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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17852456 No.17852456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do I meet so many black people who say shit like:

>"bro I LOVE the burnt edges on pancakes thats the best part!"
>"bro I LOVE the burnt bottoms of cookies thats the best part"

Like what the actual fuck? Are there any black people here that can answer for this? Burnt works on many food food items but not fucking cakes/confectionaries

I showed them pic related of my pancakes (tasted fucking amazing and light) and they said "bro why isnt it the size of a large plate" "why do they look under done on the sides" :"why doesnt the syrup drench the ENTIRE pancake and soak it completely"

I shouldn't even just say black people on this matter, I've met tons of white dudebros who take a memelord approach to food like this

It's small issue but it kinda pissed me off and reminded me how low the standards are for 'food' for people who dont cook. unironically give them tendies and they are happy

>> No.17852467

Why do you care what other people like, they're not making you eat it.

>> No.17852468

East there Dillan roof. Mind your own business.

>> No.17852476

The epicurean negro is able to appreciate the Maillard effect better than you OP. Time to take a long look in the mirror.

>> No.17852480

i dont man but they were criticizing my food when they dont even cook you know? Also why can'y I have opinions on other peoples' opinions? Does that upset you?

>mind your business
They asked me to show my pancakes and I was a part of the conversation when we were discussing them. What do you mean? Are you high?

>> No.17852490

You're the one upset enough to make this triggered ass thread fag.
Go lick your grandmother's asshole retard.
Verification not required.

>> No.17852492

I was just debating this the other day in my local Buffalo Tops grocery store with a few black fellows. Needless to say, the argument is now concluded.

>> No.17852499

i dont think thats what the maillard effect is

isnt that everyone in the history of everywhere? right now you're angry at me for 'daring' to find something annoying that you wouldn't so you're doing the same thing

man i just remembered why this website is unusable now

>> No.17852500

Do you own an assault gun? Are you currently writing a manifesto?

>> No.17852503

not him but what purpose do you guys have for raiding /ck/ of all places?

>> No.17852506

Nigger I dont think you understand how not angry I actually am. Just trolling bitch. Calm down.

>> No.17852509

dis wai wipeepoo be no seasun day fuu
bit o creeesp be laik ooooo yoooo dis be too hot nigguhre

>> No.17852515

i was assigned to 6 boards. im just really h7ngry and i cant leave the office yet.

>> No.17852516

>this website is unusable
You should take your faggot ass to plebbit, I think you'd fit in there

>> No.17852521

pancakes suck.
it's time the world accepted this fact.

>> No.17852522
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black guy here. it's because most of our parents couldnt cook.

They burned cookies because they didnt understand convection and didnt put a pan beneath the cookie sheet. They burned the edges of pancakes because they didnt oil the pan or use the griddle correctly. They like them because they had to get used to shit food. It's the same reason so many white guys get excited by boring shit like spaghetti and meatballs, their parents couldnt cook so they made easy shit and they learned to like it

i'm betting your parents put in some effort to cook or you watched food network so your family actually tried when they made dinner

>> No.17852526

>why can'y I have opinions on other peoples' opinions?
because that's why failures do.

>> No.17852527

i mean OP didn't really do anything except talk about food. the overreacting to the smallest things schtick you guys are doing is what redditors would do

at least you're honest

>> No.17852528

Your pancakes look terrible. They look like anemic english muffins.

>> No.17852535

How do you know what redditors would do?
Go back.

>> No.17852536
File: 68 KB, 652x625, 1629386489892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pancakes are supposed to be small. you're thinking of flapjacks. lurk moar

Checked. This is why, regardless of the mewling and whinging ITT the answer is most people cant cook and raise kids while not being able to cook and people end up liking shit food such that mcdonalds is a viable alternative

>> No.17852543

OP is the one overreacting shitting up this board with this waste of a thread.

