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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17855892 No.17855892 [Reply] [Original]

>No seasoning required
Learn to appreciate the raw, natural flavours of what you consume

>> No.17855936

i fell for the no salt meme once and became hyponatremic and almost had to go to the hospital before someone older and wiser than me figured it out and gave me salt to lick

>> No.17855943

Do whiteoids really

>> No.17855947

the human body can't live without some sodium. It's needed to transmit nerve impulses, contract and relax muscle fibers

>> No.17855954

Point to me where on the plate the salt should be applied.

>> No.17855966

People have been seasoning food with salt and pepper at least as far back as the Romans and the ancient Egyptians and probably before then as well so drop the "reconnect with your food" horseshit and just admit you're a faggot with shit taste

>> No.17855970

The vegetables and the potatoes and the salmon should have pepper, lemon juice, and dill.

>> No.17855971

Fuck off

>> No.17855973

Proving once again that you have shit taste

>> No.17855983

Bullshit. Pepper just overrides everything. Salmon with pepper just becomes pepper. Potatoes with pepper just becomes pepper. Vegetables with pepper just becomes fucking pepper.

I can taste, appreciate natural flavours. You need a crutch. You're basically the snotty kid that puts tomato ketchup with everything.

>> No.17856007

Damn you're right that salmon could use some ketchup too

>> No.17856022

How did we survive before we started getting sea salt or mining rock salt then?

>> No.17856032

drinking ocean water of course

>> No.17856035

>Pepper just overrides everything
Tastelet detected

>> No.17856042

the sea

>> No.17856043

>Pepper overrides everything

Holy tastelet

>> No.17856051

You're not welcome here, fuck off out of my thread. Fuck off.

>> No.17856053

It’s not exactly like humans lived long lives in the past, anon.

>> No.17856055

The fuck is this giga cope? People lived a long time if they weren't getting stabbed. You think old people are a new thing? Retard

>> No.17856064

>People lived a long time if they weren't getting stabbed
What are diseases?
>you think old people are a new thing
Since medical advancements allowed for people to survive past their 40s, as well as huge improvements to sanitation, yes.

>> No.17856072


>> No.17856073

>What are diseases?
>huge improvements to sanitation, yes.
So you concede it's not a nutrition thing. Lmao you stupid

>> No.17856076

And remind me how not adding salt and fucking pepper to your food allows you to live longer, windowlicker.
>this isn’t a nutritional thing
And what exactly is your point?
This idea you’re trying to push has been btfo numerous times in your thread.

>> No.17856091

holy shit BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT IT UP! >>17856053 goddamn you are dumb as fuck bro

>> No.17856106
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Then your question is even more dumb as fuck than I thought.
No anon, not adding salt to your food doesn’t add years to your life. Humans in the past were not magically saved by not eating salt. Sanitation barely existed. They wiped their asses with their hands and barely washed. Not adding salt wasn’t going to save them.
Now toddle along and lick some fucking windows, retard.

>> No.17856119

Seasonings were only used in the past to cover the taste of rotten meat

People that actually know how to cook understand that seasonings cover the natural flavor of the food. Fresh ingredients >>>>>>>>>> seasonings in every case.

>> No.17856126

While I’m here, fuck your fad “no-salt, all-natural” bullshit
you got delusional from all the windowlicking


You’re a literal retard. You do realise sodium is also natural don’t you, tard?

>> No.17856133

Who has ever said not to eat salt you absolute fucking moron. Holy shit kill yourself you retard

>> No.17856135

anon, what do you get out of posting obvious bait? I want some knowledge on the inner working of bad shitposters

>> No.17856140

He’s busy licking the windows on his Shortbus on the way to his retard day care centre. He won’t provide you with any intelligent insight worthwhile of your time

>> No.17856141
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Nice cope pigskin

>> No.17856143

He posts his serious opinions in a bait structured way so people can't hurt his deep, sensitive feelings

>> No.17856145

>out of my thread
And your tastelet thread is on OUR board, retard.

