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17974274 No.17974274 [Reply] [Original]

I have crohns disease and wanted to talk with anons with similar problems.
I’m working on reducing the amount of crap that was previously part of my diet (I’ve lost some weight that I piled on thank you steroids) and wanted advice on what sort of diet I could follow to attempt to keep it in check. I’m trying to reduce milk (but that would affect calcium intake) and I’m cutting out a lot of fried shit too, especially where full of oils. Any advice that I can be given would be great

>> No.17974277

They don't tell you this but remove your fingernails at least the whites.

>> No.17974278

Lmao you poop wrong

>> No.17974288

I crap right or wrong all the time. It feels like for me no two types of diet work for me. I’ve been on a low fat, fibre exclusion diet which was fine for a while and then I got constipation. And then some days I’m fine with my coffee intake and then others it’s just not quite right and I’m running to take a shit.
I’m sure they have good reason for that

>> No.17974298
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There are other better ways of getting calcium than cow milk, which in too high quantities can actually reduce the amount of calcium your body absorbs.

>> No.17974313

What ways would you recommend Anon?
I cut down on milk and dairy and the stink immediately improved.

>> No.17974319

Cigarettes make me poop way faster and more explosively than caffeine. I've shit myself twice because I was taking a walk, smoked one, and couldn't make it back home within 5 minutes. I no longer smoke cigarettes when I'm far from a bathroom.

>> No.17974330

Weird that you should mention that, my doctor told me that nicotine really wasn’t good for crohns and as a stimulant it really was like lighting a fuse for your ass to drop its load. I was only ever a social smoker before but I quit completely after

>> No.17974718

No corn.
No grain.
No beans.
No dairy.
No soy.
No rice.
No refined sugars.
No potatoes.
No chicken you didn't raise and slaughter yourself.
No cheap oil.

Eat meat, fish, nuts, eggs, dates, dried fruit, pumpkins, and the occasional bit of fresh fruit. They aren't prohibited but avoid too many leaf vegetables. Take 3 tablespoons of Psyllium Husk at night, vigorously stirred into 10-12 ounces of water, but not very long. You don't want it to clump up.

Alternate between caffeine pills and chewing coffee beans, for about 7-14 days each, or until one stops working. Won't hurt your gut as much as drinking coffee. 200mg caffeine pills in the morning, or 14 grams of coffee beans consumed gradually throughout the day. Not both.

Breading on meats and alcohol count as grain.

>> No.17974743

This. He only has himself to blame for chronic disease. Stop eating slop. You also forgot diet sodas. That messes people up big time.

>> No.17974756

Don't drink anything but water or juice you made yourself.

>> No.17974765

i eat all of that including lots of artificial sweetener and my stomach is totally fine. you just have weak genes

>> No.17974857

Most of that stuff isn't slop

>> No.17974937

>Psyllium Husk
What is this stuff Anon? I’ve heard it mentioned but never looked it up and for what it does

>> No.17974956

pure fiber dust that you put into water and drink

>> No.17975114

Low residual diet.

>> No.17975160

I have Crohns actively for several years now
>stay away from uncooked veg
>cooked veg is fine aside from fibrous veg (basically if its green stay the fuck away)
>stay away from nuts and seeds
>all meat and dairy is fine
>pasta and rice are fine
>don't eat spicy shit
>probiotic foods/ drinks like kefir and kombucha are very good for you

>> No.17975177

ive read so many lists, and all it proves is that IBD is different for everyone. i personally cannot handle meat, while you can. that just means that you cant really ask what kind of diet you should stick with, but find it yourself

>> No.17975200

I knew someone who developed this disease. Dude would constantly brag about swallowing tons of junk food and brag even more about tons of food 'feats' he could do. (Nobody gave a shit) I guess even God got tired of hearing his ramblings because his digestive system suddenly stopped working well. As in he had no problem, top shape and the next day he was fucked. Now he's like a skeleton like a jew ready for the oven. Last time I visited him his place smelled like feces and farts from all his trips to the bathroom.

