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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18016104 No.18016104 [Reply] [Original]

what does russian mcdonald's taste like?

>> No.18016110
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Salty coins and milk

>> No.18016119


>> No.18016132
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It is just a fucking burger. But couldn't they steal something less obvious?

>> No.18016134

Fucking ghastly

>> No.18016138
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I'd imagine the same as before. Whenever McDonalds leaves a market, someone usually just picks up their old supply contracts. Same shit happened in Iceland when they had their economic collapse. The local McDonalds franchisees opened up "Metro" which served the same products at the same locations.

>> No.18016145

for me, it’s naggar

>> No.18016147

from left to right. 2,4,3,1.

>> No.18016152

> Propaganda posting on /ck/
Fuck you cunts really have sunk low these days hey
No one in Eastern Europe actually eats chain restaurant shit apart from tourists and tards. Burger King and Maccas have low tier crap that tastes horrible. Topnotch real burgers for half the price everywhere else down the street.
I need to find the Balkans map of fast food chains and how few stores there actually are

>> No.18016159
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Hypocrisy, I guess.

>> No.18016170

>No one in Eastern Europe actually eats chain restaurant shit apart from tourists and tards
mfw ukrainian ex took me to her hometown of Dnepropretrovsk and was dead set on taking me to the local mcdonalds because "it uses locally grown food so its actually good here"
>topnotch real burgers at half price right down the street
actually true, but this doesn't mean that branding didn't make mcdonalds the most popular spot in town

>> No.18016186

Exactly the same.
All franchises bought what they could locally anyway.
The russian takeover would also have been the supply setups, maintenance agreements and other previously established contracts too, just to make life easier.
I wouldn't be suprised if the people working there were the same ones too.

>> No.18016244
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Mmmm, MOS burger is delicious

>> No.18016250


>> No.18016255

Based Russians overcoming being oppressed for punching some nazi's

>> No.18016281

It's just McDonalds with a different name. All their food was already locally sourced and there's no reason for them to change recipes.

>> No.18016286

whats that sticky stuff on me?

>> No.18016291

For me it's the kjuklingaborgari.

>> No.18016316

>own ruski maccas
>Seppo franchise overloards get mad and leave
>wait 4 months for green paint to make it through evil capitalist blockade
>go back to work with green colour scheme and not paying shit to franchise heads

I don't really have a horse in this race but this made me chuckle, also the fact that yandex is now the best place to search and download copywrite stuff is cool. Feel sorry for those ukie kids though, their life kinda sucked before now its totally fucked.

>> No.18016321
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Looks kinda different

>> No.18016324
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>> No.18016325
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This might be one of the saddest looking sandwiches I've ever seen

>> No.18016331

One pineapple burger, plz

>> No.18016357

>the saddest looking
checks out

>> No.18016359


>> No.18016377

>spend the better half of a century preparing for when you might have to become a mostly closed economy
>it happens
>next to nothing fundamentally changes
I can't even get mad at these guys. It's basically the old American ideal of "screw you faggots, I'm not playing".

>> No.18016401

>those names

It has to be a joke.

>> No.18016409

How? Russia's economic turnaround was entirely based on partaking of global trade. You're going to burn your reserves fast and go straight back to soviet era fuckery.

>> No.18016437

These burger names holy shit. I love it

>> No.18016456

not to sound like a braindead /pol/nigger but that was also a two-way street. Europe is essentially fucked this winter if the US and Canada can't get their gas terminals running for Europe to get gas. European manufacturing is going to take a nose-dive as they have to ration any natural gas they have coming.

>> No.18016463

To put it in soyboy Disney-sponsored Star Wars terms:
>"Now witness the power of this fully operational autarky!"
>*seemingly failing nation continues to slog along while selling off resources to dissenters and neutral parties*

>> No.18016473

Like shit because it now owned by some ashot

>> No.18016538

What the hell this menu is fantastic
Mozzarella sticks? Jalapeno poppers? Bull's Eye Burger? Jalapeno fries? Is that a Big and Tasty?????? Why isn't this the standard McD menu??

>> No.18016555

It's Iceland. 70% of the time 90% of the menu is unavailable.

>> No.18016597
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>> No.18016611

You might think I'm wrong but I am, in fact, merely incorrect!

>> No.18016635

They might now cook with tallow or something instead of rancid deodorized hydrogenated oils

>> No.18016649

The whole reasoning behind McDonalds using a tallow-cotton oil mix in the first place was because it was the cheapest shelf stable cooking fat at the time when hydrogenation was expensive. Since industrial hydrogenation of vegetable oils is common around the world, I doubt they'll return. The whole point here is how McDonalds relies on domestic and local products and their garbage can be replicated in a corporate void since all the contracts remain.

>> No.18016695

>$16 for 8 nuggets
Welcome to socialism I guess

>> No.18016719

>Mc'Donalds sold

>> No.18016841

I'll tell you the same thing my uncle told me; dont worry about it

>> No.18016849


>> No.18016872
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>> No.18016884

4 2 3 1

>> No.18016891

>Welcome to socialism I guess
russia privatised its industries in the 90's

>> No.18016905

sounds horrible

>> No.18017783

4 1 2 3

>> No.18017791

>want to eat fast food now
>can't (won't) because i don't wanna get fat
Why'd you post this? It looks great.

>> No.18017792
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>14 euro for a cheese burger

>> No.18017795


>> No.18017802

Children using buzzwords they don't know the meaning of

Lol I know it's amazing

>> No.18017811

That's a menu from post-collapse Iceland.
On the one hand, there's no federally regulated minimum wage and some days a bag of onions can cost as much as a bottle of booze. On the other hand, worker bargaining has managed to keep wages up and things vaguely affordable.

