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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18002411 No.18002411 [Reply] [Original]

Seed oils are good for you after all, another /ck/ meme debunked. Teflon is next.

>> No.18002420

more like sneed oil

>> No.18002425

ive learned that only plebs season their food. im so smart like ragusea that i season my fork before i take bites

>> No.18002428

if i had a gun with one bullet and im in a room with Biden Putin Zelensky and Ragusea
i would shoot ragusea in the stomach and beat him with the gun

>> No.18002434

I've seen this dude put teflon under the fucking broiler.

>> No.18002437

Still not gonna eat food that’s been manufactured in a factory. Good gave us nuts and fruits as our snacks and that’s what we should eat.

>> No.18002446

>wear “mayo and tomato” shirt
>the red colour of the shrif representing tomato
>you represnting the mayo

>> No.18002447

are seeds not good?
why wouldnt they be good for me?

>> No.18002481

I don't know, once in a while I want to fry up some eggs in olive oil and I do, seed oils might be bad but will still consoom from time to time.

>> No.18002505

I watched this video of him reading his shitty essay (which he could just presented as text). His argument is that CHUD men want animal products because CHUD men have fragile masculinity and only wants to eat food that is a product of violence, thus only want animal products. Basically one long strawman.

>> No.18002516

it's funny how it's always "men" like him who go on tangents about fragile masculinity. dude looks like a used up condom thrown in the corner of a public toilet, who the fuck is he to make judgements about masculinity.

>> No.18002531

I'd rather watch Weissman than this faggot

>> No.18002534

Not sure what exactly you watched, Ragusea in his video mostly discusses how poor the evidence behind the claim that seed oils are unhealthy is.

>> No.18002568
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his eyes are too close together to be taken seriously.

>> No.18002575

Based on physiognomy I can safely ignore anything this rat says. I will continue avoiding sneed oils.

>> No.18002585

So the video just says that's an unproven claim, he didn't prove it wrong?
This is content?

>> No.18002590

apparently ragusea was given anal birth by his father who in turn was impregnated by a random homosexual.

>> No.18002591

He has a background in fucking journalism why the fuck would I give a shit what this race faced fuck has to say about food he doesn't know anything.

>> No.18002593

>eats week old riced cauliflower and unseasoned tilapia directly out of the refrigerator in your path

>> No.18002610

Burden of proof buddy. If there's no sufficient evidence for a claim you can just dismiss it.

>> No.18002613

Anyone can go "yeah but how do you KNOW?"

>> No.18002621

thank you based ragoosea, i was getting tired of eating lard
i can finally buy some sunflower oil again

>> No.18002622

Anyone can pull a claim out of their ass and expect people to take it seriously. That's what happened with the seed oils bad claim. The evidence on which it was based is incorrect.

>> No.18002663


>> No.18002664

He and Joshua Weissman are complete opposites of each other and I hate them both equally.

>> No.18002714

i just know this midwit is not going to debunk anything.

>> No.18002717

ray peat is literally insane anon

>> No.18002723

t. vaxmaxxed serotonin syndrome psychiatrist with hypothyroidism
dr peat saved my life

>> No.18002725

And why shouldn't they?

>> No.18002727

Assholes on the internet spread unfounded rumors and bullshit on the internet?

No ways

>> No.18002730

Why would seeds be healthy for you? Why do you think apple seeds are full of cyanide? Vegetables don’t want their seeds eaten. Fruits want them eaten but not digested. They’re full of antinutrients to discourse their consumption.

>> No.18003022

>Good gave us nuts and fruits as our snacks and that’s what we should eat.
These foods are also processed you fucking child

>> No.18003048

> he doesn't season his mouth

>> No.18003120


>> No.18003123

both man-made

>> No.18003126

he really is the most detestable twat on the planet

>> No.18003135

oh my mistake, i forgot weissman existed. actually, nope, i still hate ragusea more.

