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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17958118 No.17958118 [Reply] [Original]

I absolutely love spicy food but I can't eat it because it gives me diarrhea 9/10 times.
Does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.17958163


>> No.17958169

European here, I thought this was just a meme about how low quality Taco Bell was and how they overate it.
Do americans really get diarrhea from just spicy food?

>> No.17958183

>a single person makes a claim

Why are you so insecure and let the greatest country on earth live so freely in your head? I know it's the land of the free and all but you 3rd worlders take it a bit too far

>> No.17958223

Yes, but I just eat it anyway.

>> No.17958267

I'd rather drink a bunch of beer and eat a bunch of spicy food and shit my guts out than be constipated.

>> No.17958516

Yea. Used to eat tons of spicy food in my teens, but after i hit mid 20s it started giving me upset gut and shits every time which really sucks.

I've been trying to find a compound or food that neutralizes capsaicin in the stomach but to no avail :(

>> No.17958530

Nope but sometimes my shits be spicy

>> No.17958539

I had the spicy shits yesterday. It sucks.

>> No.17958564

That's fine if I have nowhere to be the next day

>> No.17958568

I'm pretty sure Euros on average have a lower tolerance for spice than us
It would

>> No.17958571

*it would be one thing if it just burned, but the fact it gives me frequent, hard to hold in shits is a dealbreaker

>> No.17958974
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lime. You're welcome.

>> No.17959002

That's part of the fun.

>> No.17959039

This happened to me as well but there's so little research done about it, doctors just mistake it for run of the mill stomachache

>> No.17959044

where do I put it?

>> No.17959045
File: 32 KB, 516x516, 1623182438513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. wings in particular. top food for me but guaranteed firey liquid shits everytime. getting older sucks.

>tfw i still eat them all the time anyway

>> No.17959055

In the coconut and drink them both up

>> No.17959074

it's a known meme, not just a single person
euros having lower tolerance doesn't explain why spicy stuff gives you diarrhea

>> No.17959088

>Why do people (Europeans and white trash Americans) who rarely consume spicy foods react strongly when consuming large amounts of a substance produced by plants as a defense mechanism against being eaten?

I thought you commie retards were supposed to have a better education system than us

>> No.17959110

isn't diarrhea a worse reaction than just burning (solid) shit?

>> No.17959116

If you're taking an otherwise normal shit that burns then you are a fundamentally broken human and should seek medical care immediately

>> No.17959118

OP, try hot mustard or horseradish or szechuan pepper or black pepper then

>> No.17959123

diarrhea still sounds worse than burning shit anon

>> No.17959136

Make it a burning diarrhea then

>> No.17959147

Diarrhea burns because your body is trying to get stuff out as fast as possible, so you're shitting partially digested food, stomach acid, bile, digestive enzymes, etc. It's not "normal" but when it happens it is normal for it to burn. If you're taking a normal shit and it burns something is wrong with you.

People whose bodies aren't accustomed to consuming large amounts of capsaicin are likely to get diarrhea because their body sees "oh shit, this stuff is literally burning us, get it out". When you consume it regularly though, your body adapts.

>> No.17959163

>When you consume it regularly though, your body adapts.
no it doesnt you bro science faggot. i was able to eat spicy as fuck food without fire shits my entire youth. now im in my late 20s and it burns to fuck all. your body doesnt "adapt"

>> No.17959179


>> No.17959230

cram it

>> No.17959880

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.17959905

I'm euro and I get diarrhea too. So it's not related to IQ or weight.

>> No.17959923

Spicy food doesnt give me shits, bad food does. But if its too spicy i suffer the ring of fire. and thats no good.

>> No.17960082

It burns because of the capsaicin, it's not unusual

>> No.17960087

My body did not adapt. I ate spicy shit in my teens all the time with no problem.

>> No.17960089

I've had diarrhea for 15 years
you get used to it

>> No.17960131

You know where to put it

>> No.17960727

>Does anyone else have this problem?
since I got past 50? yes. but not always.

I just take pepto bismol tablets with the food.

>> No.17960759

Why does ck get diarrhea from fucking everything, jesus christ
>fast food
How do you faggots live to adulthood with such pathetic genes

>> No.17960787

Because they're used to mountain dew and doritos as a diet.

>> No.17961168

The average American has an utterly abysmal gut biome and overall digestive health from eating fake and processed shit regularly. Most can handle spice going in just fine, but it will agitate the weak digestive tract to the point of raging shits.

>> No.17961216

Yes I had to stop eating it

>> No.17961251

>suffer the ring of fire. and thats no good.
You're missing out

>> No.17961281

I ate worse when I was a teen and handled spicy food just fine

>> No.17961312
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acid neutralizes capsicum
i learned this here when i was cutting up habaneros and i touched my face and eyes and a anon said pour vinegar on it, at first i thought "this is gonna make mustard gas" but it actually worked.
try taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to neutralize the spice

>> No.17961367

jeet here, grew up eating spicy food. never get diarrhea from spicy food, it's just you.

>> No.17961496


>> No.17961952

>jeet here
Yeh yeh I believe you anon. Lmao. Never did a jeet actually say such a thing lmao.

>> No.17962864

milk of magnesia. I got sprayed hard with pepper spray and that was the only thing that even got close to helping.

I'm pretty sure it's also a laxative though. Your probably better off sticking with normal milk.

>> No.17963056

Were you trying to rape someone or resisting a police officer

>> No.17964158

Resisting rape by a police officer

>> No.17965208

why fight it?

>> No.17965484

More fun

>> No.17965611

Ok you got me there

>> No.17966132

Damn, this is my exact experience. Used to eat spicy shit all the time with no problems, then one day I started shitting my guts out.

>> No.17966471

>love is a burning thing

>> No.17967679

you use it as a cork the next day

>> No.17967692

>land of the free
Personal fondness for America aside, that is also a meme. You have a state, you get taxed, you can be jailed, you are forced to comply with endless rules and regulations, you can be fired for words just like we can in Europe.
You're as oppressed as we are.

>> No.17968233

>Why are you so insecure and let the greatest country on earth live so freely in your head? I know it's the land of the free and all but you 3rd worlders take it a bit too far

>> No.17968235

I love spicy food but I also enjoy diarrhoea so I don't have this problem.