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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17940713 No.17940713 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17940715

he's an anti-gas stove propagandist, stop watching him

>> No.17940716

the best part was when he shat on gas stoves despite owning one
looking forward to that episode

>> No.17940719

I already have a microwave and stove.
Why do I need she gadget taking up space in my kitchen?

>> No.17940721

A lot of Merricans DO use electric kettles, although many just put a kettle on the stove as well. In any case the reason they aren't born with electric kettles in their hands is the typical Merrican drinks as much tea in a year as a Brit or Aussie does in a week, or even less. Our tea belongs at the bottom of the ocean.

Who cares

>> No.17940725

I don't dei k tea because I'm not a woman

>> No.17940728

I wonder what his argument is going to be. The main ones I can think of are efficiency (where it is undoubtedly better) and that gas is only going to get more expensive with time. Neither of these reasons are why the people on /ck/ like gas though from what I understand.
Personally I just want a induction stove that works with woks. That's the one thing that annoys me about them so far.

>> No.17940733

Is there an antigas lobby in the US of A right now? everytime I hear them shitting on based gas cooking and pushing shitty boring induction

>> No.17940735

I like that guy's videos.
Is he out of the closet yet?

>> No.17940737

>put cup of water in microwave
>warm up 60 seconds on high

simple as

I don't need to spend my shekels on another goydevice

>> No.17940743

his argument is that gas stoves are extremely inefficient like less than 50% and it is correct
tabletop induction woks are a thing but they're pretty expensive

>> No.17940751

I literally didnt even watch the video before making this thread. Get baited loosers

>> No.17940754
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mmm microplastics
I have this instead, expensive unitaskers are stupid

>> No.17940759

i use an electric kettle to preboil water before making pasta

>> No.17940773

Wrong, you’re just generalizing.
The actual reason is related to the voltage output which is around 110V in North America and around 230V in a majority of European countries. Electric kettles take significantly longer to bring water to a boil in the US than they do in Europe for this reason.

>> No.17940774

my 240 volt electric stove boils a liter of water in under 5 minutes in a regular saucepan with no lid

>> No.17940775

What else would they push you absolute retard? Induction is new and outperforms gas in almost every metric, we've had shitty resistance electric stoves for 50+ years, they're obviously not the replacement for gas, or they would be ubiquitous now.

Gas stoves ruin indoor air quality, and since basically no one in the states has a proper hood with ventilation that actually goes to the outdoors, we're all just fucking ourselves up with gas.

I have a gas stove tho and haven't tried induction, I wish they build induction surfaces with some amount of soul, because a flat piece of glass with touch buttons is absolutely soulless.

>> No.17940796

US electric kettles are still faster than US stovetop. we just don't use them around here because tea drinking isn't part of our culture.
Plus we just use the microwave which is even faster than a kettle

>> No.17940799

>much unitasker
Use the microwave then you sped, a stainless steel electric kettle is very affordable and will actually get used unlike your pic related.

>> No.17940801

lowly 1950 coil stoves still perform better than gas

>> No.17940802

>tabletop induction woks are a thing but they're pretty expensive
They do exist, but they don't really feel ready to use in a normal kitchen yet. I don't want a tabetop unit next to my stove just to use a wok, especially not one at that price. But who knows, maybe we will get integrated or better technology eventually.

>> No.17940804


The ability to boil water with electricity if a function of current, not voltage. The only caveat is that at lower voltage you need to provide the same proportion more current to boil the water at the same rate and efficiency.

In the USA the 120V outlets handle 20A while in Euroland and Australia the 240V outlets handle 10A. Half-half-double-double-same-same

>> No.17940806

does your gas stove have a wok burner? if not you're better off using a normal flat bottom pan

>> No.17940810

You should read about it. In Europe it’s actually worth it because you can boil two liters in two minutes (depending on kettle size) so using it to get your pasta water boiling kinda makes sense. Tea drinking may not be a cultural thing in the US but I know plenty who choose tea over coffee and I’m not even counting the Asian population in North America.

>> No.17940814

american electric stoves are normally on a dedicated 240 volt/50 amp circuit

>> No.17940822

>because a flat piece of glass with touch buttons is absolutely soulless.
While I agree totally, the glass isn't what annoys me, it's the capacitive touch buttons. I hate them to a unreasonable degree. I am deranged when it comes to them and I don't care.
But there are induction cooktops with analog buttons/knobs thankfully. Those are much better.
I don't even have a fucking gas stove, I wish. I have the worst to second worst option of them all, the ceramic cooktop. I use a flat bottom wok on it, but that's far from ideal. Because either the flat bottom isn't big, in which case the heat transfer isn't great either, or it is very big, in which case you may as well just use a normal pan (as you said). I like it over the pan for some dishes anyways, but I realize that what I make in it is more to a pan stir fry than a wok dish, because I don't reach the heat of a real wok, nor is my stove as responsive as a wok burner.

>> No.17940827

we're talking about the plugs for kettles though

>> No.17940842

A quick search on google says it’s mostly limited to 15A in US households. The 10A for European households can only be found in older buildings nowadays. The standard is 16A in Western Europe.

>> No.17940847

>we just don't use them around here because tea drinking isn't part of our culture.
I think that part of the video wasn't particularly convincing. I don't drink tea unless very rarely in winter. Most friends of me don't really drink tea, nor do family members. Yet all of them have a kettle in their homes. It's just an american rationalizing it with an incorrect understanding of other people. The tea comparison would make sense with britain, but the rest of europe isn't nearly as fanatical about tea as that video would make you believe. I use my kettle almost exclusively when I need boiling water in my cooking. It's quicker, more convenient and marginally easier. It's just a cultural thing and the difference in boiling times may be a possible explanation as for why these cultural differences exist.

>> No.17940850

their goyslop doesnt require the use of hot water

>> No.17940853

the point is it doesn't really matter that much

i really do think it's because people go years at a time without drinking or serving tea

when I boil water in the US it's because I'm making soup

>> No.17940856

>The ability to boil water with electricity if a function of current, not voltage.
What? The ability to boil water is a function of energy. Simple as that. And energy is a given power over a given time. So it's not current that matters, it's the product of current and voltage, which gives you watts.
You seem to understand that given the rest of your post, but saying it is not a function of voltage is just wrong.

>> No.17940862
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wrong word

>> No.17940866

Of course.
Retards like >>17940850 will try to stir the pot, but it’s ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.17940869

Oh nvm then, sorry for sperging out, the relation between voltage and current is just a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.17940872

oi why dont youse boil water in a plastic kettle mate

>> No.17940874
File: 3.06 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20220408_163549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really boil water for tea?
Personally I prefer to get the water warm, but not boiling hot. When I let it boil, it seems to make the tea taste more bitter. When I pour hot, but not quite boiling water, it makes the tea perfect imo.

