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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17933778 No.17933778 [Reply] [Original]

How long before consuming insects becomes a regular thing? I used to think it was a meme but it's actually happening. They are gradually pushing toward this. The older generations will be reluctant but the kids that grow up with it will think it's normal.

Also, any good bug recipes?

>> No.17933845

The texture is trash and nothing they can do will ever improve the texture.

>> No.17933870

soon, its just more practical, i dont get what the big deal is, when you have to skin an animal, and you have to take the guts out, the shit you see inside a body imo is more disgusting then eating bugs, so long as it taste good, maybe get rid of the heads also? bug chips dont sound too bad actually. just make sure its processed since insect parasites can be brutal.

at the very least, you can feed insects to cattle or fish farms

>> No.17933880


>> No.17933887

Just eat sardines. You eat them whole.

>> No.17933893

knock yourself out, i will continue to eat grass fed meat, pastured chickens and eggs, wild caught fish, minimize carbs and avoid seed oils

>> No.17933897
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I will eat the weevils in my rice.

>> No.17933935

Enjoy your rectal cancer from all the red meat bloodmouth

>> No.17933937

You sound fat.

>> No.17933959

the thing is i obviously would prefer a steak, but anyone scared to eat bugs just seem like a pussy, also most cows aren't even grass fed, shit i actually would be less open to the idea of eating bugs if we treated cattle with more humanity then putting their entire species in an irl hellscape creepypasta

>> No.17933963 [DELETED] 

You need a long genetic history of eating bugs to properly digest the enzymes for it. Whites and lactose being a good example. However the people with a history of eating bugs are basically niggers and chinks and yet they aren't the ones these bugs are being forced on.

>> No.17933965


>> No.17933972

but how am i wrong?

>> No.17933989

>I used to think it was a meme but it's actually happening.
No, it isn't.

>> No.17934026
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>> No.17934090
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It is though. We're in the beginning stages of the transition.

>> No.17934098
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>> No.17935049

80% of the world already derives nutrition from insects.

>> No.17935213

Bugs aren't halal tho, maybe large ass locusts but otherwise no. Ive eaten silk worm bugs and its not bad but theres no way it can replace a proper kebab.

>> No.17935249

why not just feed insects to animals we actually like to eat? oh its because breeding insects isn't easy or cheap.

>> No.17935256

i'm allergic to crustaceans so i doubt this will work for me

>> No.17935292

Fuck klaus Schwab
Fuck the globalist scum
The Antichrist will be defeated

>> No.17935303
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>knock yourself out, i will continue to eat grass fed meat, pastured chickens and eggs, wild caught fish, minimize carbs and avoid seed oils

>> No.17935310
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I remember having had hypothetical discussions about this potentially happening back in school in the early 2000s. Hell, I recall discussions on /b/ in the late 00s-early 10s before this shit took off for real. Once the normals actually played with the idea and hipsters and trenders were deemed the market for it, it became kinda cringe. Either way they might as well replace all fast food slop with bugs because people eating at a fastfood chain do not deserve anything else.

>> No.17935311

If bugs were so good, why do the countries that traditionally ate bugs instantly ditch these for meat now that the latter is widely available?

>> No.17936073

Yeah and 80% of men in the world are fucking tiny. Have you seen Indochinese people? They're miniscule. Eating bugs will do that to you.

Fact is eating bugs is disgusting and it's never going to stick in the West no matter how many false comparisons you'll make to seafood or bring up the fact that insect protein is present in many foods because a few bugs find themselves in there. Eating bugs will never be anything more than a novelty thing, and the reality is that the rich fucks pushing this shit would still be eating quality grass-fed beef while you're snacking on grasshopper cookies and that fact alone gives them a rise like no other. Stop being such a fucking sucker.

>> No.17936085

I think you really underestimate how easy people are to manipulate. F
The more the media can normalize eating bugs, and the more prices make meat unavailable to people, the more people will embrace it. Give it 20 years, it'll be everywhere. Give it 50 years, and meat will only be available as a specialty thing and people will look at you uncomfortably if you eat it.

>> No.17936103

With the rise of lab-grown meat? Fat chance.

>> No.17936119

Never, because they are inefficient to raise and process to human food standards. Bugs are not economical, except microbes.

Microbial/yeast based protein as an ingredient could become a thing.

>> No.17936140

they look creepy, its the same reason why people eat birthday cake or cupcakes since they look really nice and colorful and fancy, but taste like chems compared to cheesecake or a brownie which technically taste better or why people wont eat animal heads or eyeballs. same shit for people hooked on energy drinks or black coffee, it taste like trash but mentally they associate it when the caffeine rush.

That said i believe insects haven't had nearly as much dish experimentation vs meats outside of people completely misusing the "taste" of insects trying to put them in liquor / sweets purely for the shock factor vs actual taste. If insects were bigger like a lobster or crab most people wouldn't have a problem. I

>> No.17936145

how are bugs not economical compared to cows who take longer to mature (years vs months) and harness and use more resources and space vs bugs?

>> No.17936150

Lab grown meat is a boondoggle, animal cells aren't adapted to grow on a cheap protein/sugar slop. They want a precisely controlled environment created and maintained by all the other organs in an animal body.

Trying to do with machines and GM microbes what the animal organs normally do is going to be super inefficient, most of the nutrients will go to waste. It's not going to be remotely economical.

Low cost protein will come from plants and yeast, not bugs and lab grown meat.

>> No.17936152

if it tastes good i wouldn't mind

>> No.17936158

I don't know why you /pol/schizos are so obsessed with eating bugs.
You'll be forced to go vegan before you're forced to eat cockroaches.

>> No.17936164

The cow neatly separates its meat in a sterile manner from all the nasty shit in its intestines for a start. Intestines which make much more efficient use of nutrients in the feed than the insects too.

>> No.17936173

Remember when the impossible whopper dropped and they freaked out about it for months

These subhumans actually think Bill Gates cares what they eat