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17842351 No.17842351 [Reply] [Original]

How come vodka doesn't work hardly as well as other drinks with equal or sometimes lower alcohol contents? Why do I and so many people I know get off the shits drunk from a glass of 40% alc whiskey, but not half a bottle of 40% alc vodka?

>> No.17842354

stop pretending

>> No.17842356

Jump off a bridge.

>> No.17842360

>off the shits
Kill yourself

>> No.17842383

I've never seen a genuine post get people so upset

>> No.17843944

yeah this is legit
vodka just doesnt get you as drunk as anything else, might be cause of a lack of sugar to carry the alcohol into ur bloodstream

>> No.17843949

i cant stand people who say "i cant get drunk" or "i dont get high" bitch stop being a child and trying to look special. it gets you fucked up and you're pretending

>> No.17843957

I didn't say I cant, in fact I literally stated that whiskey gets me fucked right up. I'm genuinely curious as to why a certain type of alcohol doesnt have the same effect despite having the same alcohol content. Have you considered that some people on this board may have real intentions and arent larping faggots?

>> No.17843961

Because it burns off faster

>> No.17843969

my bf is a massive lightweight, gets drunk off of a glass or two of good wine, takes way longer with vodka tho
i genuinely think theres something odd about it

>> No.17844022

you are full of shit. the same amount of alcohol will get you drunk no matter what it is in.
40% alcohol is 40% alcohol.

drink vodka on an empty stomach and then on another occasion drink whatever rot gut you like on an empty stomach you will get drunk the same.

>> No.17844025

you mean troll post


>> No.17844168

mate ive literally had both on different occasions and I'm telling you it doesn't work the same why is that so hard to believe

>> No.17844174

>you are full of shit. the same amount of alcohol will get you drunk no matter what it is in.

this is demonstrably false.

>> No.17844181
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>people on this board will sooner believe someone is LARPing than the idea that someone might have a genuine question
the absolute state

>> No.17844189

Not the guy you're arguing with, but perhaps you were drinking the vodka slower than you were the other things you have drank. If you are drinking a 40% spirit, since they are both 40% abv, you'll get equally drunk. You also have to take into account what you ate before you drank as well as your mood. But as far as the science of alcohol goes, 40% is 40%. Maybe the other spirit you were drinking was a higher abv? Maybe you drank it on an empty stomach? I have no idea

>> No.17844191

no anon, 40% is not 40% in effect, just because theres 40% of the drink thats alcohol

>> No.17844194

>big corporate whiskey trying to dissuade people from the cost effective people's alcohol aka vodka

>> No.17844196

its not cost effective if it takes me a glass of whiskey to get drank but like half a bottle of vodka

>> No.17844200

But it absolutely is, anon. Why isn't it? How intoxicated you feel is also dependant on other variables like a said. Like what you ate. How tired you are. How hydrated you are. Your tolerance at the time of drinking. There are many variables.

>> No.17844215

this is something i observe and its also something ive discussed with many other people- vodka just does not get you as drunk as anything else with the same amount of alc

>> No.17844218

you can google this and youll see people often ask the same question

>> No.17844275

Stop buying vodka that comes in plastic bottles

>> No.17844298

This. When I used to be a drunk, I had a friend that spouted shit like that and I made him drink with me to prove it. Fucker was piss drunk by the time that I had a head tap.

>> No.17844302

Just drink more retard

>> No.17844309

People that ask that question are the same type of people that google how to zip up without getting your cock caught in the fly and how to breathe with your mouth closed.

>> No.17844313
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You can make people act drunk simply by making them think they non-alcoholic drinks you give them are alcoholic.
Drunkeness is heavily influenced by expectations / psychological factors. People who don't "get as drunk" with vodka have it in their head that vodka won't get them as drunk, which then happens because they expected it to happen.

>> No.17844358

People say all kinds of dumb shit, it's a myth

>> No.17844383

If you are drinking vodka at a bar 9 times out of 10 it will be watered down. That's why people, especially women and fags, always say "vodka has no taste!" No shit retard, the bartender just served you a glass of fruit juice with a quarter shot of vodka in it.

>> No.17844393

>ask "genuine question" based on a physiologically impossible premise
>"why won't anyone take me seriously??"

>> No.17844407

well, how are you drinking it?
wine is 14 or so % alc max
are you mixing drinks? 1/2 vodka? 1/3? 1/4 1/5??? drink slow, drink fast..........etc

>> No.17844415

My theory is that other spirits have traces of methanol and shit like that, tehnically they don't get you more "drunk" but they give a harder punch to your liver. Vodka is extremely pure in comparison, so heavy drinkers can feel a difference.

