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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 1500x1125, egg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17977821 No.17977821 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make pic related a bit more exciting? Regular omelette always tastes good but it isn't very interesting

>> No.17977824

wtf is that? if its not on a McDonalds menu, I don't wanna know about it

>> No.17977827

Soft boil it. Spread some cream cheese on bagel or seeded bread (toasted. Slice up and lay egg on top. Add chives or sun dried tomatoes for extra. Season salt and some pepper

>> No.17977901

>"food can be exciting."
eh, if i'm really hungry and i like the dish.
i dig hard boiled eggs so i don't need anything on that other than salt because of religious reasons.

>> No.17977912

>slice up a soft boiled egg
You fucking people don't know what soft boil means.

>> No.17977944

All these dumbass unitaskers and I can't find a machine that I can just crack a few eggs in the top with a splash of milk and a little shredded cheese and it will scramble, cook and vend them, then self-clean.
Is it too much to ask?
I just want my eggs to cook nicely while I'm in the shower.

>> No.17977952

It doesn't mean poach you retard

>> No.17978156

gordon ramsay style

>> No.17978163

How have you never heard of the Rollie?

>> No.17978185


I just put a little pepper and some hot sauce (valentina) on it. Makes for a nice accompaniment to my breakfast

>> No.17978203
File: 460 KB, 600x341, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to. Cheap, easy and healthy. Also super easy, since you cook the eggs ahead of time so there's no cooking when you actually want to eat them, just a little prep.

>> No.17978225

What's the cream in the middle? Egg yellows mixed with corn starch?

>> No.17978228

You seriously don't know what deviled eggs are?

>> No.17978232

It’s a bit of yellow food coloring and instant mashed potato

>> No.17978233

No. I have only eaten them, never cooked.

>> No.17978242

>The american brain defaults to the idea of bulking their food with literal starch powder.
>The american palette can't distinguish Deviled eggs from just plain eggs mixed literal starch powder.
[reddit space]
It's the boiled egg's yolk mixed with Mayonnaise and Dijon Mustard, as well as usually salt and pepper. That looks like they chose to put Chive on top in that image, but almost every one will add the orange powder, which is paprika.

>> No.17978249
File: 505 KB, 1281x669, pngaaa.com-3167752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>soft boil egg
>take pot off of heat and over to sink to run cold water over it
>feel the imminent satisfaction from eating it
>roll the cooled egg on counter top to get shell off
>whip out cutting board and pairing knife
>start slicing egg to put on bagel
>mfw yolk runs everywhere

>> No.17978271

No, the bread soaks it up. Your next point?

>> No.17978288

Just because that one anon doesn't know how to cook doesn't mean the rest of us don't know what deviled eggs are and how to make them. They're a staple of pretty much every American holiday meal, after all.

>> No.17978376

Fried eggs are my go-to for breakfast. I really like either a sunny side up with bacon and some onion, or a over-easy with cheese and siracha on top.
When I want something a bit different, a cantonese style scrambled egg ( 黄埔炒蛋 ) is great. Sometimes I also like them poached, with a bit of herb butter.
As a main dish, either cantonese stlye scrambled egg with meat and other ingredients, stir fried tomato and egg (which is my go to easy and quick recipe) or deep fried boiled eggs, often braised in red braise, but sometimes in other recipes as well.
Or hard boiled and then sliced on toast.

>> No.17978794

very lightly scrambled eggs but leave 2/3 yolks intact and break them on top

>> No.17978800
File: 81 KB, 830x1088, Crispy-Fried-Egg-1_1b74faffbe944b0675f0e20473d3ad34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also fried, crunchy whites with liquid yolks. near impossible to make tho.

>> No.17978813

an omelette is a blank canvas to do literally whatever you want with, its a vehicle for delicious dishes
if you need to be told what to do with an omelette to make it better, you shouldnt be making omelettes in the first place

>> No.17978845

consider about 6mm of oil, the egg will start bubbling and you should be able to

>> No.17978863

i like to make a scramble with sauteed onions, green pep, jalapenos and maybe diced tomato. put it on toasted bread with cheese and salsa or hot sauce

>> No.17979686

That seems to just be a heating element which deforms the eggs without either mixing them or self-cleaning

>> No.17979710

not at all, just have a well seasoned cast iron. one tablespoon of olive oil heated until it's nearly smoking and then drop the eggs in. wa la.

>> No.17979726
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x3024, 20220613_190147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go chief.

>> No.17979730

branston pickle

>> No.17979819

>near impossible
Are you retarded? I do this everytime I fry and egg and I don't even have a "special technique" for it.

>> No.17979825

The oil doesn't have to be that hot. That way you'll end up with a white which is burnt on the bottom and gooey on top, which is disgusting.

>> No.17979852

>the europoor cannot stop shoehorning america into every conversation

>> No.17979873

Lace 1 egg in a dozen with cyanide. Randomize this somehow or have someone do it for you. Now use those eggs for breakfast. Maybe only use 4 and toss the rest, but I swear to you that those eggs will be the most exilerating eggs of your life!

>> No.17979892

Probably gonna sound boring, but hardboiled, on bread(preferably not white wheat etc) with tomato and rucola. Optionally with cheese as well. A pinch of salt on both the tomato and the egg. I don't know what the fuck it is but that combination of flavors is almost unbeatable.

>> No.17979945

>take pic related
>cover in sausage
>cover in breading
>deep fry

>> No.17980735
File: 618 KB, 1080x1331, E5026BB3-66AF-48CD-867D-EF4CD95F8696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insert into anus
>play vidya until egg is soft boiled

>> No.17980743

try baking eggs on low heat in the oven. when you peel them, they'll be lightly carmelized. sprinkle a bit of salt on them and have them with some rice punch or horchata.

>> No.17980755

I put condiments on it like mustard. I can also chop it up on a plate with a tomato or avocado and eat them together, or +rice.

>> No.17981152

make one and post it right now or stfu