Am I dumb or what?

>> No.17940885

different teas require different temps, desu. Also you can cold brew tea to extract less tannins and whatnot.
Not dumb, if you find it works for you, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says.

>> No.17940886
File: 646 KB, 905x1446, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American, I have pic and it boils from fill in about 7 minutes. I just use it for ramen and batches of iced tea.

>> No.17940893


Different teas have different recommended brewing temps. My kettle has different settings for specific types of tea

>> No.17940898


Oh hey, there it is.

>> No.17940903

The other anons already explained it, but it's the same for coffee. Usually you don't actually want boiling water, just very hot water. Boiling is just a simple shortcut that is universally measurable, so it is what we used culturally as reference.

>> No.17940907

>american kettle
>has a setting for boiling blacks
And some people have the gall to say racism isn't rooted in the system...

>> No.17940935

>7 minutes
fucking hell no wonder you guys don't use them

>> No.17940965

yeah, still probably faster than the stove or microwave for nearly 2 liters but the microwave will do a standard mug in a minute

>> No.17941081

European electric stoves are normally on a dedicated 400 volt/16 amp circuit

>> No.17941103

He literally disproves that in the very video you didn't watch.
It's because we drink coffee, and almost every single household has a coffee maker.

And you know what you can do with a coffee maker if you don't put any coffee in it?
Boil water.

>> No.17941136
File: 40 KB, 514x800, 6c01df4e-c4da-4230-90c4-befcb3b35621_fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now before your water boiling god

>> No.17941142

>noooo your kettle takes an extra 30 seconds!!!!

>> No.17941145

Isn't he married?

>> No.17941161

>outperforms gas in almost every metric
Except in its purpose which is cooking evenly? Go fuck yourself Ragusea. I have to use induction for economic reasons and dread cooking every day because I know the fucker will overcook 30% of my meal because for some bizarre reason it seems imposible to build an induction stove that doesn't focus all the heat in one specific spot of the pan.

>> No.17941163

Many closeted homosexuals are.

>> No.17941176

What would I ever need a kettle for? I'll wait.

>> No.17941198

I never have that problem on my "landlord special" apt stove
I think you're just terrible at cooking. Did you know you're supposed to stir the food? Try that next time, see if it helps.

>> No.17941210

Yes, I stir the food but unlike gas where I can go check every 5 minutes or so with induction I have to nanny that shit every 30 seconds. I got shit to do you know? Faggot.

>> No.17941224

genuinely curious: where are you from?
i have only ever heard that word used by persons from a specific state and i'm curious to see if that's still the case.

>> No.17941233

If you don't enjoy cooking then stop eating.

>> No.17941237

>I like gas because it cooks slower

Look, if you're mentally deficient that's fine, but stop assuming everyone needs to operate at your level. I like having a dinner with multiple dishes done in 30 minutes, but then I guess my time has value.

>> No.17941242

i drink tea and i still dont give a shit about electric kettles. takes 2 mins on the stove or 2 mins in the microwave so why do i need a meme kettle again?

>> No.17941243

I enjoy cooking when my stove is not randomly pulsating heat unevenly like a tumor. Fuck off.
>I like gas because it cooks slower
The complete fucking opposite. Induction doesn't have even application so it burns one spot and leaves the rest undercooked unless you nanny it with a spoon every 30 seconds. Retard.

>> No.17941249

>Induction doesn't have even application
>so it burns one spot and leaves the rest undercooked
Maybe get some pans with flat bottoms? I literally don't have this problem.

You're really bad at cooking, and you keep blaming your tools. That's the sign of a bad craftsman.

>> No.17941250


I'm not familiar with this guy and I looked up the video and kept thinking he looks like he will troon out very soon.

>> No.17941251

>we all have this useless gadget that we never really need and Americans are dumb for not having it too
How can someone even type this out without realizing they are a complete fucking retard?

>> No.17941264

>we all have this useless gadget
I use it on average ever 2 days. I said we don't use it for tea. About the reading comprehension that you'd expect from an american that is seething the second someone dares not suck Uncle Sam's cock though.

>> No.17941275

but you don't need it, you use it to do a job your stove already does
it's completely fucking retarded

>> No.17941282

How do you make it go faster?

>> No.17941284

What kind of weirdo makes tea in the microwave

>> No.17941286

Do you need a microwave? A pan? A stove?
A woodfire and a pot would do the trick too. You are unrionically the "let me guess you """need""" more" meme.
It's not that hard:
I use a lot of boiled water. The kettle boils water quicker and more convenient than the other options. Thus I use a kettle. It's not rocket science.

>> No.17941291
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1400628277364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo, you can't use electromagnetic radiation to stimulate your water particles!
>you have to use the electrical resistance of certain metals to do that!

>> No.17941303

Probably that "they're dangerous" because occasionally grandma will leave the gas on.

>> No.17941308

Yeah, comparing a piece of shitty plastic that heats up water 30 seconds is just like a woodfire. Really intelligent comparison. No wonder europe keeps becoming more and more irrelevant, anyone with a fucking brain must have left. What a worthless group of people.

>> No.17941315

You are a mega mega mega retard.

>He literally disproves that in the very video you didn't watch.
4:44 he says people with a 230V supply will find it obnoxiously slow and that people have literally modified their supplies to change it. Spastic.

>And you know what you can do with a coffee maker if you don't put any coffee in it?
>Boil water.
Retard. Coffee machines don't come anywhere near the temperature of boiling water. Only green tea and other teas that require lower temperatures should be made with coffee machine water.

>> No.17941320

>4:44 he says people with a 230V supply will find it obnoxiously slow and that people have literally modified their supplies to change it. Spastic.
And then he empirically proves those people wrong. He says that people *THINK* it's slower, not that it actually is.

>> No.17941321

If you're metrics are just 'time to boil water' or some nonsense, sure.
But when it comes to doing real cooking gas is substantially better. Try sauteing on an induction top where the pan is elevated off the cooktop for much of the process or using a wok without getting a dedicated wok cooktop for it.

>> No.17941344

Something is very wrong with you.

What video are you watching? Post the link and the timestamp he says that.

>> No.17941354 [DELETED] 

Look at 1:01. He says electric kettles are a lot slower.

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.17941357

Look at 1:01. He says electric kettles are a lot slower that side of the atlantic.

How fucking retarded are you? Why would you waste people's time like this and say things like that?

>> No.17941359

So you openly admit that you're too busy to cook food properly and blame your own ineptitude on the tool instead.