>> No.17852548

>pancakes are supposed to be small
Please link me to where in the rules of cooking it says this.
Source: Your ass.

>> No.17852553

OP here. Thanks for actually answering the question instead of being a faggot

overreacting how?

>> No.17852557




>> No.17852562

By making this thread crying about other people's cooking. THEY WERE MEAN TO ME AND DIDNT LIKE HOW MY PANCAKES LOOKED.
Like bitch who cares?

>> No.17852564

They dont cook. Anyway we're done here. You're clearly some fag hired to shit up threads. Grow thicker skin faggot

>> No.17852569

>18th century
Oh ok I'll go shit in the bushes too like it's the 18th century, that's authentic.

>> No.17852575

ok so you ARE a paid troll. we're done here

>> No.17852579


This is why this website is shit, because retards like you respond to obvious trolls instead of just ignoring them.

>> No.17852584

>They dont cook
why would that matter?
they still eat.

>> No.17852588

Paid by who lmfao
I wanna get paid to shitpost all day

>> No.17852594

take your meds schitzo, no one is paying people to troll you

>> No.17852599

Cool thread OP
Retards arguing with retards

>> No.17852604

Do you disagree with what I said? If so that's fine man I just wanted a discussion but the paid kikes here dont want that

>> No.17852612
File: 70 KB, 640x854, 1639799150152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu-4chan has these kinds of people and yes they ARE from Reddit. You have to ignore them and wait for a response from a sane person now

>> No.17852619

Who is paying people to come here and disrupt discussion? How much? For what purpose?

>> No.17852625

who knows? they clearly are trying to destroy the thread and are getting mad over nothing though

>> No.17852629

lmfao yeah it was DA JOOZ
Its always DA JOOZ
Every board is /pol/ now jesus christ

>> No.17852637

You do know some people just troll and start shit for fun right? That's the internet. There's not some secret conspiracy paying people to disrupt threads.

>> No.17852638

I like burnt toast.

>> No.17852639

i'd actually rather it be /pol/ than you lot. You could have just said you dont care and moved on instead you took what could have been a fun back and forth about proper pancakes and pissed and moaned about OP disliking his nigger friends' taste in food\

go back to where you came from

>> No.17852643

didnt used to be like that here. used to be funny or creative trolling on 4chan. this aint it. now its just demoralization threads and antagonism

>> No.17852648

toast is supposed to be burnt dude

>> No.17852649

>its just demoralization threads and antagonism
That's the entire world now

>> No.17852650

>Who is paying people to come here and disrupt discussion?
>How much?
5 shekels per post.
>For what purpose?
narcissist manipulation tactic.
"cause confusion to create control vacuum, then take control by establishing trust."

this has been proven multiple times, anon.

>> No.17852652
File: 148 KB, 499x485, 1561768683036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when you could actually discuss things on 4chan and every thread didn't devolve into calling each other trannies and cucks.
Literally every single thread.

>> No.17852654

no it isnt. thats just the internet because zoomers, redditors, and faggots have made a concerted effort to ruin any discussion online

irl if you act like this you get decked in the nose

>> No.17852655

no, that's burnt toast.
toast = toasted bread.
if your toaster setting is higher than 2 you're eating burnt shit.

>> No.17852658

>this has been proven
Also who the fuck would want control of 4chan lmfao

>> No.17852659

which is exactly what the trannies wanted to have happen here.
which is why they were organized by the jidf to attack this site.
it's not rocket science, it's political science.

>> No.17852668

>Also who the fuck would want control of 4chan

>> No.17852670

So get offline. The internet is pozzed anyway. Plenty of good discussions to have IRL, join a cooking club!

>> No.17852671

why are you here then? practice what you preach bro

>> No.17852672

>join a cooking club
or just get a girlfriend and cook with her.

