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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 242 KB, 2500x1875, Broccoli_edited-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17858247 No.17858247 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this flower shilled as some sort of wonder vegetable?

When in fact it's toxic to the human body and causes more harm than it gives benefits.

>> No.17858253

It's the only vegetable that tastes good desu

>> No.17858255
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>> No.17858257

Not op but how do you not know its a flower ??
Are you 7

>> No.17858258

i eat the trees and it makes poop come out of my body when i want it to.
what's the problem.

>> No.17858723

It's a vegetable that humans literally evolved into existence. By eating broccoli you salute your ancestors, and take pride in the capacity for human invention.

>> No.17858731

Tastes good.

>> No.17858739

tastes rotten even when fresh

>> No.17858749

For me, it's boiled with some salt

>> No.17858751

Winners eat it. I eat it

>> No.17858946

And you are still a loser. It should make you think.

Rich and sucesful people don't waste their time on peasant food.

>> No.17858975


>> No.17858993

you need to work on your grammar, boy

>> No.17859077

Yes. It's a flower. Do they not teach ypu this in school? Are you American?

>> No.17859088

I saw on a food documentary that we should eat a brassica vegetable at least every two days, are they lying to us?

>> No.17859091

>Do they not teach ypu this in school?
No they dont, not in my country (as far as I remember) I learnt it a while later while reading about food on my own

>> No.17859095

I don't even think they should have to teach it in school I think it should be fairly obvious

>> No.17859096

I'm american. All the time in school was used for holocaust class.

>> No.17859100

Well hopefully you know better not to have kids in a country like that

>> No.17859106

It's not, unless you see it bloom which most people would not

>> No.17859117

What part of the plant do you think this is then?

>> No.17859119

I already know it's a flower, before I learnt that I never thought about what part it was because I didn't care

>> No.17859127

I mean most people just have an innate understanding of the world around you.

This to me would be like explaining to somebody that meat came out of a animal.

>> No.17859130

I know people are s*** hits on here but that is just crazy to me that someone could not know something so simple.

>> No.17859134
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>> No.17859142

It doesn't look like a typical flower so they don't assume that it is, if someone gave it more than a minute's thought they would figure it out easily, but most people don't think about something so insignificant because it just doesn't matter to them

>> No.17859150

I do not think you know what the word innate means

>> No.17859177

People are too lazy to have innate understandings, I'm not sure how you dont understand my point that the world is too apathetic to have opinions on artificial vegetables that dont have natural appearances

>> No.17859190

We really do need a one or two child policy

>> No.17859202

>How can people not think the same way I do in a world that doesn't resemble anything natural
Okay autismo

>> No.17859313

Broccoli is loaded with goitrogens, particularly one group called thiocyanates. The consequence of eating these thiocyanates is the potential to develop the very serious condition of hypothyroidism

One guy did an experiment and ate nothing but brocoli for a week. He was fatigued, poisoned and literally felt like dying:



Green flower that looks unapetizing and toxic, smells fucking horrid is...TOXIC. Who would've thought kek

>> No.17859322

>One guy did an experiment and ate nothing but brocoli for a week. He was fatigued, poisoned and literally felt like dying:

Well no shit

>> No.17859324

Right, he forgot his vegan vitamin stack. He would be much better if he took magic pills.

>> No.17859425

>One guy did an experiment and ate nothing but brocoli for a week. He was fatigued, poisoned and literally felt like dying:
"If you cannot sustain yourself on this food and this food alone, it must be unhealthy", what kind of fucking argument is that?

I am willing to be convinced, but it will have to be some scientific or quantitative argument, not some youtube vlogger eating nothing but one food and then wondering why it's not good for you.
Is it just me or is 4chan getting increasingly delusional?

>> No.17859443

>consume a few hundred calories at most of carbs
>no fat or protein
>trying to remain physically active while doing this
>"i don't feel good"

>> No.17859444

You sound delusional. It has no actual nutrients, only anti-nutrients in the form of goitrogens/thiocyanates it's a literal poison, that our body naturally tries to reject.

>> No.17859502
File: 70 KB, 1202x740, nqoMm7p5ZNp-WaxA7zvF0kXQcQKBOmE0EjLynSzP2XY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have survived on nothing but pizza for an entire month.
>Not only have I proven that pizza is healthy for you
>But I've proven that I am the healthiest man in America by eating nothing but the healthiest food.

>> No.17859515
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1668, 621c425c9cb72c478b65033be00db980225dca51166ed79d3c1768c46ceb8b39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17859520

Pizza, at least a proper one. Has protein, fats and carbs. So that's perfectly reasonable food. Unlike this >>17859444
toxic trash. Flowers shouldn't be eaten, I thought this was common knowledge since the dawn of time.