>> No.17844440

There is no reason vodka would have less methanol or other byproducts like acetone compared to other spirits. Low-grade vodka is full of those too. This thread reminds me of the "mandela effect" where zoomers think the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia

>> No.17844454
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What the fuck are you even on about I don't know anyone who would say a fifth of 40% vodka wouldn't get you drunk shit I drank a 35% fifth of rum just now and I'm plastered so you're some kind of autistic werido to even think this is even a thing Jesus Christ delete /pol/ amen

>> No.17844457

>there is no reason
Vodka is distilled more times and is thoroughly filtered a gorillion times. Obviously not the cheap shit that smells like rubbing alcohol.

>> No.17844488

regardless drunk is like ethanol plus brain thats it

>> No.17844489

Most spirits get distilled at least 2 times, and the higher quality ones 3 times. Though I concede vodka is likely more often distilled 3 times compared to things like whisky or rum. However, filtration through charcoal is repeated for vodka to catch and remove microscopic particles that might give off color to ensure it is perfectly clear. Filtering through charcoal is a mechanical process, not a chemical one. It doesn't actively bind chemical byproducts while leaving the ethanol intact, it filters particles based on size.

>> No.17844492

when people say that vodka has no taste they mean it has no taste other than water and ethanol.

>> No.17844611

I don't know what it's like in the US, but in Eastern Europe even bottom shelf vodka is distilled at least 7 times, often more than 10, people are very autistic about it.

>> No.17844619

Might be true if OP sips slowly at cheap vodka because of the ethanol taste but drinks whisky more quickly because he likes it better. More of the vodka alcohol would evaporate before he finished.

>> No.17844638

bitch we all know in russia vodka distills you

>> No.17844721

You need to do this a bit more scientifically. Pick two Fridays. Consume the same food and go to bed at the same time. The following morning drink a measured amount of vodka or whisky at the same time. 30 and 60 minutes later write down how drunk you feel.

>> No.17844747

Nope it's not. I researched the top brands in local and global markets years ago. Triple distilled is considered great while double distilled is considered acceptable. Just like all spirits in the rest of the world......BITCH

>> No.17844766

Literally less than two minutes to prove that you're full of shit.

>> No.17844809


>> No.17844819

hey guise why does gasoline in a blue container instead of a red container not make my car go

>> No.17845135

Confident retards can get a lot done

>> No.17845253

usually drink whiskey. half a glass gets me pretty damn buzzed whether im full or hungry, morning or night
tonight i finished half a bottle of vodka on an empty stomache and felt fuck all
40% is not 40%

>> No.17845258

fuck you nigger i might

>> No.17845754

You were too drunk to remember how shitfaced you got.

>> No.17845786

This reminds me of the time when a club literally gave us a vodka bottle filled with water. Those fuckers didn't even try to hide it in cocktails, it was just a bottle of water. I thought I wad too drunk to taste it but around 5 of us confirmed it, we did later get our money back at least. God, I hate clubs.

>> No.17845792

based move by the club

>> No.17845798

Most cost effective near me is rum for some reason. A 700ml bottle of rum is £10, whereas vodka is £12. No idea why

>> No.17845805

I need a whole bottle (70cl) of 40° alcohol to get shitfaced, both vod and sky work the same. Try having a whole bottle with an empty stomach.

>> No.17845820

What do you do to him when he gets too drunk

>> No.17845828

This. When I was quitting alcohol, I limited myself to a certain amount per night when I was a tapering down. It didn't matter whether that alcohol was whiskey, vodka, gin, or tequila. 40% is 40% and works the same. All of the non-alcoholics claiming otherwise are retarded ITT.

>> No.17845915

Based former alcoholic.
After hundreds (thousands?) of bottles of vod and sky I would have stick with sky if it were actually stronger.
I'm indeed drinking wisky but only because of the taste.

>> No.17846153


>> No.17846160
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>> No.17846162

mate i drink just about every week, 40% is not 40%

>> No.17846721

I'm not saying alcoholism is good in any way but 100% of alcoholics itt said OP was wrong and they might be the most repliable source on that matter

>> No.17846736
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>> No.17846758

Congrats retard you fell for a thought worm. You belong to a culture that said this would happen so by the power of placebo it did. You might as well be the dude spinning on the floor gibbering in those churches that play with snakes