>> No.17941367


>> No.17941371 [DELETED] 

We don't drink that much tea

>> No.17941385

But coffee makers are the worst way to make coffee. You need to boil water in advance to make good coffee at home.

>> No.17941387

it has nothing to do with voltage or speed, and everything to do with the fact that an electric kettle is a bulky single-function kitchen tool. you can do tons of things with a stove, including boil water, but an electric kettle only does 1 thing. it's redundant in most people's kitchens, therefore most people don't own one.

>> No.17941407
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>> No.17941416

Every single household in Europe has an electric kettle and has had one literally since electricity was put in the homes.

>> No.17941446

But I do. My microwave is electric and I use it to boil water.

>> No.17941449 [DELETED] 

I will also add that stove are many times faster now than they used to be. Orignal stoves were actually heated by fires underneath, so you can imagine how long it would take for that type of stove to heat up. Then later they were electrical but the electricity still took a very long time to heat up the top - I grew up with one that looked like it was from the 70s or 80s.

That and making tea in addition to the power supply are all contributing factors as to why electric kettles took off in europe and not in america. Once they became a staple of the kitchen everyone had to have them. Even if they got a faster stove it would be unimaginable to be without a kettle.

>> No.17941454 [DELETED] 

only niggers even use kettles

>> No.17941458

I will also add that stove are many times faster now than they used to be. Orignal stoves were actually heated by fires underneath, so you can imagine how long it would take for that type of stove to heat up. Then later they were electrical but the electricity still took a very long time to heat up the top - I grew up with one that looked like it was from the 70s or 80s.

That and making tea in addition to the power supply are all contributing factors as to why electric kettles took off in europe and not in america. Once they became a staple of the kitchen everyone had to have them. Even if they got a faster stove it would be unimaginable to be without a kettle. Once you get into the habit of doing something and have done it since childhood you're not going to just start boiling water on a stove to save a little space.

>> No.17941491

it is probably a veiled rant about how we should use 220 volt instead of 110 volt in our lines because england has faster heating kettles. Granted I own an electric kettle and a stove top for all my cup noodle and tea needs.

>> No.17941496

>he doesn't understand metaphor

>> No.17941500

Yes, hippies.

>> No.17941518

Not him but CT?

>> No.17941890

I do so he's wrong and a faggot

>> No.17941908

The climate retards who are part of WEF, Club of Rome, CFR, etc are not hippies.

>> No.17942044
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Okay but isn't gas way cheaper than electric

>> No.17942051

Have a european electrical grid

>> No.17942065
File: 115 KB, 400x400, guts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling a kettle a unitasker because it boils water is like calling an oven a unitasker because it cooks food
Yeah Americans go ape-shit over this kettle for some fucking reason

>> No.17942072

Yeah, who needs to do something as niche and weird as boiling water when they cook. It's basically a non-occurrence. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to chomping on uncooked dry pasta.

>> No.17942410

just microwave it. end result is the same and it doesnt clutter your house with another appliance.
Serious answer is we dont drink enough tea to justify it. Not watching your video essay btw.

>> No.17942426

gas is literally so cheap that theres laws to stop mineral resource drillers from burning the shit into the atmosphere and wasting it when they find it while drilling for oil.
Theres a lot of work being put into making sure its not wasted and not using a gas stove for the sake of the environment is silly.

>> No.17942463

I mean theres laws in the USA
I dunno about europe but we drill a lot of our own oil here

>> No.17942480

I do.

>> No.17942491

>his argument is that gas stoves are extremely inefficient like less than 50% and it is correct
This isn't a good argument. Every form of heat transfer has losses. If carnot efficiency isn't part of his video then any comment he has about efficiency is utter bullshit.

>> No.17942492

Electric kettles are everywhere in colleges and offices in the US. And while not as common in households it's definitely not surprising to see one.

Maybe if those fag stopped smelling his own farts for a second and actually interacted with other people he'd would realize this

>> No.17942499

Also, without cost breakdown the comparison is meaningless.

>Oh, wow, I just saved $0.00005 by using my electric kettle.

>> No.17942558

We have coffee machines for coffee, gas stoves for frying eggs, and microwaves for easy mac / instant noodles.

>> No.17942565

Maybe see the video huh fucking idiot

>> No.17942574

Anon I believe they are talking about gas vs electric stoves there, not stove vs electric kettle.

Actually the difference in efficiency between electric kettle and stove boiling is smaller than you might think. Electric kettle is more efficient for boiling water of course, but the difference is fairly small.

>> No.17942666

just boil a pan of water on the stove? I don't see the point buying a separate device that can only boil water

>> No.17942746

Basically it's because they drink tea instead of coffee so not having a tea kettle for them is like not having a coffee machine.

>> No.17942762

It's funny because, in a previous video, he has talked about how it's more efficient to make heat by burning a fuel than to power a generator with that fuel and use the resulting electricity to power resistive heaters. But that was for furnaces, and now we're talking about gas stoves so he conveniently forgets now.

>> No.17942836

Most gay men are just incels who switched to easy mode

>> No.17942937

>7 minutes
what the fuck, what's wrong with your shit

>> No.17942956

Me? I like iced tea, not gay hot tea for sweaters-indoors-type faggots

>> No.17942976
File: 955 KB, 1250x1880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I understand that murkans don't drink tea but how do you make coffee? Like instant coffee, you must boil the water in something and then pour it in a mug, no? Or even if you're using a french press you still need to put hot water in it.

Do you all own some monstrosity like pic related?

>> No.17943016

>Do you all own some monstrosity like pic related?

>> No.17943035

I did you retard. He says in the video that he won't discuss the merits and issues with gas stoves in that video since it's about kettles and may make a seperate one down the line on the topic. Guess you didn't watch the video?

>> No.17943193

Not him but making real coffee at home is a relatively new concept for Ireland/uk. At this point it would neither be usual nor unusual for someone here to have a drip or espresso coffee machine. Everyone has an electric kettle by default. In the continent, especially italy, coffee is more popular. Espresso after all is an italian word, de Longhi that make espresso machines is an italian company. But here in uk/ireland my parents' generation would RARELY have had coffee, it would be tea tea tea every day, it's more globalization and American tv culture like Friends where they always talk about meeting for coffee that started getting people drinking it at all.

I'm embarrassed to say that if you look at the coffee aisles here in big supermarkets, the great majority is instant coffee lol. And as for wholebeans (shock!), you could usually count the amount available on one hand in a big supermarket.

I suspect french press/cafetiere is much more popular here due to how we already have the hot water available, though french press is still not super common, I would say more people have drip or espresso machines than french press.

>> No.17943214
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can any kettlefags here tell me if this is a good deal for an electric one at costco?

