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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1164x1325, FU6isn-X0AAql7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17965181 No.17965181 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when people were drinking OJ for breakfast ? Why did that stop?

>> No.17965193

It didn't

>t. OJ for breakfast enjoyer

>> No.17965197

because OJ is a faggot drink (i drink a gallon a day)

>> No.17965198

i still enjoy OJ for breakfast, it just usually has vodka in it.

>> No.17965214

Are you actually drinking juice that came from an orange, or are you drinking high fructose corn syrup laden, over-processed orange-like drink substance?

>> No.17965217
File: 96 KB, 1200x627, hypercar le mans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>driving 70 mph
>while drinking oj
>while eating breakfast
>with one hand on the wheel
>foot nowhere near the brake pedal
>while posting on /ck/

youre gonna kill somebody or even yourself you fool

>> No.17965224

tropicana is oranges

>> No.17965230

i prefer apple juice
the cider kind of apple juice for my brekky

>> No.17965237

I drink orange juice regularly and there are far more brands that are pure, squeezed orange juice not from concentrate than there are whatever jew phantom juice you're paranoid of. Get over yourself.

>> No.17965246

was it ever really a thing?
seems like OJ in the morning only ever existed to justify nutritionless cereals as "part of this balanced breakfast"

>> No.17965248

>6 oz Florida Natural (no pulp)
>2 oz vodka (any)
>3 cubes of ice
Has been my morning drink every day, 7 days a week, for 5 years.

>> No.17965257

Good for you, glad you're happy being under the thumb of the alcohol jew

>> No.17965473

people realized there's so much sugar in fruit juice that they might as well be drinking soda.

>> No.17965502
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did you really censor your toes OP? for what purpose?

>> No.17965526

are you driving naked?

>> No.17965549

70 is just highway

>> No.17965572

same for me except it's unpasteurized OJ and 4 oz of vodka

>> No.17965644

100% OJ OJ is still bad because it's made from oranges no one wants to eat. Once you have OJ from eating oranges there's no going back. Luckily my grocery has a juicer for the uglies they don't sell but that fresh OJ goes so fast it's a rarity

>> No.17965656
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For me it's Five Alive.

>> No.17965657

Not the OP but I assume because of people like you

>> No.17965660

how much do you drink the rest of the day

>> No.17965664

To cover my ace of spades tattoo.

>> No.17965682

>garbohydrates and EtOH
Definitely not going to make it.

>> No.17965684

Show vagionis

>> No.17965693

Sorry I meant vagoonis
Stupid autocorrect

>> No.17965780

why not just wear shoes then

>> No.17965813

Forgot that shit existed. Always thought it tasted weird compared to regular orange juice.

>> No.17965827
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This is the best oj you can buy

>> No.17965844


>> No.17965889

there are juice orange grooves in every direction of my house for 20 miles, i drink fresh squeezed OJ anytime i want

>> No.17965915
File: 133 KB, 1000x667, 157916_Front_3-4_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thinking needs to stop, highway speeds were set when cars no power steering, no power brakes and 4 wheel drum brakes that take a football field to stop from 20 mph
Modern cars can be driven with one hand and if you need to jam on the brakes on the highway its most likely the fault of the person that cut you off

>> No.17965923

Acid reflux for me

>> No.17965926


>> No.17965945

Orange Juice is really bad for you apparently

>> No.17965949
File: 135 KB, 1200x630, welaka_river_of_lakes_photo_orange_trees_JPG_1200_630_626f788b-63d6-4dc7-ad17-ddaa81c7e81c.rendition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OJ from eating oranges
pleas speak out of your ass more, Cali and FL grow the same type of oranges but the different climate causes the one in FL to be juicer and sweeter making them "juice oranges" and the ones from Cali are thicker skinned "eating oranges"
Almost all the OJ is made from Florida oranges and all the oranges in the store come from CA
t. heart of orange country FL

>> No.17965956

this is bullshit, there is a big difference between HFCS and natural sugars in a orange

>> No.17965969

i once got a ticket for driving barefoot

>> No.17965988

how could they tell? were you pulled over for something else and then they noticed?

>> No.17966022

wrong, autismo
the majority of juice oranges come from brazil.
t. Brazilian grove owner. ok, well grove worker. and not in Brazil. ok, wagie from north Carolina here, but I saw it on Jeopardy.
Dude lost like a million bucks cuz he said most juice oranges come from Florida. Alex Tribeck tried not to laugh at him when he said "sorry, the correct answer is Brazil".
t. guy been waiting for this thread for like 3 years, cuz i'm right

>> No.17966036
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>getting "facts" from a pozzed show like jeopardy

>> No.17966046
File: 454 KB, 700x700, Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 19-20-59 Florida orange juice - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also wrong, the most oranges come from west Africa but in America most of the OJ that's not save-a-lot garbage is Florida OJ

>> No.17966062

cop was a serious dick and i was coming from the beach where nobody puts their shoes on afterwards because your feet a wet and sandy and it's kinda hard to get my foot into a shoe without wiggling around

>> No.17966088

No one wants to hear your retarded nutrition advice

>> No.17966112

when breakfast became a luxury

>> No.17966118

I only get my facts from wheel of fortune

>> No.17966121


>> No.17966130

I read once that 100% OJ is stored in tanks until it loses all flavor and they have to bring in fucking perfumery professionals to make it taste remotely like OJ again. idk if that's true but it should be a federal crime.

