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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17847999 No.17847999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17848004


>> No.17848008
File: 12 KB, 260x264, semen cookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17848009

I'm pretty sure both male and female sex drive is tied to test so you could try asking /fit/ or some shit.

>> No.17848016

I exercise a lot so I don't think it's that

>> No.17848031

Google says it is

>> No.17848038
File: 152 KB, 1280x1280, 4562EDC4-7B27-4BB6-8FA6-A045D1D25532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak and scallops make milfs super-horny for some reason

>> No.17848041


>> No.17848051

Your birth control regime is killing your ability to pair bond.

>> No.17848118

Can you eat money?

>> No.17848196

Fuck off tranny

>> No.17848213

okay so idk about women cause I never see women eat these

but raw oysters still squirming make me extremely frisky

>> No.17848327

Iced coffee

>> No.17848384

phallic shaped foods

>> No.17848414

Not on it

>> No.17848665

chocolate because of the magnesium content.
spicy foods because of the nerve stimulation.
alfredo because of the flavor, but you need to make this yourself to impress.
anything else you make really well because women love to have sex with men who know how to cook.

>> No.17848757

I think this is true, we had a few friends over this weekend and I worked the grill and every wife was shooting me the bedroom eyes

>> No.17848847

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17848875

They will never be able to drive anon, they are just bad at that kind of stuff.

>> No.17848942

Am I milf?

>> No.17848957


>> No.17848995

I only know for men
But maybe you could try fenugreek and alfalfa

>> No.17849457

Spend some time with her, charm her with your personality (stop giving a fuck and speak your mind) and after hanging out for a while (you'll instinctively know the right time) outright tell her you want to fuck her; only THEN do you feed her your dick, because no matter what girls tell you, they love sucking dick. No feeding required before then.

>> No.17849499

if you're a woman yourself, just read some romance with erotica. if you get disgusted by that you should talk to people about why it disgusts you. if that does get your gears going, you just need to initialise a setting that is closer to those books.

>> No.17849505

Nice digits.
The best food to get a woman to sleep with you is whatever is the most expensive item on the menu.
Women don't actually appreciate good food but they love wasting your dosh.

>> No.17849681

A good right hook ought to do it.

>> No.17849744 [DELETED] 


>> No.17849903


>> No.17849905

asparagus and curry

>> No.17850342

This is a women

>> No.17850378

Anything cooked by an attractive person of their preferred sex. Which I gather you are not, since you created this thread.

>> No.17850579

I'm >>17849457. I am only talking from experiences I've had with girls.

>> No.17850805

The most expensive dish on the menu.

>> No.17850867

Alcohol, sweet alchopop lessons inhibitions.

>> No.17850926

damn...it do be like that

>> No.17851016
File: 60 KB, 600x600, Zamburiñas a la parrilla con hierbas cultivadas y mantequilla d búfala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a virgin.

There's lots of foods that help female sex drive. Any food that stops her from doubting/double-guessing.
>Greasy/fat food is bad because it's unhealthy and makes her look old and ugly.
>Unless you call it a barbecue and you bond with her brother and dad which reassures her.
>Or it's chocolate and she gets horny anyway

>> No.17851222

female sex drive depends on how attractive you are and how much you make them feel safe and wanted
being in love is essential

>> No.17851329
File: 32 KB, 716x724, 1635576555384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salmon, Pineapple,Oysters, Apple, Nuts (i.e Sunflower seeds and Peanuts) , works everytime, idk if it works on woman but it works on submissive men, so it might.
t.gay daddy
these two are helpful too

>> No.17851340

Red wine and chocolate

>> No.17851345

Yeah, chocolate and red wine work like a charm

>> No.17851722

first things first, get her off the pill

>> No.17851767

It's because of your WALLET, anon...

>> No.17851778

>Based Aquadots user

>> No.17851808

based actual old fag

>> No.17851822

No idea what boosts it but wedding cake seems to lower it ffs

>> No.17851840
File: 90 KB, 752x401, BullteproofCoconutIceCreamTrial-1-min-752x401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dave Asprey's "Get Some" Ice Cream is what you're looking for


>I’d like to introduce you to the only ice cream that I and my family ever have — “Get Some” Ice Cream.

>That’s right. About an hour after eating this special blend of high-fat awesomeness, your body gets a signal that says, “I am in a land of plenty,” which translates, in evolution-speak to, “It is time to mate. NOW.” Women, in particular, are most impacted by this side effect of ice cream, but it also works on men. I’ve shared this recipe with enough people to be pretty sure I’m not just making this up.

Never tried it, but he claims it works, so....

>> No.17853087

>I and my family

>> No.17853242

>implying you don't your entire family primed up with some aphrodisiac ice cream before you take them all to bone town

>> No.17853617

What about her?

>> No.17853796

seeing a woman be her sexy self is enough to get my dick growing, and it's a weird state of affairs when i'm free-balling at work and this happens.

>> No.17853847

Didn't realize you are a wom*n. If you want increase in libido, you've got to take care of your psychology. Was your libido higher in the past? Can you remember what caused it to drop? When did it drop? I remember a time a girl I liked had low libido and tried to "eat healthy" to fix it, but it turned out she was a repressed lesbian, so it might be that too. I'm
>>17849457 by the way. That lesbian experience absolutely destroyed me, but I'm mostly okay now. She e-mailed me a month or so ago saying she misses me, but I couldn't fuck with that situation again, and so I ignored it. Sorry this devolved into a blogpost. I've been holding a lot inside.

>> No.17853851

>“I am in a land of plenty,” which translates, in evolution-speak to, “It is time to mate. NOW.”
that's not how any of that works lol

>> No.17853854

>cook almost every meal we eat
>wife will still only fugg 1/month tops

don't believe his lies

>> No.17853913

exercising lowers sex drive

>> No.17853916

It won't work on you, tranny

>> No.17853921

Fuck whats the point in getting married

>> No.17854058

tax breaks

>> No.17854064

You will never have xx chromosomes

>> No.17854066

Where do you even get that stuff? Asking for myself and not a friend

>> No.17854079

>Heh.....yep.....still got it
>Adjusts apron, takes a sip

>> No.17854083

Cope and dilate

>> No.17854587

oh? Please, tell us how it works then hehe