>> No.17943227

>Do you all own some monstrosity like pic related?

yes those are standard in every American home and even most ever hotel room even cheapo motels. It wasn't until the past 15-20 years that Americans learned of other ways to make coffee. The Mr. Coffee was considered a marked improvement over the percolator which was standard up until the 60s

Any way of making coffee that is not in a coffeemaker like that is considered fancy

most Americans only boil water for making pasta and/or rice. That being said, I drink tea and I do have an electric kettle, and they are great even if you don't drink tea because they boil water faster and thus you can pour it in a pot with a flame and have boiling water for pasta quicker than just boiling it in the pan

>> No.17943246

Just make sure whatever you get puts out 1500W, and has the features you want. Get the cheapest thing that satisfies both those requirements.

>> No.17943258

Don't spend over 20 bucks for a kettle, you only need one setting, and that is to boil water, all those fancy extra settings is just faggotry.

>> No.17943259

>instant coffee
Instant coffee use is a mental illness. Making actual coffee with a coffee machine like a normal person is already zero effort and the result is so much better than instant coffee it's ridiculous to even make the comparison.
>Or even if you're using a french press
Why are you deliberately suggesting retarded alternatives to a regular coffee machine?
How so? And yes, most everyone in developed nations has a coffee machine.

>> No.17943264

im not 100% sure, I just searched "chefman kettle wattage" and it said 1100W. It could be a different model though.

so the tea infusing in the pot is just a meme?

>> No.17943275

Duh thats why the pot calls the kettle black

>> No.17943278

he mentioned these in the video, it seems to be the way to go if you regularly make tea or need hot water in the US

>> No.17943282

So do you put cup after cup after cup in the microwave when you need to heat up more than a cup of water?
What do you do when you want to cook pasta? Just wait for your stove to slowly heat up the entire pot? I just boil it in two minutes with my electric kettle and pour it into a pot on a stove I turned on when I started my kettle. So I put boiling water into a now hot pot so it stays boiling.

>> No.17943283

Making tea in the electric kettle will inevitably stain it and or make every pot you boil taste faintly of tea. So if you use it for nothing but tea, go for it.

>> No.17943289

You put it in a bigger container and microwave that lmao

>> No.17943290

Honestly it is surprising. I bought an electric kettle recently but I'm the only person I know who has one. My friends don't have one. My family doesn't have one. I've never seen one at my workplace. They're really just kind of a novelty for tea drinkers. But they are absolutely worth it. They cost like 10 or 15 bucks. The one I have is stainless steel, so no microplastics for me

>> No.17943294

Bad deal, too expensive. I got a stainless steel black and decker one for 15 bucks. It boils 2 cups of water (I only use it myself for tea) in like a minute or two

>> No.17943302

It probably is 1100W.
I'm pretty sure that is exactly the same kettle as one of the kettles used in OP's video, and it was 1100W.

>> No.17943312

Natural gas or or petrol is the majority of where electricity comes from here. Zeus is not giving is thunderbolts in a baby bottle.

>> No.17943318

Historically the cord would also be attached to the kettle and the kettle would be much bigger than a teapot, and it would be made of stainless steel. It could also damage the heating element, or the coating of tea that came on it would make it less efficient.

>> No.17943319

did you get it online or at a store? I don't really drink tea but I do enjoy iced and i think brewing my own would be tasty

>> No.17943326

Calling a normal coffee pot a monstrosity is like calling a rice cooker a monstrosity. They're equivalent to each other in the cultures they came from. 3/10 made me reply

>> No.17943343

>french press
those things are stupid, your coffee sits in the grounds the whole time and the coffee gets stronger and stronger as it sits

>> No.17943349

You should transfer the coffee to a carafe.
Yes, I know this doesn't make it not stupid.

>> No.17943381

>Yes, I know this doesn't make it not stupid.
It does make it not stupid. It mightn't be how you like your coffee, but it has a certain taste and profile and is not stupid.

>> No.17943496

I guess he never heard of Turbo pot, boils water in half the time of a normal pot on gas stoves.

don't know yet but why is his hair so long? is he going trans?

it's spelled loser

watch the video

>no one in the states has a proper hood with ventilation that actually goes to the outdoors
what shithole do you live in, everyone I know has a hood that vents outside, even those microwave over stoves vent through the wall behind to the outside.

so not as good as the American ones eh?

I moved in to an all electic neighborhood and had propane installed so I could have a 6 burner stove and an outside quick disconnect for a grill. fuck electric.

milk before tea.

that's only 6400 watts. a US stove can tap 120000

I like gas because you can turn the heat way down for simmering, roast peppers on the flames, roast marshmallows, warm tortillas (the proper way), and more.

they absolutely boil water the pressure produced from the steam is what pushes the water up in to the filter.

I sometimes pick up my pan and control the heat by raising and lowering it for really fine control on a gas stove.

I make instant by pouring cold milk adding coffee and nestle quick, then letting it sit over night in the fridge.

>> No.17943497


>> No.17943501

So how long for a bigger container?

Four minutes for a litre?

>> No.17943541

120v, that's why.

>> No.17943574

>that's only 6400 watts. a US stove can tap 120000

Jesus, that's 500A @ 240v. What are Americans cooking, whole elephants?

>> No.17943589
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not true anon, we've covered this already

>> No.17943643

I corrected it idiot.

>> No.17944721

Got it at wal-mart. It's worth it, even if you only use it a couple times a month, it makes boiling water so much easier than putting a pot on the stove

>> No.17944733

cool I do boil water to make ramen once in awhile so it might be worth it just for that

>> No.17944741

American homes come with 240v power. It is split into two 120v bus bars at the breaker box. There's not really any reason to have full 240v for things that don't need it.
On the subject of kettles, I think anyone (including me) who wants to drink tea will just boil water on the stove. It's really not an inconvenience.

>> No.17944800

>The ability to boil water with electricity if a function of current, not voltage.
You mean a function of power, so either J or W depending on how you want to count.

>> No.17944821

Damn you kettle non-havers mustn't have cup noodles because there would be no point. What a crazy life.

>> No.17944837
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The real reason is the shape of the outlets.

>> No.17944840

yes anon that is what i meant

>> No.17944846

The shape of the outlet powers the kettle

>> No.17944847
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>> No.17944848

why is Denmark happy?
why is NA surprised and annoyed?

>> No.17944850
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>> No.17944852

the Italian, Swedish, and Brazilian outlets are the odd-ones out. How does that circuitry work?

>> No.17944858
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I make a quart or two of tea a day using one of these. No electric kettle because a kitchen free of plastic garbage appliances is good for the soul. Hope that helps europoor

>> No.17944860

Why did only one design think of making it possible to turn power points off?