>> No.17966147
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> getting you facts from wheel of fortune

>> No.17966149

I don't know about that. Dehydrated orange juice (what 99% of exports/imports are) basically loses 99% of it's flavor, and needs to be artificially flavored to not be disgusting.
Orange juice from concentrate always tastes funny too.
The only way out of getting goyslop is to squeeze your own orange juice.
Reminder that all the oranges at the store are subpar quality oranges selected for shelf life and dyed orange.

>> No.17966160
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al i know is fresh squeezed OJ tastes nothing like even the best store bought OJ, fresh is almost to sweet and thats coming from a orange soda drinker

>> No.17966167

Lol retard.

>> No.17966173

thats not what he asked

>> No.17966181

What oranges are you using?

>> No.17966216

ripe Florida juice oranges, i live near groves and get them for free since they are just going to hit the ground before harvest anyway

>> No.17966231

Chemically speaking, not really. HCFS is usually either 42% fructose or 55% dry weight (so 58 or 45% glucose). The sugar in oranges is roughly half sucrose (a glucose-fructose disaccharide), and roughly 25% each monosaccharide glucose and fructose. It's more the dose and nutritional content of something like a can of coke vs an orange.

>> No.17966238

No, sugars are sugars. It doesn't matter if it's "natural", you're still consuming a high amount of sugar.

>> No.17966241

i kinda did, i was wiggling around trying to get my shoes on and the cop was a dick that pulled people over then came up with a reason why, it was a party beach so 9/10 times he could get you for something

>> No.17966247

don't say a fucking word more if single other m*dwestern fuckhead gets the bright idea to move here I'll shit my pants

>> No.17966261

What's 'from concentrate'?

>> No.17966272

>sugars are sugars
oranges are loaded with complex sugars and the sugar isn't just floating free like soda

>> No.17966277

Orange juice is concentrated, either by cooking or freezing off the water, and then reconstituted by adding water.

>> No.17966296

Oranges are loaded with sucrose, glucose and fructose. They do contain polysaccharides like pectin and cellulose, but you don't really get energy from those.

>> No.17966298
File: 42 KB, 400x600, fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit in their pants instead

>> No.17966306

one floridian can only make so much shit and I'm spread thin as it is

>> No.17966314

So nothing dubious, then.

>> No.17966330

Then why the big taste gap. Big OJ brands are so bitter and acidic, different ripeness? Juicing the peel?

>> No.17966337
File: 57 KB, 640x640, yidivqwfcpm21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update you tactics

>> No.17966342
File: 256 KB, 1200x1200, KY_Ale8One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jigga what? Jigga who?

>> No.17966352

>so bitter and acidic
depends how long it sits in the tank and how rainy the season, just because your drinking it in 2022 doesn't mean it was harvested on 2022 or even 2021 some years just have great crops and you wind up with a surplus of OJ

>> No.17966364

Brutal heartburn. Same with grapefruit juice. Delicious but kills me for hours. It used to not be this way.

>> No.17966585

Dubious is expensive. Things that are proven to be harmful cost money to hide, cost money in class action suits, cost money in bribes to be found safe. People do it, but that's usually more pride than profit - at least in the long run.

>> No.17966603

This, you'll especially notice this if you ever fresh squeeze your own OJ. I found freshly squeezed oj poured into a pitcher and left in your fridge becomes unbearably sour/bitter within like 2 days. It's essentially the acids in the citrus and pulp oxidizing and changing the taste of the juice. To make it shelf stable you pretty much have to slow that process down by adding additives to it to stop the process.

>> No.17966736

oranges are the most based fruit

>> No.17966824

thats exactly whats happening

>> No.17967386

if you're a poor minority

>> No.17967410

>adding additives

>> No.17967427

what else would you do with them?

>> No.17967438

why are you looking at his feet

>> No.17967474

he drives a volvo and eats starbucks food.
yet you're asking him about his weird choices...

>> No.17967476

>slow that process down by adding additives to it to stop the process
pasteurization only adds heat, anon.

>> No.17967481

wrong wrong wrong.
humans are meant to eat nothing but oranges.
welcome to the fold.

