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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17876283 No.17876283 [Reply] [Original]

This is lowkey delicious. Fuck the haters.

>> No.17876288

what's the point of putting red pepper flakes on that? It's a miniscule amount, so you can't even taste it.

>> No.17876290

Forget about buying you first home and living in mamas basement forever, zoomie

>> No.17876292

looks good i like my avocado toast with a little mayonnaise

>> No.17876294

avacado has less flavour than vaseline and an ever worse texture

no fucking thanku

>> No.17876300

avocado is quite creamy. a little bit of spice goes further than normal

I have this shit every day for breakfast.

>> No.17876324

It's called salt, gramps.
I do salt, some diced red onion, a slice of a roma tomato chopped, cumin, and some lime.

>> No.17876341

Avocado toast is just nice when you want something a bit more than butter but not a full sandwich. Genuinely no idea why it's such a meme food.

>> No.17876350

Avocado became known as the millennial meme food around 5 years ago. Apparently the "hold my beer" for millennials is "hold my avocado."

>> No.17876357

>Millennials are not only spending the most, but they also purchase avocados more frequently than non-millennials. HAB estimated that about 80% of millennials bought avocados more than once in 2018, while 77% of non-millennials made repeat purchases.
Apparently it's unfounded.

>> No.17876360

I prefer tacos de aguacate.

>> No.17876378

salt isn't going to rescue that mush anon

>> No.17876390

That's exactly what it does. This is cooking 101.

>> No.17876391

Wow, American avocados must suck. Weird because they're grown in the native continent. Australian soil confirmed as a magical enhancer.

>> No.17876397

How are you going to afford a house tho?

>> No.17876400

That anon is autistic.

>> No.17876410

doesn't make up for the textcha

I'm not Merrickan cunt

>> No.17876476

avocados are fine but you need a LOT of salt.

>> No.17876526
File: 662 KB, 3846x5000, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avocado toast
old & busted

>> No.17876536

The avocado is nature's mayo.

>> No.17876537
File: 17 KB, 200x350, 6345684678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm way more hipster than this, i spread miso compound butter on my toast

>> No.17876540

guacamole on a slice of dark rye toast is absolutely divine

>> No.17876553

get on my level
>sourdough rye toast
>sriracha mayonnaise
>fermented beetroot
>pea sprouts
>parmiggiano reggiano crisps

>> No.17876554

>bread and avocado
If you think there is anything controversial about this you are the problem.

>> No.17876567

Some retards on Fox News were blaming unaffordable housing on millennials spending all their money on avocado toast. It then became the standard for boomer anti-millennial facebook memes.

>> No.17876574

If you don't know what you're talking about, keep quiet.

>> No.17876576

Housing is still affordable in USA if you look a little bit outside the CBDs. You're probably a fellow Australian where tax incentives make existing property a desirable place for the rich to park money.

>> No.17876626


>> No.17876646

central business district, it's an key location in the city of lorville on planet hurston

>> No.17876680

It's still affordable it's just a lot higher than it was two years ago which makes me seethe because I won't be ready to buy until a year or two from now.

>> No.17876725

you mean ready to rent

>> No.17876765

No I mean ready to buy.

>> No.17876770

Ricotta or any other kind of fresh unaged cheese is good for that too.

>> No.17877031

It actually is, but it is also too overhyped.

>> No.17877060

blackrock wants to know your location

>> No.17877145

what's the point of lowkey in that sentence

>> No.17877150

The avocado we get in Europe isn't really flavourful enough to make that a worthwhile breakfast.

>> No.17877670
File: 104 KB, 600x682, 9D196385-A7E7-451E-9373-094265859D3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re thinking of cum anon

>> No.17877689

Toss on a few deenz and some hot sauce and you're in heaven.

>> No.17877717

awful thread. everyone loves it. millennials played up how much they loved it so much that it became a meme.

>> No.17877718

This is a nice picture, they both look so happy. But since this is 4chan, i am quite certain I am missing the racism here...

>> No.17877731

>kool aid
>a watermelon
Yeah really a subtle image I must be missing something as well.

>> No.17877734

white boy hit that black bitch with the quadruple whammy. guaranteed pussy. and just looks at that face. he knows that he knows.

>> No.17877756


Great lazy dinner

>> No.17878143

In a restrained way. Behind all the memes and controversy it's a delicious food.

>> No.17879238

Avocados are lovely. but having them on toast is for faggot hipsters and lesbians

>> No.17879330

making avacado toast yourself at home is fine
the meme comes from millineals that go down to their local hipster gentrification cafe and pay some hipster faggot $20 to make it with "premium all organic non gmo" ingredients.