>> No.17944862

>why is Denmark happy?
High wages, good social security and socialized healthcare

>> No.17944865

I have a stainless steel 3 quart that sits on a ceramic heat element that I only use for when my sister comes over or to make cup ramen once a year.
It doesn't make sense for electric kettles to be common in america because we don't typically drink hot tea.
Yeah, they work well, but I'm not shocked nobody I know owns one.

>> No.17944869

Because Australia wanted it to look like ladies bathrooms for tranny acceptance

>> No.17944883

>the pan is elevated off the cooktop for much of the process
how about turn the heat lower so you don't have to lift the pan up, such that the heat remains the same
>using a wok without getting a dedicated wok cooktop for it
using a wok at home the way it's supposed to be used is so unheard of it's not even humorous, don't try to sell pickup trucks with winches in the middle of new york city

>> No.17944898

Using a wok at home is a giant meme anyway when a stainless steel pan with high edges is going to do the exact same thing for you

>> No.17944903

Please learn to cook before posting.
Sauteing is done over very high heat, often as high as is possible, with constant tossing and shaking and tilting of the pan. The pan is going to be in contact with the burner itself less than its going to be elevated with the flames still reaching up to conduct heat.
Lowering the heat completely ruins the technique will result in a subpar product.

>> No.17944905

please learn to cook before posting
instead of pretending to be cool you can just push and flip things around with the spatula more vigorously
if you want the heat so high then stop taking the pan away from the heat source dummy :)

>> No.17944908

Thats a fantastic way to do things far worse.

>> No.17944917

gas furnaces are extremely efficient
gas stoves are extremely inefficient

>> No.17944937

yes and why americans don't use them
american electric stove burners can pull upwards of 2500-3000 watts while a kettle will only ever be rated to 1800

>> No.17945028
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>murricans literally get explosive gas pumped into their homes

>> No.17945036

A kettle on a gas stove took more than 7 minutes to boil 2 cups(?) of water in the OP video test, fuck that for a joke. Don't have time for that int he morning.

>> No.17945110

>while in Euroland and Australia the 240V outlets handle 10A
Don’t know about Australia, but european outlets are 230V / 16A (= 3,680W), meaning there is a theoretically higher power draw possible than in the US, where a common household actually does 120 V / 15A (= 1,800W), so only half the power at max.
The kettle I own is spec’d at 2,200-2,400W, so it would require two US sockets at least

What a joke US infrastructure is. I do not understand why Americans are fine with this.

>> No.17945118

spend 50 € instead of 20 and you get an all-metal kettle

>> No.17945122

I hope they don”t mean to imply that for black coffee, the water should actually boil, because that will destroy the coffee.

>> No.17945123

Making hot water

>> No.17945127

>Don't spend over 20 bucks for a kettle, you only need one setting, and that is to boil water, all those fancy extra settings is just faggotry.
This is bullshit. Get one with different temperature settings - it will save a lot of electricity, and your beverages will taste better if you prepare them properly

>> No.17945133

idunno wtf you're talking about but I run 2kW+ appliances all the time off my normal US power outtlets


>> No.17945134

I don’t think you understand how power works buddy.

>> No.17945135

No, most of those settings refer to kinds of tea. French press is the coffee setting. boil/black is for black tea or boiling water for other purposes.

>> No.17945137

And I know plenty who drink coffee over tea. Your anecdotes mean nothing, especially when you are thousands of miles away.

>> No.17945139

Not per socket at the same time.
Unless you live somewhere, where you have higher currents allowed.
Enlighten me
Oh yeah, not much of a tea drinker, forgot about balfk tea.

>> No.17945142

It’s is very convincing. We really don’t drink tea. The portion of the US that does drink tea (south) make iced tea. Which does not require a kettle because they make far too much tea for that. They boil a big ass pot of water and throw tea bags in to make a big ass pitcher of iced tea. Not to mention in restaurants do you know what they use to make those huge urns of sweet tea? The coffee makers. Wow a device that makes coffee and tea??????

>> No.17945144

>that's only 6400 watts. a US stove can tap 120000
European stoves actually typically use triple 16A phases @ 230V, meaning they can draw up to 11,040W without issue.
I seriously doubt US stoves ca nactually pull 120,000W btw., though I am guessing that that was a typo.

>> No.17945145

>But coffee makers are the worst way to make coffee.
No, the worst is instant coffee. Coffee machines are great. Pretty much the baseline standard for what normal decent coffee is.
>You need to boil water in advance to make good coffee at home.
Complete nonsense and possibly some sort of attempt at a joke.

>> No.17945153

I bet you own a rice cooker too. Fucking faggot.

>> No.17945171

Figured it was the rampant anti depressant use

>> No.17945176

That piece of shit you posted is like 50% plastic.

>> No.17945179

Many kitchen outlets are 20 amp and i don't know why you think doubling the amount of copper wiring in your home is necessary

>> No.17945195

I do, and that's another example of something which isn't a unitasker but which people on /ck/ think is one. It's not literally a rice cooker. You also use it to steam things or make porridge or even make cakes (although I admit I have zero desire to try that out).

>> No.17945197

Instant coffee is significantly better outside of the US.

>> No.17945204

>retarded alternatives to a coffee machine

Wat, you just need to put hot water in coffee ground, why do you need a chinese plastic machine to do that? French press is perfect

>> No.17945212

>2 cups of water in a minute
>2 liters of water in 7 minutes

What the fuck kind of electricity do Americans have, 2 liters should be boiled in less than two minutes.

>> No.17945230

Ya know what else can steam shit and make porridge? A pot. It can also make literally thousands of things that are not rice and porridge and steamed vegetables. You retard.

>> No.17945232

I have to ask, Euros, what the fuck are you doing in your life that you can't stand to wait seven minutes for a fucking cup of tea? What is so fucking URGENT?

>> No.17945235

It would have to be standard though for it to run in appliances. When he says US infrastructure is a "joke" I do not agree with this, but let's get to the reality and yes kettles do boil significantly faster in europe as the video states multiple times. This is ok, don't get personally insulted lol.

>> No.17945255

>French press is perfect
More coffee drinkers both in the US and worldwide opt for drip machines over french press.
Drip brew requires zero attention, can quickly and easily produce enough coffee for 12 (making it the method you see at most hotels and offices), and is lower maintenance since it uses disposable filters.
Main advantages to french press are that people who want more manual control over the coffee can have that and because it doesn't use disposable filters you could potentially keep more of the coffee you don't want filtered.
Personally I prefer drip machines. Clean, fast, and as low effort as it gets before you cross over into shit like instant coffee where quality drops off by a lot for hardly any effort reduction in exchange.

>> No.17945256

Is it as good as just making real coffee? No? Then make real coffee you shit.

