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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.51 MB, 2400x1389, cutting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17994464 No.17994464 [Reply] [Original]

You faggots will argue about anything

>> No.17994470

A if you're over the age of 7.

>> No.17994471

E. any other way is pure faggotry

>> No.17994475

E master race. A is for boring faggots who pretend their too mature and cool for four triangles.

>> No.17994498
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>> No.17994509

C. Two cuts makes the sandwich fall apart.

>> No.17994512

Just add cheese

>> No.17994513

A, C and D are acceptable. Everything else is for children and faggots that like to diddle children.

>> No.17994523

C but slightly off centered so each side has 2 corners

>> No.17994539

I'm sick of people pretending crusts are good, they taste like burning and ruin sandwiches and pizza

>> No.17994543

ok child

>> No.17994545

C is best, D is acceptable
E and F are crazy
B is for retards and children

>> No.17994586

>t. big boy 7yo

>> No.17994593
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get on my level, simpletons

>> No.17994602
File: 650 KB, 772x677, sandwich_cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have marked the correct way to cut a sandwich, have no fear

>> No.17994605


>> No.17994627

>t. big mature man look how cool i am

>> No.17994647


>> No.17994649

you still have to take bites of the thing, so what's the point of cutting it beforehand

>> No.17994650

I concur.

>> No.17994651
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you mean you're a lazy bastard that takes sliced bread seriously

>> No.17994654
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>> No.17994662

the real question is if you cut down straight or at an angle. I'll tell you now only one way is correct

>> No.17994666

45% bevel cut

>> No.17994688

Normal person
Picky little body boy toddler had his mummy cut the crust off for him
Also normal
Defiantly neurodivergent
for little kids who can’t take big bites
Thinks the 90 degree angles protect your food from being overtaken by the creatures in your walls trying to get out from the corners in your house

>> No.17994691

E is for club sammies

>> No.17994705

Only Jews eat bread without the crust.
Cutting the crust off is like cutting your foreskin off

>> No.17994714

it simply creates the most sandwich

>> No.17994719
File: 894 KB, 727x650, Gbread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more of a G man myself

>> No.17994781

D is the normal way sandwiches are cut for packed lunches, though, and I don't think there are that many neurodivergent housewives.

>> No.17994806

The real question is: what shitty toaster failed to completely toast the bread?

>> No.17994818
File: 714 KB, 673x657, 1655477248724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I really the only one who does it like this?
You get a strip in the middle that is nice.

>> No.17994826
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>> No.17994837
File: 56 KB, 563x485, K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me; its K

>> No.17995013

Anything besides B because thats for lil bitches

>> No.17995050

isnt this the optimal way of cutting a sandwich that a supercomputer came up with?

>> No.17995119

This is the final evolution of the sliced bread sandwich

>> No.17995138


>> No.17995149


>> No.17995165

The best depending on the contents of the sandwich, if it's too heavy on the fillings or if it's a super low effort struggle meal (syrup sandwiches, PB&J, ect), there's no point to slicing it. Most sandwiches are fine like this

I feel bad for anybody who grew up and never got shamed out of cutting off the crusts of their sandwiches. The crusts are good, usually not even noticable with most sliced breads. Still, in the privacy of your own home you may dine as you like, but you are a fucking child.

The most versatile cut, of the options listed here it's the superior choice. Sometimes if your fillings are particularly unstable (I'm thinking like a tunafish or chicken salad), those corners make things fall out way easier, in which case no cuts or D has the edge.

Only beats out C with unstable fillings or, rarely, when you wouldn't want to sever something diagonally, ie bacon strips on a BLT. There might be something else I'm not thinking of, but ultimately forgoing a diagonal cut is inferior, fat corners bump into the edges of your mouth and you miss out on the diversity in mouthfeel of C.

Stylized, probably best if you're serving many slices of a sandwich and dressing them up for an event. In practical use, though, four cuts is much more niche than two cuts, the fillings need to be very stable or be adhesed by spread.

Easily the worst cut of the choices above. More respectable than the arrested development of B, but otherwise it combines the worst of both worlds within D and E. I can't imagine why you'd ever do this to a sandwich.

