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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17960176 No.17960176 [Reply] [Original]

Is working in a kitchen as shit as everyone says?

>> No.17960178

its honestly probably worse than you think

>> No.17960191

It's not hard, but it is mind numbing and underpaid. That is why almost everyone in the kitchen is a drug addict or a felon they are using as a modern slave due to parole officers being slave masters. There are much harder jobs out there, but those jobs normally pay much better so you don't get the absolute scum of society doing them.

>> No.17960209

It really depends on the working environment. If your boss is a dick who thinks he's the next Gordon Ramsay, which is common, then yeah it's a terrible job.

>> No.17960214

i worked in a 5 star restaurant once for like 5 months in the lake district, id booked a festival a year before and informed them id need that weekend off
it came to the weekend and i got fired because i wouldnt stay and help. ive never wantesd to work in one again just because of that fat bitch
at least the male chefs where nice

>> No.17960222

A little too much info. Perhaps consider saving a lot of.. that.. for your diary, princess.

>> No.17960253

I had a ton of fun working in a crazy Los Angeles kitchen for a while. We played music and watched movies on a huge tv and surround sound. During the Saturday night craziness of like 1000+ tickets, like right in the thick of it, the Chef wold turn up the music as loud as possible and play Free Bird or some shit, its was pretty lit. Then the night ends and you do it again. Tons of hot girls of course but I mean definitely dont get into being a cook or a chef for the women lulz.

It eventually led me to a career at a huge company as a manager making like 60k+benefits The money isent the best insane pensions and full benefits is fucking really nice security in ones life. Some of the men and women I worked with had been doing it for 30 years and just paid of their mortgage for some 2 bdrm they bought for 30k in the 90's. Now its going for 1 mil. I'm just saying my dude is a millionaire from working in a kitchen chopping fruit n shit.

The thing about food workers and Chefs in particular is that it is a hard job and very demanding but it is also very necessary and rewarding. One wrong move can cause 10,000 people to get insanely sick etc etc. Ultimately its just eating, its what we gotta do every day to survive but any one in a large company will tell you the Chef is a pretty big deal.

Anyways, the kitchen was chill. Great way to learn some actual responsibility without being to serious about it. There is so much history and culture surrounding our need to feed and as a cook and Chef or kitchen person you get a much better understanding of the integral role food service plays in day to day life.

You sound like you just want to work in a kitchen to make some money and possibly just move on or whatever, and to that end, kitchen work is chill, low stress, literally just cook or clean dishes man. Listen to some music and eat some food. I loved it.

>> No.17960256

Restaurants are literally the most useless and pointless business ever and only exist because normgroids are stupid, lazy and entitled consoomers who need a cope for why they can't get food at the store or cook for themselves at all

>> No.17960259
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>> No.17960273

well darling without context you could jsut say i got fired for some other menial reason?

>> No.17960275

Umm.. sorry but who even asked?

>> No.17960279

Oh no I didn’t actually read any of your post, I just said to save it for your diary.

>> No.17960291

why are you still talking to me?

>> No.17960300

I'd like to second this and add that there are so many amateur chefs out there who think they are Gordon Ramsey. You get these losers who think their little restaurant job is the most important job in the world.

I got out of the food industry and work in heating and cooling now. It's crazy how insane people get over their food. My new field is much less stressful and customers/coworkers are much calmer.

>> No.17960302

Who are you?

>> No.17960305

why are you still trying to talk to me
go flirt with someone else

>> No.17960314

Hey, fuck that guy. I read your post, I understand you. I hate women too and I think we should start kissing

>> No.17960325

whats a five star restaurant ? michelin only goes up to 3

>> No.17960326

That you Aaron? Jump on disc. We’re gonna watch Avengers.

>> No.17960332

i actually dont know why it boasted a five star rating ? ive never thought of that. maybe because it was norf england and if you put 3 stars on a plaque people will think its 3 out of 5

>> No.17960336
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i only liked the winter soldier and civil war so no thanks but say hello to aaron for me

>> No.17960347

uk does have it's own association that rates restaurants up to five stars

>> No.17960363
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/comfy/posting. For the bakers

>> No.17960391

OP, the most important person in any given thread

>> No.17960406

>Restaurants are literally the most useless
yeah food is pretty useless

>> No.17960423

Ratta ratta ratta... ratta ratta ratta ratta ratta.

ratta ratta ratta ratta, ratta ratta ratta ratta ratta, ratta.