>> No.17945261

I own a french press and it sits in the back of a cabinet for all but one or two days a year when I feel like making some extra fancy coffee to drink and don't mind having to fuck around with a stupid contraption to get it. The rest of the time, I let the machine make it, because it just brews it on it's own and I can go do something else in the meantime instead of having to babysit it.

>> No.17945274

I hope you don't use a steamer to steam your vegetables when you use a pot. That would just be a space-wasting unitasker, after all.
Is using a coffee machine as good as making real coffee? No? Then buy a French press or moka pot, slave.

>> No.17945277

It's like when South Americans say electric showers are as good as gas heated water systems, or when Europeans claim fans are as good as central A/C.

>> No.17945281

>Is using a coffee machine as good as making real coffee?
It is real coffee, cuckold.

>> No.17945282

Obviously not.

>> No.17945284

>Is using a coffee machine as good as making real coffee?
It is real coffee. French press is in the minority even outside the US. Most use drip machines. French press is a throwback novelty for people who like using rotary lawn mowers and mechanical typewriters.

>> No.17945285

>when Europeans claim fans are as good as central A/C
we all use aircon

>> No.17945287

No, outside the US people use instant coffee. Then the minority of people who don't use instant coffee use French presses, coffee machines, or less commonly moka pots.

>> No.17945289

I don’t really steam veggies, but I can just use a metal strainer inside a pot for the same effect. Cooklet.

>> No.17945292

>I don’t really steam
No shit lmao
The point of machines like rice cookers is that they do everything for you, perfectly, with no effort and with no time wasted. They're for people who make rice and porridge and steam their food a lot -- in other words, East Asians and people who eat East Asian food.
You want to talk about a real unitasker? Toasters. You don't have a toaster, do you?

>> No.17945296

>coffee machines,
What are you even arguing with?

>> No.17945297
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Central air conditioning? Or some shitty window unit or ductless split system?

>> No.17945300

The idea that most people use drip machines. Most people use instant coffee.
I have no idea what those words mean. It's just the same aircon I've seen all over the world, whether in France or in Shanghai.

>> No.17945302

He's not gay he's just a dandy

>> No.17945314

Ductless split systems are fine, saves a ton of money when you can cool down the living room during the day and the bedroom at night and not have to keep the whole house cold.

>> No.17945346

They had rice cookers for centuries? That’s crazy bro, idk how they perfected the art of cooking rice with their electric rice cookers.

No I don’t own a toaster, I own a toaster oven, vastly more useful that toaster, air fryer, and bread maker. Toasts up to six slices at a time.

>> No.17945349

What sort of imbecile complains about a kettle and then reveals he has a whole fucking toaster oven sitting on his counter top
What kind of idiot walks straight into admitting he uses a modern day toaster oven while pretending rice cookers are unnecessary because they're new (?)

>> No.17945353

>what shithole do you live in, everyone I know has a hood that vents outside, even those microwave over stoves vent through the wall behind to the outside.
One, mass repliers should be sent to death camps.
Two, bullshit, no methed out contractor is going to properly install a hood. Even if they do they still don't do it properly and have a source for make up air so you end up fucking your house either way.

>> No.17945371
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>Most people use instant coffee.
Thankfully no

>> No.17945393

>Is using a coffee machine as good as making real coffee? No? Then buy a French press or moka pot, slave.

As a fellow European please stop, you are making a fool of yourself and embarrassing us all.

The prevalence of instant coffee is one of the most shameful things in the uk and ireland and drip coffee is real coffee, now shut the fuck up.

>> No.17945404

UK and Ireland are like 0.1% of the people using instant coffee. It's how everyone drinks coffee in Asia.

>> No.17945407

>humans literally have electricity pumped all over their house that can burn down their home and kill them instantly
its the exact same argument.

>> No.17945408

ITT: People who didn't watch the video getting mad about things they assume he said in the video but didn't

>> No.17945413

>The prevalence of instant coffee is one of the most shameful things in the uk and ireland and drip coffee is real coffee, now shut the fuck up.
This is basically the only time Americans have ever been in the right on a culinary topic. Kind of strange instant isn't more popular in the US when convenience and speed win out for every other American institution.

>> No.17945432

we drink 8 cups of tea a day.

>> No.17945461

You gave me three things a rice cooker can do, and one a kettle can do.
The toaster oven can do much more than either, considering it is a miniature oven.
Mine is an air fryer combo, it can also be used as a toaster, broiler, dehydrator, dough proofer, roaster, and ya know, an oven that pre heats much faster and good as a secondary oven when preparing large meals when oven space is needed. I know you wouldn’t understand because your ovens in Europe are the size of my toaster oven lmao.

>> No.17945472

not quite

>> No.17945482

To get back on topic, kettles boil water really quickly. That's useful as fuck because you need to boil water a LOT when you cook. Whenever you're making pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, instant noodles, a soup, steamed vegetables, dumplings, coffee, WHATEVER, you need to boil water, and it's much, much easier and quicker to use a kettle than to wait for your pot to boil it. That's why it's wrong to think of kettles as having one little use.
Anything your toaster oven can do a normal oven can do too. It makes no sense to be autistic about rice cookers when you do the exact same thing but worse with a toaster oven.

>> No.17945494
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You keep posting this, but search for electric kettles on amazon.co.uk and the majority of them are 3000W. Do the same on amazon.com and the majority of them are 1500W. Actually fuck it, I'll do it for you.

>> No.17945502

It takes my microwave 40 seconds to bring a mug of water to a rolling boil.
eKettles are obsolete, and yuros only like them because they enjoy the process

>> No.17945507

Because he's wrong about most US sockets being 20A. It's 15A.

>> No.17945511

I’m not saying kettles only make tea. They boil water. Sometimes I can already do with a pot and a lid, something every chef on this fucking planet does with a pot and lid. Quicker sure, easier not really. It’s the same level of difficulty fill pot with water turn on stove. That’s all you do.

My regular oven cannot air fry and is far to cumbersome to broil, toast, and certificates dehydrated the way my toaster oven can. It’s far too large to do those things effectively and requires me to monitor and fineness the items to do so. The toaster oven is counter level and I can clearly see what is going on with what I’m doing. Not to mention it seconds as a whole ass oven, when your rice cooker can only cook rice, a fucking electric burner is more useful because you can at least cook other shit on it.

>> No.17945513


>> No.17945515

We already established in many different ways that european kettles boil vastly faster. There is no need to continue this, you act like you're giving some credence to the contrary claim. There is no issue or argument about it and anyone who thinks otherwise is some form of untouchable stupid or crazy so let's just drop it.