>> No.18003217

I thought he was jewish.

>> No.18003282

lol retard

>> No.18003684


>> No.18003698

How much aspirin do you take daily?

>> No.18003709

you should know by now that most of the studies on stuff like this are paid for by the companies that produce billions of dollars worth of the product. you dont need to eat seed oil and its probably worse than scientists are willing or able to admit. the process of producing it likely yields carcinogenic chemicals and the only real advantage of using it is the smoke point, which isn't an issue if you use lard. you need a much larger amount of saturated fat in your diet than unsaturated fat, anyways.

>> No.18003728

>Not seasoning your water

>> No.18003732

This basically, seeds being eaten by birds who will spread the seeds without fully digesting them is optimal so the ones who did this best survived the longest

>> No.18003975

Even mainstream TV personalities like John Oliver have attacked teflon. It's not the same as seed oil hysteria, which is mostly driven by bodybuilders, crypto guys and e-girls that are trying to get their money.

>> No.18003988

I unironically prefer ja/ck/ to this nigger. Even Kanji-cuck is better than faghole Ragusauce.

>> No.18004244

I also know that anti seed oil stuff is paid for by the meat industry.

>> No.18004251

Is he Zach Braff now?

>> No.18004277

He is, he took his wife's last name when they got married.

>> No.18004285

keep sucking on them nuts bitch nigga

>> No.18004291

I mean, he isn't wrong here.

>> No.18004338

So apple cores don't actually contain pure cyanide number one. Apple seeds have a bondage of hydrogen cyanide and sugars called amygladin. When you chew on said seeds and enzymes in your saliva touch the amygladin, the sugar molecule seperates from the amygladin, leading to pure cyanide. There is not enough cyanide in apple seeds to cause poisoning, and you would need to eat around 150 up to 1000 seeds based on your body's tolerance to poison yourself with cyanide. Seeds are meant to be eaten if the consumer's evolution allows it to, not the host. Eucalyptus leaves are horribly toxic to most animals minus koalas, who specialize in eating them and can tolerate the chemicals the leaves hold insside them.

>> No.18004339
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>All of the studies finding that omega 6 fatty acids are bad for health were funded by the meat industry
You're being ridiculous.

>> No.18004340

No, it's some startup company that's trying to sell weird microorganism derived fat. The company and its influencers were exposed a couple months ago on twitter by the chud crowd they were trying to swindle. The meat industry doesn't need to shill against seed oils, people will always eat meat. But nobody's going to buy your cooking oil made from doo doo bacteria unless they've been scared away from vegetable oil.

>> No.18005100

i've been advocating for the boycott of certain vegetable oils since around 2004, so your argument may be sound but it is invalid. i will eat stuff that is carefully manufactured but the way many vegetable oils are manufactured today is an obvious health hazard and people need to be aware of this fact.

>> No.18005261

>you should know by now that most of the studies on stuff like this are paid for by the companies that produce billions of dollars worth of the product
Good point, I should definitely trust the claims of autistic retards on the internet who've done no studies instead, thanks for setting me straight.

>> No.18005303


>> No.18005304

I'm talking about who is funding anti seed oil messaging currently. I'm not saying that people can't be against seed oils without being paid shills.

>> No.18005570

You chew nuts anon, it'd take to long to eat them like that.

>> No.18005585

sneed oils won

>> No.18005617

Hey man you can have my quota of vaxx AND seed oil. It's on me don't worry about it

>> No.18005720

Watched the video
>credentialism blah blah blah

>> No.18005745

don't care, still avoiding sneed oils
still avoiding sugar and corn syrup
still minimizing simple carbs

>> No.18005785

Like the bitch you are

>> No.18005808

don't care, still not eating the goyslop

>> No.18005829

Based. Don't forget to eat high-sodium lacto-fermented foods to make (((experts))) seethe.

