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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17854736 No.17854736 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it is unethical to use food to profit off the stupid and affluent?

>> No.17854743
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>mushroom icecream

>> No.17854748

aside from dairy, do non-plant flavors appeal to anyone?

>> No.17854760

It's a shot in the dark, but Asians probably fucking love shrimp ice cream

>> No.17854884

Well people like licorice.
Freaks I mean, but as an icecream i've heard it works well in icecream.

>> No.17854908

Could you make a an absinthe float

>> No.17854925

Licorice is a plant.

>> No.17854935

Not really, they're paying for an experience and theater and it's what they get. I think mcdonalds or golden corral are much more unethical.
Garlic ice cream is actually good

>> No.17854943

>poorfags seething they can't pay for a nice meal with some theatre involved

>> No.17854988

looks comfy

>> No.17854990

it is actually a lot of fun
watching shitty cellphone videos of it doesn't really give the experience justice
and if you go to one of these places and you're the imbecile watching it from behind your phone screen: stop. you're annoying everybody around you
i'm honestly surprised they don't have stricter rules about it desu

>> No.17855000

when fine dining became an "experience" I guess it was acceptable but now it's clear that entire menus are made just to allow the guests to post about on social media.

>> No.17855006

>i'm honestly surprised they don't have stricter rules about it desu
Social media is a big part of their business plan

>> No.17855010


>> No.17855022

Found the stupid and affluent

>> No.17855035

better than being intelligent and poor

>> No.17855040

Speaking of absinthe
Do those sites that claim to ship discreetly from Europe work? I live in a liquor monopoly state in the US.

>> No.17855066

definitely because people who view this as an experience or entertainment are usually as interesting as drywall, which is why 100% of women can't think of anything to do except "idk let's go out to eat" and most have a mental breakdown trying to think of something when you ask them what they want to do but prefacing no dining out

>> No.17855070

Usually I find these meme foods dumb but that's actually pretty creative

>> No.17855076

not my problem

>> No.17855086

That makes no sense.

>> No.17855087

for you

>> No.17855090

any harm done to the wealthy and affluent is to be considered praxis and extremely ethical

>> No.17855106

>Garlic ice cream is actually good

>> No.17855108

A fool and his money are soon parted. Not my problem that they're not smart enough to discern whether it's worth it.
Commies are dumb
Nice trips, and yes you're right. Some food is just all about looks

>> No.17855165
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That's really cool. If you can afford it, why not? An experience like that is better than sterile funk pops or muh vinyl records that sound the same as $10 a month spotify.

>> No.17855205

Would you hold the same view if you were wealthy and affluent?