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File: 738 KB, 3000x2000, creamy-bacon-carbonara-98843-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17897130 No.17897130 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Italians get so offended by Americans adding things like cream and mushrooms to Carbonara? It's not traditional but it tastes good at least? It'd be like us getting upset at hamburger variations. Food evolves with changing tastes surely?

>> No.17897137

They're not even real italians anymore, they're mutts from african muzzie invasions LARPing as real italians. They're part eggplant. So all they have is "muh food" even though it's just cheap shit peasants throw together because they have it laying around.

p.s. if I said the same thing about whites or americans mods wouldn't ban me

>> No.17897139

Imagine me cutting up hot dogs, mixing it with ketchup and calling it Texas BBQ.

>> No.17897173
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>literally describing currywurst

>> No.17897196
File: 128 KB, 1096x579, 12E177FA-A485-4F8F-9140-D1D29AD0634E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of most Italian food and cuisine that’s been exported across the world is literal cheap shit food too. It just isn’t all that special or sacrosanct that they should be even getting offended about it being bastardised

>> No.17897284

it's like how americans get offended if you add things to a grilled cheese. the dish is supposed to be simple, and if you use good pasta then the cream is redundant.

>> No.17897892

If the hot dogs were prepared on a grill and made in Texas, there is literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.17898116

>americans get offended if you add things to a grilled cheese
literally never happens, americans add stuff to grilled cheese all the time. we are, however, aware that a grilled cheese with other stuff on it is not a grilled cheese anymore.

>> No.17898149

Which is the same concept for carbonara.
If you add or subtract an ingredient it's no longer a carbonara but something else.
Feel free to add all the fat and corn syrup, we don't care, just call things for what the ACTUALLY are.

It's like retards calling every kind of sparkly white wine "champagne".
You do that, and you'll have the French from the Champagne region up your ass suing you out of your skin (rightfully so).

>> No.17898155
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because its changing something they think belongs to them.

>> No.17898165

Fuck off, I’m gonna move to China and make a sparkling wine and call it champagne and watch those frenchies start boiling like frogs in a pot

Then I’m gonna sell readymade carbonara with cream added.

>> No.17898178

People desperately try to cling to things that make them unique. Authentic doesn’t mean shit. If you feel like making an authentic dish, then go fucking do it and leave normal people alone.

>> No.17898208

>Turkey franks
You don't have to be Italian to be disgusted by this.

>> No.17898554

Why are you guys obsessed with Italians? I'm not even Italian but you sound like some italian guy didn't give you the dick

Btw I tried both carbonara with cream and without in Italy and desu they are right, cream makes the dish less rich

>> No.17898619

>discuss anything

>> No.17898671

I have visited ck for years and there are 3 Italian threads like this per week on average you vile reddit tourist
There's no even to discuss, if you out cream in carbonara you're basically retarded, Italian or not

>> No.17898705

Why do internet retards always pretend that Italians get mad over things? Have you ever seen an Italian get angry over some arbitrary food thing? I haven't. I know a dozen or so Italians and none of them give a shit if you put something non traditional in your food. A couple of them even like pineapple on pizza.

And no some random video on youtube you watched is not an accurate depiction of reality.

>> No.17898728

2006, fag, and i even use reddit too

>> No.17899665

So you're gonna move to a shit place and make garbage just because you're a dumb faggot that can't take being exposed as a plebeian in the wrong?
Wow that will sure show up the italians and the french!

>> No.17899745

No one cares abut your mutt friends, testadicazzo

>> No.17899950

kek this. Look at how they get mad about chili.

>> No.17899972

I doubt the average Italian gives a fuck what Americans do. Why would they?

>> No.17899974

I don’t think it’s just Italians who mock Americans. That’s more of a global sport in my experience.

>> No.17900001

I add mayonnaise to all my Italian dishes

>> No.17900011

not if you live in america. our wine is better than france's anyway.

>> No.17900017

Stop worrying about what the Italians think, anon.
A small handful of mushrooms or fresh raw peas is delicious and compliments the otherwise very dense and rich dish.

>> No.17900019

This never works very well. The part of the pasta inside the sausage doesn't cook the way it should.
But maybe if you used penne? That would allow waterflow through the whole contraption. I'm gonna try that later today and report back.

>> No.17900026


Why not call it alla panna or a more appropriate name?

Italians use cream in white sauces all the time, they just dont call it carbonara.

Its like if someone served you a meatball sub they advertised as a hot dog. Theres nothing wrong putting meatballs in bread, but get the name right.

>> No.17900067

What if they called it a hotdog with meatballs?

>> No.17900076

Ah so here is the pure autism and retardation on full display.
>adding a bit of cream to a sauce is comparable to the difference between a hotdognand a meatball
Also idgaf what its supposed to be called, Godnallowednkento be born in America, so I have the luxury of not giving a shit and browbeating the world into accepting it.

>> No.17900084

Then why pretend it's champagne?

>> No.17900092

*I add mayonnaise to all my dishes.
You probably eat it from the jar too, fatty.

>> No.17900105

This is true.
Paul Masson blows French Champagne out of the water.

>> No.17900107

Eggs and oil are both acceptable in Carbonara. I see no issue with a little mayo.

>> No.17900118

because a carbonara is not a creme sauce. its that simple. youre not making a carbonara so dont call it that.

>> No.17900145

nobody gets upset when you're putting cream sauce on noodles
people get upset when you call that Spaghetti Carbonara, which is a specific dish

to use hamburger variation analogy, imagine some italian made you a burger with capers and anchovies and said it's the BigMac or made burger with no cheese and called it Cheeseburger alla Palermo

>> No.17900319
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Let's see how it do

>> No.17900357
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x1840, IMG_20220527_145144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasta still a bit al dente in the middle. I was expecting better.
Control group turned fine.

>> No.17900452

The idea was decent but it's obvious that pasta gets cooked both on the inside and outside of penne
Results should be better than spaghetti but still mediocre
I still commend your effort that was made out of pure curiosity and i completly appreciate your research
A totally deserved (You) directly from ESL-kun enterprises

>> No.17900545

I'd think it would be funny

>> No.17900567
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Last week I had a lady order the redfish without the redfish at our place.

>> No.17900585
File: 259 KB, 1400x789, IMG_20220527_144651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but I still expected it to be a little better.
Spaghetti only gets cooked on one side after all.
There was also a secondary issue of flotation which meant I had to manually flip the pieces. It got better as they cooked but if the middle had turned out more promising I would have revisited this with a sieve or something keeping everything underwater.
It is good to try new things and it still tasted fine.

>> No.17900590

Yeah, if drowning everything in fat can be called "evolution"

>> No.17900595

> if you use good pasta then the cream is redundant.
wtf does that even mean

how is good pasta remotely supposed to substitute for cream

>> No.17900602

The fact that you made this question tells a lot about your cooking level (which is close to zero in case you were wondering again)

>> No.17900605

>Feel free to add all the fat and corn syrup, we don't care, just call things for what the ACTUALLY are.
why do you give a shit what people call things? why does it matter? aren't you just complaining loudly to flaunt your own knowledge? all it shows is that you're inflexible in your use of language.

>> No.17900613

the fact that you made this non-answer tells me you don't have anything to say.

>> No.17900622

how about if you ordered steak with pepper sauce and got beef stew with bell peppers?

>> No.17900627
File: 1001 KB, 1194x895, fat_orson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17900636

Carbonara without cream is pretty easy to make, but fuck me if I manage Alfredo without cream.