>> No.17945522

Hard to boil water at 110v as opposed to 240v.
Amerifatts are fucking stupid also

>> No.17945528
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>> No.17945576


>> No.17945930

>We really don’t drink tea
My whole point is that neither do we in large parts of europe ffs. So given that neither drinks tea there is no reason to believe the lack of tea drinking in america is explanatory of the differences between the two systems.

>> No.17945994

Nope, electricity transmission has a lot of safeguards in case shit goes wrong.

>> No.17946001

Why not use small/medium gas tanks instead? They would still be able to use gas but even if something like this happens, the entire neighborhood wont blow up. At most your kitchen would blow up.

>> No.17946074

The core thing here is that we don't have the need for a kettle most of the time. It really doesn't have anything to do with 120/240v difference.

>> No.17946076

These are for people who make hot drinks or instant noodles almost constantly. You've got boiling hot water at the ready with no waiting.

>> No.17946083

You're actually not supposed to walk away from food that you're cooking on the stovetop. Strange concept, I know, but you're supposed to be there the whole fucking time.

>> No.17946084

so does gas. unless you live in some shithole.

>> No.17946107

>The core thing here is that we don't have the need for a kettle most of the time.
And my hypothesis is that the reason you do not have a need for a kettle is because a kettle with your electrical grid does not offer sufficient convenience to justify having one. Meanwhile in europe that improvement is enough to make it worth it for most people.

>> No.17946123

I think it's more of a scale and free time thing. I figure it's more common for people in the americas to cook en mass for a family and have leftovers where using a kettle for 10l of water doesn't really make sense as you can prep the other ingredients while the water boils.

>> No.17946138

There aren't any gas tanks. Household gas explosions happen when there's a leak, or equivalent, and the gas builds up within a confined area before finally being ignited. It's similar to how a fireplace can cause deaths via carbon monoxide poisoning.

>> No.17946158

>I figure it's more common for people in the americas to cook en mass for a family
Is that still a thing in america? That may explain it, once you cook for more than 4 people arguably a kettle loses its convenience.
But cooking for large families isn't really something we regularly do here much anymore (regrettably) and only happens on special occasions. Everyday meals are rarely larger than for 4 people. Used to be the norm 2 generations ago, but that time is long gone.

>> No.17946161

actually gas tanks are the safest form on home gas usage (and the most expensive). if there is a leak who cares (besides your wallet) because the tanks are outside and the gas just goes in the atmosphere. and if the gas tank somehow explodes well just the local area around the outside wall that contains the tanks will be blown up.

but the chances of either of these things is extremely low. higher chance of dying in a plane crash.

>> No.17946183

>Is that still a thing in america?
Not really, no. When Americans have cooking for lots people it's either a major holiday like Thanksgiving or it's an office, and both probably happen a lot less often following covid hysteria and its aftermath.

>> No.17946191

It really depends on where you live. I'm a rural leaf and I tend to cook for myself and sometimes my roommates have some and the rest I keep for my meals for work during the week.

>> No.17946205

>What a joke US infrastructure is. I do not understand why Americans are fine with this.
Transformers supply 240v to US households. The line to line voltage is 240v, but we typically tap from line to neutral (120v) for most of the household wiring and sockets. We usually only run lines for 240v sockets for heavy duty appliances like dryers or dishwashers. You could technically have a 240v socket in the kitchen for an electric kettle, it's just that nobody does it.

>> No.17946239

That'd just be a meaningless buffer. The gas would still have to go from the outdoor tank to the indoor appliance.
A household gas explosion doesn't cause a backflow ignition that explodes the entire gas line. It's not the gas line that's exploding, it's the pressurized flammable gas that has leaked into a confined area over an extended period of time.

>> No.17946274
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>What is so fucking URGENT?
This cracked me the fuck up for some reason. It's convenient to be able to make four cups of tea during an ad break I guess.

>> No.17946493

If you desperately need hot water instantly in the morning, put it in the microwave. Because I have not had my brain clogged with plastic particles, I am capable of waiting a few minutes for morning tea.

>> No.17946593

Everyone (american) I know who drinks tea frequently has one... I drink coffee more but I do French press so its nice to have something I can set to an exact temp.

>> No.17946675

the kettle you posted is no more or less of a unitasker than a dedicated electric kettle. they both serve one purpose, to boil water

>> No.17946731

Goes far beyond hot water for tea and ramen. Whenever I boil water for pasta or something I dump the whole thing in a pot on the stove because it is always at 208. Saves an incredible amount of time.

>> No.17946780

Why haven't we created an optimized microwave kettle?

>> No.17946784

>saving 3 minutes is such a big deal
I thought Europeans were supposed to be super chill compared to us

>> No.17946816

People who use external propane tanks sitting outside their home are not reliant on gas company valves operating properly and excavators following digging laws. A lot of house explosions happen off the property of the explosion. Worst thing that can happen with a local tank is you smell a leak, turn off the tank, call the gas co.

>> No.17946848

Still, every one I know here in Canada has an electric kettle. They're as ubiquitous as the microwave oven
It must just be a weird cultural thing

>> No.17946902

yes, the reason is you can have a kettle that isn't limited to 1500w

>> No.17946915

I though it was because your electrical outlets heem themselves when you try to use them because they draw so much power and the whole street blacks out.

The are designed for Euro 240v really, they don't like 110v or 110v doesn't like them as they kill electrical fuses.

>> No.17946938

Water boils at 212F
The best temp for tea brewing is 190-200F. So if it boils, you should take it off and let it cool for at least a minute before brewing

>> No.17947011
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>> No.17947026

what a stupid thing to say.

I'm not going to sit in my kitchen staring at the stove because I'm simmering something.

>> No.17947037

I don't need a kettle because I don't make tea.

I only need to boil stuff once or twice a week sometimes even less.

I don't make pasta very often, and most things can be heated or reheated in a microwave much faster than on the stove.

>> No.17947048

>It's similar to how a fireplace can cause deaths via carbon monoxide poisoning.
only under very specific circumstances.

>> No.17947059

Every single post that mentions this gets ignored so they can continue obsessing about our fucking power outlets. Don't expect them to acknowledge it.

>> No.17947104

Read my post again. I am implying that they should switch from gas pipes to gas tanks.

>> No.17947121

that's ultimately the same as telling them to switch to electric. a tank won't long if you rely on it for heating and cooking and if you run out, you're screwed

>> No.17947165

>you're screwed
Here in my country, a tank last for a month. Both for cooking and heating. Once it is empty, you can have the company come refill it.
I guess americans are too lazy for that though.

>> No.17947631

What response do you want?

>> No.17947949

it's not that, at all.
>t. actually watched the video

>> No.17948010

I stopped watching after he said the reason was because American don't really drink tea
Did he have anything else to say?

