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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 633 KB, 847x567, Quiet-salt-reduction-is-vital-but-gourmet-salt-growth-may-stifle-industry-efforts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17890744 No.17890744 [Reply] [Original]

>salt is........ LE BAD
Where did this meme come from? Salt is the best thing that you could ever put in your body.

>> No.17890749

>sugar is... LE BAD
>fat is... LE BAD
>salt is... LE BAD
>red meat is... LE BAD
>seafood is... LE BAD

>> No.17890756

None of those are fundamentally bad, too much of them however is detrimental for your health (except maybe seafood, no idea). People are too retarded to understand moderation and balance it seems.

>> No.17890757

I wonder (((who))) is behind this.

>> No.17890763

sugar is bad though, your body metabolites protein into glucose whenever it needs it

>> No.17890768

>Go on the internet
>check a food board
>immediately find someone blaming the jews for something
Will this meme ever die? It's been around since the Romans so probably not aye.

Out of curiosity >>17890757 have you ever seen evidence of (((Them)) in real life or have you just pieced together random facts you've heard over the years?

>> No.17890797

This is caused by decades of scaremongering by state funded media-campains, based on old data, which has resulted in generations of people thinking that salt is the devil, and that even a pinch of salt is already pushing the boundaries of what is safe. My boomer parents are like that sadly, anytime I cook for them I make sure they are not present in the kitchen when I salt the food or they'll start preaching about the dangers of salt.
Too much sodium without enough potassium and water in your diet can give issues, but if you take those into account and apply some moderation, you'll be fine.

>> No.17890798

>best thing that you could ever put in your body
Wrong. It's the second best. My cock is the first best.

>> No.17890801

Salt is only bad if you dont drink water. People who drink soda, coffee, tea, and juice have this problem. Also people who eat processed crap but they usually drink soda.

>> No.17890818

>It's been around since the Romans
Wonder why

>> No.17890839

Fuck off Adam

>> No.17890850

Wonder who is behind this post

>> No.17890907

Drinking water doesn't immediately offset the effects of consuming too much salt, your body still needs time to process it and flush it out. There might also be some evidence of high amounts of salt causing inflammation in your digestive system which when combined with other factors could increase the risk of some cancers.

Of course that doesn't mean any amount of salt is bad. You still need some sodium in your diet for optimal health and one study showed that not consuming enough salt could be just as bad as too much salt in some ways. If you eat a lot of processed and premade food you might be consuming a bit too much salt. But it's not poison that you need to completely avoid either.

>> No.17890913

Also I've heard some people say it's not so much that sodium is the problem, rather it's the lack of potassium since potassium helps mitigate the effects of too much sodium. But I don't know too much about that to say if that's true or not.

>> No.17890968
File: 1.48 MB, 540x960, AND THE LOATHSOME DUNG EATER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOA there fella... [gets closer to you and sniffs]
You smellin... sus, sonny. (Pulls out a ruler and measures ur nose length)
Hmm... subterfuge length..

>> No.17891044

>been around since the Romans
it really hasn't, those were completely different jews they were just the pissy arabs who enjoyed rioting because things were being improved before Muhammad made being pissed at other people a religion, same thing with medieval Jews, those were just gypsies before the poos did it, they followed Greek and Syrians up into Europe looking for wealth. The modern "jew" didn't come up until Venetian & Perugian bankers during the Renaissance started following the Catholic Church's heavier punishment of banks charging loans in profitable ways such as Interest so as a way to avoid that they hired or jews themselves became bankers and middle managers for banking companies such as the Medici from there it became a common taught practice for Jewish families like Chinese people & their restaurants or laundry shops.

as such jews were seen as greedy and shady bankers because they basically had become tools for larger banking, and trading family and companies to profit without upsetting the church but still fall under the judgmental eye of the church goers.

>> No.17891058

First of all you little shit I have unironic Ayrian heritage. Second of all answer the damn question. I'm not even asking for evidence. If you can honestly say that you've seen first hand that the jewery are malicious I'll let it go (for now at least). and nothing about race mixing or trans shit. Right or wrong those people believe what they are saying it's not a conspiracy.

>> No.17891358

>First of all you little shit I have unironic Ayrian heritage.
>Fellow whites....

>> No.17891399
File: 85 KB, 1200x843, WaluigiSmashNever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saying salt is either "bad" or "good" is retarded.
Like most everything else it depends on how much of it and who's consuming it.
If it's someone in their 40s or older with high blood pressure then they'd probably be better off not having a lot of salt in their diet.

>> No.17891405

all these only apply to 300lb fat people. for normal active people these are essential

>> No.17891410

yeah thats why athletes such as bicyclists refuel every hour with energy gels which contain a lot of sugar

>> No.17891411
File: 37 KB, 657x527, apucoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt is only bad if you dont drink water. People who drink soda, coffee, tea, and juice have this problem.
No, that's a stupid meme. Most drinks are about as hydrating as plain water
>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol.
Also the idea you need 8 glasses of water a day is a misunderstanding of a 1945 Food and Nutrition Board article.
>A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.

>> No.17891417

So true. I'm having salt for lunch :)

>> No.17891431

yes, and why if you measure their blood sugar it will be through the roof. Sugar is bad, and athletes should run on ketones for longevity

>> No.17891441

Appreciate the clarification. What's a smart guy like you doing amongst these shit for brains
who still aren't answering my question btw

>> No.17891453

Now go one step further and understand hydration is all about electrolyte balance

>> No.17891498

Where did anyone say it wasn't about electrolyte balance?

>> No.17891507

They didn’t.
You’re replying to a spastic with poor reading comprehension.

>> No.17891512

body needs sodium to work correcly

>> No.17891526

Yes yes no no no

>> No.17891576

I'd argue that refined sugar is always bad on some level, even it's almost entirely impossible to avoid completely.