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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1017 KB, 3000x2000, Real Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17960690 No.17960690 [Reply] [Original]

I love American food. BBQ especially but all the hate from everyone on this shitty site and all the bullshit about "lol amerifags only eat corn syrup and sugar" drives me up the fucking wall.

i cook everything from scratch. i make meals for my family and everyone loves what make. I can't take it anymore. just because the fucking media is getting clicks on sugar consumption and "corn syrup in everything" is so tiresome.

i love cooking. i love making great food.
>pic related

but what I don't hate is the never ending bashing of american consuming of byproducts. there are over three hundred million of us and i'm generalized

>> No.17960694

who asked

>> No.17960713


>> No.17960717

I lied I didn't ask I don't know why I said that I'm sorry

>> No.17960744

i realize now that this was a waste of a thread

>> No.17960763
File: 2 KB, 124x125, 1653762691753s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis a fine looking spread. I myself have been meaning to get down south for a BBQ circuit. They have it by me but it just isn't the same based on photos like this.

>> No.17960806

lmao imagine taking 4chin seriously. You need to find better websites to browse and be on.

Also, who gives a flying fuck. Do what you want and live your best life.

>> No.17961267
File: 116 KB, 1076x700, bbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is euros visit America and they don't know where or what to eat and they don't understand that a gas station is not the same as their local corner shop and they wind up eating bottom of the barrel trash

>> No.17961295

the euros who shit on american food have never been there

>> No.17961306

American BBQ is covered with corn syrup sauce that tastes like chemicals

>> No.17961345

no we use brown sugar (from cane sugar) to make BBQ rubs and the chemical taste you refer to are spices other then curry

>> No.17961351

American BBQ is sickeningly sweet whether using corn syrup or sugar. There is even a recipe on /ck/ for American BBQ sauce right now and it reads like a dessert.

>> No.17961399 [DELETED] 

Hey son, glad to see your making friends on the internet, just remember to not take what people say here seriously. Please come up and spend some time with me some time, I only know youre still alive when I hear the sounds of you yelling and hitting your computer coming from the basement.

-Your Old Man.

>> No.17961412

that is a sugar free keto BBQ sauce recipe you genius

>> No.17961426

Replacing your corn syrup with stevia or aspartame doesn't make it taste less like a dessert. It just makes it taste like a terrible one.

>> No.17961471
File: 79 KB, 730x487, k_archive_a37636c2ed4eef04903c214b017726da8eb80bdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e doesn't make it taste less like a dessert
Tomato puree
Smoked paprika
Worchestershire sauce
dijon mustard

what desserts are you eating?
Also a lot of BBQ doesn't use any sugar, it's just smoked sausages and brined meats cooked over a open fire

>> No.17961487

You forgot to list all of the sweetener OP added and when he asked why it tastes so bland, other anons were suggesting that he use brown sugar and corn syrup instead. I'm not judging you. If you want to eat sugar and corn syrup meat then that's fine. I'm just saying a lot of non Americans think it tastes sickeningly sweet and odd.

>> No.17961501

This is going to blow your mind but there's more than one type of bbq sauce in the states as an example
Pint cider vinegar
1Tbsp brown sugar
1/2Tbsp cayenne
1/2 Tbsp red pepper
1 Tbsp hot sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
Is still an american bbq sauce recipe

>> No.17961513

Well the American BBQ sauce that is exported here is all very sweet and most recipes that I see posted online use a lot of corn syrup or sugar so I'm assuming dessert meat is the style that is most popular over there.

>> No.17961518

>suggesting that he use brown sugar
because that is what he is trying to make, that doesn't mean all BBQ uses sugar and outside of commercial cooked food the use of sugar is even more limited

>> No.17961541

>i will not apologize for how much my family loves hazy ipas

>> No.17961543

OP, I don't know what this looks like to your eyes but all I see is a table of corn syrup

>> No.17961544

>BBQ sauce that is exported
>store bought sauce
big yikes anon, plus you never seem to import anything that American actually eat its always some brand nobodies ever heard of and a bizarre flavor combo like "smoked honey cinnamon"

>> No.17961545

The meats look good, but cheap white bread is shit and those sides look bland. That said, there are a lot of good and bad things about America cuisine, and most other cuisines of the world. You shouldn't listen to the seething cucks on this board who don't even cook.

>> No.17961559

>smoked honey cinnamon

>smoked paprika

>add some liquid smoke

>> No.17961573

this, I have been there and there is great food/culinary culture in the US, the only real problem is way too much sugar in sweet food but it is an industrial problem

>> No.17961576

And not all American BBQ even uses sauce...
Even among the types that are sauced there's a lot of people who don't like the sweet varieties and lots of mostly good natured shit talking between fans of the regional variations.
Talking about "American BBQ " as if it's one thing is like pontificating about "European bread" as if it's all one thing with one flavor profile.

