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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17934057 No.17934057 [Reply] [Original]

Post your cheapest recipes.

Ramen with an egg, or peanut butter and sriracha is not a recipe.

>> No.17934070

>instant ramen
just eat the brick.
>hot dogs
just eat them raw.

>> No.17934072

Just get a bag of dried rice and a bag of dried beans. Super cheap.

>> No.17934099

Eggs. Potatoes. Rice. Beans. Lentils. Cabbage. Onions. Whatever's on sale.

Or start working in a restaurant and take home a bunch of free food.

>> No.17934132

>peanut butter and sriracha is not a recipe.
Peanut butter and dill pickle will take you far. Get the sweet and salty, sourness cuts the peanut butters thickness. it's nearly a perfect food.
That aside unironically garden if you can and look to depression era and WW2 british blitz cooking.
Minced onion, cubed potatoes and hotdogs cooked together will get you through life, sub rice for the potatoes if they're cheaper.
I kicked weed back during the start of the pandemic and used my grow stuff for hydroponic farming and greenhouse stuff now.

>> No.17934140

I would stay away from cabbage, unless you are going to use it fast it's one of the big regret veg since you often throw out half of it.

>> No.17934148

Spaghetti tossed with oil and lawrys, was my lunch for like two months.

>> No.17934152

Eat smaller portions, use a free calculator to spec out your calories for the week. Find a movie you like and throw it on sunday afternoon, cook for two-three hours for the week doing meal prep. You'll be healthier and have more free time during the week.

>> No.17934167

My brother in Christ, cabbage in soup is what noodles wished they were. It freezes well, too, so you don't have to waste the whole head.

Or make a side of cole slaw with whatever's left.

>> No.17934177
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Beans and rice are cheap? Thanks for the tip!
I hate all of you illiterate low-effort faggots.

Here's how I make chicken lentil stew that costs less than $1 per serving.

>add a little oil to a stock pot
>set heat to med-high
>toss in a two drumsticks (stretch the skin out so you get more surface area)
>cook them until they're browned on the outside and you've developed some fond on the bottom of the pot
>add sliced celery, onion and carrots
>reduce heat a little and saute the veggies for a few minutes, don't let them burn
>add some diced garlic when the vegetables are nearly at desired tenderness
>add an appropriate amount of water for the portion of lentils you plan to use. you can use chicken stock or boullion cubes if you have them
>bring to boil
>add lentils, cover and reduce heat to simmer
>after about 6 or 7 minutes the chicken is done, remove the two legs from the pot and let them cool for a few minutes
>separate the chicken from the skin and bones and add it back to the pot and allow it to simmer with the lentils until they're tender
>you can put the skin and bones in a freezer bag and make stock when you have enough and save money that way too
>serve over rice

Delicious and cheap. A large bowl is about 700 calories and 60g of protein and costs under a dollar.

>> No.17934198
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canned tuna sushi
nori and avocado are very optional
you can add cornstarch to make regular white rice stickier in case sushi rice is not available or is too expensive in your area.
another one that i really like is just stir fried hot dogs with diced potatoes and onions, i like to eat it with hot sauce.
onioned liver with a serving of white rice is pretty good as wel

>> No.17934210

Oh, yeah.. use seasoning. I just use generic brand "poultry seasoning" (which I believe is mostly rosemary and thyme and some other things), a pinch of cayenne, salt and pepper.

Walmart just updated their "great value" brand spice labeling and packaging, so a lot of Walmarts have a bin with all the old stuff marked down to 60c right now.

>> No.17934216

>Ramen is not a recipe because.... IT JUST ISN'T, OKAY?

>> No.17934222
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>> No.17934225
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>> No.17934230

Seasoning salt and pasta? Jesus..

>> No.17934265

You can't grow food in an indoor hydro setup for anywhere near the price you can buy it in stores you larping peanut butter pickle eating faggot

>> No.17934270

>Ramen with an egg, or peanut butter and sriracha is not a recipe.
The only fate worse than being poor is being autistic and picky.
Lmaoing at ur lyfe, OP.

>> No.17934315

It's actually not bad when you get the balance right, I still eat it from time to time with melted margarine when I want to make a point about my wife's cooking.

>> No.17934358

That's cool and all, but I said that because I wanted a recipe thread. Everyone already knows you can add things to your ramen to make it a heartier meal. Imagine getting butt-hurt because you made a dumb assumption about someone not liking ramen. Do you have a maruchan tattoo?

>> No.17934371

Here’s a cheap filling one, it does require an instant pot though.

