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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17913946 No.17913946 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so great?

>> No.17913959

because your mother didnt make it

>> No.17913974
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We are blessed by God.

>> No.17913995

the regions commonly considered the anglosphere were in a goldilocks zone of the global climate (and earth is already pretty damn goldilocks). Rich lands with temperate winters good for growing fruits and grains, access to animals for labor and for food (labor animals being something both the new world and africa lacked), and access to the gradual growth of global trade which allowed the transit of foreign spices and food stuffs/techniques even before the beginning of the colonial era.

TL;DR, Location, animals, thievery. Keep in mind western europe was a savage tribal backwater for most of the classical era

>> No.17914000

that looks so good

>> No.17914026

made by drunk people for drunk people without any intention of being fancy and they're also hangover remedies
the weather also makes comfort food more enjoyable
if you want something with more seasoning they have also riffed on Indian food
very efficient all around

>> No.17915035

English food is mostly very unpretentious and easy to make. Its good hearty food for cold weather.

>> No.17915043

It's a bit like a thanksgiving dinner but a lot of people have it once a week

>> No.17915051
File: 66 KB, 634x422, 2FE7DB4300000578-3390108-image-a-22_1452247639163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh betta be bringing back one of them fancy boxes wit tha peetser or I'm not even lettin ye ave a whiff o me gash. Yeh got a famly teh feed. Gottah mayek shur yes dotter grows big an strongg

>> No.17916232

based pasta

>> No.17916256

No matter what Cordon Bleu queerbos and keto niggers say, carbo-loading is the most enjoyable dining experience out there.

>> No.17917491

Bless the humble carveries

>> No.17917838

> unpretentious
What do you mean by this? The food?

>> No.17917848

>Why is it so great?
It's not. If you want great food, take a look at italians, frenchies or japs and more. British food is bottom of the barrel. No as bad as german food though.

>> No.17917856

easy to make
hearty and filling as fuck
always very tasty
reminds you of mummies home cooking

>> No.17917901

>italians, frenchies or japs
You're just a hipster that buys into the same shit everyone does.
French is good at classical, but noone eats classical every day
Italians are one trick ponies with applying a tomato based sauce on everything
Japanese is way overhyped for what it is and most of their stuff like curry and wine is just trash but "kawaii uguu sooo good nippon numba won"

British cuisine is best because it's just good eating, fills you up, homely, laymans food.
You've likely never eaten anything outside of macdonalds your entire life and literally are just spouting /ck/ memes.
You probably think a toast sandwich is a literal thing that Brits eat daily don't you?
I doubt you even know what is in the OP's image and how it's eaten.

>> No.17917916

It's simple, which apparently means bad to a lot of people

>> No.17917941

Yes its simple food and doesn't pretend to be otherwise. Like Italian food is simple food that pretends to be high art.

>> No.17918158

You're a delusional retard, get your head out of your ass britboy

>> No.17918167

>British cuisine is best because it's just good eating, fills you up, homely, laymans food.

>> No.17918185
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>> No.17918196

Seething JF

>> No.17919238

I miss this show and its daily parade of britbong's finest

>> No.17919278
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c a c a

>> No.17919338

>t. Jared Diamond
Imagine unironically giving a geographic determinism answer to a shitpost about Yorkshire pudding

>> No.17919341

Hate yourself goy. Even your food. Hate and doubt yourself. Good goy.

>> No.17920594
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My father went to Britain for work after being a chef in Lille, France. While he was in London, he recounted to me the absolute state of British food culture. Everything is prepackaged, everything is frozen, everything has been processed so much that its unrecognizable from an unprocessed counterpart. This is what instilled the hatred of anglo cuisine, and once I went to Britain, it was confirmed to me. Your prepackaged isles are absolutely massive, not including your frozen prepackaged food isles. I suppose someone who has lived there since they were born wouldn't realize this...

>> No.17922039

I guess it's one of those things where you find what you want to see, having been primed to not expect much I was pleasantly surprised by how much excellent dining us sprinkled around the countryside

>> No.17922245
File: 159 KB, 1600x900, 150303134347-london-pies-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot about this luxury

>> No.17922278

Better than frozen fish fingers and other slop brits eat nowadays

>> No.17922770

What's are you talking about? Pie and liquor is pretty sloppa

>> No.17922817

>Italians are one trick ponies with applying a tomato based sauce on everything
this is so fucking stupid and wrong, how much of an ignorant cooklet retard do you have to be to actually believe this? there is no possible way you could have even slightly looked into italian cuisine to realize this is 100% wrong. the only possible way you could believe this is if you have literally no idea what the fuck you're talking about and just spouting memes

>> No.17922851

>Working populace in productive country has no time to make recipes from scratch
>Lazy meds cook unimpressive meals because they have all day to sleep and drink wine in the sun and then put down on northern countries while asking for stimulus hand outs from them in the same breath

>> No.17923262

idk stuff like beef wellington is really time intensive

>> No.17923295

it's super comfy and filling food
but I would get chippy takeaway so much and look like norf FC meme if I lived there

>> No.17923301

>complaining about ready meals
u wot
that's the best part

you can get a giant tub of piri piri chicken, or indian food, or shepards pie, or pasties and just put in oven
and it's way better and cheaper than amerifat fast food

>> No.17923392

beef wellington is a meme. you think we eat it but nobody does.

>> No.17923404
File: 2.81 MB, 640x351, british-cuisine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conquer most the civilized world to control the spice trade
>have the most delicate palette in your corner of the continent

>> No.17923410

even with great effort in presentation this still looks depressing and bland

>> No.17923506 [DELETED] 
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>no spicerinos? Yikes, bland!

>> No.17924213

Tasty bread desu

>> No.17924226

This is pretty good though. The parsley sauce looks weird but it makes the meal worthwhile

>> No.17924238

I’ve been to a lot of restaurants and it’s not on the menu at most places. I’ve never known anyone to eat it either when they can just have a pie or have roast beef without fucking around with pastry