>> No.17856165

We didn't. Our ancestors either lived close to bodies of water or knew of other sources of salt, like surface salt rocks or co-ingesting dirt/minerals with food. A lot of species love consuming salt.

>> No.17856171

So because Scandinavians post a correct and truthful analysis, they're wrong because they're white? I don't understand your argument. Also, it's pretty racist to assume that only white people live in Scandinavia. Stop covering up your food with lawry's seasoning salt.

>> No.17856178

Did someone jizz on your salmon?

>> No.17856181

the hot jizz cooks the raw salmon

>> No.17856184

Hey loser, take the hint and leave. Making shit up about me is obvious to anyone actually reading this thread and at this point you're basically spamming

Have you ever cooked salmon before? That's fat.

It's fat.

>> No.17856186

>cavemen eating surface salt rocks and dirt because they know they need salt
I'm pretty sure they ate bloody meat

>> No.17856197

I'm pretty sure you're extremely retarded

>> No.17856206

I know it's fat, it just looked funny and I wanted to make a joke
I usually roast salmon in a pan until it's medium rare, so I have never in my entire life before seen leaked fat on a salmon filets' surface

>> No.17856212

Not as retarded as your "surface salt rocks" story
or your argumentum ad hominem

>> No.17856216
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and it wasn't very funny, was it? Next time save us all from the rip-roarious laughter

>> No.17856232

Elephants in Africa have dug huge caves out over thousands of years by digging for salt. Goats climb up cliff faces to lick it.

>> No.17856240

do you have autism

>> No.17856247

Do you?

>> No.17856255
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Early neolithic salt production, dating to approximately 6,000 BCE, has been identified at an excavation, in Poiana Slatinei-Lunca, Romania. An example was the Via Salaria (originally a Sabine trail), leading from Rome to the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic, having a higher salinity due to its shallow depth, had more productive solar ponds compared with those of the Tyrrhenian Sea, much closer to Rome. The word "salary" comes from the Latin word for salt. The persistent modern claim that the Roman Legions were sometimes paid in salt is baseless;[5][6][7] a salārium may have been an allowance paid to Roman soldiers for the purchase of salt, but even that is not well established.[8][9]

>> No.17856288

People used to chew their some areas of the world people still do that's why women crave it when they're pregnant sometimes.
Why kids instinctively put it in their mouth

>> No.17856693

Based pepper hater. There are dozens of us. No longer will we be silent.

>> No.17856720

The fish is fine without it, but the vegetables and potatoes need salt.

>> No.17856732

this is how wh*te people will die out

>> No.17858001

>Making shit up about me is obvious to anyone actually reading this thread and at this point you're basically spamming
Stfu you’ve exposed yourself as a windowlicking retard multiple times, at this point it’s obvious you were in “remedial” class at school.

>> No.17858030

>Bullshit. Pepper just overrides everything. Salmon with pepper just becomes pepper. Potatoes with pepper just becomes pepper.


>> No.17858542

The black pepper to spicy for the angloid. A wonder that you can handle salt.

>> No.17858546


>> No.17858547

internet access isnt required either, go learn to appreciate the raw, nature and hug a tree or something

>> No.17858611

>dat black peppa too spicy foh dis wyte boi

>> No.17858750

Go tongue an ants nest, ape

>> No.17858854

Everything. Salt goes with everything.
>lol you would salt...
Yes. I would. And the shit you buy at the store is already presalted, cooklet

>> No.17858893

Do you think drinking from a hole in the ground could impact mineral contents?

>> No.17858896

Whats the green, cabbage?

>> No.17858903

You do know ho to regulate things, right?

>> No.17858916

Tell you what. You go on a sodium-free diet for the rest of your life and we'll see how that goes. Don't worry about the fact you're pissing a lot and feel dehydrated, it's just a short phase.

>> No.17858920

salt bad was a meme like 20 years ago and i fell for it
a lot of boomers are still falling for it to this day
live and learn

>> No.17858926

>there are dozens of us
>there are 24-96 of us (otherwise you would have said hundreds)
>world population: 7,868,872,451
>96/7,868,872,451 of the population or 1.22^e-8%
Yeah, I wonder which group is the retarded one.