Get 1-2 lbs of black eyed peas or beans, preferabbly black eyed peas

You need some form of pre cooked smoked ham, the thick slices work well here but you could use a smoked hock or something

Last major ingredient is collard greens, the big bag of chopped collards work well here.

Fill the instant pot with enough chicken broth or water to cook the legumes, according to package instructions. Add ham and collard greens. The greens will probably end up sitting on top, that’s fine.

Season liquid to taste with cajun seasoning and salt. Pressure cook according to legume time (google it). Stir and taste, season again as necessary.

Wa la.

>> No.17934376

He said cheapest, not cheap. Cheapest is staple foods. That's why he's getting these answers. My bag of rice and beans is way cheaper than a dollar a serving. So, get fucked.

>> No.17934388


Is this a food & cooking or obesity & retardation? Does anyone on this board cook actual meals or it just a bunch of maladjusted peanut-butter pickle, pasta and margarine, ramen packet eating freaks?

>> No.17934405

I do something similar with salt pork, jowls, ham bones, hocks or even a couple slices of bacon if it's all I have. Hurst's "Hambeens" mix is a good alternative to black eyed peas or field peas. Comes with a Cajun seasoning packet that's pretty good, too.

Pork fat makes everything better.

>> No.17934406

>it does require an instant pot though.
Then it isn't cheap. The only true poverty recipes are ones that don't need to be cooked or that you can make on a two dollar hot plate.

>> No.17934415

>Imagine getting butt-hurt because you made a dumb assumption about someone not liking ramen.
Look at your thread, OP.
It's the same 7 ingredients over and over again.
Potatoes, eggs, cabbage, rice, chicken, beans, and dried noodles.
Getting anal because someone suggested one dried noodle over a different dried noodle is fundamentally stupid.
These are your choices. Get used to them.

>> No.17934417

rice + milk = breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.

>> No.17934420

>The only true poverty recipes are ones that don't need to be cooked or that you can make on a two dollar hot plate.
Bullshit, even hobos use gas station microwaves.

>> No.17934424
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Get the fuck out of my thread, retard. It doesn't actually require an instant pot, and even if it did it could be considered cheap. What the fuck is wrong with you autists?

>> No.17934434

Recipes motherfucker. Different dishes you can make with cheap, basic ingredients.

"Buy industrial food product and boil it in water, add things to it if you like" is not a fucking recipe. Everyone knows ramen is cheap. It's not a contribution it's just stating the obvious.

>> No.17934438

>"Buy industrial food product and boil it in water, add things to it if you like" is not a fucking recipe.
Then fucking bitch at the people recommending spaghetti, you hypocritical idiot.
My god, you are fucking dumb as hell.

>> No.17934454

Steal one then

>> No.17934466
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Rice pudding is pretty good and cheap to make, I actually have some in the fridge I made the other day. I'm going to eat it now with some cinnamon.

>Take cooked rice, add sugar and milk, cook until thick and creamy
>beat an egg in a bowl, add some milk and add it to the rice
>cook for a few more minutes
>add some butter and a few teaspoons of vanilla extract you stole from Walmart because it was 11 dollars a bottle

>> No.17934471

I did, faggot. Margarine and spaghetti is not a meal.

>> No.17934476

my poorfag recipe used to be this up until the price of campbell's vegetable soup went up to like fucking $2 per can here.

condensed vegetable soup
ground beef

brown the beef, add the soup and half a can of water, simmer until the flavours mix, put on top of the rice.

>> No.17934503

That actually sounds decent. I make my own vegetables beef soup, though. It's a lot cheaper than canned.

>brown some beef in a pan with an onion, add frozen veg and a diced potato, some tomato paste and dried beef stock cubes, bring to a boil and simmer until done

>> No.17934528

that's what the lawry's is for, pay attention.

>> No.17934565

Poor people are retarded and eat trash.

>> No.17934590
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If you sub ketchup for the lawreys you got honey boo boo sketti.. you could even just go to KFC and get some margarine and ketchup packets to save money.

>> No.17934598

Rabbit soup, ingredients are whatever cheap fresh or frozen vegetables/legumes like potato and peas, and wild rabbit trapped or shot yourself. Don't throw out the livers and kidneys, those are good for you.

>> No.17934610

>add cornstarch to make regular white rice stickier
before or after it's cooked?

>> No.17934613

step 1. put rice in the pot
step 2. cook the rice

qha la

>> No.17934620
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You glutinous fool. Live more modestly.

>> No.17934621
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>Poverty Food
Jesus is my bread tonight.

