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17924037 No.17924037 [Reply] [Original]

>start eating paleo, almost full carnivore diet
>feel the best I have in years
why aren't you anon?

>> No.17924051

Omg so based fellow reditor!

>> No.17924058

your brain on gluten

>> No.17924943


>> No.17924950

I only eat cabbage, ground turkey, hot sauce, butter and protein powder.
It can't be healthy.

>> No.17924960

Because I have a degree in biology

>> No.17925062

People who start insanely restrictive fad diets probably feel better because they're not stuffing their face with the usual garbage they typically eat.

Every meme diet could be substituted for just eating a normal, healthy diet.

>> No.17925102

Meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, olive oil. Honestly I feel amazing. Have a carb day once a week or so where I might bake or something.

>> No.17925148

Your degree is worth fuck-all compared to people that actually do shit in the real world. College is a meme and you got buttfucked with debt

Carnivore is the way the truth and the life. 2 lbs of meat per day + pork rinds + eggs + bacon + tuna + organ meat is fucking awesome

>> No.17925190
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>Your degree is worth fuck-all compared to people that actually do shit in the real world. College is a meme and you got buttfucked with debt

>> No.17925302

>a degree in biology makes you know what diets are ideal
bahahah fuckin plebbit man

>> No.17925307

op typing while his body is out fighting cancer forever

>> No.17925385

There's no such thing as an ideal diet. Humans are adapted to be able to thrive on a very wide range of available foods. You feel better on carnivore because you stop overeating, or at least not as much as the unrestricted standard American diet. A carrot or an apple isn't going to kill you, and will actually improve your digestive health.

But what do I know, I'm just a soy plebbitor. Keep eating nothing but meat and eggs, I'm sure your colon is fine.

>> No.17925403

Best poops of my life low fiber. There was that one study where no fiber had the best outcome. Though I bet since it's food science there are studies saying the direct opposite too lol

>> No.17925433

>Dietary fibre is inversely proportional to the risk of colorectal cancer; high dietary fibre is evident in the prevention of colorectal cancer [6], [7].

The low-fibre diet is associated with an elevated risk of colorectal cancer [7].
>Elevated total dietary fiber intake was associated with a significantly reduced risk of incident distal colorectal adenoma
The consensus is pretty firmly on the side of fiber being good.

>> No.17925453

most studies are made to prove a specific point and not reveal any truth, what we're witnessing with the internet is the disimination of thought and the major thought thats being spread is to try things for yourself. this really bothers people when they see rampant challenge to their deeply held beliefs which is kind of sad because most of their deeply held beliefa come TV commercials and corporate sponsored programs they consumed since they were children

if you don't like these so called fad diets then that's fine, but other people will try it for themselves and they will see, what the poo pooers need to ask is why are they so bothered by this

>> No.17925481
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>person 1 does something retarded
>person 2: "Damn, that's retarded"
>person 1: "Just let me do it! Why are you so bothered by this?"

>> No.17925498

You seemed real reasonable before and now you're posting studies that only look at fibre instead of diet composition to try to prove a point. Sad!

Article with links to studies. Basically fiber is a meme besides maybe for high carb diets

>> No.17925507
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I don't do meme diets. I do mostly refrain from eating vegetables though simply because I don't like them.

>> No.17925511

you're a crazy street preacher claiming we're all going to hell, a novelty of the past screeching at a world you can't cope with

>> No.17925523

Lol, you're the one posting self-righteous tirades.

>> No.17925540

>try it for yourself
>Lol, you're the one posting self-righteous tirades.


>> No.17925580

>The consensus is pretty firmly on the side of fiber being good.
It's pretty firmly on the side of inconclusive / mixed findings.
>We tested the hypothesis that dietary intervention can inhibit the development of recurrent colorectal adenomas, which are precursors of most large-bowel cancers.
>A total of 1905 of the randomized subjects (91.6 percent) completed the study. Of the 958 subjects in the intervention group and the 947 in the control group who completed the study, 39.7 percent and 39.5 percent, respectively, had at least one recurrent adenoma; the unadjusted risk ratio was 1.00 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.90 to 1.12). Among subjects with recurrent adenomas, the mean (±SE) number of such lesions was 1.85±0.08 in the intervention group and 1.84±0.07 in the control group. The rate of recurrence of large adenomas (with a maximal diameter of at least 1 cm) and advanced adenomas (defined as lesions that had a maximal diameter of at least 1 cm or at least 25 percent villous elements or evidence of high-grade dysplasia, including carcinoma) did not differ significantly between the two groups.
>Adopting a diet that is low in fat and high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables does not influence the risk of recurrence of colorectal adenomas.