>> No.18005858

this rat faced fuck pays people to shill his shitty channel (on four fucking chan of all places)
Fuck off fagusea, you're not original or insightfull, you're just a smug prick who loves to hear the sound of his own voice.

>> No.18005966

His whole argument is that we need to trust the science. But why should I trust the science when it's bought and paid for by giant corporations that have a vested interest in convincing their sheep that seed oils are good for them?

>> No.18005995

omega 6 is not strictly bad for you health though
it's good actually
it's the massive imbalance in modern diets where people are getting like 20:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 when you want is around 4:1 to 2:1.

>> No.18006035

more like 1:1 with higher omega 3s, omega 6 was like 2% or less of fat throughout human history

>> No.18006119

Seems like you got influenced by the meat industry. Did they pay you to shill their fats here?

>> No.18006137 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18006142

I forgot that 12 year olds are present here.

>Trust the drunks and mentally challenged
Ok, bro.

>> No.18006146

don't care, not consooming the sneed oil

>> No.18006193

I'm not. I'm a scientific researcher. My work is literally science, and that's the reason I never trust other people like me.
The only way to keep this job is for those who pay you to like your results. So when the boss comes to tell you "you have to prove this or that", you will do your research in such a way that "this or that" is what you prove, even if it only represents a small fraction of reality or directly goes against it.

>> No.18006198
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Fuck off, Adam

>> No.18006306

Someone post the unhinged seethe and cope posts he makes on his videos when someone calls him out something trivial or pedantic

>> No.18006326

>keep bumping my thread
>any advertising is good advertising
No, fuck off Adam

>> No.18006330


>> No.18006339

nice larp

>> No.18006364

He doesn’t post here. It’s his cuck army trying to the ebil 4channel chuds

>> No.18006384
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I'm not gonna doxx myself for some retard on the internet

>> No.18006395

nice larp

>> No.18006506 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that it is your responsibility as an LGBTQA+ ally to show your full love and support for the folxs in our great community, especially during this beautiful month

>> No.18006513

Fuck off Adam

>> No.18006539

>My work is literally science
>spins bullshit to keep his job
Unironically jump of a small building and die slowly you hypocrite

>> No.18006543


>> No.18006548

If you weren't suspicious of seed oils before, you'd have to be now seeing this guy shilling for them

>> No.18006596


>> No.18006608

>My work is literally science
hahahahahahhahahahahahhaah good lord you fkin bimbo.

>> No.18006625

>Olive oil has an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 14:1
>Canola oil has a ratio of 2:1
How is olive oil healthier than canola oil again?

>> No.18006627


>> No.18006633

Literally what is wrong with avoiding a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates? That is literally healthy eating habits. You're being so contradictory you're shilling for junk food

>> No.18006658

olive oil isn't a seed oil; the fat comes from the olive rather than the seed itself and the processing to extract the oil from it is minimal
we've been making olive oil since the days of the Romans

>> No.18006665

look up omega 3 toxicity

>> No.18006692


>> No.18006693

does big vegetable pay you to make these terrible posts?

>> No.18006697
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Net total is more important than ratio. Also the refining processes pre-oxidizes the canola oil before you even open the bottle.


>> No.18006715
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this is the person telling you seed oils are fine

>> No.18006718

I bet ray peat could take him in a fight

>> No.18006731
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>those love handles

>> No.18006818
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>> No.18007200

And the reason the average American is eating a ~20:1 ratio of omega 6:3 is... wait for it... seed oils.

>> No.18007205

Thats what you get for not embracing keto.
A really cringe body.

>> No.18007208
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holy based

>> No.18007219

I eat plenty of carbs and I'm still a skinny fuck with low body fat. That's the body you get when you consume seed oils on a regular basis. Also probably has low T levels and high E levels.

