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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18007684 No.18007684 [Reply] [Original]

> be me at burger king
> order number 2 combo plain w/ cheese
> receive my food
> it’s a number 2 combo with everything on it
> irritated but we can work it out
> ask for them to replace it with correct order
> receive my food again
> it’s a number 2 combo plain w/ no cheese
> bruh
> ask for cheese
> old man working the register gets pissed
> yells at me that i didn’t specify w/ cheese
> old man yells at coworkers to give me my food
> they give me my food
> it’s a number 2 combo plain w/ no cheese
> ask for my money back
> receive refund
> old man yells at me and tells me to leave now

This is the worst Burger King ever.

>> No.18007693

Hmm, I wonder what sort of experience I should expect at the absolute cheapest bottom of the barrel fast food joint?


>> No.18007704

>Literally one of the best fast food joints in the world.
You don't get there by selling bad food, in a bad atmosphere, with bad employees treating customers like shit.

Look inward. You must have been the problem whether you are willing to admit that here or not.

>> No.18007751

Seems like a you problem. I've been going to BK for 30 years and I always ask them to put on the crown when they bring out my food and they always do. Gets me extra Twister fries every time.

>> No.18007764

You're still buying fast food after all the woke bullshit they promote? I bet your some sjoycuk.
>Omg bro like le heckin taco bellerino has mountain dewrino Baja blasterino.
Make your own burgers. Make your own tacos. Get the pack of microwavable burgers and make your own damn burgers. Then u can make it anyway you want.

>> No.18007773

>be picky 5 year old
>have bad time everywhere I go because I have to make special orders
kys faggot

>> No.18008331

The Burger King near me does not do promotional items anymore (Whopper melts? Forget it, pal.) Since promo items are really the only thing I care about I really have no use for a 'castrated' store.

>> No.18008352

>ordering at BK like it's an actual restaurant
you may as well have asked them for lobster bisque. these people are organic machines for making burgers, they're not processing extraneous information.

>> No.18008368

>Be dumb phoneposter
>Make extremely low quality thread about fast food

>> No.18008381
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>> No.18008382

burger king near me takes ebt, i hook it up on my benefits day. 1 bacon king combo large fries n drink, 1 more bacon king on the side, 2 rodeo burgers, 16 nuggets with honey mustard, 1 spicy deluxe ch'king, n 3 large fries on the side.

>> No.18008419

Can't get prepared food on ebt. Gotta prepare yourself.

>> No.18008802

And you will probably still buy from BK after this like the retarded faggot you are.
Make your own shit retard.

>> No.18008857

>be me
>open up 4chan's /ck/ board
>make a new thread
>use an AI to write my post for me
>use the AI to generate an image for my post
>post the thread
>see if anyone responds to it

If anyone responds to it, they might think it's a weird post, but it's still possible that someone might find it interesting or funny.

>> No.18008893
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4me it is rodeo burbur

>> No.18008918

6 states allow EBT at fast food, get with the welfare grift sir.

>> No.18009403

Confucious says you should have went to a different burger king

>> No.18010543

>be picky five year old
>temper tantrum when things aren't right
>doesn't get the picture even after getting shoo'd out the door
Let me give you a little advice.
And because you're not special, if your food isn't right, do you want to know what you can do?
Sorry you had to find this out the hard way, but when you're making a big stink at a fast food place, do you want to know what you're doing?
You're probably making everyone else's food more fucked up and confusing. Then THEIR food is gonna be wrong. If we're lucky, then they're a big boy or girl who understands that when their food is wrong you SUCK IT THE FUCK UP and EAT YOUR DAMN BURGER.
Sometimes they aren't though. And the cycle repeats.
So next time you're waiting at the cash register to send your burger back for the third time, you should take a good long look at all the other people in line. These are all people who you are personally fucking over because you think you're special, but YOU'RE NOT FUCKING SPECIAL.
They should be kicking your ass.
They are not kicking your ass.
Consider yourself lucky.

>> No.18010591
File: 7 KB, 183x276, Download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be picky five year old
>temper tantrum when things aren't right
>doesn't get the picture even after getting shoo'd out the door
>Let me give you a little advice.
>And because you're not special, if your food isn't right, do you want to know what you can do?
>Sorry you had to find this out the hard way, but when you're making a big stink at a fast food place, do you want to know what you're doing?
>You're probably making everyone else's food more fucked up and confusing. Then THEIR food is gonna be wrong. If we're lucky, then they're a big boy or girl who understands that when their food is wrong you SUCK IT THE FUCK UP and EAT YOUR DAMN BURGER.
>Sometimes they aren't though. And the cycle repeats.
>So next time you're waiting at the cash register to send your burger back for the third time, you should take a good long look at all the other people in line. These are all people who you are personally fucking over because you think you're special, but YOU'RE NOT FUCKING >SPECIAL.
>They should be kicking your ass.
>They are not kicking your ass.
>Consider yourself lucky.

Actually kys soicuck.

>> No.18010593

t. still stuck on a jamaican runway

>> No.18010606

You can say soy here, tourist

>> No.18010616

These AI stories are so bad everyone is just going to avoid reading greentext stories

>> No.18010867

Meds now

>> No.18011024

>expecting bk employees to be literate and/or give a fuck
admit to your mistake and move on

>> No.18011033

I actually laughed out loud, that was pretty good

>> No.18011044

>putting a space after the memearrow
fuck off

>> No.18011046

>bk; hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us
>also bk: wtf bro literally get out of our store with your bitch ass special orders

zoomers on ck defend this

>> No.18011279

> le reddit spaces

>> No.18011435
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>> No.18011437

>old man working the register
this is how I know you are lying. no one over 30 works at FF anymore.

>> No.18011469

calling things "reddit" is no longer an insult here. no one cares.

>> No.18011637

tell me OP when you post shit like this. Do you actually think people will agree with you? take your side?

how narcissistic are you that you think anyone cares about your failings in life?

>> No.18011765

>be me
>down on luck working shitty job at burger king
>pale emaciated man child comes in
>mumbles order
>put it in as I heard it, repeat it back to him
>mumbled response
>deliver order
>manchild has a fit
>correct order exactly as he said
>deliver order
>he throws another tantrum
>try to reason with him
>he screams incoherently and wants money back
>anything to get him out of here
>worst person I ever met
>I hate my life.

>> No.18011772
File: 229 KB, 1824x1153, ebt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