I try to help people and tell them what to eat and what to avoid to stay healthy but they do not like hearing it. Whatever. Keep eating gallons of seed oil, pork and over processed junk food everyday, oh I'm sure it will end well. They only realize their mistake when it's too late.

>> No.17975209

Brother has Chrons. Hes on Humera and he is pretty good now. Look up anti inflamation diets

>> No.17975229

Stop fizzy drinks, try it for a week or two and see if you feel better. Does a lot for me

>> No.17975458

I have crohn's. I don't cut out shit, I just take the immunosuppressants.

>> No.17975464

Go to bed, Jack

>> No.17975478

enjoy losing your colon

>> No.17975612

It's long gone m8

>> No.17975716

i had ibs and the start of chron’s and im fine now, quite healthy even. that is a lot of improvement since i used to have painful bloody poos. all of the advice you will get and have gotten in this thread is from midwits but you will listen to them anyways and waste a lot of time cutting out foods or convincing yourself sugar is bad etc. i saw some nigger even said no rice. that is retarded.

chron’s, like all diseases is a deficiency of energy. the specific cause doesn’t matter. use bpc157 to immediately heal the intestinal bleeding, take a small amount of thyroid hormone and maybe aome progesterone, and i would try a tetracycline antibiotic and amoxicillin. eat easily digestible foods and use juices
and milk for calories while your gut heals. try a peeled carrot salad everyday when you are a little better to keep the intestine clean and moving and keep bacteria down. the anti histamine cyproheptadine can be really helpful as it will take down inflammation and slow the gut (if you have frequent bm’s). when you are better and can eat and poo healthily start taking small amounts of aspirin because it changes the peptide composition of the mucus in the stomach and intestine to make it more resilient to stress.

>> No.17975740

obvious answers would include
Almonds (activate them! :)
Sweet Po-ta-toes
Baby carrots
Butternut squash

etc, etc,

Do you even DYOR?

>> No.17975833

Are you sure you're not just lactose intolerant

>> No.17975847

1 block of halloumi every two days (+supplements)

>> No.17976027

> I’m trying to reduce milk (but that would affect calcium intake)
you are fucking retarded

>> No.17976990

>Lo Mein
>Chow Mein
What did the mean by this?

>> No.17978501
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People are gonna give you some schitzo advice because that's just how online diet advice tends to be but you should understand that what you can eat depends on you as a person. It's not a quick fix but try things and work out what works for you.

>> No.17979367

The probiotic stuff fucks me up and I don’t feel right after it. And yet natural/Greek yogurt I’m fine with

>> No.17979382

I’ve cut that down and over the past few months I’ve noticed my weight loss has been gradual and consistent and I feel happy. But I feel like more work needs to be done to maintain a healthy weight but try and make up for lost nutrients
I lost mine too. Nearly died from a blockage caused by a narrowing caused by scar tissue and ulcers

>> No.17979393

I’m going to have to try this out Anon. Thank you
This seems dangerous and yet I’m curious
Definitely not. I have 2/3s of my large intestine gone and occasionally getting treated with steroids. My sister also has lactose intolerance (but no IBD or crohns)

>> No.17979403

Define to me “anti inflammatory diet”
I’ve heard people talk about it but I’ve always associated it with joint pain. Is it like keto in which the diet can treat epilepsy?

>> No.17979568

>all of these people have crones disease
do you all have to go poopy in a bag coming out of your stomach? how clean is your anus?

>> No.17979802

Coffee makes me relax and less productive at work. It doesn't make me need to shit. I'm an alcoholic, it should make me need to shit toxic slug. But not me

>> No.17979845

I don't have crohns but I do have digestive issues. I found that strong brewed coffee makes for painful shits but if I brew it quickly, like 1min or less infusion time for an Aeropress, my body can handle it. Aeropress makes great coffee with short brew times.

>> No.17979874

you are a spitting image of a soyboy

>> No.17979906

replying to attention seeking faggot that gets off on the idea of gaslighting people into thinking hurting themselves needlessly is a showing of strength

>> No.17980087
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>I have crohns disease
Re-roll your character, OP.

It's not worth spending the next 50+ years sitting on the toilet.

>> No.17980887