>> No.18007235
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>this is the guy telling you to eat your goy slop
the memes write themselves

>> No.18007431

great, I can't wait for this to be spammed all over /ck/ now and have to see this ugly fuck 24/7

>> No.18007525

pay attention boys and lads, this is how you properly express a hateboner

>> No.18008014

You know you can find studies online, right? You don't have to blindly trust ones that are done by meat or seed oil industry scientists, you can find independently done studies on the topic pretty easily. These sorts of things are done quite often by universities

>> No.18008023
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this man is healthier than all of you

>> No.18008034

if seed oils are bad, what's the alternative exactly? animal fat? that's worse. olive oil tastes nasty if you put it in the wrong dishes.

>> No.18008065

lol eat your seed oils you dumb fucking golem

>> No.18008082

i was highlighting how dumb the seed oil hysteria was by asking for an alternative, which doesn't exist. read the room.

>> No.18008089

There is no alternative for you. Drink it your cottonseed juice golem and pay for the pleasure

>> No.18008091

>animal fats are bad because i heard they were bad
you're fuckin' dumb bro, you deserve all the free radicals you can get

>> No.18008109

post more, underarm hair is my fetish

>> No.18008114

go watch his most recent video he has a sponsorship with literal deodorant

>> No.18008118

I don't know, but cooking with pig lard is way tastier

>> No.18008125

for a board which supposedly hates this guy, you sure do give him a lot of attention

>> No.18008138

You don't have to use extra virgin olive oil. That's the one that has the strongest taste. You could also try avocado oil if you are just dead set on not using butter or any other kind of animal fat.

>> No.18008141

there's plenty of alternatives
animal fat would be the best choice. if you think it's unhealthy you're probably retarded, humans have been eating animal fat for thousands of years, our bodies have literally evolved around digesting, processing, and utilizing animal fat as a dietary staple.
if you insist on using oil though the next best things are
>olive oil
>coconut oil
>avocado oil
all of these get their oil from the product itself rather than the seed. there's literally no reason to use seed oil for anything ever.

>> No.18008180

>there's literally no reason to use seed oil for anything ever
You will not take sesame seed oil from me.

>> No.18008187

absolute soychad if I ever saw one

>> No.18008219

it's your funeral
we all gotta die someday

>> No.18008911

You can use coconut oil and ghee in place of seed oils. I don't like using tallow or lard either to be honest.

>> No.18009060

Multiple highly controlled clinical trials have shown seed oils increase mortality and or cancer risk.

>> No.18009316
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>still avoiding sugar

That's literally the only thing you had to say. No matter what ever food is the latest schizo "Muh Poison" fad that lolbertarians manufacture to be outraged over this month, if anything sugar is that actal, factual boogeyman that earns a legitimate warning against. That shit has fucked humanity since we found out how to make it.

>> No.18009519
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This man lost all credibility when he suggested using chicken livers in bolognese sauce. No self respecting Italian would do this. He's not a real Italian. In fact no self respecting human would do this. If I see him it's on sight. Faggot ass nigga.

>> No.18009547

Making this post won't un-rot your teeth, my liege.

>> No.18009949

>seed oils are bad because......... they just are!!!!

>> No.18009969

the maximillion dood of food

>> No.18009974

You guys act like middle aged women when it comes to your weird health fads

>> No.18010000

>The French paradox is an apparently paradoxical epidemiological observation that French people have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), while having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats
>The Israeli paradox is an apparently paradoxical epidemiological observation that Israeli Jews have a relatively high incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), despite having a diet relatively low in saturated fats, in apparent contradiction to the widely held belief that the high consumption of such fats is a risk factor for CHD.

I guess science cant explain these paradoxes, guess you should eat more seed oils since all the studies say it's healthy for your heart.

>> No.18010018

Do you just do whatever the latest issue of Woman's Health tells you to?