>> No.17859541
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x2160, q1LXTFk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17859549

>anime tranny
>calling anyone a retard
You didn't refute any of his points. Go eat your toxins and kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.17859582

>Bad for you

Based. Started roasting these fellas this week and they're pretty tasty with mushrooms.

>> No.17859588

>Flowers shouldn't be eaten, I thought this was common knowledge since the dawn of time.
Some flowers are edible. Not eating plants hasn't been common in human history.

>> No.17859658

Midwit take. How do you think caviar became prized by the rich? Or ceviche? Or brisket? Brainlet.

>> No.17859663

If you eat nothing but broccoli for a week you are retarded. If you use a guy eating nothing but broccoli for a week as evidence that it's bad, you're even more retarded. I shouldn't have to explain why, because the answer should be self evident.

>> No.17859670

Civilizations since the dawn of time and before have eaten flowers. Our primitive ancestors ate them too. Acting authoritatively about shit you know nothing about seems to be a hallmark of 4chan lately

>> No.17859791

No anon, my EVROPAN school did not cover the properties of broccoli or indeed any other vegetables or fruits for that matter
I know, it's shameful

>> No.17859853
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, AnimeWebsite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17859925
File: 79 KB, 530x441, Broccoli blooming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes flowers. Have you never seen brocolli bloom before?

>> No.17859947

I've never seen that before, looks cool. Thanks anon
There are anime centered boards on this website, use them. The cooking board is not for anime.

>> No.17859967

My ass

>> No.17859981

Most people don't see broccoli outside a grocery store so no

>> No.17859982
File: 445 KB, 400x536, AnimeWebsite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17859994

Do you really need to be handed essays every time someone mentions a supposed fact? If you question it go read about it to learn more

>> No.17860050

Cooking is not anime

>> No.17860052

Your ass is a source for old cum and double sided dildos

>> No.17860284
File: 286 KB, 360x640, AnimeWebsiteAkari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cooking-themed anime board

>> No.17860293

Cooking and anime are not mutually exclusive.
Feel free to report every anime picture you see as being off topic.
Let us know how that turns out for you.

>> No.17860419

/ck/ - food and cooking
I sure don't see "anime" in the board title
On this board they are, and yes I do report anime posters on irrelevant boards. I would expect visitors of the anime boards to report off topic posts, wouldn't they?

>> No.17860480
File: 2.98 MB, 960x540, qa anime match.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an anime website. Every board is an anime board with its own specific theme
>come to anime website

>> No.17860517

ok groomer

>> No.17860518


>> No.17860531


>> No.17860536
File: 255 KB, 1140x1140, il_1140xN.2490616865_htt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brassica is the single most important plant family after any of the grains for humans. Just the family of Brassica that broccoli is in, brassica oleracea, composes of a good portion of vegetables you can get in the market.

>> No.17860548

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.17860550
File: 69 KB, 775x701, Brassica-collage-wheel6-775x701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brassica rapa, which the most common family member is the turnip, is probably as important if not more than Brassica oleracea in East Asia.

>> No.17860552


>> No.17860553

Brassica got mogged HARD by Solanum in the last few hundred years.
It's not even close anymore.

>> No.17860563

Fuck off

>> No.17860581

The potato would qualify as a grain, and I agree, nothing can beat that. But arguably, the rest of the family with tomatoes and eggplants as fruits can't really compare to the variety Brassica does.

>> No.17860593

>The potato would qualify as a grain
No it doesn't.
That's like calling a carrot a grain.

>> No.17860659

Tomatoes, egg plants, AND peppers. If we're talking the same family.

>> No.17860674
File: 2.03 MB, 2641x1981, CA0F4C1F-B867-4535-B50E-EE0DBC5E40B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat stupid amounts of broccoli. Low calories for the amount of bulk.

>> No.17860709

Nice argument, you vegan subhuman

>> No.17860713

All fitness you tubers and meal prep people say that broccoli is healthy for you. Therefore it is healthy. Considering the price and easy preparation. It becomes a good side dish to add.

>> No.17860727

>All fitness you tubers and meal prep people say that broccoli is healthy for you.
They are paid to say that. And if you listen to other people instead of making your own research, then you are a retard.

>> No.17861418
File: 92 KB, 1098x915, salata-verde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it is the Lactuca.

>> No.17861454

>spreading disinfo about broccoli on a cambodian beatboxing forum
this is some avant-garde shitposting

>> No.17862296

see >>17859313

You are coping hard. Just like believers indoctrinated by their parents during developement of the childish brain.