>> No.17852677


>> No.17852678

I'm the one who has been trolling this thread, it's been funny as shit

>> No.17852685

Don't wanna be. Just wanna discuss food and cooking. At this point I'd have a discussion with a tranny if they could at least hold a conversation and not sperg out about political shit unlike everyone on this fucking site

>> No.17852687

It's amazing that even /ck/ is pozzed

nothing the OP said was contentious and even if it was, we're on 4chan so why would anyone care. People do like burned sweets and it is annoying if you are friends with them in certain moments such as them making that kind of food for you

so you want to make the website worse?

>> No.17852689

I'm not your bro, pal

>> No.17852690

but it's a political site.
4chan has been /pol/ since 2012.
there is no going back.
we are legit the type of people the machine fears, loudmouths.

>> No.17852695

lmfao how could you make this shithole any worse than it already is

>> No.17852698


It truly is summer now, isnt it? I dont remember it hitting this hard before though. Man zoomers are annoying

>> No.17852701

Yeah we're the brave freedom fighters that are gonna save the world by doing.... something.

>> No.17852704
File: 108 KB, 842x1024, 1651608810791m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan has been /pol/ since 2012.
Fuck off you newfag

>> No.17852705

being a part of the problem makes you as guilty as they are. If you eat and spew shit then you are shit

>> No.17852711

4chan was never good
You just got older and remember it with nostalgia glasses

>> No.17852714

This nigga is mad yo

>> No.17852715

I quite clearly remember five years ago, kid. It wasn't anything like this. Go to bed

>> No.17852719

It's called 'wallowing in it'
Nothing matters
Everything is fucked
We're all gonna die
Might as well have a few laughs along the way at other people's expense.

>> No.17852721
File: 84 KB, 1000x871, 1651750533335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this dumpster fire if a thread still going. Go home. You can't stay here.

>> No.17852722

>nostalgia glasses

you can literally go to the archives and see it was demonstrably better


so you never matured past 15

>> No.17852723

You're clearly new and cancer

>> No.17852726
File: 43 KB, 500x282, 1596834486916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool food and cooking thread

>> No.17852728

both of these things are true

>> No.17852729

>speculation and anime
anymore tidbits, anon?
have you not noticed that /pol/ sentiment has spread to the rest of the internet?
slowly, but it's there.
even twitch streamers are using pepe as a fucking emote.
the idea of being able to just shitpost a thought being screamed into the void is what makes this place dangerous, because the void is filled with npcs that are still being programmed.
it's simple human psychology.

>> No.17852732

OP tried but people didnt like that he didnt like nigger food so that must have triggered tourists

>> No.17852737

>Go home. You can't stay here

are you referring to yourself of the grifters?

>> No.17852739
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We're here forever

>> No.17852746

>have you not noticed that /pol/ sentiment has spread to the rest of the internet?
It's not 2015 anymore pup. Whatever minor influence the chans had as cultural tastemakers dried up years ago.

>> No.17852748

>"NOOOO stop having thoughts I dont like!"

>> No.17852749
File: 27 KB, 558x558, 1622158516727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone in this thread has a good day and finds happiness in their life.

>> No.17852754

70% of the people ITT are horrible evil 'people'

>> No.17852757

You first.

>> No.17852762

>cant read greentext

Go. fucking. back.

>> No.17852765

did you mean(((people)))?

>> No.17852770
File: 145 KB, 260x318, a39114e97e36026c03d5570898417515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hope they find happiness. I hope everyone finds happiness and meaning in their life. There is always hope that someone 'horrible' and 'evil' can change.

>> No.17852771

it could be ((them)) but its hard to tell anymore. there are other groups who are just as malevolent

>> No.17852776

this niggas mad yo

>> No.17852777

No. And there is nothing you can do to make me.

>> No.17852783

spoken like a true jidf shill, hoping that your lie catches on.
we own the internet.
eat shit.

>> No.17852785

trips confirm that you're a demon and i cant exorcise you

>> No.17852787

Jannies do your job and nuke this thread, it's a disaster

>> No.17852793
File: 34 KB, 540x541, 1562363975720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, trips! Nice!