>> No.18010040

This is accurate. Excess sugar consumption is why you see people sharting their wal mart scooters

For some reason it's too difficult for people to understand how sugars are metabolized WHEN CONSUMED IN EXCESS, which the world has been doing for the last 30 years. I stress the "excess" part because your brain lives exclusively from glucose and it goes through incredible lengths to get it when you're close to starvation (i.e. gluconeogenesis). Even the keto/paleo retards fail to understand edible muscle tissue contains glycogen, a glucose polymer. Tldr; sugar is important but don't overeat it

t. chemist

>> No.18010144

olive oil is not a sneed oil fren

>> No.18010157

>Even the keto/paleo retards fail to understand edible muscle tissue contains glycogen, a glucose polymer
okay? Keto has a 20g of carbs or less limit. Not too sure why there being trace amounts of glucose in muscle fiber would matter lmfao

>> No.18010268

Why would anyone cook in seed/sneed oils when you can use animal fats like Tallow/Suet

>> No.18010277

the glycogen in muscle tissue accounts for less than 2% of the mass by weight, when the animal is slaughtered that glyogen breaks down into lactic acid, this is why meat has 0 carbs, that so called chemist isn't very knowledgeable

>> No.18010437


>> No.18010556

How about in liver? Liver is the other place the body stores glycogen other than the muscles.

>> No.18010560

>your brain lives exclusively from glucose and it goes through incredible lengths
Wrong on both counts sorry chief. Ketones are water soluble and can be used by the brain and gluconeogenesis is not great lengths in fact high carb or low carb diet your liver is still putting out similar amounts of glucose

>> No.18010577

Humans have had a diet heavy in seeds since we first emerged from the trees in the Pliocene when changes in climate dried up the east african rain forests. Without access to an enormous volume of fruit, grass seeds were the only dependable source of calories our ancestors could digest easily and keep us alive long enough for windfalls of fruits and animal brain and bone marrow.

>> No.18010597

Seeds are not the same as seed oils

>> No.18010611

Humans have also been pressing the oils out of seeds for thousands of years. For as long as we've cultivated food we've been processing it to make different products that are well removed from the natural state of anything we ate as tree swinging hairy fuckers.
People are just desperate for their shitty health to not be their fault, for it to be some conspiracy by big corporations or the government or the jews or whatever other horse shit lets them pretend it's not their fault they ate sixteen twinkies a day for twenty years and then died of foot rot.

>> No.18010625

the new cancer-causing product is on its way, and worrying this much will put you in greater risk than some oil.

>> No.18010626

>pressing the oils out of seeds for thousands of years
That may be so but now they are produced by dissolving in hexane and then are required to be bleached deodorized and winterized to be made palatable. Quite a bit different

>> No.18010634

>Seed oils are good for you after all, another /ck/ meme debunked. Teflon is next.
Wow, he looks so terrible with that facial hair.

>> No.18010658

If the end product is oil, it's oil. How it got there is not particularly relevant.

>> No.18010687

And you just assume the process in extracting said oil will make no difference on the final product? Seems unlikely

>> No.18010745
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So can anyone tell me the truth about teflon? I can't get my parents to stop using that shit, is it really bad for health? I try to get them onboard with carbon steel but they're stubborn

>> No.18010757

It's useless, anon. You're arguing with a science fan, they have no capability for this sort of critical thinking.

>> No.18010772

>teflon? I can't get my parents to stop using that shit,
Obviously they appreciate the instant clean up and usage of less oil.. Buy them something that is truly nonstick. Carbon steel is not.

>> No.18010808

No, it doesn't. And we know it doesn't because we've checked. You're idiots.

>> No.18010813

Teflon is fine, just don't eat it. Meaning that if you scratched your pan, don't eat the food the scratched up teflon went into.
If you want a superior option that your parents will actually use, it's going to be expensive, so you pay for it.

>> No.18011390


>> No.18011446

So is Ethan Chlebowski our guy?