>> No.17934625
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get free food from work

>> No.17934628
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Polenta. It's just five ingredients and they're all cheap. Cornmeal, vegetable (or chicken) stock, salt and pepper, and butter.

>> No.17934656

>polenta gross

>> No.17934662

1 can Alpo, retain water for mixing
2 large dandelions, remove roots if desired
Yard onions to taste

Mix together in Dixie cup or, if available, used Maruchan ramen cup. Serves 2.

>> No.17934671

>serves two

Such large portions! Absolutely gluttonous.

>> No.17934674

Polenta is pretty good. I never know what protein to serve it with, though.

>> No.17934751

anything that has to be braised a long time. the cheapest, toughest cuts.

>> No.17934777

I'm guessing some kind of tomato based braising liquid is best for mears served with polenta? Frankly I don't know anything about Spanish cuisine.

>> No.17934782

Or is polenta Italian? I have no idea.

>> No.17934834

Polenta is a corn product. It's native American.

>> No.17934844

My favorite poorfag recipe is just potato hash. Use leftover baked potatoes or cook a couple in the microwave, dice into cubes, and fry it in olive oil and butter with whatever veggies and meat you have on hand.

>> No.17934847
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Oatmeal is pretty cheap.
So are peanuts. Peanuts are very filling, as are potatoes. You should google what type of foods are most filling. This is kinda what i eat for breakfast, although now days I eat steel cut oats.

>> No.17934848

you add it after the rice is cooked alongside a little bit of water and you cook it again until it gets the desired consistency.

>> No.17934858

Born in America, popularized by Columbus so it's basically Mediterranean, like tomatoes that are American but associated with med cuisine

>> No.17934865

Make a slurry if you're going to do this, don't just dump corn starch on cooked rice. Personally I hate sushi and Japanese food in general, so fuck that noise. Fish is best deep fried in a thick batter.

>> No.17935463

lentils, onions and cheap meat will get you pretty far.

I lived on lentil, onion & neck bones (occasionally sausage) soup for the better part of a year a good while back.

I still make it a couple times a month.

>> No.17935472

it's like grits with an Italian accent.
just put some gravy on it.

>> No.17935478

One slice of toasted bread between two untoasted slices. It sounds strange until you've got nothing else, then it's welcome.

>> No.17935479

are you retarded?
cabbage literally lasts months in the fridge

>> No.17935508

drink oil

>> No.17935558

>My brother in Christ
Don't post this when you jerk off to porn 18 times a week.

>> No.17935757
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barley with split peas. Ingredients: barley, split peas, carrot, onion, lard, salt, dried peperoncini, powdered smoked paprika, coriander, cumin, thyme, a bit of curry. Cook the split peas with spices and diced carrot until they are soft. Fry the onion in lard until golden brown. Mix them with peas and cook together a bit more, to reduce the liquid to a thick stew, sprinkle it with thyme and add salt. Cook barley. Mix this shit together into a tasty slob. Eat with with yogurt, milk or kefir. Slob will be even better if browned a bit by frying it in the pan. Enjoy the farts!

>> No.17935759

pork/bacon pancakes
ingridients: pork, flour, egg, milk or water, maybe fat so pancake wont stick

diced potatoes, onion and maybe mushroom, diced cheap meat like some ham, spice however you like maybe add tomato puré and little soy to it

some pot with lentils, beans, cheap meat, some carb and boullion cube

>> No.17935775
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But its Christian porn, with married hetero couples. Very wholesome & blessed by Pope Francis

>> No.17935781

dig through dumpster eat anything not covered in flies.

>> No.17935799
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froot loops, captain crunch, tricks, chocolate milk

>> No.17935828

Definition of glutinous : having the quality of glue, gummy

>> No.17935833

>100g dried penne=£0.06
>100ml cream of chicken soup=£0.14
>50g frozen peas=£0.05
>50g frozen cauliflower=£0.06
>50g carrots - £0.04

Boil up pasta and veg. Add soup. Season.

>> No.17935853

You doing OMAD? That looks good. Maybe have a boiled egg with the broccoli for some good fats.

>> No.17935862
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Sour cabbage with yellow peas.
Ingredients: homemade sauerkraut, lard, split peas, onion, a bit of bacon if you want it., black pepper, allspice, caraway, laurel leaf, bit of sugar,
Fry the onions until golden brown. Add them and spices to sauerkraut, cook it together. Cook the split peas until soft. Mix it with the cooked cabbage, cook together for a 20-30 minutes more. Eat&fart.