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File: 98 KB, 1500x1125, mozzarella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17942357 No.17942357 [Reply] [Original]

Is mozzarella the most overrated cheese? It's somehow completely flavourless despite having a decent amount of fat in it. I have no idea why it sells gangbusters.

>> No.17942369

the heat from the oven melts the mozzarella

>> No.17942378

What kinda cheese doesn't melt?

>> No.17942407


>> No.17942416

t. non-american

>> No.17942427
File: 45 KB, 1200x1314, i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who puts halloumi in the oven ?

>> No.17942441

nobody, because it doesn't melt

>> No.17942448

Mozzarella is so good that kids will eat it straight up in the form of cheese sticks

>> No.17942455

To be fair, you have to have very sensitive taste buds to appreciate mozzarella. The taste is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of cheese knowledge the taste profile will go over a typical foodfag's head.

>> No.17942476

If your mozz is flavorless, you're buying shitty mozz. Anyway, mozz is a fresh cheese and has a lot of moisture which "waters down" the overall flavor. That's what makes it great though. It's got a subtle flavor that pairs well with simple dishes and doesn't overpower other ingredients. It adds a desirable creaminess. Look at shit like caprese salad. Tomato, basil, mozzarella, oil and/or balsamic. A very simple dish with a bold flavor that works because each of the ingredients doesn't overpower the others. If you were to try this with a different cheese, it would not work.

>> No.17942506

It's more of a cheese for texture than for flavor. The lack of flavor is why you bake it until it turns yellow.

>> No.17942526

I eat mozzarella string cheese everyday and I am happy

>> No.17942543

I really love subtle soft cheeses and this goes good with salty cold cuts or tomatoie Italian food.

>> No.17942551

I like how stretchy it gets on pizza but it really needs to be blended with a stronger flavor cheese

>> No.17942702

t. Gordon

>> No.17942707

You never ate good mozzarella probably

>> No.17942801
File: 73 KB, 800x450, tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your doing it wrong

>> No.17944338

That'd be swiss. I'd rather eat even american.

>> No.17945491

Stop buying cheap mozzarella

>> No.17945534

Whoever says that mozzarella has no flavour probably only ever had the shitty store bought one, try if possible some fresh one. It does have a gentle flavour, but is still there, is not tasteless at all

>> No.17945711
File: 113 KB, 578x712, premium shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17945712

the heat of the mozz melts the rella

>> No.17945716

why would I want a gentle flavor, i’m not some limp wrist dandy

>> No.17945720

it's fresh cheese made from fresh milk and thus tastes exactly like milk, what did you expect?

>> No.17945888

>his flavor receptors are already so blown out from artificial flavorings, sugar and hot sauce that he cannot taste the divine flavor of mozzarella
You deserve to be pitied.

>> No.17945894

>It's somehow completely flavourless despite having a decent amount of fat in it. I have no idea why it sells gangbusters.
Get higher quality mozzarella. A proper buffalo milk mozzarella should have a noticeable taste.

>> No.17946162

He is probably american

>> No.17946486

i know it is bait thread but might as well use it for italian cheese discussion.
pecorino or parmignano?
also how strog are these supposed to be? bought some recently and they were probably on the levele of mefium cheadar.

>> No.17946512

>nobody could possibly dislike my vaunted mozzarella!
>it must be bait!
go fuck yourself

>> No.17946521

jet fuel can't melt halloumi cheese

>> No.17946530

saying mozzarella has no flavor is like saying milk has no flavor. you are retarded

>> No.17946533


>> No.17946535

I can't buy cheese sticks for the same reason I can't buy queso. I will eat the entire package in one sitting

>> No.17946539

I wonder how that's even possible when feta is up to 50% fat

>> No.17946691

Either you get mozzarella perfectly fresh (a day old max) or you don't get it at all. Old mozzarella is a complete waste of money/time/effort. You really need to be friends with a truck driver or airline pilot who knows his way around Naples' crime families.

It's not overrated but it's impossible to get.

>> No.17946699

everyone's falling for OP's cope because his smoking or drinking habit has destroyed his tastebuds

>> No.17946722

so many tards in this thread

>> No.17946867

Proper and fresh di buffalla has a strong taste close to blue cheese, but is hard to come by depending on your country.
It also costs at least 3x the price of regular mozz.