>> No.18011464

>animal fat? that's worse.
Yeah the thing that's sustained humans and all other flesh eating mammals for millions of years is bad. Imagine being this fucking braindead

>> No.18011473

>repeatedly heating and cooling polyunsaturated fats has no effect
>consuming polyunsaturated fats in quantities that could never be found in a natural diet has no effect
>adding chemicals to the oil has no effect
this is your brain on consoooomerist liberalism

>> No.18011489

please go back to r eddit and stay there

>> No.18011501

>Carbon steel is not.
uh yeah it is. if you're trying to say cast iron is better then you're braindead. carbon steel shits all over cast iron

>> No.18011535

he looks like a poodle

>> No.18011541

The only advantage carbon steel has over cast iron is that it's lighter. It has some disadvantages though such as way less heat retention. So yeah if you have noodle arms or are a fragile woman, carbon steel is a bit better.

>> No.18011600

so I watched this to hear the main argument and it was "one guy can't know, we can't know for sure, the science always changes, you can't make a huge claim like that without knowing more" rather than anything substantial, even though there's plenty of evidence in other reports. It is true it's hard to even study because not enough of a sample group is monitored for long enough of a time, and stuff like sedentary/active life and and other parts of the diet will skew the results.

>> No.18011614

why does he advocate drinking juice? why not just eat the actual fruit?

>> No.18011621

seeds grow in poop tho

>> No.18011627

>I love meat, so I'll believe the side that'll let me eat more meat guiltfree
please don't fall for this retarded gambit, no matter how enticing it is

>> No.18011639

>I love fast food and junk food so I'll believe the side that'll let me eat more fast food and junk food guiltfree

>> No.18011644

What? Ive never seen this video. Hes not even a vegan he regularly eats meat so I have no idea why hed ever say that.

>> No.18011673
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It's called virtue signalling. He's not actually saying that meat is bad. He's saying look at what a good little goy I am.

It's like when people whine about the white man stealing land from the pure and noble natives, all the while they own acres of said "stolen" land and have no plants to give it up. Or when people use their iPhone 7™ bitching about the evils of capitalism on twitter all day.

>> No.18011680

Okay so can you post the video youre talking about? Again ive never seen it and I dont believe hes say that.

>> No.18011695

I'm not the samefag who mentioned that video, i wouldn't mind seeing it myself actually

>> No.18011715

Why would you go on some schizo /pol/fag rant over something that you didnt even actually see someone say? Fucking retard.

>> No.18011721

you have to admit it fits his persona perfectly

>> No.18012136

he's annoying but he's not that bad

>> No.18012197

How is that similar? junk food is objectively bad, meat is more complicated. I'm saying this because I love eating meat but that causes bias.

>> No.18012224

How is meat more complicated? It's objectively the most nutritious food type there is

>> No.18012273

It doesn't matter if people will always eat meat what the meat industry is trying to do is build a larger consumer market for animal fats. There was a massive anti-animal fat movement decades ago that curtailed retail level sales of things like lard and suet which the meat industry is trying to reverse as profitability is higher on retail units of sale as opposed to commercial.

>> No.18012399

Jack is a million times better. Id rather drink a beer and watch him slap mayo on ramen and talk about how you don't want your date too full or you won't be able to fuck later, than a pious ratty lying journalist scum pontificate on how concentrated soy protein IVs are a good thing.

>> No.18012410

>the meat industry is trying to get society to switch from unhealthy seed oils to healthy animal fats
wtf I love capitalism now

>> No.18012415

There's a ncbi study showing that boiling water in a Teflon lined pot doubles the amount of fluoride in the water after 20 minutes.

Poly tetra FLURO ethyline. Its a fluroplastic that is constantly breaking down into your food.

How do you clean a pan? Splash some water on and boil the fond off.

>> No.18012425

>since the days of the Romans
Technically correct, but much earlier than that. Like Minoan Greece or earlier.

>> No.18012578
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>> No.18012598

>tfw white
>eat something spicy
>instantly become racist

>> No.18012719

what a retard