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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18011398 No.18011398 [Reply] [Original]

>season wok over a course of seven hours
>put aromatics in it
>make char siu in wok according to recipe
>sauce burns at the bottom
.cant get it off
>solution online is to add vinegar to water and boil it
>seasoning flakes off
>look it up
>no one mentioned in any of the tutorials prior that you cant cook tomatoes or lemon juice in it or the seasoning would come off
>one of the blogs misled me saying 'a seasoned wok can be used for anything!'
>search how to fix problem
>if the season coating is damaged you have to use vinegar to remove the entire coating and then reseason it all over again

No. Fuck you. Fuck chinese food too. Goddamn I'm so FUCKING MAD

>> No.18011427


why are you using a wok on electric stove dingus? they don't radiate heat properly, too thin, flame contact only, so on electric you overheat the tiny contact surface trying to keep the heat up as you move the ingredients around, pointless self-defeating technique

>> No.18011428

Maybe you should start with eggs or spaghetti

>> No.18011451

just use a pan lmao

>> No.18011452

>fuck people who write shitty instructions
This I can agree
>Fuck woks
But this is nothing more than your own ineptitude

>> No.18011456
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> seasoning
you are this dumb fuck who made the other thread aren't you?
thats not seasoning, it's toxic chink non-stick shit that they sell to gweilos and laugh while you get cancer from it
don't buy this nonsense man, you need actual metal and nothing else, not metal with paint on top of it
honestly a $5 iron wok that goes rusty everytime you use it is 100x healthier than this cheap garbage that cant even into medium heat
> flat bottom wok

>> No.18011460

seasoning is a fucking meme.

if a "seasoning" builds up over time, cool but to try and manually season a pan is an absolute meme.
look how nonstick a bare metal pan is:

when people try to season their pan they just end up with a layer way to thick. you have to use a layer of oil as close to a micron thick as you can get it, that means wiping away all the oil with a damp paper towel.

>> No.18011492

Everyone and their mama knows hard acids are bad for seasoning. You can use tomato, lemon in a cast iron if it's heavily seasoned though.

>> No.18011496

its a carbon steel wok my man


>> No.18011500

>better throw it outside
why didn't he just suffocate the fire

>> No.18011507

well i didnt know that because im new to the hobby. my parents never taught me that and i never read it anywhere. the concept of 'seasoning' a pan is new to me as well. dont be a dick

>> No.18011529

are woks the linux of kitchenware?

>> No.18011538

OP here, no they arent. When I installed Gentoo I didn't have to start all the way over when I made a mistake. The instructions were also way better and competently written

>> No.18011552

oh well, now you know.

>> No.18011558

did you not clean the protective covering off first?
burn the fuck out of it then clean

>> No.18011560

i threw it out already. not wasting four hours of my time reseasoning it

>> No.18011561

they make woks designed for induction stoves but the regular gas ones are probably better

>> No.18011564

i followed this guide to the letter the moment i removed it from the box


>> No.18011696

>Following "foodblogger" instead of watching actual chefs/cooks how they do it
lmao even
>inb4 no oriental jet burner
just let it sit on your gas stove for longer
no gas? tough luck, fag

>> No.18011750

why are you evil?

>> No.18011783

yes i see what you mean, better to use a pan design meant for the heat type

>> No.18011785
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>OP needs multiple threads to season a wok
>OP thinks anything but him is the problem

>> No.18011794

I just reseason a damaged part ,fuck "nuking" it.

>> No.18011798

Are you fucking serious? You encounter a problem and you give up immediately? Good luck ever achieving anything my friend.

>> No.18011806

can't season a wok? haiyaa

>> No.18011810

He's on 4chan.

>> No.18011892

Why would i keep doing something and failing?

>> No.18012045

damn you weak

>> No.18012059

Because by trial and error, you grow and learn. Do you think people with a developed skill never failed?

>> No.18012145
File: 96 KB, 480x640, dumb dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering I gave you actual examples instead of simply name calling you, I should be a saint in this cesspool of a site
now go find that pan and wok on it

>> No.18012165
File: 2.88 MB, 402x716, cook2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dousing it with water

>> No.18013234

they didnt have to reseason a pan for five hours thats for sure

>> No.18013239

Just don't be a fucking retard amd you'll learn

>> No.18013246

Get gas faggot. You need to get that thing hot not warm.