>> No.17961598

>they don't understand that a gas station is not the same as their local corner shop and they wind up eating bottom of the barrel trash

In southern Louisiana some of the best prepared food is sold in gas stations

Gas Station Eats': Louisiana food trail runs through seven southwest parishes

>> No.17961670

exactly my point, that is just street vendor food set up in a gas station in a notorious drunk party town and that's not a great representation of American food, it the American equivalent of a munchy box

>> No.17961718
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1648695152837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell hath no fury like a 3rd worlder scorned

>> No.17961726

Fucking moron

>> No.17961740


>> No.17962062

BBQ isn't American but Puertorican.

>> No.17962139

be gone with your heresy

>> No.17962198

stay strong king. 4chan has long since been devolved into a hoard of white supremist euro-cucks who shit all over America to compensate for how insecure they feel about their pathetic excuse of a country that wouldn't even exist without the continued life support given freely to them by the US military and economy.

>> No.17962260

>hoard of white supremist
bruh this board is loaded with darkies curryposting

>> No.17962781

>I'm assuming dessert meat is the style that is most popular over there.

No, the sauce recipe I posted is essentially the basic standard for an entire region. There are also mustard based bbq sauces which again are a regional default.

>> No.17962802 [DELETED] 
File: 693 KB, 1080x1102, 20220609_231017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a couple of these places in california. Pretty good ones too. Pic related is a competition winning bbq joint out of a chevron, always busy. Down the road a ways, a pretty good taco shop out of another chevron. Maybe it's just chevrons?

>> No.17962903

As an American I've always kind of thought that BBQ - even the good stuff - is overrated. The thing I never encountered until I got older and traveled a bit is the fucking plain Wonder Bread that Southerners eat with it. Like, holy fucking shit, how can you act like you're eating "real food" without hfcs and shitty byproducts when you spend all day smoking all that shit and then just bust open a bag of Wonder Bread and throw it on the table like, "wala!"?

>> No.17962954

It's been said itt euros shitting on bbq literally don't know what they're talking about. Their entire frame of reference is getting a bottle of bullseye or something one time from the american isle in the store, putting it on piece of meat cooked in a skillet and then think, "wtf that's it? That's what Americans are always defending?"

>> No.17962985

>the american isle of the supermarket
Only shit tier supermarkets for poorfags (Lidl) have a cupboard with American products. The only people who buy shit there wear jeans above the belt and hats indoors. Aka welfare queens.

It's not American sweetie. Even chimps grill meat over charcoal.

>> No.17962996

Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17963017
File: 26 KB, 636x778, RascalArmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.

>> No.17963713

>exactly my point, that is just street vendor food set up in a gas station in a notorious drunk party town and that's not a great representation of American food, it the American equivalent of a munchy box
First of all, the second article details a food trail that runs over 400 miles so your "notorious drunk party town " comment is stupid, there's great gas station food all over the south and much of it is home made/cooked in people's kitchens using family recipes (and often wild game in things like homevmade sausage) and brought in fresh daily and sold as plate lunches, take home dinners, for party catering, etc.
You don't know fuck all about food culture in the American south.

>> No.17963739

who gives a shit. shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.17963740

>It's not American sweetie. Even chimps grill meat over charcoal.
Hahaha ha, seethe-

"Mesquite is a common name for several plants in the genus Prosopis, which contains over 40 species of small leguminous trees. They are ***native to dry areas in the Americas***
... used commonly as wood for cooking with smoke in Southern states. "

>> No.17963762

>i cook everything from scratch.
dunno why anyone thinks this matters at all. I can cook a shit log from scratch, that doesn't make it good.

anyway you're a faggot for caring so much what other people think, /ck/ has whole threads devoted to sloppa and awful pizza and fast food despite how many people turn their nose up to it. get over it

>> No.17964657

Gas station food is shit. You are a faggot.

>> No.17965238
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, feral-swine-98bf199d1e60b660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't know fuck all about food culture in the American south.
Bruh i live in in the Smokys just walking distance from the Blue Ridge and travel for living. Plus my lady drags me to southern Baptist cookouts all the time so i have a pretty good idea of what southern food is

>> No.17965242

Because you're a faggot harry

>> No.17967048
File: 521 KB, 1064x683, morshed pornamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP how have you not learned the hierarchy? You were on top of it by being American. You were on top of that by cooking at the level of your pic. Once you start seething you fall to the bottom with the seethers. Being better means being better and the top of *chan means original content, then quality content. Stop being a fag.

Also I wish we were friends that looks amazing I'd make sides all day. A lot of people do not know that Americans have a long history of custom dishes and fusion foods dating back centuries. American food centers around the harvest season and is absolute comfort in all possible manners. It is typically sweet and savory. It is rarely spicy as Americans have had access to fresh and unspoiled foods since the founding. There's a lot to celebrate there and you're doing it.

>> No.17967097

>corn syrup in everything
Sugar is a primary component of bbq tho.

>> No.17967121

God bless America!

>> No.17968933

Texan food is best American food by far you can't prove me wrong. I challenge you