>> No.17852794

>Holy trips
>gets called evil
truly, the work of a genius.

>> No.17852797

newfags are not holy

>> No.17852801

best thread on the board at the moment, anon.

>> No.17852802
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, 1573699737135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all put aside our differences for a moment to admire the trips

>> No.17852807
File: 21 KB, 620x465, 1_fyEmAczGLUqflbXN-6zRTg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not holy and his trips dont matter. pic related is him as he destroys this website

>> No.17852809

I'm not anonymous, my name is Charles Reed and I live at 163 Old Colony Ave, Boston, MA 02127

>> No.17852824
File: 53 KB, 667x1000, basque cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody tell him

>> No.17852826

and then read it a 3rd time.

>> No.17852830

Damn he looks badass

>> No.17852833

yeah but cheesecake sucks.

>> No.17852834

die and burn in hell

>> No.17852841

Is that the dude from Gorillaz

>> No.17852843

you arent allowed to talk about them. stop tainting them fuckwit

>> No.17852847

>boomer memes: hehe funny cat
what went wrong?

>> No.17852848
File: 10 KB, 640x480, 1651690593424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is everyone doing tonight? Anything good happening at work or school?

>> No.17852849

lmao dude this is a thread about pancakes, calm down

>> No.17852851

that you ruined, yes

>> No.17852855


>> No.17852858

The moment the first post was made it was not a thread about cooking, pancakes, or food. It was a thread bitching about how OP didn't like his friends taste for overcooked food and why he shouldnt have opinions

>> No.17852859

after dbz all anime should've stopped.
it's just trying to re-capture lightning in a bottle and it sucks.

>> No.17852861
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>> No.17852863

Can't complain. Just hanging in there fren

>> No.17852868

>wasn't a thread about cooking or food
Then it's off topic and should be deleted

>> No.17852874

>"i'm a bootlicking ninny. i love rules!"
this is you, anon.

>> No.17852875

I'm not that guy, I'm the other guy

>> No.17852882

This is why every board is just /b/ 2.0 now

>> No.17852888
File: 105 KB, 1125x1105, 1579746782262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screencap

>> No.17852895

as the internet should be, just amalgamation.
the real new world order.

>> No.17852899

It's part of federal record now.
T. Fbi

>> No.17852900

Shut up you race-mixing kike

>> No.17852908
File: 83 KB, 1201x1080, 1586051466343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852916

Ok, good thread boys. See you all next time.

>> No.17852921

thanks for confirming you are a paid raider

>> No.17852923

now this is shitposting.

>> No.17852930

Yeah gimme a sec I'll upload the pay stub

>> No.17852935

Wow niggers don't know good food and can only taste burnt flavor. Color me surprised...

>> No.17852941

Woah, we don't use that word here, friend.

>> No.17852947

their mothers couldnt cook

>> No.17852953

why did it take this long for someone to make an on topic post? also they're about to swarm you dude

>> No.17852959

We do now, cunt.

>> No.17852962

If the thread triggers you so much just hide it you weenie

>> No.17852966

because its my thread

>> No.17852982

The burnt part provides more crunch.
It also imparts a tasty flavor when done just enough to slightly singe, but not enough to char.
That's it.
>T. Blackanon

>> No.17852997

It's a meme you dip

>> No.17853001

Yeah its called caramelization which I guess OP hasn't heard of

>> No.17853039

thanks bro

>> No.17853045
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 6ed0cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jidf shill

>> No.17853046


OP here. they arent talking about caramelization. They are talking about literally burnt edges, charred, not singed

>> No.17853050

>t. blackanon

this guy disagrees >>17852522

>> No.17853056
File: 798 KB, 2375x2375, c68b5222ed65260f2217a8723786f94b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting crunch in a cake
>wanting burned cookies