>> No.17960440

>yeah food is pretty useless
Show me where I said that. You can get food at any grocery store or supermarket. Unless you have no hands, you don't have a single excuse for not cooking your own food. You're just a lazy retard and likely fat

>> No.17960458

knew you would say something like that
restaurants are in the business of distributing food and they do it a shitton all day every day to a shitton of people. If restaurants shut down in my area (suburban US) or any remotely populated area here, it would fuck up society tremendously because a ton of people rely on restaurants because they are lazy inept average people. They would not starve to death but it would be a shock to their system. Restaurants are anything but useless to a ton of people and you know this, there is no reason to pretend you dont know this

saying "those people are lazy" does not undermine the point that restaurants are not useless

>> No.17960525

>restaurants are in the business of distributing food
Yeah like only 2 chains, and they're not even that important as Sysco or US Foods.
>If restaurants shut down in my area (suburban US) or any remotely populated area here, it would fuck up society tremendously because a ton of people rely on restaurants because they are lazy inept average people.
Sounds like fat mutt cope. You talk as though grocery stores don't exist in suburban areas. Society is not going to collapse just because all the mcdonalds and papa johns and taco bells and mom and pop ~small businesses~ that are run by petite bourgeoisie boomerkikes disappeared forever

>> No.17960732

Work in a nice restaurant on valentine's day and you will experience a new level of pain

>> No.17960734

the wife and I screw instead of going out on valentines.

>> No.17960737

Please spread this message to help some brothers out

>> No.17960751

working at a breakfast restaurant on mother's day, line will be out the door and bitchy boomer moms will be upset that their order wasn't ready in 0.04 seconds

>> No.17960776

I did dishpit/salads & sides for two months before I was fired. It was shit. The person I worked closest too reeked of cigarette smoke and talked about how he would get in fights with his roommate through the whole shift. When I got fired it felt like I just dropped 20 pounds of bricks I've been carrying on my back.

>> No.17960835
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once you work yourself up to a good position you never have to pay for food and can make a decent amount of money but building a relationship will be hard since you're working every weekend

>> No.17960857


>> No.17961546

i've worked the line at a "bakery" (pretty much just fast-food calzones) and i currently work entry level at a university dining hall kitchen. i spend about 20 hours a week prepping fruits and veggies, maybe 6 hours doing the dishes, and the rest of time trying to look busy or chilling outside on union breaks.

$18.52 an hour, all i had to do was not be a degenerate and pass a drug test. plus i get a $1250 bonus after 6 months of working there. i'm pretty sure the chefs are making like $24/hour and they don't have to do shit after service. but they have to be qualified and i'm not

>> No.17961572

This is clearly a story thread. Fuck off

>> No.17961715

The person who made the thread you stupid nigger.

>> No.17961749

radda radda radda ra rada radadda RADDA RADDAA RADAAAAAAA

>> No.17961773

this. i only worked as a barback at this upscale mexican restaurant, but the head chef got an interview on local tv highlighting the restaurant and it definitely went to his head. every night he was on, it was nothing but nonstop yelling from him. more than once when i was clearing tables, i got asked from patrons "is everything ok in the back? there's a lot of commotion going on!" and all you could say was "yeah lol that's just our head chef at work!"

>> No.17961880

Lol so pretty much like this?
(yt one is age restricted sigh)

>> No.17961894

yeah a bit like that, except it was mexican band music instead of rock (idk what the genre is called).

>> No.17961899

Yea, it's it's own special breed of hell.
It's one of those things that you're REALLY into, or it's not for you. There's not any middle ground there.

>> No.17961944
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That part never bothered me.
I'm a fuckin' hermit to begin with, IDGAF about working weekends.
It's perfect for someone that has no desire for a social life.
>drug test
>working in a kitchen full of sober people
How is it? In my kitchen the rule is basically "be sober enough to not fuck up a whole bunch, and not lose your shit under the pressure of the rush".
Half my crew is stoned out of their gourd, the other half are tweaking their balls off on caffeine and/or kratom.
I usually have the shakes from alcohol withdrawal while I'm pounding caffeine and nicotine. (I don't drink at work for the sole reason that it makes me have to piss a lot and that's a pain in the kitchen. I gotta get someone to cover my station, and it's an extra handwash.)

>> No.17962025

I would pay extra to hear them say this