This is the winner. This elaborates on the superiority of C by making the angle slightly more shallow, expanding the pool of suitable sandwiches which could employ this cut. It's also much more interesting a look, and it's no wonder this style is applied to most restaurant sandwiches.


>> No.17995172

You left a couple out, retard. But that was the whole point, wasn't it? Try harder for comments, and

>> No.17995186
File: 39 KB, 564x554, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight cut, or bias cut?
hint: there's only one correct answer.

>> No.17995190
File: 341 KB, 956x560, 20220617_203400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C2. Best option.

>> No.17995199

Not even gonna answer, we all know which one it is

>> No.17995211

This is so obvious that it may as well be a rhetorical question.

>> No.17995213

That isn't a hint you moron.

>> No.17995253
File: 183 KB, 715x669, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes more sense when you have bread from a tin with the expanded top bit, but I cut a bite-size strip, eat that. Then eat around the three crusted sides of the larger piece, leaving one ultimate final bite.

>> No.17995266


>> No.17995275

Anything other than A, C, and D, you are a child.

>> No.17995290

I like them all

>> No.17995292
File: 144 KB, 564x831, optionc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i choose option c

>> No.17995300
File: 1.20 MB, 1647x1201, 1655477248724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17995304


>> No.17995311

E is what i do for other people if i'm making them a sandwich cos it's the best no crust edge to crust edge ratio and is nice to eat. making it just for myself i push the constituent parts into my mouth one after the other and make a stomach sandwich.

>> No.17995332
File: 659 KB, 773x679, 1655477248724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only objectively and morally correct way.

>> No.17995355

for me it's the peano curve

>> No.17995356

>making it just for myself i push the constituent parts into my mouth one after the other and make a stomach sandwich.
Based and bachelorpilled

>> No.17995360
File: 2.41 MB, 640x358, bill-king-of-the-hill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.17995391
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Done more evenly, obviously, but this when I have guests for tea. : )

>> No.17995413
File: 739 KB, 933x630, [LESSON5].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17995427

i kneel...

>> No.17995577


>> No.17995581
File: 557 KB, 553x566, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17995594
File: 184 KB, 822x710, 3D6FDBD7-E099-49CA-AC0C-6070646ADEAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick option L

>> No.17995606


>> No.17995609

it's a sandwich

>> No.17995617

Sure why bother
For faggots
High IQ
Symmetry autism
>E and F

>> No.17995620
File: 112 KB, 553x566, 1A25E083-3154-4178-8F1E-34DAB94B0874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17995627

Why the fuck would you cut cigars?

>> No.17995629

A if i'm really hungry, it's so big. E if I'm not so hungry so it's more like 4 dainty sandwiches

>> No.17995630
File: 879 KB, 772x680, dg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17995637

Because you can't inhale smoke through the cap

>> No.17995650


>> No.17995659

who the fuck uses toast for a sandwich

>> No.17995667
File: 520 KB, 552x564, 1654851423579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you already lost

>> No.17995696
File: 177 KB, 1316x582, ham sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ensure you perfectly divide every ingredient between the two sandwich halves? It's always possible with a single cut.

>> No.17995713

i like variety. more of some thing, less of another, adds to life. when i decide to have ketchup, i pour it on the fries so sometimes one is engulfed and others are naked.

>> No.17995729

yeah I used to be purely a dipper but lately I've been enjoying the pseudorandom chaos of drizzling ketchup on the fries so that each one is a different experience

>> No.17995881
File: 596 KB, 552x564, 1654851423579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17995909

oof, doomed to a draw.

>> No.17995999


>> No.17996017

Triangle cuts are proven to make the sandwich taste better

>> No.17996103

E if I didn't have to chop any vegetables, why would I waste time and water washing my knife?
E if I did have to chop vegetables because why would I waste my time cutting the sandwich?

>> No.17996115


>> No.17996116

>pretending crusts are good
Depends on the quality of the bread. Bad bread has crust that's stale and bland. But I've never heard someone say they didn't like the crust on freshly baked bread.

>> No.17996188


>> No.17996234

Corners make eating easier but four pieces for a single sandwich is too many, am I supposed to have eight bites for a sandwich? Four? It should be like six.

