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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17864682 No.17864682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me as if I was a retarded 5 year old why food prices are going up?

The pizzeria by me used to have a 10 wing special for $10 now that same special is $18

>> No.17864684

joe biden = bad
hope that clears it up

>> No.17864696

The scamdemic fucked up most of the chain supply and businesses so everything is affected

>> No.17864713

Covid fucked everything up and inflation is a thing. This is a significant and lengthy event, what are you having trouble grasping?

>> No.17864729

Feetilizer prices have gone up. Gas prices have gone up. FED using the money printer without restraint. Minor effects of Ukraine's lack of ability to fully export their produce. Biden increasing spending + limiting shale and that canadian oil pipe line. Immigration unchecked has led to more mouths to feed.

>> No.17864732

They printed a lot of money and now money is worth less. Also, this has been happening for 50 years.

>> No.17864746

chicken specifically had a big shock after disease required a big cull. Kinda like how baby formula is hot right now because of recalls

>> No.17864749

Because they want you to eat bugs and live in a pod.

>> No.17864751
File: 163 KB, 993x1024, klaus_bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You vill eat ze bugs
>You vill live in ze pod
>You vill own nothing
>Und you vill be happy
Was not a meme. Schizos were right all along. Buy Chainlink and XRP if you want to save yourself and your lineage.

>> No.17864756
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>> No.17864777
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haha weird right

>> No.17864782

As someone whose diet is mostly rice, oats, canned beans, frozen chicken breast, frozen ground beef, fruits, and vegetables....I've barely noticed food prices going up.

Healthy eating is cheaper.

>> No.17864784

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.17864796

make me

>> No.17864804


If you learn how to cook, you can make those things taste good.

>> No.17864820

People in poor countries have been getting richer in the past 40 years. They now want good things too.

They want good schools, good plumbing, clean daycare centres, safe roads, nice TVs, better air, great spices, quality fish, wine, beer, beautiful kitchens and fresh fruit.

Forget about Biden, covid and the war in Ukraine. Those are symptoms, not causes.

Gas, bread and beer prices have been increasing 10% each year, for the past 30 years. There's too much demand and not enough supply. And it's going to get a whole lot worse very soon.

>> No.17864828

>Gas, bread and beer prices have been increasing 10% each year, for the past 30 years. There's too much demand and not enough supply. And it's going to get a whole lot worse very soon.
This is not true at all

>> No.17864886

>it's going to get a whole lot worse very soon.
is very very true

>> No.17864896

you are being culled

>> No.17864901

scamdemic indeed. it ruined the global supply and demand infrastructure. some say it was intentional to bring in the government crypto currencies and some form of UBI to "save" everyone while locking down control in the hands of the financiers and their pet politicians

>> No.17865051

4 years of Trump.
>b-but the president doesn't really have that much power or affect anything
No, when you put a retard in charge you are going to feel the effects.

>> No.17865082

Shouldn't you be in the studio recording episodes of The View?

>> No.17865083
File: 1.43 MB, 720x720, joe_biden.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years of Trump was 4 years of no wars, cheap gas, cheap food, American energy independence, prosperity etc
>shitty things go into overdrive AFTER Trump's presidency ended, when the establishment swamp monsters were back in charge
>TDS sufferers somehow conclude Trump is to blame, still holding him personally responsible for every shitty thing going on in the world while never once criticizing the current POTUS

>> No.17865090

shut up chud

>> No.17865097

The Trump years were pretty fucking shitty, dude. But you'd blame all the bad things on Obama, right?

>> No.17865106
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>> No.17865108

yeah I remember under trump when I couldn't afford gas or get formula for my baby it was terrible

>> No.17865111

Shale thrived under Trump. First week Biden decided to gut that entire sector lol

>> No.17865114

don't call me chud, chud

>> No.17865115

This. Paying $25 to fill my car's gas tank was pretty brutal.

>> No.17865122

thank goodness the adults are back in charge now

>> No.17865128

make me

>> No.17865134

J _ _ _ S

>> No.17865137

>trump should be praised for the pandemic because gas prices were low when nobody was driving
>biden should be blamed for ukraine because he knows about geopolitical politics which is why putin waited for trump to be out of office because he was too stupid to deal with and he got tired of having to have to explain things to him
You people live in such a delusional world I can't even.

>> No.17865147
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Remember when Democrats and their media puppets didn't give a fuck about Obama and Biden locking up brown kids at the border, then acted like it was a humanitarian crisis and a national embarrassment when the same thing happened under Trump?

>> No.17865158

and that's why we had to start ww3 and cause food shortages to own the chuds

>> No.17865160
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>>trump should be praised for the pandemic because gas prices were low when nobody was driving
Bidenbros... I don't feel so good

>> No.17865161

uh transphobic much

>> No.17865162
File: 91 KB, 1024x536, basta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama is president
>all sorts of fuckery in Ukraine, including a Russian invasion
>Trump is president
>nothing happens in Ukraine
>Obama's sidekick is president
>like clockwork the fuckery and Russian invasions in Ukraine resume
You'll never guess which of those three presidents libcucks blame for the fuckery in Ukraine and the Russian invasions

>> No.17865682
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>> No.17865714

You have schizophrenia

>> No.17865748

please describe one scenario where things get better

>> No.17865846

Cute girl hugs you and tells you she genuinely loves you for who you are.

>> No.17865858

I am confident I could hold you down and rape you if I wanted to in real life.

>> No.17865865

Money printer went brrrr. More money make people want more stuff. Covid and Ukraine make less stuff be around. Number go up.

>> No.17865871

I don't know what the figure is but food prices have been outpacing inflation for like 10-15 years.

>> No.17865872

in addition to inflation or whatever, gas prices are way up. this affects the price of pretty much anything since it takes more money to ship goods anywhere, and that cost is passed down to pretty much everyone

>> No.17865873

based rapist

>> No.17865894

I guess you voted for Biden. So theres your answer.

>> No.17865961

The FED has kept interest rates stupidly low since the housing crisis recession. This coming inflation was in the works for over a decade at this point. (despite the warnings of everybody who knew anything about monitary policy) The really shitty thing about it is that it's also going to be going on during the upcoming recession/housing crysis.(also caused by the FED)

>> No.17866025

The 4 years of Biden is just adding fuel to the fire

>> No.17866031

nothing more confident than raping somebody

>> No.17866057

In my area, due to the Ukraine shit, gas has pretty much doubled in the past two months. this means that when Luigi orders his dough to be delivered, the distributor pays a lot more to make the same trip to drop off the dough. they rise prices on Luigi to make up the difference so now Luigi, who had razor thin margins already, is going to be losing money on every pizza he makes unless he raises prices. now consider that it's not just dough but literally everything in the store that costs more to make. god forbid you order delivery on top of that, that's another thing directly fucked up by gas prices (though a lot of places just let their drivers get fucked in the ass by gas and don't cover that, so maybe a poor high schooler will have to eat that cost instead of you)

>> No.17866066

US prices are finally catching up to prices the rest of the world has been paying for the last 10 years
you cunts are already complaining about paying $6/gallon when we know that a year from now you'll be paying $12/gallon like we are
hope you enjoy your $17 big mac meals

>> No.17866068

wtf I hate inflation now?

>> No.17866072

>buy crypto
>that's heavily taxxed
>that you have to report as assets to the IRS or you get gulag'd