>> No.18017817

Dumb on multiple levels lol

>> No.18017849

Man here I was about to call bull on the prices, but apparently the icelandic krona is practically african in valuation.

Imagine fucking roaches and talibans having twice you buying power.

>> No.18017862

>Welcome to socialism
It's a volcanic island whose closes neighbour is greenland.
If it's not sheep or fish it's either flown it or grown in a greenhouse.

>> No.18017918

>cked this winter if the US and Canada can't get their gas terminals running for Europe to get gas
There is no current shortage of gas. What there is is commodities traders seeing an easy market spike price es over fear of shortages.
The 'inflation ' is a planned market maneuver to rake in more money only for less work because how dare the plebs demand better pay after CoVid.

>> No.18017924

>don't even know what your 1s face looks like

>> No.18017933

>looking women in the face

>> No.18017949
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5 of them use the same top bun

>> No.18017956

Average American intelligence

>> No.18017964


>> No.18017972

They literally just replaced all the mcdonalds that were left over after the company jumped ship. They're not stealing anything, they're recycling.

>> No.18017979

He's talking about the logo moron.

>> No.18017989

you don't even know what you 2s face looks like

>> No.18018019

I know enough to know she's better than 3 and 4. Not enough info to know if she's better than 1

>> No.18018024

Based. Chuds btfo.

>> No.18018030

Finno-baltic descendants absolutely seething!

>> No.18018124

What's the point of wagyu if the meat is grounded into frozen patties?

>> No.18018164

tbf if you can handle keeping a mcdonalds supplied on your own then you've got a good 80 years of life on reserve for your people. i hope russia can learn to fuck off soon and keep these kinds of things managed on their own. i doubt gluttony is a racial thing..

>> No.18018188

you don't know what any of their asses look like.

>> No.18018418

I would like to purchase some naggars please

>> No.18018446

Spicy Beikon and 6 Naggars please

>> No.18018724 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18018739
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>> No.18018826

>implying that's enough
I need to see full fat distribution in ideal gala/cocktail party dress. Can't have her embarrassing me at social functions

>> No.18018830
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>> No.18018951
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>> No.18018956

That's the joke

>> No.18019002

But one of them come in an old pop-corn bag, it's all worth it. I'll take 2 V-burger, one Kremli and one Katyucha please.

>> No.18019011

All the names are war related.

>> No.18020055

fabrication because russia doesn't have food.

>> No.18020056

>Children using buzzwords they don't know the meaning of
no, he's correct.
russians are narcissists.
they think they matter, they think russia matters.
neither do.

>> No.18020059

>russia privatised its industries in the 90's
imagine actually believing these lies.

>> No.18020385

>America calling Russia 'Narcassistic"

Not only hilariously ironic but also a completely retarded term to use when describing nations. I would hope that countries are "narcassistic", that's the entire fucking point of a government: to serve the people's interest. Countries that aren't self-serving are just neoliberal playgrounds that need to be glassed. What a retarded child you are.

>> No.18020387

kind of overpriced for throwaway pussy meat

>> No.18020389

Ohhhhhhhh okay. Russia doesn't matter. Got it. That's why your entire moral identity is currently revolving around it's axis. Kek.

I always love the least self-aware, they're like little clowns sent here to amuse we of higher intellect

>> No.18020391

Great argument, I wish I had shit for brains so I could produce such compelling rhetoric

>> No.18020392

do people expect 1KR back when paying with 2k KR note?

>> No.18020466

>there are about 40,000 McDonalds worldwide
>over 90% of them are franchises and not actually owned by the McDonalds Corporation
>there are/were 800 McDonalds in Russia
>over 80% of these were corporate owned
>now selling them at a loss to literal who
It's genuinely hilarious how hard the West chimps out when you don't bend the knee to the NWO.

>> No.18020473

for the moment, I imagine identical to regular McDonald's
as they run out of left over supplies, it will taste different

>> No.18020530
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>I'd like a super size naggar pls

>> No.18020596

I was referring to the logo.

>> No.18020720

even the cheapest one of these is more expensive than a big mac in western europe (249RUB=4.58USD)
doesn't the average russian make pennies when compared to western europeans though? how can they afford eating there?

>> No.18020736
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>what is unequal wealth distribution
You don't travel much do you

>> No.18020748

I guess. It's just weird to see McDonald's treated like a luxury menu item.
Were the prices this high before the company stopped conducting business in russia?

>> No.18020776

Don't know, never been to russia, don't care about russia. But mcdick's being "overpriced" in other countries is not uncommon.

>> No.18020803

arnt most of them made with like playdough and clay stuff and theyre not really the buns ?
maybe theyre just the same bun because they wash them off or something

>> No.18021178

mcd is more expensive in europe due to taxes, licensing, higher wages, stricter food regulations and other stuff, mcd doesnt make more profit in the end which is why u only see it in city centers

>> No.18021226 [DELETED] 

>what does russian mcdonald's taste like?
vatnigger tears

>> No.18021231
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>> No.18021269

Bitch you're going to stick your phone on top of my phone like my calls aren't as important as yours? Like my texts aren't as important as yours? Fuck you, here. Eat your god damn fries off the ground.

>> No.18021317


>> No.18021331

I would smash that jalapeno burger in the bottom right.

>> No.18021341

Kek, based.
Katyusha is a beefy girl..