>> No.17996249

this is risking the structural integrity of the sandwich

>> No.17996251
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>> No.17996253

fuck you

>> No.17996266
File: 1.07 MB, 3024x4032, ROGO6Jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else is cope

>> No.17996298
File: 566 KB, 775x798, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how you cut an eat it

>> No.17996354

This, plus there is literally no fucking reason to cut a sandwich in the first place if you claim to enjoy the crust. Just eat through it. Oh you prefer to start in the middle? Why? Is it perhaps because the crust is the shittiest part of the fucking sandwich? And don't claim it's an issue with the filling, just arrange the fucking sandwich better if you're going to be that autistic about how your poor little ham slice doesn't reach the ends.
Yes I'm mad. The venn diagram of people who take issue with cutting the crust off & people who use the most bland disgusting fucking white bread is a perfect goddamn circle. I'm not cutting the crust off a fucking sourdough here, I just refuse to eat the cardboard chunks on the edge of a slice of wonderbread.

>> No.17996364

i always go with D the rest are quirky nonsense

>> No.17996403

you're just prolonging the inevitable

>> No.17996410

A, if it's too big to take a bite, C

>> No.17996423
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>> No.17996479
File: 152 KB, 778x682, tear and share makes friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rancid? what a poser.
i'm not sure what that is but i don't want to cut it. i'm gonna poke a hole in it.

>> No.17996488

I only posted that because >>17995667 claimed the position is lost, when it clearly isn't.

>> No.17996537
File: 379 KB, 498x475, 135243232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just makes the most sense

>> No.17996683

Based and breadpilled.

>> No.17996706

A or C. Only children choose B.

>> No.17996791
File: 48 KB, 956x268, IMG-20220617-WA0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother used to cut like this when I was little, now I cut like this to my children, they seem to like it

>> No.17996869

only if you don't use more than 3 ingredients (2 if the cuts have to be perpendicular to the sandwich)

>> No.17997028
File: 6 KB, 236x272, 85a89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your forgot G, the classic opposite corner angle cut about an inch in from each of the two corners.

>> No.17997037
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>> No.17997054

carbs bad

>> No.17997158
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>> No.17997248
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>> No.17997260

Have fun

>> No.17997547


>> No.17998352

Based on what criteria? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.17998356


>> No.17998371
File: 153 KB, 1500x1500, 1646587511503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking degenerate cut offs the rim are you fucking 5

>> No.17998379
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>> No.17998461
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>> No.17998520

Toasting bread causes cancer. Literally everyone in this thread is going to get it.

>> No.17998531

thank god

>> No.17998532

Do americans really cut off the crust? Are your teeth really that bad?

>> No.17998858

this is a game changer, volks

>> No.17998889

For me, it's F.

>> No.17998923

as with most neural networks, nobody truly understands the inner mechanisms or logic.

>> No.17999212


>> No.17999302

cozy :3

>> No.17999325

C cause I like that point.

>> No.17999328

C makes dipping better

>> No.17999490

A. Why would I bother cutting up a sandwich that small? If you HAVE to cut it, there's no reason to go further than halves, so C or D.

>> No.17999598
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Your sandwich looked a little bland Anon, so I added some pepper!

>> No.17999755
File: 2.49 MB, 640x360, cucumber sandwiches.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you chamfer the edges. Wouldn't want someone to hurt themselves on their sandwich.

>> No.17999761

most things cause cancer

>> No.17999789


>> No.17999863

way to ruin it

>> No.17999908


>> No.18000081

Agreed. I prefer uncut. C or D if it must be cut.

>> No.18000165

no no no. that's unacceptable

>> No.18000258

You are a sped

>> No.18000266

i also do this

>> No.18000276

Explain why this is so popular.

>> No.18000317

except pornography

>> No.18000988

Unironically your attitude and mindset has a better shot at giving you cancer than toast

>> No.18000994

/vp/ is at least 50% arguing about porn at any given time.

>> No.18001043
File: 635 KB, 660x643, Sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut them in a way that won't upset children.

>> No.18001045

Thumbnail looks like a pair of panties with legs from a quick skim.

>> No.18001121
File: 3.71 MB, 2000x2000, 1632760316444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]