kinda optional anyways.

>> No.18020064

oh. i thought you browned the chicken in a pan and then covered it in cream and stewed/braised in the cream itself

>> No.18020080

The whole purpose of a fricassee/blanquette is to make a ragout as white as possible. So you rather just lightly sweat the meat without colouring (basically useless) or you simply cook it in fond/water.

>> No.18020090
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>BOIL chicken

>> No.18020100

t. consumer of american fast foods daily

>> No.18020113

>he thinks americans have money for fast food

>> No.18020117

ah i see, gotcha

>> No.18020132

can you just sear it first and then after boiling (for how long btw?) just have bouillon?

>> No.18020198

Put a few slices of ginger and some green onions in the water, add some radishes. Makes a nice broth to have on the side.

>> No.18020215

Fill the pot with water. Crank up a high boil. Throw in the chicken. 5 minutes later eat. Best chicken you'll ever eat.

>> No.18020227

you can make a stew.
Start by goldening up the chicken thighs in the pot with a little bit of butter and salt. once they are goldened up, add water, more salt, pepper and salt, and then give up because you don't have an onion, celery, or even a pot.

>> No.18020230


>> No.18020235

absolutely not true if you plan on using the resulting broth. chicken thighs make really decent broth as well since they have a good amount of fat.

>> No.18020249

Ive been putting chicken thighs scallions and instant ramen soup powder stuff in a pot with like 4-6 cups of water and boiling it all for like 20 minutes before adding the noodles+some sauteed mushrooms and eggs. Its tastes alright

>> No.18020289

He eating em not making stock nigga.

>> No.18020450

>boil meat in water
>discard 20% of the nutrients with the water

>> No.18020532

Don't listen to the dumbies I this thread. Cut your chicken into very thin slices, marinate in some sort of sauce w corn starch (I like soy sauce/shaoxing/white pepper/garlic etc) then wala boiled chicken
Put other veggies in it and spice your broth somehow

>> No.18020563

Boil it until it's cooked through. Take it out, slice into bite size pieces, season with salt and pepper. Shred vietnamese coriander leaves and mix it them up. Wala

>> No.18020740

its decent if you want to shred the chicken

>> No.18020760

why you comment 20 minutes part from yourself?

>> No.18020882

rent free

>> No.18021093

I’m doing this
What would be the difference if i sear them before throwing them in?

>> No.18021143

that shit be steamed my brotha

>> No.18021275

You want to cook chicken legs to at least 180F to break down the fat and cartilage a little more. You can even go up to about 205F if you want it falling apart tender. It'll still be a little chewy at 165F.

>> No.18021291

>parboil in water
>dredge in flour, pepper, salt
>drop butter in hot pan
>sear thighs

>> No.18022247

it always baffles me how actual pro chefs thrown in like a pinch of salt when boiling pasta
That shit does nothing unless your water is appalingly salty.
And they say its for flavor. how is that even possible.

>> No.18022256


>> No.18022955

Don't boil, poach them in a broth or stock for 30~40 minutes on a gentle simmer
Then broil under high heat for some color if you wish, or use deboned thighs and slice it thinly after cooling down, god tier deli cut

>> No.18022960

Only do this if you have a plan. Boil in salty water, shred and then seasons with some sort of sauce.

>> No.18022984
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Proper Hainanese chicken is boiled/poached whole, not steamed. You also wind up with a nice broth thanks to this which you can use for other dishes.

>> No.18023821
File: 127 KB, 622x822, Soup 3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a chink style herbal chicken soup packet and follow the instructions on the back

>> No.18023831
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>Only do this if you have a plan
Was cooking delicious juicy chicken thighs part of your plan?

>> No.18023836

>That's a big thigh

>> No.18023849


>> No.18023871

also add egg to the marinade shieeet.

add each piece at a time to your boiling broth and you will have nice boiled chicken.
I just did it with beef earlier

>> No.18024004

the saltiness of the salt salts the pasta

>> No.18025100

wipeepo be like "dayum, dat chikin me way too spicy for me!"

>> No.18025423

rolling boil is too hot for any meat
like 180F won't completely destroy the exterior of the meat while the inside comes up to temp and the collagen melts

>> No.18025745

Anyone who says they salt water for flavor is pants on head retarded, you sal water so it boils faster.

>> No.18025760

Good lord, this post reeks of clinical brain damage.

>> No.18025766

I may have bonked the noggin a few times but this is high school chemistry.
Try and prove me wrong though nigga.

>> No.18025771

Ever heard of stock?

>> No.18025805

Salt increases the boiling point by like 0.1°c. It's a meme.

>> No.18025822

First, to clear things up: salting water is for pasta. Pasta cannot have enough salt adding to the dough while making it to counteract the sweetness of the flour or else it gets too crumbly. The gluten doesn't form properly, which is why the only point you can add extra salt is while boiling.

Second, let me laugh:
>this is high school chemistry
Oh, good, you paid attention to some fuckwit with a history degree reading illustrated textbooks and spouting internet trivia and old wive's tales. The different in boiling points is negligible and irrelevant. Completely fucking unnoticeable. It's as retarded of an explanation as "cold water boils better".
>Cold water should be used when cooking because traditional hot water tanks collect mineral residue.
So, you salt the water and think it "boils better". No, the unstirred salt is just provided extra nucleation points for vapour bubbles. This doesn't affect the boiling temperature in any noticeable way.

Shove it up your ass.

>> No.18025839

Science is great
it's statistical analysis that normies froth at the mouth over

>> No.18025844

Thanks for the lesson but your intellect is overshadowed by your cunt personality.

>> No.18025845

Go away, faggot.

>> No.18025857

If water comes to the boil while poaching you messed up.

>> No.18025859

I'm unironically not wrong

>> No.18025863

They're called normalfags, you fucking normalfag. It takes three extra keystrokes to prove you aren't one.

>> No.18025867 [DELETED] 

>muh sekrit club
nigger cattle brained

>> No.18026836

No one on /ck/ actually cooks.

>> No.18027762

This. Make a dip by cooking the stock with oyster sauce and lots of ginger and green onions and a bit of corn starch to thicken.

>> No.18027838

Pressure cook it. That's a kind of boiling. Sear before.

>> No.18028269
File: 1.44 MB, 576x816, Healthy Chicken Wrap #healthy #lowcalorierecipe #recipe #die.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with boiling chicken

>> No.18028299
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why are we like this?

>> No.18028318

Because it's trendy to waste food for internet upvotes

>> No.18028320

So, holy fuck
I just boiled them
Basically like this guy>>18020215 said
And it’s amazing.
Soft,tender 0 complications..
70 responces and my thread filled with obnoxious pseudo cooking experts
This fucking board..