>> No.18013283

>sauce burns at the bottom
Means your wok either wasn't seasoned properly or you didn't use enough oil. You fucked up.

>> No.18013376

>dont be a dick
Shut up retard

>> No.18013600

not really. you arent supposed to use sugars or acids in a carbon steel wok

>> No.18013664

Stop using such a high heat. Heat generally goes straight through woks since they ain't the thickest metal.

>> No.18014100

so many fucking rules to not ruin a $50 pan

>> No.18014334

>not use high heat
bro, woks are intended to cook shit in less than 60 seconds.

>> No.18014340

He's not talking about ruining your cooking utensil and he's also wrong so you're both idiots.

>> No.18014354

OP clearly should've played it safe first, considering his lack of skill
You can flip pancakes in a non stick, but you wouldnt tell a beginner to forgo flipping with the spatula the first time

>> No.18014548

>Wok thread


I have a carbon steel wok that my pathetic seasoning attempts never worked on. It's rusty and caked with carbon and grease. Can it be saved? Should i sand it and attempt to reseason?

>> No.18014563

neither did you, you fucking retard.

>> No.18014858

yeah scrub the fuck out of it with coarse steel wool, detergent and hot water to remove all the rust then do some proper seasoning
t. been using the same carbon steel wok for 5 years

>> No.18015327

According to some guy on youtube you're meant to get a light cast iron wok for electric stoves.

>> No.18015943

Holy shit, OP. Do you cook like a spastic or do you just never clean your stovetop?

>> No.18016109

i just cook a lot, relax

>> No.18016178

Carbon steel is a meme. Chinese food is gross. Cheer up, OP, you've recognized these truths for the mere cost of some made in China junk pan. If you keep it, only use it for deep frying.

>> No.18016187

They're both fine. Don't cook grandma's sunday gravy in a wok, but Chinese and Japanese cooks use sugar and acid in almost every dish that has a sauce. Within the short time periods of standard cooking it won't do anything.
If you're still worried, when you're done heat the wok to extremely hot and then brush down with oil and cut the heat and let cool. This will patch up any seasoning issues.

>> No.18016208


>> No.18016219

why is everyone ITT bullying me then?

>> No.18016226

>If you're still worried, when you're done heat the wok to extremely hot and then brush down with oil and cut the heat and let cool. This will patch up any seasoning issues

what part of 'i couldnt get it off' did you not understand?

>> No.18016227

>Chinese and Japanese cooks use sugar and acid

jesus christ no wonder OP's wok got fucked up. Acid destroys the seasoning layer you fucking moron

>> No.18016230


>> No.18016237

Get a non-stick wok?

>> No.18016263

Extensive use of acid does. Long cooking tomato sauce is a bad idea. But there is no issue with acid in the short term.
People use carbon steel pans and woks in kitchens all across the globe. People use acidic and sugary ingredients all across the globe. Starting to see the overlap?
It doesn't actually matter within reasonable limits.
Random question forums online are not a replacement for actually knowing what you're on about.

Here's a video explaining how it isn't an issue. Long term acidic cooking = bad. Short term acidic cooking = fine.
Even here there's some 'cooklore' about not using soap. Thats just a hold over from the time where lye was a common detergent. Today modern soaps will not cause harm to a properly seasoned pan.

>> No.18016278

That's just because you're a dumb fucking moron

>> No.18016293

I use carbon steel. i had the teflon one and it literally ruined meal after meal. looked peppered and it wasn't was literally teflon. all you do to season it is to cook on it. and after you eat clean it and then put it back on the stove with some oil and towel it down. after like 5 meals its good to go.

>> No.18016299

Oh a youtube video, i can do that too


>> No.18016302

everything from the instructions of my pan to every online tutorial explicitly said to not use soap to clean it after is been seasoned. l nice attempt at trolling though

>> No.18016354

Some guy long simmering vinegar in the wok is literally doing the exact thing that you're not supposed to do.
And something entirely different than standard cooking.