>> No.17925593

Gee, thanks for making me scour a long ass blog post for actually useful information. There was only one actual study linked: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/ and it has some peculiarities. Nothing so damning as to discredit it completely, but weird enough that you might want to take its findings with a huge grain of salt. First, the sample size was only 63 people, which compared to meta-analyses with aggregate sample sizes of over 40,000 really isn't that many. Second, all the test subjects were patients with idiopathic constipation who were ALREADY on high fiber diets. These weren't random people, and should not be considered representative of the population at large.

The other links on that site were either broken, or ended up saying the opposite of what the blog writer claimed. Even then, he's only talking about fiber and fully supports eating plants, so not sure why you linked it in a conversation about the carnivore diet.

>> No.17925596

>We conducted a prospective study of 88,757 women, who were 34 to 59 years old and had no history of cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or familial polyposis, who completed a dietary questionnaire in 1980. During a 16-year follow-up period, 787 cases of colorectal cancer were documented. In addition, 1012 patients with adenomas of the distal colon and rectum were found among 27,530 participants who underwent endoscopy during the follow-up period.
>After adjustment for age, established risk factors, and total energy intake, we found no association between the intake of dietary fiber and the risk of colorectal cancer; the relative risk for the highest as compared with the lowest quintile group with respect to fiber intake was 0.95 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.73 to 1.25). No protective effect of dietary fiber was observed when we omitted adjustment for total energy intake, when events during the first six years of follow-up were excluded, or when we excluded women who altered their fiber intake during the follow-up period. No significant association between fiber intake and the risk of colorectal adenoma was found.

>> No.17925604

>not prevention
These people already had colorectal adenomas. Findings based on them cannot be extrapolated to the population at large.

>> No.17925606

eat more grass fed beef, wild caught fish, DEENZ, olive oil, grass fed butter, coconut oil

avoid seed oils, sugar, corn syrup

minimize simple carbs like bread, pasta, too many beans and potatoes, make these smaller portions or as cheats or treats, make your own bread instead, read ingredients, they add sugar to most canned veggies, best to cook from whole sources

fuck the WEF, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, i vill not eat ze bugs, i vill not live in ze pod, lets go brandon, i hate the antichrist and death to groomers and their enablers

>> No.17925615

Then stop eating it.
No one forces you to eat gluten, retard.

>> No.17925617

I didn't read any of it and just linked the first no fiber blog I found lol

>> No.17925625

Colorectal adenomas are a potential precursor to large bowel cancer, not cancer itself. And most of the subjects from both of the groups *didn't* have a recurrent adenoma, so it's not like having one makes you doomed in a way that invalidates whatever health effect you belueve fiber might have.

>> No.17925643
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I'm not obese, I don't need to change my diet to not feel like shit

>> No.17925644

This is actually a really good study, but the researchers still recommend increasing fiber intake, just not because of colon cancer
>The fact that, in this cohort and others, strong inverse associations between fiber intake and the incidence of symptomatic diverticular disease,18 coronary heart disease,19 hypertension,20,21 and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus22 were observed in studies using the same questionnaire suggests that we used a physiologically relevant measure of fiber intake.
>There are cogent reasons for increasing fiber intake, particularly the inverse association with coronary heart disease observed in many studies.19,37

>> No.17925661

ahahahaha look at the big baby

>> No.17925665
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Say what you will about him, but hanging around eating whatever you want, drinking whatever you want, and having jam sessions on the drums with Michael Jackson was a hell of a way to go.

>> No.17926077

These diets boil down to not eating carbs.

>> No.17926099

i bake my own bread maybe once a week, bake my own pizza too maybe once a week, but carbs are the problem

i did keto for a whole year, got my weight down, MY SEASONAL ALLERGIES ARE GONE, blood markers are all normal i feel great

but if go crazy on bread, the sneazing comes back, i learned what my weekly limit is to what i call cheating

back when i used to drink pepsi, ear cereal and a sandwich everyday, my allergies were a constant battle and i would get headaches occasionally

i encourage anyone to at least try it for half a year, a real researched go of it