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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17899203 No.17899203 [Reply] [Original]

Grains are slave food. If you eat grains as a consistent or significant part of your diet you are cattle

>> No.17899208

Posting in a schizo thread

>> No.17899210

your ancestors ate grains, how does that make you feel

>> No.17899211

Oh sweet

>> No.17899217

>you are cattle
this is my kink actually, i like to wear a cowbell collar and a cow tail buttplug and mooo like a dairy cow

>> No.17899229

>implying you're not cattle
if you don't eat longpig, how are you not the longpig?

>> No.17899298

Why, yes, I am of low social standing, how did you know?

>> No.17899325

Grains are the food of civilisation

>> No.17899343
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>> No.17899392

you are aware that grains were eaten before agriculture started right?

>> No.17900713

Why the fuck does everyone on this board care what other people eat so bad?

>> No.17901416

I don't care what other people eat, I'm just stating the fact that if you eat grains you are cattle

>> No.17901444

Slave npc detected.

>> No.17901773

It's a food and cooking board. The real question is why does OP have so much unresolved angst that he tilts at culinary windmills for temporary release?

>> No.17902786

Just stating facts, no need to get so defensive about your slave food

>> No.17902905

are oats grains?
oats seem pretty based to me hoss

>> No.17902968

Kings ate bread. Italian mob leaders ate pasts.

You post on 4Chan.

>> No.17902971

This. There is no universal definition for grains. Some people might define grains to include fruit or even dairy products.

>> No.17903035


>> No.17903088

Who in the flaming hell categorizes dairy as grain? Theyre probably insane, eat crayons and roll their poop into tiny balls

>> No.17903110

>roll their poop into tiny balls
Oddly specific.. you doing ok anon?

>> No.17903460

Go back to your cave grug

>> No.17903487


>> No.17903609
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>> No.17903963

schizo thread?

>> No.17904256

Only the schizophrenics denying the premise of the thread pretending they aren't eating slave food when they consume grains

>> No.17904267
File: 35 KB, 650x366, gayhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim are cattle.

White Christians needs to be replaced so gays will stop being politically oppressed.

That said, I do like my grains.

do you have a cute fem voice?

>flaming hell

pic related

>> No.17904324

the worst part about this logic and the suggestion that we ought eat animals instead - as if the animals we farm are in any way more 'natural' than the grains you despise. cattle themselves are so modified genetically that their wild ancestor is extinct..

>> No.17904332

Food is more than just grain and animals you tard. But yes animal meat is better than slave food

>> No.17904334

Speaking of slave food I have been meaning to buy some ham hocks and make something with it. I guess beans? Can you do something else?

There's lots of niggers where I live so they well weird smoked pork parts.

>> No.17904337

First learn to proofread what you type
Second make some brussel sprouts and throw some balsamic vinegar on those bitches

>> No.17904341

I don't like brussel sprouts they are bitter. THAT is slave food right there.

>First learn to proofread what you type

what part was unclear

>nooooo not a sentence fragment on 4channel im mellllllllting

>> No.17904364

>There's lots of niggers where I live so they well weird smoked pork parts.
Proofread stuff like this
Brussel sprouts are not slave food they are great and you haven't had good brussel sprouts if you think they taste bad. Grain was cultivated to be slave food and enabled the rise of civilization through being able to sustain large slave populations

>> No.17904385

What that's gramatically correct

I live in a high-nigger neigborhood. Thus, my grocery store sells unusual low-end pork parts that are often smoked, which would not be the case in a ritzier area.


>> No.17904485

i happen to be a mongolian nomad i primarily eat yak and horse

>> No.17904503

No, they didn't. The underglass hasn't reproduced till modernity. We all are the offspring of former elites, now middle and lower classes. And the elites, back in time and now are very much on a low grain diet.


“Northern Hunter Gatherer carb intake less than 15% of total energy, varies racially”
“Hunter Gatherers got 68% of their calories from animal products, seasonally resp. more"
“Stature and robusticity decline during the transition to agricultural life”
“Farming to blame for our shrinking size and brains“
“Big brained people are smarter”
“Prehistorical men increased in height due to surplus of high-quality protein and low populational density”
“Higher consumption of animal protein, esp. Milk and Pork correlates with increased height in Europeans”
“Height is a great indicator for health and agriculture reduced both”

You now realize that you are being farmed to be a slave and become non-reproductive.

>> No.17904511

>become non-reproductive
Where would (((they))) get the next generation of slaves from? Your schizo theories make no sense

>> No.17904525

Do you know what the georgia guidestones are? We don't need 9 bilion slaves in our technological future. And those of the future will be the fallen descandants of those elites, as was the case since for ever. Why do you think nearly all asian have Ginghiz Khan as their ancestor and europeans people like Charlemagne? Because those had the ability to produce many children, feed them through life and secure them a good life with similar prospects while serf children dies up to 70% and many of them never even reproduced to begin with. They didn't trickle down to modernity. That's why the supposed bong commoner which snatched the prince still was a direct descendant or on of williams great-great-great something fathers.

The lower classes of today are the ferilizer of the future, not those harvesting its fruits.

>> No.17904966
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>> No.17905079

Destroyed. Op will never recover. How does it feel knowing that you take part in the same activity as the rest of us cattle, OP?

>> No.17905085

Crab in a bucket mentality.

>> No.17905097

Immediate reply with
>n-no goyi…I mean, guys, that’s crazy talk
Really activates the almonds.

>> No.17905112
File: 13 KB, 187x188, soundsgoyimmake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are fucking cattle

moo for me

>> No.17905140

Kings and mob leaders were both puppets for the elite class that rarely if ever eats grains

>> No.17905188

This, Op just mad cause he gets after-sandwich shits and shills bread-denial for compensation

>> No.17905198

Ok slave

>> No.17905248

I have never heard this term before but it makes so much sense in things I have seen people do over the years.

>> No.17905273

It is. There is a study out there which even showed that people would rather get less money as long as they get more than their peers - even whe the alternative would be that everyone gets much more but equally as much. Basically mos humans are scum which would rather make everyone around them suffer than to step up together, which explains why people like >>17905079 proudly try to demoralize enybody from sharing and uplifting the populus. That's why I personally don't waste my time with such individuals and concentrate on those willing. The remainer will just becme another speck of dust in history.