Chinese food extensively uses acidic wines, vinegars, and sweeteners like sugar or syrups. And carbon steel pans are used across Europe where vinegar and sugar are used in many dishes as ingredients.
Its not a problem unless you do something retarded like simmer a vinegar solution or cook tomato sauce for hours.
It doesn't matter.
Back in the day lye or soaps containing lye were the most common soap for the average person to have access to. This is also why 'dish washing gloves' were such a trope. Because the lye they used was caustic. Lye will also dissolve the seasoning on a cast iron or carbon steel pan.
Modern dish soaps do not contain lye. They use other cleaning chemicals. Because of that they will not eat away at a pan's seasoning.

>> No.18016364

Woks are by nature meant to be used on very high heat.
Cooking teflon on super high heat is not good for you.

>> No.18016631

>Some guy long simmering vinegar in the wok is literally doing the exact thing that you're not supposed to do.

Op already said he was told by online tutorials to use vinegar to get the burned sugar off. READ

>> No.18016634

>simmer a vinegar solution

you only need to simmer it for a minute or so to ruin the seasoning. keep being a retard i guess

>> No.18016662

No, you do not. That short amount of time doesn't impact the wok or any carbon steel surface if its properly seasoned.
Literally just try it yourself. Get your wok hot, add some vinegar and swirl it around. It won't do anything if you don't let it sit simmering for a long time.

>> No.18016688

>season coating
Do people not clean their pans?

>> No.18016689


i'm sorry but you tried to make CHAR SIU, a BARBECUED PORK recipe, on the stove top? It didn't occur to you to use the oven? I've never seen a char siu recipe saying to pan fry char siu in a wok. This is like you making soup in a griddle and being mad that it didn't work

this is a special kind of dumbass. maybe have a sit down with your mom and ask exactly how much alcohol she guzzled when you were in the womb.

>> No.18017107

>induction stovetop

THIS is where you fucked up
woks are made for gas
woks live for gas, its the ultimate combo

using an induction made it go from 0 to 1000000c in less than 2 seconds at the bottom while the sides are still cold because its induction

of course it would burn, stupid. Induction sucks

>> No.18017343

Thats racist

>> No.18017361

You didn't clean the industrial oil off, did you?
It probably came covered in a lacquer that you had to scrub off.

>> No.18017362

>make char siu in wok
You fucking what? What kind of shit recipe are you using?

>> No.18017788

i wouldnt have such a hardon if you weren't a fat pussy

>> No.18017835

Yeah I agree.
I fell for the wok meme a couple years back.

>> No.18018121
File: 190 KB, 600x616, 48DE73CB-EDB8-4B5A-812A-1F80E83EE7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexicans watching stupefied
This is at a Chinese Buffet in the U.S. isn’t it?

>> No.18018151
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, youtu.be-Wt7e5YlfL1U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out


>> No.18018153

i scrubbed it off dude. i followed all the instructions


see >>18018151

>> No.18018156

glad you do. everyone else ITT seems angry

i kind of agree with you dude but shittons of redditors, youtube cooks, etc kept insisting that a flat bottom wok 'works just fine'

>> No.18018179

Like thats not even char siu prok my guy.

>> No.18018180

there's definitely a learning curve as wide as the pan but the fucker serves only a few essential functions. it's a dream piece for cocks, to have a big ass gas grill and 5 woks to break in and just go crazy. would be a fun experience.

>> No.18018232

How fucking odd. As I recall, that website is based off some tv show competition, so maybe there's some breakdown in the process from working out a technique that is doable in limited time to codifying it in a recipe. I apologise on behalf of the rest of this godforsaken island.

>> No.18018454
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Don't fall for seasoning 586 layers memes, just use it as it was meant to and it will season itself. At some point you'll have enough on there to resist the slow breakdown of seasoning. It's not perfect, but as you dial in not burning shit to the pan it will get easier as it builds up. The first dozen cooks or so are the harder ones. My seasoning is far from perfect but it works just fine.

Same applies to cast iron.

>> No.18019650

images you can hear