>> No.17967487

>Things that are proven to be harmful cost money to hide
is that why cigs, soda, and lotto are available at every corner store?

>> No.17967509

but things like ethyl butyrate and valencene add "orange flavour" after all the actual orange flavour's dissipated after months in a argon-filled storage tank.

>> No.17967513

If you mean is it because interest groups had the money to spend, then yes. Obviously.

>> No.17967545

cigs have warnings packed on their labels, advertising and labelling stripped back to barebones, often monochrome nothingness to avoid further lawsuits. Soda's not inherently harmful, just packed with sugar - some soft drinks that have claimed to be healthy alternatives or a source of something or other (Sobe comes to mind) got pared back or scrapped because of backlash or litigation on their bullshit claims. Just about any form of lotto ticket in the first world has something along the lines of "Play within your means" or a helpline on it.

>> No.17967569

>cost money in bribes to be found safe
^ falls under that. Quit cherrypicking.

>> No.17967594

pasteurization really messes with the taste, sure it's not from concentrate

>> No.17967604

>cigarettes are bad
everybody that got cancer worked and lived in highly carcinogenic environments

>> No.17967656
File: 1.72 MB, 3373x2268, 20220610_223746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based swamp water enjoyer

>> No.17967660

I pour OJ on my gf and myself, then we lick each other.

>> No.17967662


>> No.17967682

>no pulp


>> No.17967700

yeah. used to drink a fuckton of oj but its just not worth it anymore, plus it's really bad for your teeth

>> No.17967705

I do like quality cold pressed OJ but that can get expensive. I can have 10 quarts of instant sugar free iced tea for less than a 32oz bottle of OJ that has fewer cals and does not give me indigestion.

>> No.17968288

hellooo anon. I have heard that you are an expert cocksucker! Wnt to come over and give me an OJ BJ?

>> No.17968324

>Why did that stop?
1 cup is 110 calories

>> No.17968332

We realized we could just eat citrus fruits.

>> No.17968338

>Go to friends house
>Open refrigerator
>Has this instead of orange juice
>Insta realization friend's family is poor.

>> No.17968353

Is that illegal?

>> No.17968414

You're a fucking retard anon, they constantly re-evaluate highway speeds.

>> No.17968477

Dont think that stuff actually was ever shown an orange let alone had it in the ingredients

>> No.17968765


if you live in a place that is anti cock-sucking, yes.

>> No.17968802


>> No.17969024
File: 768 KB, 500x375, tumblr_myhym1JlpZ1s2wio8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they constantly re-evaluate highway speeds.
yet they have been set at 70mph since forever (besides that 55mph commie bullshit era)
until you drive a car wit 4 wheel drum brakes that aren't powered and no power steering you'll have no idea why they say "two hands on the wheel'
modern cars are like driving your living room down the street in comparison

>> No.17969060

It didn't, you just don't have your mother serving it to you anymore. You also have a personality disorder anon.

>> No.17969154

it's no different than soda, stop drinking it.

>> No.17969810
File: 43 KB, 640x625, 1647746552156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff tastes like sweetened stomach acid
>captcha 02JHM

>> No.17969919

Most breakfast foods become breakfast foods because in older times they were something that either preserved overnight or else were quick to prepare. Oranges and other fruit were common for breakfast as something you could grab and peel quick. So juicing an orange for a larger breakfast became a thing. Marketing of breakfast foods encouraged this.

However store bought juice is most often fucked with enough that there's less nutritional value to it and a fuck ton more added sugar, which makes it hardly better than soda. This is done so it can sit on store shelves longer.

As a culture we're trending away from "sugar in everything" diets and aside from kids not as many people are relying on orange juice or milk to wash down their breakfast. Especially if they already have coffee or tea, and even more so if they want to brush their teeth in the morning.

>> No.17969925

My grandpa would tell us every time we visited that it never rained except when we visited, because it rained whenever we visited.

>> No.17969939

He's in a Volvo so he should be ok

>> No.17970223

Stop drinking sweetened stomach acid.

>> No.17970282
File: 104 KB, 500x572, florid-man-charged-with-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon-after-35740725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based boomer gatekeeping FL and making you feel bad for visiting

>> No.17970348

As a Floridian, I feel the nation provides us a great debt for providing all the OJ and throwing ourselves on the spear by taking in all the fucking Jew Yorkers so you all don't have to deal with them

>> No.17970353
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>Not drinking OJ during sunrise laps at Le Mans

>> No.17970501

I still buy the 50% Tropicana and Simply Orange. It's literally half water. But regular oj is just a sugar bomb

>> No.17970524
File: 27 KB, 514x485, affff1b3582ecbef5485b82ff134de36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south FL takes all the jew Yorkers, FL west coast takes all the mid westerns, the pan handle takes all the southern retards and central FL is a refugee camp for native Floridians fleeing from the previously mentioned zones

>> No.17970598

that was in the 70's, just-in-time production/throughput has been been applied to every supply chain imagine by now
>we'll be going back to spoiled OJ past peak oil.