>> No.17859211

Some salt is good for you (natural intake). Excess salt raises blood pressure and makes you die early.

>> No.17859216

Tastelet opinion? Or very good bait? I'm gonna go with both

>> No.17859219

Do you not consume seasonings? Are they not natural flavors?
>Butter on the potato
Is that not a seasoning?

>> No.17859823

mayonnaise colored hands typed this post

>> No.17859842

So what, if I want to eat garlic, I have to eat an entire bulb of garlic straight?
If I want to eat black pepper, I have to chew on the corns?
If I want to eat salt, I have to lick a block?
I'm not allowed to mix any of these with any other foods. I just have to shoot their "raw natural flavors".

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.17859895

If they were any good to eat, you would want to. It's telling that you don't.

>> No.17859897
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>Who has ever said not to eat salt you absolute fucking moron.
>salt bad was a meme like 20 years ago and i fell for it
To be fair the average modern developed nation resident is getting way more salt in their diet than what they really need. And salt's not completely harmless. It's not like the blood pressure / heart health stuff was baseless. If you have high blood pressure or have had heart problems then reducing your salt intake is a perfectly reasonable decision to make.
But yes, having literally zero salt is crazy and borderline impossible to even pull off with a modern industrial food supply. Interestingly there is a condition for running too low with sodium (hyponatremia), but it's most often caused by people being mentally ill and drinking massive amounts of water rather than by reducing sodium through reduced consumption of it.
An anon here mentioned having that problem in another thread a while back:
>I was drinking @ 1.5 gallons/day over a period of several months. It really fucked me up. They basically had to force me to be admitted to the hospital because I was a raving lunatic and even when the ER medfag told me I was in serious danger of dying since my sodium level was so low I laughed hysterically and told him to fuck off out of my face, I'm leaving. He had security restrain me and gave me a shot to knock me out.
>I almost died from this but fortunately one of the symptoms was paranoid schizophrenia so my relatives got me to the hospital in time.

>> No.17860015

considering salt is found in the ocean where most life came from i would say make an exception for it.

>> No.17860023

Pepper, salt, and seasonings are natural flavors you monkey. Try adding less next time.

>> No.17860027

Even the Amish use seasonings.
It's telling that you don't.

>> No.17860040

>The anon zealously devoted to not eating salt turns out to be a literal schizo
That explains this thread a whole lot

>> No.17860060

>raw natural flavours
>everything on the plate is cooked

>> No.17860075

salt is also a great source for iodine (if you get iodised salt, which you should)

>> No.17860144
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>Pepper just overrides everything.

>> No.17860267

>caramelization on carrots and browning on the salmon
You're not appreciating the natural flavors if you're not simply steaming everything

Animal products contain enough sodium. A few eggs or around 300g of beef would give you the minimum amount of sodium you need. It's only plant foods that have little to no salt and need it to be supplemented. That's why you only see herbivorous animals typically seeking out salt and not carnivores.

>> No.17860546
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Going to give it a few more days, maybe a week, before you quit being a faggot and season your food again to stop impressing people online

>> No.17861745

Low-salt diets have been consistently shown to increase all-cause mortality and even risk for cardiovascular events. This is because it's treating the symptom (hypertension) and not the cause. Reducing dietary sodium lowers your blood pressure because sodium is necessary for your body to properly regulate blood pressure. Let's say you have some hardened renal arteries. Your body increases blood pressure in order to ensure that your kidneys get enough blood. Now you reduce your salt intake, and your blood pressure goes down. This forces your heart to work harder to get your blood where it needs to go. In addition, lowering sodium intake increases activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which is the same system that causes your blood pressure to be raised when your renal (renin) arteries are blocked.

>> No.17861907

If you read any Greek or Roman histories, youll find that people regularly lived to their 70s. Not as commonly as today, but it wasnt impossible at all.

>> No.17861916

Hm, good idea OP, I bet this meal would be improved if you ground some raw, natural peppercorns on top.

>> No.17861919
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>> No.17862543

I eat this type of food every day.