>> No.17879421

You could make it yourself for $5 even if you want the highest quality ingredients. I probably spend $2 each.

>> No.17879457

they still upcharge the fuck out of you though because they can.
just try going to any trendy "brunch" place and order an avocado toast. guarantee it will be nowhere close to $5.

>> No.17879460

I used to eat this as a poor person. Except sometimes it was corn tortillas and avocado

>> No.17879463

They do it because they have to. Almost all restaurants make no more than pennies.

>> No.17879465

I fucking hate avocado, no idea why.

I soft-scramble eggs instead because fuck that noise. That's like, warm delicious vs cold ass.

>> No.17879471

He knows the ass is fat don't fuck around bruh.

>> No.17879476
File: 116 KB, 878x965, 1643098895853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's delicious but honestly kind of decadent. I like guacamole for instance but adding it to a burger or toast seems excessive, like if you haven't eaten all day kind of additive. It kind of grosses me out when people add a slice of avocado to their burger too, that's just way too much.

>> No.17879539

The point isnt blaming restaurants, it's the fault of zoomers paying to have basic shit like coffee made for them.

I threw down $800 on a Breville espresso machine, but it pays for itself after a year.

>> No.17879571

But you miss out on everything about going out for a coffee. All you get is a coffee, which has never been the point.

>> No.17879583

Going out for a solo coffee? It's one thing if you're going on a coffee date or are just interested in the local scenery, but going to a coffee shop for no reason other than to have your daily dose is fucking ridiculously retarded.

>> No.17879661

Actually sounds like it could be worth it. I wouldn't go that high but I do like some variety. Is there a lot of maintenance to it?
I call bullshit here. I won't use the word addiction but it's a habit or ritual of sorts. Many people just go to the store and leave it. The point is the coffee.

>> No.17879784
File: 1.31 MB, 1211x807, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

espresso you need the machine, and a good quality one is expensive and requires regular maintainance, something a buisness like a cafe or restaurant can manage easily, but for an individual its a large investment of time and money. selling and buying espresso makes perfect sense, everything about the model works. the cafe makes a profit and the customer recieves the product they wouldn't have the time or skill to make themselves at home. everyone wins

now take a look at the avocado on toast. anyone can buy avocados and bread at the grocery store. it takes about 30 seconds of effort to slice bread, put in the toaster, scoop out the avocado and mash it on some toast. it takes no special skills. the restaurant makes a lower profit on this than the espresso because the ingredients are more expensive, and the customer recieves a product they could have made themselves for less effort than travelling to the restaurant, and they will pay upwards of 3 times more than the cost of the ingredients.

>> No.17880763

Maintenance is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Just empty out and clean the drip tray when it gets full. Once a month you backflush it, every other month you replace the water filter cartridge, and depending on your water hardness you descale it with an acidic solution every 5~8 months or so. There's a ton of Youtube tutorials for all of this.

Going to a cafe with friends is still an option, but it's an occasion rather than a daily fix now. I order smoothies/frappucinos only because I do not have a powerful enough blender at home for ice.

>> No.17880978

>living in mamas basement forever, zoomie

>> No.17881401

This just seems like chips and guacamole but more work.

>> No.17881474

It's only more work in that this way requires you to toast a slice of bread.

>> No.17881517

Oh boy I remember when avocados were expensive. Those were the days. Now I only see rich people send their butlers to buy them.

I don't like red pepper flakes in this type of food because it overpowers it and ruins the whole point of the dish, which is the flavor and texture and smell of avocado and toast.

>> No.17881871

Underaged redditor ban

>> No.17882692

>kfc watermelon kool aid
How did he get away with this?

>> No.17883112

Add some deens on top, like how alton brown made it

>> No.17883123
File: 370 KB, 615x506, IMG_1102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought my home
>Filled it with avocados and toast

>> No.17884945


>> No.17886545

Sounds pretty good. By fermented beetroot do you mean pickled beetroot or like beetroot sauerkraut?

>> No.17886560

idk if you know this but jigaboos genuinely love all that shit
they may seethe at the stereotype
but not even the most uppity negro would turn down a free chicken meal washed down with kool aid

>> No.17886562

What would the difference be?

>> No.17886567
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 1648138856217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't afford that shit

>> No.17886568

We have pickled beetroot and it's pickled in a brine of vinegar and shit like that. Fermented beetroot (like Sauerkraut) would be grated beetroot with salt that ferments.

>> No.17886582

Yeah you’re going to need to go ahead and KYS zoom zoom.

>> No.17886602

boomer no cap bussin cringe fr fr not lit

>> No.17886637

Go back to /int/ schizo