>> No.17970627

as a midwesterner having visited florida a handful of times, i find the gulf coast to be the best. i liked venice a lot and there’s the coolest bar & bbq place with live music ive ever been to called snook haven. yeah it’s all boomers but we’re gonna boomers too

>> No.17970851
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Clearly because fags and democrats decided to cancel it, retard.

>> No.17970900
File: 163 KB, 1282x1521, DluX2AvUwAYlIKP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OJ in the morning used to be one of the healthiest things westerners did. It was those anti-sugar fools like Dr. Lustig and probable pedophile Jimmy Moore that came along and ruined it all.

They had this metabolic theory of why sugar is incredibly bad for you and makes you fatter, ages you and so on, selling all sorts of keto/low carb nonsense and none of it works at all. Ketards end up fatter while plant-based eaters are extremely thin, often a little too thin. It's actually a joke at this point.

When I'm saying Jimmy Moore is a probable pedophile I'm not fucking around - he is literally in court right now for seven counts of pedophilia, and these sorts of accusations don't just come out of nothing for no reason:


>> No.17970903

based screwdriver enjoyer

>> No.17970914

I still do. Am I so out of touch?

>> No.17970920

because full of sugar
also post feet

>> No.17970988

I don't see clothing, I assume he is fully nude as well. thank god he censored his toes though

>> No.17971207

uhh based?

>> No.17971550
File: 197 KB, 1000x750, pest-01-ACP-adults-005-Rogers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our orange trees are being fucking devastated by huanglongbing (citrus greening disease)
>citrus production in florida is down nearly 80%
>no one knows or cares

>> No.17971587

But when half the threads on this board are about beef no one thinks maybe there's an angle. Competitors have no reason not to pay others to market new products in a field of business as opposed to the scientific validity of the product and it's effects because the average joe and jane are willing to listen to broscience crap than read a scholarly article. It's a great way to curb a large portion of public opinion about a product. It's a venemous tactic used by the shittiest "people" on Earth with an end goal of nothing more than greed and vanity. I'd wager this is how fiat currency and indulgences came about as well. It's not human. And no one could pump enough schizo meds and reason to convince me otherwise.

>> No.17971601

the orange juice I use it 25% fruit juice 7.3 grams of sugar per 100ml, so it is heavy on the sugar but there's plenty of juice as well, not a burger so no corn syrup

>> No.17971611

That was a great game, why be ashamed

>> No.17971613

Shouldn't multi fruit stuff be more expensive?

>> No.17971614 [DELETED] 

sucks about your trees having tree covid

>> No.17971658

>high fructose corn syrup laden, over-processed orange-like drink substance
(contains 5 percent juice)

>> No.17971659

8 oz orange juice and half a banana is the best breakfast

>> No.17971683
File: 90 KB, 800x800, 05AAB39E-3657-4608-BFD9-B445BBF0659C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the good shit that black dude does seafood boils with this “orange juice” all the time

>> No.17971794

Just lost weight on it and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.17972221

When I was a major alcoholic and poor as fuck. This shit was great as a mixer/chaser for gin and you could buy it in frozen concentrate and make a huge ass pitcher of it.

>> No.17972570
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>> No.17972573

the alcohol business is one of the few industries that the jew DOESNT own

prove me wrong vato

>> No.17972575 [DELETED] 

>bronfman family literally made billions off prohibition

>> No.17972577

In a classic study, cabbage juice gave people great and very specific benefits, but only if you drank it within 30 minutes of juicing it

>> No.17972579
File: 1.13 MB, 773x836, Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 12.04.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf OP I said post feet in the other thread and now you censor your toes?
fuckin hell man your a prude.

>> No.17974033

....are you fucking kidding dude? Bronfman's? They own all alcohol, retard.

>> No.17974038

Its clearly a roasty repost from IG or some shit

>> No.17974098

Wrong. Life isn't a supervillain movie where the incentive is "dollars". Bad things get done as a matter of course. Money is not a limiting factor nor the motivation for "cutting corners".

>> No.17974582

>not drinking sunny d
>not wanting solar energy

>> No.17974673

It did?
It only did for me because I have severe heartburn.

>> No.17974679

my shop has a nice machine that presses the oranges when you push a button

I buy so much of it that I'm considering getting the machine instead

>> No.17974819
File: 526 KB, 1880x1281, Full Croatian Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange juice is great when freshly squeezed and unfiltered, with lots of fiber. Bottled orange juice is just as unhealthy as Cola or Fanta.

That's why people stopped buying that crap.