>> No.17948098

probably, but we as an interactive collective are able to pull together logical conclusions from reasonable assumptions. like this - my family up north uses electric kettles to boil water for the dehydrated dog food they buy. it'd be a life hack essential for the minimalist who is fond of pasta, specifically ramen.

>> No.17948911

>I thought Europeans were supposed to be super chill compared to us
in what fucking universe? someone lied to you amigo.

>> No.17948962

That’s just flat out wrong retard, tons of videos proving that. Euro has like a 20 seconds tops over ours, which is not a big deal. We just don’t drink tea.

>> No.17949144

Did you even watch the video? The explanation why this is was very simple

>> No.17949395

I stopped watching his vids when he insisted on whining about muh carbon emissions in relation to every single subject. I don't give a shit, I will never give a shit.

>> No.17949430

That implies a kettle is a necessity and not a "nice to have if you want to have another appliance" thing.

>> No.17949506

it's not laziness you retarded third worlder
it's remoteness/accessibility and cost
i live in on the end of a long winding hilly dead end road in bumfuck canada that is cold enough to require heating 10 months out of the year
it would be absurd to pay dollars on the liter premiums to have heating fuel trucked in every month, especially having to rely on it during the long cold winter season where there's a good chance a fuel truck won't even be able to access my property

>> No.17949512

Try wearing a better jacket.

>> No.17949666

why? i'm not complaining
my heat works good and my home is well insulated
wearing jackets inside is cucked

>> No.17950062

>be poor
>cannot afford to have gas tanks delivered to him
And yet I am the third worlder?

>> No.17950116

you have the reading comprehension of a third worlder

>> No.17950154

Kettles are not needed to prepare cheeseburgers

>> No.17950193

not before I had my morning cuppa

>> No.17950226
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American here, I know zero people who use a kettle on a gas stove. Electric kettles are very common. This guy is retarded.

>> No.17950230

americans don't drink tea, why you boiling the kettle lmao

>> No.17950250

>muh voltage!!!
Literally every household in Japan has an electric kettle and they run on 100v.
You faggots whining about voltage need to shut the fuck up. It doesn’t boil water faster in a linear fashion.
No, dumbshit, it does not boil 2 liters in 2 mins. Who the fuck had a 2L kettle? 1.75 is the standard.

>> No.17950261

Do you actually lack the mental capacity to think independently of the youtube man and his argument? Are you genuinely retarded?

There are two groups. One group uses kettles, the other does not. Thus the question arises: Why is that.
The video makes the argument that it is because group A drinks tea, while group B doesn't. I am telling you that group A largely consists of people that are not british and doesn't drink tea either. Therefore in regards to comparing tea consumption groups A and B are almost identical, with the notable exception of bongers.
Meanwhile all of group A enjoy quicker boiling times, while all of group B do not.
Thus I posit the following hypothesis: Given that the assumption that "tea" is the defining factor is not true, the only explanatory difference of the two groups is the speed of the boiling unless someone can come up with something else.

This isn't hard to understand, yet you are the third american who mindlessly repeats "we don't drink tea though". We do not either you imbecile.

>> No.17950265

t. doesn't understand how power works.

>> No.17950670

Nice cope.
Well, good luck whenever your house explodes along the neighborhood, chang.

>> No.17950676

What a masturbatory post. You could have said the same thing in three statements.

>> No.17950682
File: 54 KB, 566x480, read a book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that guy is right you can't read at all lmao

>> No.17950692

>t-that guy is right, I a-am definitely not that g-guy

>> No.17950707

i'm not that guy tard, just literate
why would a house with no gas explode according to your genius worldview?

>> No.17950741

put water in a pyrex measuring cup, and microwave it until boiling

>> No.17950760

i use a pot

>> No.17950769

>with no gas
well what about now? :^)

>> No.17950939

I could have said the same in one statement, which I did, multiple times. But as long as retards are too retarded to understand, I have to dumb it down further.
And then after I do that some other idiot will appear and complain that the explanation is pretentious. Retard.

>> No.17951047

Are you retarded?

Ovens can bake, braise, broil, etc. Sweets, meats, breads, vegetables, casseroles, pudding, cakes... The list of tasks is endless. The list of cooking methods is long.

A kettle can boil water. One task.

>> No.17951069

>taking more than ten seconds to boil water

>> No.17951154

1. you boil water extremely frequently when cooking
2. kettles vastly reduce the amount of time you spend waiting for water to boil
3. kettles are extremely useful

>> No.17951185

if you have an oven they normally come with a stove and a good stove can boil as fast or faster than a kettle

>> No.17951240

Can anyone identify posts made by the guy from Technology Connections himself? I have a strong suspicion >>17945515 is him.

>> No.17951254

Nope. Your kettles are shit.

>> No.17951263

than i'm still correct

>> No.17951436


>> No.17951460

because it's the same as me saying
>Nope. Your stoves are shit.
both statements are correct

>> No.17951477

Nah, my hob is Chinese levels of blasting out insane levels of jet engine gas. Your kettles are just bad. Even stovetop kettles are better than pots.

>> No.17951480

It can be both more efficient fuel wise to cook with gas, yet have the cooking itself be less efficient than electric.

>> No.17951494

i'm talking about using the stove top but
>stovetop kettles are better than pots
is a retard tier statement that makes no sense

>> No.17951503

I'm going by second hand info when it comes to stovetop kettles I won't lie. My thirdie friend says it's way better than pots, though. Electric is WAY better than pots.
The deal is you can put a huge amount of water in a kettle, boil it in a couple of minutes, then pour it into a pot and start instantly boiling pasta. It's a lot slower using my Chinese jet engine gas hob.

>> No.17951511

because your chinese jet engine hob sucks

>> No.17951522

What does that even mean
My Chinese jet engine hob is even hotter than your mum

>> No.17951549

if it worked as good as you think it does you wouldn't be here defending needing a second appliance to boil fucking water

>> No.17951570

fucking your mom

>> No.17951618
File: 4 KB, 225x225, qwe_download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>190 degrees for oolong
Most oolong tea can be brewed at boiling or near boiling... also I'm an american and my fellow kettle which is pic related only takes a couple minutes at worst

>> No.17952270

Is there any point to a coffee pot if I'm the only one in the house that drinks coffee and at max it's 2 cups a day.

>> No.17952516

Just get a French Press or an Aeropress.

>> No.17952636

I'm American and I have two electric kettles (one for home and a small one that I take to work). My mom uses an electric kettle and so does my ex. I'm pretty sure that my brother and his wife do, too. At my second job, anyone who wants tea uses the electric kettle in the office. Don't know why this is a stereotype.